wheeloftheyear-yule · 2 years
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The winter solstice is a lovely reminder about the nature of perspective.
Our longest night doesn't mean that the sun is generating less light.
It's a function of where we are in relation to the light.
Hope, like sunlight, may be shadowed without being fundamentally diminished.
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 2 years
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i cant wait decorate our home together ~
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
Winter Solstice / Yule
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
Yule ideas for the exhausted witch
After so many of you enjoyed the post about low-energy ways to celebrate Samhain, it is time to share some ideas on how to celebrate Yule without too big of an effort. 2020 was a hard year and everyone deals differently with handling the crazy stuff this year threw at us. You are valid and your faith isn’t less important or less worthy because you can not spend the energy you might want to on the celebration of the solstice. A blessed Yule to all of you!
- As an easy charm for good luck: Tie some tiny bells to a ribbon and wind it around the handle of your door. Who ever enters will be cleansed of their negative energies and the sound of bells will invite prosperity and luck inside your home.
- Treat yourself to some sweets. Doesn’t matter if self-baked or store-bought, we’re talking of all the delicious treats of the season full of cinnamon (protection, luck), vanilla (friendship, passion), cloves (beauty, love) and ginger (energy, success). Yes, please!
- Give thanks and give back. You don’t need to volunteer for days to show your gratitude. Feed some birds, donate a bit to your local shelter if you have the money, small gestures matter!
- Who needs a big Yule tree? Get yourself some twigs (please don’t just break them off) from an evergreen and place them on your windowsill or inside a pretty vase. 
- Solstices are turning points, times of change. Make a list (written or mental) and remember all the things you are grateful for that happened this year. Also note things that you want the new cycle to bring to your life. Keep the list close during the time of the solstice and burn/bury them at the end of The Twelve Nights.
- No energy to decorate your altar? Decorate yourself. Wear green, red, gold or silver colors and jewelry with rubies, garnet, jade, agate or rose quartz.
Have a blessed Yule and feel free to reblog and add to the list!
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
Blessed be my brothers and sisters. 🌒🌕🌘☸🌟
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
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Happy Yule/Winter Solstice Everyone! Hope everyone has a magickal day and everything goes well. 🌲✨❄️
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
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posting so I can find it again later
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
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As an agnostic modern witch, sometimes very old holiday traditions are hard to follow. I don’t have a patron deity or anything but I do still celebrate Christmas. So I put together a modern 12 day holiday guide so I can still celebrate the 12 days of Yule without having to try to cram everything in around my and my family’s work schedule. Now there are tons of ways to celebrate and tons of different traditions out there, so you can adapt this guide however you want.
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
Yearly Reminder That YULE Lasts For Twelve Days!!!
Every year my feed and the witchblr tags are filled with people who only focus on Yule on the 21st of December. Yule is a celebration that's STARTS on the 21st and ends at 11:59pm January 1st.
The Yule Log would burn 24/7 for 12 consecutive days. Some form of offering was given to the spirits, deities, and to those you found near and dear. These offerings were not even close to what gift giving is like now. Offerings include, but are not limited to: food, homemade gifts, writings, gifts for the animals in nature (such as bird feeders made from pinecones with bird seed), and so much more.
This year, on December 21, 2020 we will be able to see the "Christmas Star" which is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn aligning perfectly and will appear as the stereotypical star we see on almost every Christmas card.
I plan on creating a spell/ritual to be performed on the 21st, preferably under the conjunction but I won't be upset if it has to be performed when it may not be visible in my area, that incorporates aspects ruled by both planets. But that will just be the start! I will have more rituals and spells planned out for the rest of the days of Yule.
I make a post like this almost every year because I know that baby witches will not know. I know that people will beat themselves up for missing yet another sabbat. I know that because I, myself, have felt this way. It is important to know that Yule has never been just 1 day (or 3 if you usually celebrate things the day before, the day of, and the day after) of celebrations. Yule has always lasted for 12 days.
As Yule gets closer and closer, I hope you all have the most merry holiday. I send you positive energies to help all of your Yuletide spells and rituals.
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
merry yule to all who are celebrating! 🎄 remember: yule lasts for 12 days, so if you can’t celebrate today, don’t worry about it 💖
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
Blessed Yule 🎄🎄🎄
As the cold creeps in and the night looms before us, let us remember that after this, the longest night of the year, the light shall return, the wheel will turn, and the earth shall soon see spring again
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
With 7 days until Yule, here is an AMAZING and MAGICKAL recipe for a traditional Yule Log Cake
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This is my original recipe.
You will need:
1 3/4 cups all purpose flower
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk (any kind but I use whole)
2 tbsp water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons of vanilla
1 cup boiling water
2 teaspoons instant coffee granules
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar (then as needed)
2/3 cup heavy cream
16oz semi sweet chocolate chips
1 stick butter
Mini marshmallows (optional)
White chocolate kisses (optional)
Preheat oven to 350° F (176° C)
Mix together sifted flour, cocoa, and sugar. Stir together until combined. Sifting them together is a very important step, you can use a strainer if you don't have a sifter.
Add in salt, baking soda, baking powder, and stir thoroughly with wooden spoon.
In a small bowl, put together eggs, oil, milk, vegetable oil, and one tsp vanilla. Beat until well combined with a hand mixer.
Add boiling water into the wet ingredients slowly and stir as you do.
Once combined, pour batter onto cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Make sure the batter is spread evenly, this is very important.
Bake for about 20 minutes, or until it looks like cake. Be careful NOT to overbake it!!
Let cake rest on cookie sheet for about 10 minutes, then transfer onto a cloth towel sprinkled with powdered sugar. Remove the parchment paper, run a cold wet cloth on top of the parchment to help it remove easier.
Roll the cake up inside the towel, starting with a short side. Let cake COMPLETELY cool.
While the cake cools, it's time to mix the filling. This particular filling is coffee flavored, but substitute coffee granules for cocoa powder if you want more chocolate.
Blend the whipped cream, coffee granules, and 1/2 cup powdered sugar together to form the filling. Let it cool until it is thick and firm.
After the cake has completely cooled down, unroll the cake from the towel, and you have no further use for the towel.
Use a spatula to evenly spread the cold filling across the cake, stopping about a half inch from the edge.
Roll the cake back up and place it on the platter you will serve it on. Allow to chill for at least 3 hours.
For the frosting, in one bowl, take 1 stick of butter at room temperature and 1 cup powdered sugar and remaining teaspoon of vanilla and cream together with a hand mixer.
Once it is well mixed together, melt down chocolate chips fully and all heavy cream in a separate bowl together. Mix until well combined and then add to frosting. Let refrigerate until thick and cool.
Once there, spread frosting evenly on the cake. Covering both the sides and the top.
(Optional) use toothpicks and put a white chocolate kiss and a mini marshmallow on it, creating the appearance of a mushroom.
If not serving immediately wrap cake in loose plastic wrap and refrigerate. Let cake sit out for an hour before slicing and serving. Blessed Yule!
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
❄️ Celebrating Yule ❄️
WINTER SOLSTICE | December 19-22
🕯️ Decorations: snowflakes, candles, bells, wreath, gold plates, logs
🌿 Incense: frankincense, mistletoe, holly, cinnamon, ginger, pine, myrrh
🥧 Food: cookies, dried fruits, pears, oranges, mulled wine, ginger tea, nuts, festive cakes
This is the sabbat to celebrate rebirth. Many witches celebrate it similarly to Christmas, with gift giving, feasting, and wreath making. It is the winter solstice, when the sun appears to stand still, but the season is poised for the return of light and new beginnings, as the days will begin to grow longer.
Rituals to celebrate:
🥳 With people, spend time together around a large feast.
🍽️ In the kitchen, bake a Yule log cake.
🎨 Get crafty, by making a Yule wreath with pine branches and decorations.
💃 Dress up, with gold, silver or sparkles for the festive season.
📜 Write in your journal, a list of everything good that has happened this year.
🔮 Meditate, about the concept of rebirth and new beginnings.
Other ideas to celebrate:
Spend some time volunteering.
Harvest and decorate a Yule tree.
Sew, knit, quilt or crochet something to give to someone you love.
Cleanse your home by burning pine needles.
Take a walk during the next new moon to reflect on fresh starts.
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
🎄Yule / Winter Solstice🎄
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You will is the celebration of the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This festival celebrates the renewal of life and the return of light, we are looking forward to the lengthening of days that are soon to come. Even though darkness covers us at this time, the Sabbath teaches us to have patience as we wait for an extension of light until the summer solstice.
Yule has been around for thousands of years. Because of how far it dates back, there has been many traditions associated with this season. The celebration used to begin on the night of the solstice and go for 12 days.  people address of the spirits of the gods and travel through village is acting up please, in return they were given food and drinks as a reward for their performances. Clearly decorating was a major part of this festival, Christmas was essentially invented to make the transition into Christianity is your on those who are already used to celebrating during this time of year.
New beginnings
Celebration of light
Future planning
Spiced Mulled Wine
Dried fruits
Clear Quartz
Green Tourmaline
Pine Needles
Yule Log
Celebration Activities
Charge crystals
Burn ash wood
Bake solstice bookies
Write down goals
Light candles
Plan new herb garden
Make pomanders
Burn pine
Decorate Yule log
Decorate altar
Create a wreath
Blessed Be 🎄❤️
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 4 years
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Gingerbread Stonehenge that I made over Yule. Fondly known as the GingerHenge.
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 5 years
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Poinsettia Spritz Punch
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wheeloftheyear-yule · 5 years
Hey babies!!❤
After this amazing Halloween🎃
Winter/Yule is coming❄❄❄❄⛄⛄⛄⛄
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Enjoy these amazing season!🥶🎄🕯☺🎅
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