whatsnewtday · 1 year
So uh….some dude apparently recreated Adobe Photoshop feature-for-feature, for FREE, and it runs in your browser.
Anyway, fuck Adobe, and enjoy!
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whatsnewtday · 1 year
literally got referred for getting on T last June. tomorrow is June 1 and I am still trying to get on a form that works for me because insurance is a pain the the ass when you’re allergic to multiple forms of T but all your doctors are good just trialing them all and there’s no medical reason not to (and there’s even medical reasons to do it because the baseline hormone imbalance sucks). Anyway this is just a moment of frustration. My regular doctor is on leave and the doctor covering for them is also on leave and the only other one who can prescribe it has been swamped for weeks and someone has to prescribe it so it can get denied so the insurance authorization process can even start. Ugh. Very frustrated right now.
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whatsnewtday · 1 year
Well, navigating insurance policies and pharmacy stocking issues sure is challenging! The next step for us is to allergy test for name brand Androgel after allergies to testosterone cypionate and generic Testim gel (and now knowing other injectable forms aren’t a good option because of allergies/our presentation of connective tissue problems).
If we can’t do Androgel, that leaves oral testosterone or patches. If none of those work, we’ll be working with our naturopath on an herbalist approach to medical transition (pending sensitivity testing for make herbal tonics among other things because we have a highly sensitive system). Updates to come!
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whatsnewtday · 1 year
Incredible what T can do for joint problems! I noticed personally it suppressed some of the hormonal joint pain I experienced before. It also likely helped efficacy of prolotherapy because the injections I received while on it were more effective and required less sessions than those I had pre-T.
On T and prolotherapy in the general population: https://journalofprolotherapy.com/the-use-of-testosterone-and-growth-hormone-for-prolotherapy/amp/
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whatsnewtday · 1 year
Been off T 6.5 weeks after being on 4 weeks
Currently allergic to 2 forms of synthetic T and waiting on more answers for what medical transition looks like in this body
Period and hormonal symptoms back to being AWFUL
Bushier eyebrows remain! Some days I notice new hairs
Little darker moustache hairs remain! Again, we had some darker chin and cheek hairs already, but the subtle few moustache hairs are exciting (and also a little annoying because we have to trim the face more with the patchy facial hair)
Voice has settled into the new normal (less cracking but still a little scratchier than pre-T)
Stagnant bottom growth. Not really anything exciting there.
Baseline hormones are feeling more like pre-T but happy with the subtle permanent changes that started.
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
Was on T for 4 weeks, been off almost 3 weeks and still noticing fun effects from having taken it!
My eyebrows are a little bushier
Got my period and it is the easiest it’s been in YEARS! Less bleeding, mild cramps, no migraine, less joint pain (compared to the usual heavy bleeding plus severe pain for 2 weeks lol)
Voice is settling in well with less cracks but still noticeably a little different from pre-T
Got a couple new mustache hairs
Still loving the starts of bottom growth (wink wink)
We’re thinking it’s been helpful for my prolotherapy treatments (some doctors even add T to their injections for better efficacy)
Obviously I metabolize most drugs with really strong effects are low doses so I’m not a normal case but feeling very hopeful about maybe starting T again later this month if we can find a form that’s safe for the body. Even if it’s just something we take for a few months to get some of the more permanent effects, it’s worth it.
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
Time for a general intro…
I’m Carter and I’m part of a system. We’re transitioning with the body in a sort of transmasculine flavor. As of early 2023, we’ve been out as trans in most spaces for nearly 8 years. What’s New T-Day? was birthed from starting T and being so in love with life that this trans joy just had to be recorded and shared.
We’re also disabled, which complicates our medical transition. Among other things, our presentation of classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and mast cell activation syndrome is especially impactful on things like medications & surgeries.
This blog is a space to share parts of this beautiful trans journey and let others in on this wonderful gift of an experience we’ve been given. Feel free to ask respectful questions, join discussions, and join us on this roller coaster of a transition.
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
At about 3-4 weeks, we noticed increased vaginal discharge and that discharge became more viscous. It’s been a little annoying, but no signs of infection or anything concerning. No major changes to already dysfunctional pelvic floor, either. Assuming it’s from the T!
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
4 weeks on T, and a few days off it, we noticed the very starts of mustache hair. I’m talking, like, seven mustache hairs mixed in with the peach fuzz. Naturally pretty hairy to begin with, but cool change so early! Just an awkward stage to stop T at looking like a 13 year old boy lol
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
At 4 weeks open T, we’ve had to stop taking it for the time being.
Having MCAS and cEDS, for us, impacts taking many medications. We started getting worsening hives from injections that would last over a week and longer. With our heavy bruising and slow healing, injection sites also have more trauma with less time to heal before repeating again right near the same spot.
With cEDS, we also do every medication on a speed run where we see effects strong, fast, and at lower doses. For T, this worked out to be new darker hair, oilier skin, voice drop, and bottom growth all starting within the first 1-3 weeks.
In addition, after only 3-4 weeks, our iron total and iron saturation levels dropped again and we now have high red blood cell count and low mean corpuscular HGB (this is why regular labs are important with HRT!).
Unfortunately, we’re stopping T for now. Next, we’ll be doing some more allergy testing with other types of testosterone, likely for gel/patches to try next. No more injections because the other carrier oil is an MCAS trigger, too.
It’s a challenging situation, we we had intended to take T via weekly subQ injections for years before finally getting into a place to start, only to have to stop at a month in. Hopefully we can find a type of T that works with this body soon!
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
3 and a half weeks on T! Noticed today it was harder to hit the highs of my “animal voice.” You know, that specific high, playful voice that comes out when you’re talking to a pet and saying how good they are? Yeah, you know the one. Perhaps my biggest tell yet is the voice cracks while saying “aww, you just need to be loved” and “you’re just so cute” while scooping up a happy animal for attention.
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
3 and a bit weeks on T! Was taking a shower and uhh. Bottom growth really crept up on us the last couple days! Probably subtle to anyone else, but certainly a noticeable change here, and looking forward to more of it!
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
3 weeks on T! Slowly finding a way to make the weekly injection a nice ritual. Started with incense (that we’re not allergic to & is mild enough to not trigger headaches) and took time alone to be at peace first. It’s getting easier with practice and I’m not so scared of messing up and a little less shaky doing injections.
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
2 weeks, 3 days
New eyebrow hairs? Wild! (Already had a pretty hairy body & a little facial hair pre-T but a couple new eyebrow hairs have cropped up in the middle)
So in love with the changes T is bringing already <3
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
Experiencing a lot of complex feelings around starting T. At 2.5 weeks, we’re already feeling the first changes! It’s a very exciting and wonderful time as the transmasc who fronts most of the time
Meanwhile, we worry about folks who don’t identify with masculinity or features associated with mascs (very tired and will revisit phrasing later for more accurate/appropriate way of saying this). They front less to my knowledge but may experience some distress which was hard for me to decide to cause for us all
Any other systems feel this way with taking steps in medical transition when not everyone identifies or expresses gender the same?
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
2 weeks and 3 days on T!
Currently noticing skin is oilier than usual. Nose/forehead especially. Can see the starts of fresh zits on the way! (Never rarely experience acne—maybe one spot once a month with hormone cycle changes if at all)
May need to switch face lotion soon!
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whatsnewtday · 2 years
Also we’re currently doing subcutaneous injections! Doing regular full dosing, not a reduced dose for slower effects.
We’re currently 2 weeks and 2 days on T! This blog is to document changes for personal reasons and to share the journey with other folks who are curious :)
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