whereswaldohatter · 3 years
But names can be fun. I’m proposing that next year, no work november should be a thing. Like none of the work but all of the pay.
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Close but nah. Try again.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Glad we can agree on one front! But can we really be sure they don’t have names? Maybe we just can’t understand their version of name giving. But I rely heavily on labels. They may be arbitrary, but they’re very meaningful when you give it meaning. I didn’t say his or my family’s name but you knew who I was talking about because I used a label- boyfriend, family. If we actually try to have a conversation without using labels it would be nearly impossible to communicate.
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I’ve talked to animals, sometimes they have titles or nicknames as a joke but that’s it. We’ve still made it with no names and I haven’t used one once this whole month so that’s dope. You’re totally right though, No Label November would be a way more fun challenge! Next year, next year.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Normally, I would’ve disagreed. But I completely understand not wanting to go long without having sex. It’s only natural to have a drive for it. However, I am very fond of my name and my boyfriend’s, my family’s as long as they want theirs too. Otherwise how would you address each other?
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Exactly, my friendo, exactly, sex is natural, but names aren’t. Animals don’t have names for each other, and we were all born without them. You can like your name but that doesn’t change the fact that names are labels and labels are meaningless. Think about it this way, you just addressed your boyfriend and your family and you didn’t say a single name, and you and I have been talking for a second and no names have been required. See? It’s not as hard as it sounds.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
We should all officially change No Nut November to No Name November. For one thing, it's impossible to go two days without having sex, and for another, names are flawed and possessive and I've wanted to get rid of them all my life. Anyone on board?
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Sparrow: easier to tell people what they want to hear
Waldo: lol if ur gonna lie to me id rather u just not talk to me at all tbh lies harsh the vibes
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Lyra: Bring all of them then! The idea of food makes me feel like puking again.
Waldo: sweet im bringing them all then n i tihnk the llama in particular will like u
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Sparrow: does help that youre not bad to look at
Waldo: nice lmao knew that was part of it
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Lyra: whichever stinks least, door is unlocked, roommates are at work and i have no plans on getting back out of bed
Waldo: none of them stink, theyr all small and stuffed and cute. sounds good tho. want food?
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Sparrow: thnx, knew there was a reason y youre one of my fave people
Waldo: and here i thot it was because i was cute lolol
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Lyra: is that the weird puke color? i'm mostly fine just a little hungover if you want to come over and take care of me
Waldo: i wudnt call it puke colored but its a weird yellow green ya. sure ill be right there. should i bring a llama a pig or a cow?
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Waldo: ive got a pen with ur name on it if u want it. its full of some real good shit. i swear it put me to sleep for two days straight.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Waldo: u doing good bro? i feel like ive been getting like chartreuse vibes from ur general direction for a minute now and thats never a good thing like r u sick? maybe u have nonwonderland sickness.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
…I suppose that does make some amount of sense. I can’t make any promises or guarantees that I’ll actually keep digging more into myself as you suggest, but maybe. To your credit, you definitely have me considering it.
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Let me know if you need a shovel or another digger, I’m always down to help. And the best part about me is that if I accidentally learn stuff about you that you don’t want people to know, I forget stuff fast.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
If you say so. Though I’m not sure how inclined I feel to keep digging. I’ve never personally believed it’s actually that bad of a thing for me to be guarded. I’d rather save any opening up for those that I can trust. I honestly think I prefer it that way.
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There’s nothing wrong with being guarded, really, but you can be guarded and keep digging, just for you. Like imagine your big beautiful fence keeping out all that you want to keep out, but behind that in your yard, is the most gorgeous hole you’ve ever seen in your life that leads to the depths of you and maybe more. Then if you ever want to invite people in, you’ve got more to show them, and if you don’t want anyone to see, just keep them on the outside of the fence.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
A lot of it I’ve equated to just being my personality and the way I’ve always been. Though I’m sure things like growing up on the Isle helped contribute to that. That’s really the only reason I’ve ever come up with for it.
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Well, there’s always more reasons than reach the surface if you keep digging. Incidentally, digging is also how you make your vibes more personalized and vibe-y. It can be an intense process but it’s well worth it. At least, I think it is.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Certain things maybe. I don’t find that so true for myself. Especially given how self-aware I am of just how closed-off and guarded I can be. I know for a fact I’m not the type to open up easily.
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Do you know why you don’t open up easily? Sometimes the why is more important than the what.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
I think I might need more testing to confirm that theory for sure, but you might have a point.
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Some things don’t need testing. Some things just are or aren’t! I find the concept of proof vastly overrated.
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