whatislifr · 2 years
If you liked my ficsn ur wondering ayo whered they go Im moving em to AO3 now I'm not sure if all of em are gonna be moved since ion like a good bunch but yeah you'll find em if u look under tags such as depressed hinata or like depressed oikawa, tags unpopular so it shouldn't be hard. I haven't moved em yet but eventually!
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whatislifr · 4 years
Kakegurui Sexuality Headcannons
Here are my headcannons on our favorite girls sexualities 🥰 I only included some of them-
Okay hear me out here, but Yumeko being pansexual. Like I genuinely don't think she'd care what's someone gender is, as long as she finds them interesting or something she'll like them.
Pretty sure you already know what I finna put for Sayaka, helpless gay. Shawty is a lesbian to the core and falls WAAY too hard.
Well I'm sure a lot of people won't agree with me on this one but Runa is ace romantic and asexual. Like she's married to her job so she doesn't have any time for relationships and such, she gets by fine without a lover. But if I had to choose, pan, only cause the 100% netrual thing-
President gives me MAD demisexual vibes. Like she will not fuXk with you if she don't know yo ass. Also lesbian, and if not lesbian at LEAST bisexual with preferences.
Okay Mary would def be bisexual buttt she likes 98% women and thinks men are the scum of the earth 😼👍
Midari is lesbian, freaky af, and has a shit load of kinks.
Itsuki gives me bi-curious vibes tbh-
Okay that's all cuz I have to go to bed now 🤩🥰
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whatislifr · 4 years
Birthday Wish.
WOW FINALLY A SORT OF LONG ONE- Anyways just remembered this one, I wrote this more recently so yeah 😼👍
Trigger Warnings: Implied $u!€!de (sort of), dark joke except it's not really a joke??, mentions of creepy/sort of maniacal laughter, and such. If these topics trigger you feel free to turn away, if not feel free to keep reading.
This was heavily inspired by:
Go check it out! It's a danganronpa fic, I really like it :D
Anyways on with the story!
It was currently Hinata's birthday, and to celebrate he invited his team and some others from other teams to his house.
The people being Oikawa, who then dragged along Iwaizumi, who then brought along Hanamaki and Matsukawa because he decided that he wasn't going to suffer with Oikawa alone. Tendo, who brought along his "miracle boy" who was also quite fond of the adorable setter. Kenma, who brought Kuroo so that he could socialize for him, and Kuroo brought along Yaku and Lev because well who knows? And finally Bokuto, who would never leave without his Akaashi.
The first people to arrive was his team, they all showed up at his doorsteps, each holding some sort of gift, with smiles on their face (with the exception of some of course.)
Hinata invited them in as they all said their Happy Birthdays, Shoyo guided them over to a table in the living room the put the gifts and stuff down.
His house definitely wasn't small, it was quite big really.
"WOAH SHOYO YOUR HOUSE IS HUGE!!!" Nishinoya yelled, jumping up and down while holding onto Hinata's back.
"YEAH! YOU MUST BE RICH OR SOMETHING!" Tanaka added with the same energy as Noya.
Hinata laughed, bringing his hand up to his neck. "I'm not rich or anything! I just have a big house."
In the background he could hear Tsukishima scoff, but ignored it.
Eventually they all settled in, deciding to help Hinata set up before everyone else came.
"Where's your parents?" Sugawara asked, looking over the first year while also holding one side of a banner up.
"Hm? Oh they're on a business trip!" He said with a fond smile, no hint of disappointment or sadness in his expression.
Noya quickly looked over from where he was sitting. "On your birthday?"
Hinata stopped tying the balloon, and looked over to the 2nd year. "Yeah, but it's fine, they do it every year. They're almost never home so I usually don't celebrate my birthday. But since I have you guys now I decided to finally throw one!" He said with a grin before going back to tying his balloon.
"Wait so you basically live alone?" Noya added, completely directing all his attention towards his kouhai while everyone else listened in, curious for his answer also.
Hinata nodded, "Mhm! Basically."
Tsukishima snorted, pushing his glasses up, "It's a miracle that the house is still in one piece then."
At that Hinata turned around and glared at the taller, a small pout on his face.
"Don't be mean Tsukki, it's his birthday." Yamaguchi said, a kind smile on his face.
After a while everyone had finally finished setting up, all taking a step back to admire their work.
"Perfect!" Suga smiled, hands on hips.
The others only nodded in agreement.
Soon after there was a knock on the door, startling them out of their thoughts.
"I'll get it." Shoyo said, walking to the door.
As soon as the door opened he saw Kiyoko and Yachi, both smiling and holding a gift in their hand.
"Hi guys! I'll show you where you can put your stuff and then you can join the rest of us in the living room!"
They both nodded, saying their happy birthday's before going inside.
After about a minute Kenma showed up with Kuroo, Yaku, and Lev. In 10 minutes Oikawa is there with Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa, then Bokuto with Akaashi, and finally Tendou and Ushijma.
To say it was eventful would be an understatement, it was an absolute mess.
Only about half an hour in of them all being there and Noya was already blasting Latino music while he forced Asahi to dance with him, Suga was recording everyone for blackmail, Kuroo and Oikawa were putting a drink in everyone's hands, Tanaka was on a sugar rush after eating at least 39 cookies, Daichi was trying to calm everyone down, Kageyama was "dancing" but he was so stiff he put a door to shame, Hinata was 89% sure that Tendo was high, Ushijma stood off to the side awkwardly next to Tsukishima who was wishing that he had never came, Bokuto was drunk and ranting to Akaashi about how much he loved him, Hanamaki and Matsukawa were asking a drunk Iwaizumi questions which he always ended up answering with the truth and slurred words, The forgotten were being forgotten, the managers were talking on the side with Yamaguchi, mostly comforting Yachi who was currently freaking out, Lev was doing what only could be assumed as dancing, Yaku was yelling about god knows what and Kenma was just playing games on the couch.
Hinata observed the scene quietly, a fond smile playing it's way onto his face as he stared at his friends, but just as soon as that happiness came it was just as quickly replaced with a heavy feeling in his chest, but his smile didn't falter.
He finally went to join everyone else, he somehow convinced Tsukishima to dance with him, (it was adorable and the recording was Suga's absolute favorite he took that night) Tsukki "danced" with him for a bit before then going on to tease Kageyama for his dancing skills in which caused a pretty one sided argument between the two. Hinata then moved on to dance with everyone, his favorite being either Suga or Oikawa because both were really great dancers. And then some how some way they ended up playing spin the bottle, which was pretty chaotic to say the least.
Just as everyone was about to pass out, they remembered that they had to do the cake.
"Alright!" Daichi said with a smile as he clapped his hands together. "Time for the cake!"
There was a combination of groans and yay's throughout the group of drunk teenagers, but eventually they all gathered around the giant dining table Hinata had in his bigger than necessary kitchen.
The singing of happy birthday was very off key and overall a mess but hey, it was the best Hinata had heard.
"Make a wish!" Noya said with sparkling eyes as he watched the fire move, Asahi looking at Noya with slight concern for him and everyone else, making a mental note to not let Noya near fire.
Tsukishima scoffed again, rolling his eyes with a smirk playing it's way onto his face.
"What are you a grade schooler?"
Noya just glared but Tsukishima ignored it.
Hinata closed his eyes and blowed out the candles, an almost creepy yet concerning grin spreading across his face.
"What did you wish for?" Suga asked, a kind smile on his face.
Hinata stared at the burnt out candle, looking as if he was contemplating if he should answer or not, but eventually let a soft smile appear on his face and answered.
"I want to fly."
There was no response, a silence spreading among everyone.
"Dumbass flying isn't possible."
Bur Hinata never had the chance to reply for Tsukishima bursted out into laughter, it was dark, hollow, and sounded almost crazed, which earned a very concerned look from a slightly tipsy Yamaguchi.
Suddenly a quiet snicker esacaped Oikawa, before he too, started to double over laughing, his laugh sounding just as empty.
Yachi couldn't contain herself and started to giggle uncontrollably, Tendo joining in also which only made it even creepier.
Next was Akaashi surprisingly, who's shoulders shook as he held a hand over his mouth trying and failing to cover the wide grin on his face.
And finally Kenma started to laugh, although he barely ever laughed, nevertheless smiled, he had started to cry laughing for seemingly no reason and it too, sounded terrifyingly concerning.
Hinata couldn't help but join in also once he took one look at the confused yet concerned looks everyone had.
As for everyone else, they had no idea why they were laughing for, although they did have a faint idea of what it could be, but they didn't want to believe it. It was... odd for them to all just start laughing at once, very concerning also.
The laughter finally died down after a solid 2 minutes of it, before the room went silent, but there were still grins on the faces of the few who were laughing.
Shoyo released out a fond sigh, before looking up at everyone with a bright smile.
"Alright who wants cake?"
Everyone mummered their yes's, no one questioned the scene that had just unraveled and eventually everything went back to normal.
Nishinoya pouted, looking to his orange haired kouhai.
"Shoyo why was everyone laughing?"
Others listened in to the conversation, quite curious themselves.
"Ah, you wouldn't get it." Hinata said shaking his head while wearing an expression that resembled a wise old man, wiping an invisible tear from his eye.
Noya started to pester the boy for answers, but he refused to give in, eventually the subject was changed.
Everyone ended up overduing their stay and sleeping over, most of them gone by morning but others by afternoon, Suga and Daichi stayed and helped clean up for a bit before leaving.
He noticed that Tendo, Oikawa, and Akaashi had given him their phone numbers, each leaving with a knowing smile that said everything he already knew, and before he had known it, everyone was gone and he was back to being all alone again in his dull house.
But he could feel the feeling that bubbled up in his chest as he added the new numbers into his contacts.
He had a feeling that the seven of them were gonna be a lot closer than they ever were before.
Too bad he's gonna have to fly later.
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whatislifr · 4 years
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Gratsu week. Day 4: Power Outage (More like lights out for unknown reason??)
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whatislifr · 4 years
Akxkkaks I've reread this at least a million times by now and it STILL so good to me
What if Hinata was Bullied ?
A/N THERE ARE DESCRIPTIONS OF VIOLENCE THOUGH UNDETAILED AND MENTIONS OF DEROGATORY LANGUAGE SO BE SAFE Y’ALL (I’ve put in the respective tags but if you want more tags put in that i didn’t but you think apply just send me a message and i’ll gladly add them :D
Imagine that Hinata tries to hide the bullying from his teammates as he’s been bullied from day one and he didn’t think it was a big deal since he’s used to getting bullied since hes that “scrawny hyperactive kid”. He keeps showing up to practice with really bad bruises that no one recognizes him getting from volleyball. And each time they question him he just brushes it off as extra practice or him being clumsy because at this point the lies run so easily off his tongue as he doesn’t want anyone to worry or get involved. It escalates to the point where he gets a broken nose / black eye and even then he refuses to tell them what’s going on.
So the team collectively decide to stalk him most of the day without Hinata knowing
At least five times they see other students just insulting his height/volleyball/ and appearance. Another two where he gets run into and blamed for “not watching where you’re going freak!”. Another four where they imply he did illicit things to get on the team with the 3rd year players. But its when some boys corner Hinata outside just before lunch in a empty classroom and start getting physical is when the team steps in.
I can imagine Dadchi puffing up with anger and saying threats in the calmest tone he can manage
Suga fucking having a livid expression on his face - the first time any of the first years have seen him legitimately angry. 
Asahi towering over all of them with his fists clenched - someone who hates violence ready to punch each of these fuckers in the face for daring to mess with one of the sweetest boys alive.
Tanaka and Noya getting up in their faces and shoving them all away from Hinata.
Yamaguchi and Ennoshita go straight to Hinata to see if he’s badly hurt.
Tsukishima using his wit and insulting them seven ways from sunday with everything he can come up with - derision and anger underlying his tone. Because no matter what anyone thinks Hinata is still a teammate and he’s not that much of an asshole. He can see a younger Yamaguchi in Hinata’s face and it burns in his chest because he’s stood up for Yamaguchi plenty of times and now it’s not just some random stranger but a ( though he’ll never admit it) friend.
But the worst one of all? Kageyama. He’s silent anger. He stands there just staring at Hinata because he is so consumed with rage and he doesn’t know what to do. It’s the first time he’s just been consumed by hate and nothing measured up to this moment - not when Oikawa ridiculed and bullied him, not when his team abandoned him. He feels as equally as lost as Hinata who doesn’t understand what all his teammates are doing stepping in? And when one of the bullies says something absolutely disgusting about Hinata - all hell breaks loose
Surprisingly its Kageyama to throw the first punch (at the one who said the comment) breaking his nose almost immediately. Tanaka , Noya and Suga are next going at the lackeys standing around. Asahi and Dadchi are the ones who have to reign in their anger to hold the boys back because they knew if they stepped in they’d end up in a jail cell instead of detention.
Luckily it all ends quite quickly as Ukai and Takeda soon arrive with other teachers to restrain everyone and the bullies are expelled. Since Yamaguchi had the brains to begin recording the encounter before they even got involved and up until the teachers arrived - providing all the evidence needed for them to be removed from the school.
After that the team make an unspoken agreement that no one is to be left alone at school or elsewhere and set up a buddy system for Hinata and any of the other players who feel unsafe. Hinata is so pleased and feels so safe now that he’s not being beaten up everyday for just existing and thanks the team multiple times
But when Hinata comes to thank Kageyama he just finds he doesn’t know what to say so he just goes all in and straight up hugs Kageyama. Unfortunately he doesn’t see Kageyama’s small smile as he hugs him back even tighter
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whatislifr · 4 years
Reposting cuz I wanna come back ❤
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guess who’s into sally face :’’’)))
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whatislifr · 4 years
To make it easier to find specific fics and whatnot :0 
Inevitable ( Ouma Kokichi and Shuuichi Saihara as cousins) 
You Are Not Alone ( “Since Ouma is compared to Hitler a lot, how about writing something where Ouma is suicidal or is thinking of suicide” )
You Are Not Alone, Part 2 ( “ i need more of that depressed ouma x amami mmdgmdfg” )
My Supreme Ruler ( Amami follows Ouma) 
Care For You ( ”Can you write a self-harm fic without romanticizing the issue?” )
We Were Supposed To Have Breakfeast (”amami kills himself and ouma is the last one to know? maybe he goes into shock…” )
Bandaging The Wounds, continuation of Care For You ( “Can you write the aftermath to the self-harm fic where Amami bandages and comforts Ouma?”)
… Why? ( “ can you write some oumami fluff?? ;v;” )
Teasing Ouma ( “ okay okay but oumami fluff?? ouma carried bridal style?? kisses/??? fluff”)
Should’ve Known Better  (”I wanted to ask if you could write Kaede x Miu fluff?” )
As Expected ( “ Ouma calls himself a liar because a small part of him wants someone figure out his cheery, confident personality is all a facade.”)
The Buddy System ( “ Ouma tells Amami that they should sleep in the same room every night, claiming it’s so he can protect Amami.”)
Not Dead, continuation of We Were Supposed to Have Breakfast (” post amami’s suicide ouma…. at the class trial… for a continuation of your fic where he killed himself yo….” )
Don’t Show Kiibo the Panta (” Could you write Ouma and Amami going on a double date with any other couple/ship for DRV3? c:”)
What Makes a Supreme Ruler? (”Amami nearly dies.”)
Make It Stop ( “ After a particular gruesome execution, the stress of the killing game finally gets to Ouma, and he has a mental breakdown.” )
Anything For You, continuation of Care for You and Bandaging the Wounds ( Could you please write more Oumami, with a depressed Ouma ? (like that self harm fic maybe ? I love how you portrayed Ouma there)
Coward ( “ Ouma… snaps, and accidentally murders him. Imagine the trial” )
To Ouma Kokichi continuation of We Were Supposed To Have Breakfast and Not Dead ( “ ultimate angst, post amami suicide: he (ouma) finds a hidden note thats /very/ detailed , heu” )
Made to Beg ( Someone tries to kill ouma and all of a sudden he realises how weak he is (cause Amami saved him ofc) and he’s really shaken up)
Despair and You   (Yandere!Amami)
Tongue-Tied ( “ Ouma suddenly feels very self-conscious around Amami after realizing his romantic feelings for him.” )
Robots and Chocolate ( “ kiibo comforting a sad kaede” , “Kaede x Kiibo fluff”)
Hugs Make Everything Better   ( “Ouma is mad at himself for crying so much during the killing game. Kiibo doesn’t understand why he’d be upset about that because Kiibo can’t cry himself and has always wished he could cry.” )
~ Robot Kiibo’s check-up! Overheating Disaster?! ~ ( “ I´d be interested in you maybe trying to write more gruesome executions ? Keebo maybe ?” )
We’ll Be Alright ( “ I saw that you shipped Saihara x Kokichi x Amami, so I was wondering if you could write some romance for it please??” )
Maki the Mother Duck (“ Maki and Kaede adopting baby ducks because they think Maki is their mom?” )
The Real Kiibo ( “  the human kI-bo theory ? (where the human is sick and controls the robot kI-bo). “ )
Your Arms Are My Shield  (Oumami cuddling feelsy fluff galore, including love confessions, comfort, and compliments <3)
Contact ( “ Ouma… associates physical contact with pain. Even something as simple as someone brushing his arm can freak him out.” and “Ouma is in a romantic relationship with Amami and is deeply afraid of sexual intimacy” )
Her Blood ( ouma and saihara being cousins !! …maybe write more revolving around that prompt (not really a continuation of the first one but something else)? like maybe saihara reaches his breaking point and breaks down in front of kokichi etc” )
SHSL Dabster - The Beginning of a Dab-Filled Adventure!~ ( “ write the cringiest and memeingful fic possible?”) (Warning: IS AWFUL)
Claim What’s Mine (Yandere Amami part 2)
~Angie’s Super Special Pocky Game!~ (The Pocky Day special where some shipping happens and pocky shenanigans ensue)
Where Hope and Supremacy Collides ( “ What about a Makoto/Ouma? Ouma is all jelly because he wants the ultimate hope role or Makoto ends at Ouma’s secret organization base because of his bad luck”)
The Fanservice Episode ( “the two fanservice scenes this game are just 1) ouma shoving amami (while he’s still fully clothed) into a pool and he gets dripping wet and 2) one of the male characters having to strip down to their underwear bc iruma "accidentally” spilled acid around them")
To Rekindle Your Hope ( “Ouma begins experimenting with drugs in the nurse’s office in order to cope with his anxiety of the killing game. After a while, he begins abusing the drugs, and his behavior changes to the point where others worry.”)
So Tired (” Ouma gets depressed and doesn’t even both getting out of bed.”)
Simulation #167 ( “Can you make a fic about Kiibo has a nightmare about that he is manipulated by someone, then he kills people and can’t stop and Kaede conforms him and says ‘no matter if you are a robot, you have feelings and will, that makes you human'”)
We Get What We Deserve ( “ cousin au (au?) Could you please write Saihara having to investigate Ouma’s death? :3″, “…writing executions! Coule we see one for Saihara?)
The Wrong Kind of Love ( “ Ever thought of writing something kind of weird like Yandere!Kiibo/Kaito?”)
You’re Just Short ( “ Maki mistakes Ryouma for a kid but when she realizes her mistake Ryouma starts telling her about how he was always bullied because of his height and Maki tells him that she will be there for him. “ )
Hidden Away ( “ Ouma hates his body’s appearance due to his injuries from his past abuse (bruises, cuts, burns, etc.) and due to the fact his body looks like that of a child.” )
Yes, My Ruler ( “ Can you write where Ouma breaks his arm and Amani takes care of him?”)
Such Despair (Yandere Amami, the third one! :0)
To Please Amami ( “ After dating Amami for a little bit, Ouma realizes he loves Amami and worries he doesn’t love him back…”)
Timeout  ( “ Saihara and Ouma bonding after a fight, and Amami just want his boyfriends to get along and loves them really much.” )
Horrific Harmony (A bunch of ships, death, and a mastermind AU :pp) 
To Feel Good, For Just A Moment   ( “ How about Kaito being the only one who knows about the human hiding and them being in a relationship ? (maybe with some nsfw ? //3// no pwp of course! don´t like that either). Like, kaito checking up on his sick boyfriend, making sure that he has his medication and everything”.)
Love Potion #9 ( “ What about everyone is in love with Amami?” )
Giggling Fits  ( “theres a prompt on ndrv3 headcanons about drunk oumami” )
Alive In Our Hearts (“Kaede and Saihara escaped the killing game but an event beforehand left Kaede deaf, so she suffers from depression cuz she can’t even play the piano anymore and PTSD from all of her friends deaths. Saihara however, is there to help her and encourage her through it and continues to love her no matter what.” )
Death Flags ( more cousin AU stuff, “ aihara and ouma venting to each other about the killing game” )
I Just Want to Say Sorry (Ultimate angst Oumami, featuring Despair Diseases and Amami’s execution)
~Student Council Killing Game: NDRV3 Style!~ (Watch as the cast of NDRV3 kill each other in an entierly different game 0u0)
The Queens of Despair and Their Robot Pet ( Mastermind Kaede and Maki, with their lil robo-slave Kiibo)
Just One More Time (Sequel to To Rekindle Your Hope) 
Just Because I Care (Sequel to Hidden Away )
Your Passion ( Ki-bo is kinda looking up to Kaito and really admires and trusts him. While Kaito really likes him aswell and might even have a crush on the robot, he decides to abuse that trust and kills the robot.)
Kiibo’s Party Surprise!   (Kiibo’s b-day party, with some Kaito x Kiibo and some Tojou x Shinguji sprinkled in too! 0u0 ) 
Case #1: The Disappearance of Kaito Momota (Cont. of The Wrong Kind Of Love, Yandere Kiibo. Noire AU perhaps?) 
No Time For Love ( “Ouma is a sex addict and uses his charm to have secret sexual activities with some of the students. He’s hates himself for his compulsive, constant sexual habits but can’t stop. Ouma couldn’t initially persuade Amami to have sex, but they date, and Ouma falls in love with him. However, Amami wants an exclusive relationship and doesn’t know about Ouma’s habits.” )
Let’s Sleep Together Tonight  ( “ Ouma doesn’t know why he is always so flustered around saihara, but then when he’s trying to fall asleep his eyes snap open and he’s like 'Shit im in love’ So he just goes to saihara’s room in the middle of the night”)
Thank You ( “ Where Saihara is dying because he receives a attack of mastermind/Monokuma” Kiibo/ Saihara friendship)
I Trust You ( In which Ouma gets punished by Nasty Monkeys in front of Amami)
Shut Up Amami! ( “ Amami supporting his bf in the scrum debates <3″ )
Straightjacket ( “ Saw that you reblogged that one Ouma theory where he wears his scarf to hide a chain on his neck. How about some Oumami with Amami finding out about that?”)
Me, My Son, and My Son’s Son  ( Human Kiibo, Robot Kiibo, Kiibo Junior meeting up with Kaito and Hoshi)
Troubled Sleep (Hope’s Peak AU with Oumami and bad dreams (references NDRV3 Student Council Killing) )
In His Head (Mind-reading Amami helps a depressed Ouma)
I Am Your Kiibo? ( “ Kiibo used to be an ill human, and died during surgery, and his father/mother/whatever was so sad that they tried to recreate him as a robot?” )
Sick With Lust (Despair Disease and Funk Detective Music Smut) 
Safe To Be Me ( Ouma came from a very homophobic past. Once he enrolled in the academy, he tries hiding his sexuality, thinks everyone is straight, and believes everyone will hate him if they know he is attracted to the same gender. )
Bedside Squabbles (” Saihara x Ouma x Amami where Ouma wants to go somewhere fun (like a theme park) and Saihara protests and like they just fight about it and Amami just wants his boyfriends to get along")
Space to Breathe ( “ I feel like tumblr is lacking toujou x shinguuji so if you can, perhaps write a little fluffy fic of the two?” )
The Arrangement ( Superhero AU Oumami feat. seme Ouma. NSFW) 
The Letters On Our Skin ( Soulmate AU, where whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmates 030!!!!)
My Destined One…? (Soulmate AU featuring Kiibo, Ouma and Kaede)
The Letters On Our Skin - Part 2 (Part 2 to the soulmate AU, ehehehe)
Your True Face (Oumami, cousin AU, protective Saihara and Ouma actually tries to be not a shit and lead the class) 
System Shutdown ( In which Ouma finds a broken Kiibo)
The Genderbend Boogaloo (BASICALLY JUST PORN)
Twenty-Four Times ( “ have you ever seen the time traveler amami theory/au? i think it would be really cool to see your personal take on how it would work out!!!” )
I Will Save You ( “ I really liked your soulmate fic!!! So I was so seeing if you could write one where Ouma’s about to get murdered (owo) and he locks himself in his room and writes to Amami on his arm that he’s gonna die and aaaa “ )
~Quadruple Date Style!~ ( Gonta/Angie, Ouma/Amami, Saihara/Kaede and Shinguuji/Tojou go on a quadruple date. It goes as well as you expect. )
Do Good By You ( “  Write a fic where Ouma and Amami break up but then get back together after a little while. “ )
How to Cuddle a Robot ( Where Kaito tried to cuddle a robot )
To Protect You (Gonta visits Shinguuji before bed. Gonta/Shinguuji )
The One With the Purple Eyes ( “ How about Oumami reincarnation AU? Amami has been dreaming about this purple haired boy lately and tried to find him :D” )
No Programs for Love ( In which Kiibo rejects Kaito )
Can’t Help Falling In Love ( “ The song is called 'I can’t help falling in love’ and it’s a cover by twenty one pilots Just imagine Amami singing that to Ouma whilst playing the ukulele and the rest of the cast sing in the background / ouma proposes to amami” )
Allow Me To Observe ( “ Is It alright if I ask for some Gonta / Shinguuji fluff? Where Gonta decides to take care of Shinguuji during the winter?” )
~Himiko’s Birthday! A Battle Between Angie and Ouma?!~ (Birthday fic with out fav witchy magician girl <33)
For Their Sake ( OT3, Amami/Ouma/Saihara. “ Can you write kaede killing ouma and tricking everyone to the point where they vote for someone else (Amami) while he just yells at everyone it wasn’t him” and “Amami loses his two closest friends, Kaede and Saihara during the class trial)
Shameless ( “ Amami uses sex therapy to help Ouma deal with his mental illness and emotional problems.” )
Black and White (  “Before you meet your soulmate, the world is nothing but black and white. However, when you first touch them, the colours will suddenly light up world, and you’ll be able to experience all the colours that paint the land, up until your soul mate dies, to which it all becomes monochrome once more.” Soulmate AU where Ouma is blind)
~Queen Bee Gonta’s Honey Bath!~ ( Trash. Poor Bee Movie trash. Do not read!!! ;m; )
TalentSwap Part 1 (Part 1 in a trilogy where Monokuma presents the motive of swapping the students talents. This covers ‘Daily Life’ )
TalentSwap Part 2 (Part 2 in a trilogy where Monokuma presents the motive of swapping the students talents. This covers ‘Investigation Time’)  
TalentSwap Part 3  (Part 3 in a trilogy where Monokuma presents the motive of swapping the students talents. This covers the Class Trial )
Sailor Moon Ouma~ ( Ouma is uncomfortable with a male body, but he doesn’t know if he wants to change his gender, so he tries on their skirts/dresses. Amami, Tenko and Tsumugi catch him )
Neither Hope Nor Despair (Continuation of  Where Hope and Supremacy Collides )
The Disappearing Act ( Ouma likes Himiko, and tells Rantaro. and Rantaro wants to help him and randomly decides to bring Kaede along to see it.)
Do Robots Have It…? (A smutty fic based on Ouma’s famous question, “Do robots have dicks?” )
Jealousy ( Mastermind Oumami as the final survivors of the killing game )
Small Moments (Kiiboumami fluff )
I Just Want To Avenge You ( “ Alt ending for “I just want to say sorry” where Ouma indeed dies from the Despair Disease . Amami wakes up to find a dead body by his side…” )
Dreaded Words (A darker take on a Soul Mate AU. Featuring Oumami)
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whatislifr · 4 years
I'm in absolute love
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haikyuu, but it’s just a big gay sitcom about the …interesting residents of Karasuno Court
(you might have to click to read the writing)
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whatislifr · 4 years
Yes. This is everything I have been looking for. Just yes.
Abuse and Chocolate
Abuse and Chocolate
Summary: Hinata somehow manages to accidentally convince the entire school that he’s being abused. Rating: T Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters, manga, or anime. Pairings: KageHina  General Warnings: Rushed writing, Weird writing, Bad writing, Probable errors, Gay ship Extra Notes: Written for the kagehina exchange. Prompt: “First Valentine’s at Karasuno, generally anything with Kageyama and/or Hinata being oblivious, romantically impaired children.”
Sorry if it’s bad, and please excuse and spelling and/ or grammatical errors. I um. May have written it on Valentine’s Day. And then submitted it late, because deadlines are decidedly not my thing, like, at all. I didn’t do the drawing, either. Sorry. I don’t have a scanner and I didn’t want to give you crappy cell pictures of it, so. 
Keep reading
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whatislifr · 4 years
Just for when I am sad 👀❤❤❤❤
I l o v e I t
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just realized i never posted this on tumblr! here’s a small 8-paged zine i did starring our favorite sturdy hero!!! ^O^ 
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whatislifr · 4 years
Eh, why not uwu
songs to daydream and make edits of your otp to in your head (or the ones I use for those anyways lmao idk why I made this pls don't hate on my choice of song)
I actually have more buuuuut..
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enjoy the songs tho :3
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whatislifr · 4 years
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whatislifr · 4 years
Tortina tortina hot pizza rolls
90K Subs celebration with this animation inspired by @ittybitty.pluto I’m so happy thank you guys for supporting me
Original scene : Angel beats 
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whatislifr · 5 years
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so yes im procrastinating on my assignments but this was worth it
i cant make movie posters so have one without it cuz it looks garbage lol
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@rae-hope47 : make jay as the director
me : actually dan was the original director cuz he wanted love and friendship but jay was like NO THERE MUST BE WAR
also me : jay demoted daniel from director to camera man LMAO
rae : wtf lol so jay wants bloodshed but dan wants peace and love and like it was taken from above right?
me : yeah
rae : we can make jay tie daniel up so he can take a picture from above, also because of that he keeps dropping the camera on stephen's face
me : oh my god then stephen stabs daniel
rae : that's why stephen's face is red lmfao, jocat comes back from his grocery shopping and is jus shocked to see the mess
me : bella just doesn't care lol and we'll make ann eat baguette
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BONUS #2 :
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rae : dan becomes a piñata because he keeps dropping the camera on stephen, that's his punishment
me : lets make jay control the rope
rae : good idea
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whatislifr · 5 years
I am in love with this
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Ah, it’s too late to post this on Halloween.  But here is a little story about ghosts, and roommates, and roommates who are ghosts.
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whatislifr · 5 years
Some Kiribaku no one asked for
Already know no ones gonna see this but it was inspired but something just don't remember what... Either way ima just post it.
Truth or Dare:
"Truth or Dare Bakugo?" Uraraka asked the blonde haired boy smirking at him evily. "Fucking dare." He replied snarling at the look on her face. "I dare you to allow me to call anyone from your phone!" The brown haired girl said smiling in Mina's direction raising her eyebrows up and down. "Wha- OH!" Mina whispered shouted as the look of confusion quickly turned into a smirk. "Fuck no." He replied blankly as the whole bakusquad (discluding Kirishima) smiled widely already knowing what Mina and Uraraka were planning. "What the fuck is up with all of your faces!" The blonde huffed of annoyance, glaring at the group surrounding him. "C'mon don't be such a scaredy cat Bakugo!" Kaminari said letting a stiffled laugh escape his mouth. "I'M NOT A FUCKING SCARDEY CAT DUNCE FACE!" The now very angry Bakugo yelled tossing his phone to the very pleased girl. "Wait how can I call if I can't unlock your phone?" She asked her smile never fading. "Use fucking Siri or whatever." He sighed looking over to the brown haired girl with a large smile painted on her face as she held the blonde's phone close to her mouth.
"Siri, call Daddy" She announced loud enough for everyone to hear, making eye contact with the blonde who's face turned redder then Kirishima's hair.
"Calling Daddy"
Then Kirishima's phone started to ring, both boys faces were a bright shade of red as everyone went quiet....before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
"Shut up."
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whatislifr · 5 years
I k n o w
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