sunknuckle · 5 months
Fun fact: as I was finishing off the last few chapters, I realised I didn't suuuuper give Nick too much of his own personality. I was just putting him in situations and having him react in a way specific to that person
I was really upset when I worked this out before I remembered this is almost exactly how he's characterised in the first season of the show: he just parrots Glenn and Jodie's personalities. Absolutely devastating
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seenoversundown · 9 months
Sparrow Of the Dawn : Chapter 1
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Sam x Willa (Fem OC) Warnings: Alcohol / Mentions of drinking, brotherly banter, dark humor/mentions of death (if you squint), otherwise silly boys being boys.
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary : Sam unfortunately finds himself in not so meet cute with Willa. Hopeful that he doesn't cross her path again; the world works in mysterious ways and not always in your favor.
Authors Note: AHHHHH I can’t wait for everybody to read and I hope you all love it as much as I do!! I’m so excited and nervous, feels like I’m waiting for the midnight premiere of Deathly Hallows (part 2) all over again 🥹😭💜
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Flower Power - Greta Van Fleet “She’s a sparrow of the dawn, our love is born”
“Oh, HEY,” Jake says sarcastically the second he opens the front door, “Nice of you to show up, Jackass,” huffing out a laugh as he shuts the door behind me. The scuffed-up cherry wood floor creaks under the weight of our feet as I follow him over to where he had been organizing new stock behind the bar. 
“Right.. aaand where’s my paycheck again?” I retort, sliding onto my regular spot and dropping my camera bag next to me. The spot in the dead center of the bar has been claimed as mine since before Jake even opened, the stool now complete with my etched initials SFK under the cushion. 
“Time is money, brother, and I lend you mine for free, so you get me when I’m free. Which apparently to you means 9 a.m.?” I say, clasping my hands on the bartop, “So please, tell me what is so important that I needed to be here so early.” He sourly smirks back at me.
“Yeah, yeah. I have a few new ones in for you to shoot, and I’d like to get it done before we get busy today.” He picks up his clipboard, eyeing his stock list.
 “We finally got the pomegranate Downeast released last month that was on backorder, as well as the pear and the guava passion fruit. Then we have ‘Reciprocal’ from Bissell Bros here in Portland, and ‘Interchangeable #7’ from Blaze Brewing in Biddo. I’d really like to get the blaze shot for our ads because it has the most interesting can art. But, ya know, I trust you.” He reads off.
A year ago, Jake, my older brother, bought this bar located right here in the heart of the Old Port. Back in his senior year of high school he got really into “Black Sails”, this pirate TV show; he practically made it his personality. Naturally, he decided he wanted to run a bar for the rest of his life, so when old man Chuck decided to retire, Jake jumped at the opportunity to purchase it. “Caravel Tavern” has only been open for 6 months and It's been his baby ever since. 
“Wow, Jake Kiszka putting trust in ME? Are you feeling okay?” I feign shock grabbing at my heart.
“Just get it done, you idiot,” he says with a roll of his eyes.
“Alright, alright,” I say, glancing over the options. “Give me like an hour. I have an idea that might work. I need to head to the farmer’s market in town, but I can have the best shots edited and emailed to you tomorrow, and then we can pick the best ones for print.” I grab my bag, digging around for my car keys. “Hey, when is Josh in today? I’d like to get some shots of you guys pouring drinks for the website and Instagram for Josh’s intro post.”
“He should be here by the time you’re done with everything. That is if he’s on time. But let's be realistic, when is a Kiszka ever on time?” He replies as he breaks down boxes with a box cutter. 
I take a right onto the gravel that’s set behind the farmers market, my rusty 92’ Ford F-150 rattling as I park. I hope to god it’s just a heat shield making that noise. I cannot afford another repair on Edith. She may be an old crotchety bitch, but she has my whole heart. Well, right behind Penelope, my Bernese mountain dog, Penny girl will always be my number one.
I put her in park and shove my hand into my backpack blindly searching for the source of the text tone. Finally finding my phone Tweedle Dum🦞 appears on the screen.. I let out a giggle. 
We’re running a special on whiskey sours tonight pick up some eggs, princess.
I switch Jake and Josh’s contact name back and forth between tweedle dee and tweedle dum mainly to keep them on their toes, but I’d be lying if I said tweedle dum isn’t just whoever has pissed me off or been dubbed the biggest dumbass that week. The emojis always stay the same so I can keep them actually straight though. 
You got it, boss, I send back to Jake, winning the title this week for making me wake up at the ass crack of 9am. Which absolutely is early for me. 
Gathering my things, I step out of my truck, immediately being hit with a cold gust of wind, the air causing my eyes to water slightly. I brush away a tear forming in my eye before it threatens to fall down my cheek. For it being the end of March the air is crispier than normal. I pause a moment too long, and a shiver runs through my body. I zip my jacket up a little higher, trying to preserve my body heat. Making sure I have my mesh bag with me, I shut my door and head over to the booths. 
I make a beeline for Linda, a sweet older woman who is here every week selling chicken eggs, various fruits from her garden, and some knick-knack crafts she makes. I have about seven bowl koozies, though I’m not sure I even own as many bowls considering it’s just me, but they are really good for ramen and ice cream. Which I do not eat together. Jake and Josh live in the apartment above the bar, so when I moved back after college, I got an apartment a couple roads away to stay close. 
Our parents moved out of our small hometown, which sits just on the other side of Portland. Padded off to Apple Valley, Georgia trying to settle into a warmer climate or something. They bought a house big enough for just the two of them and a guest room on an acre of land, “just in case any of you boys come to visit” Mom said. In all honesty, Apple Valley is just the same town, different state. They always said they didn’t like the city because it was too big, which is funny to me after spending the last four years in Boston. Everything here seems much smaller now.
“Morning Linda!” I smile and wave at her.
“Oh, Samuel. You’re up early this week. How are you doing, Sweetheart? How’s my Daniel?” She flashes me a warm smile. She’s also Daniel’s biggest fan. Pretty sure she only comes into the bar to see him, even though I met her first. But what can I say? I’m apparently an excellent matchmaker; we just won't mention the fact that she's 72.
I chuckle, “I’m just out running some errands for Jake. I’m on call today, apparently. Daniel’s good though! He misses you, ya know.” I finish flashing her a wink.
She lets out a high-pitched laugh, “I’ll be down to visit with Miss Eleanor. You tell him not to worry.” She raises an eyebrow and smirks at me, “Anyway, what can I get ya my dear?”
“Think two dozen will do it for today.” I hand her a crumpled ten-dollar bill in exchange, “Keep the change, Lin. I’ll see you at the bar or next Saturday, whichever comes first.” I set the eggs carefully in my tote and head toward my next stop, the flower truck.
The beer I’m photographing for the bar has a brightly colored logo in a style reminiscent of comic book art. A bold red can with yellow, blue, and purple adorning the signature name. My idea is to use a bouquet of different flowers to accent the colors and make the can pop. 
I scan through the metal buckets, trying to mentally piece together an arrangement without disturbing the flowers too much. They are far too delicate to be pulling and yanking on them just to try them out for size. Some of the people here, like Linda, make their living posting up every Saturday. 
I reach for a bundle of forget-me-nots, settling on those along with the last of the remaining Irises, a few red Dahlias, Daffodils, and Butterfly Milkweed. Taking a step back slightly away from the displays, I start to rearrange the bouquet to my liking. Extending my arms out in front of me, and changing my angle to make sure I like how the flowers look together. Just as I decide that, yes, these will do for what their intended purpose is, I feel someone aggressively poking my bicep. 
I turn toward the person attached to the finger. Not going to lie; I’m a bit impressed by the force of it, considering I’m wearing a sweater under my quilted jacket, and the woman who’s doing the poking is standing at about 5 foot nothing and looks like a swift breeze might carry her away. I blink slowly at her a few times and raise my eyebrows waiting expectedly.
“Did someone die, or did you just fuck up like, wicked bad?” the snark heavily laden on her tone. 
I close my eyes and let out a long breath, “Uhm, it’s uhh –” I stutter a bit, really trying to play it up, “My grandma died last week, actually. Did you know her? Her name was Althea.” I gaze down at my shoes and drop my head a bit, taking a moment before I attempt to look for her reaction through my eyelashes. If I held my breath long enough, I might just be able to work up a tear. Would that be too dramatic? .. maybe.
“Oh.. uh. No, I didn’t. I’m sor–” Regret immediately paints her face.
“I’m fucking with you.” I let out a small laugh
“What?” her eyes narrow at me, trying to figure out if I’m lying or telling the truth.
“I’m joking, my grandma is fine. Are you okay? Or is it a normal occurrence for you to ask a complete stranger if they’re mourning a dead relative?" Amusement settles on my face.
She lets out an audible groan. Why is she so angry? She tugs down at the sides of her short floral dress and waves a hand out toward my arrangement. 
“Why on earth do you need every single purple flower!?” She exclaims, “And who jokes about their grandma dying?” stamping her beaten-up Doc Marten into the patchy grass. She actually stomped her foot at me. What are we twelve?
I roll my eyes and attempt to alleviate the situation, “Bachelor Buttons.” 
I have work to do and absolutely do not need an attitude from a complete stranger, even if she is cute. I have brothers for that purpose, and they do their jobs well enough.
 “They’re mostly purple but with a bit of blue. They symbolize love if you’re trying to give them to someone important.” I scratch the back of my head and briefly hope she says she’s not. I immediately throw the thought away with a shake of my head. Nope, not opening that door.
“I don’t need Bachelor Buttons.” 
“.. ookaay. You could always d –” 
“I need Irises.” She says, cutting me off, “Specifically. Okay? And I’m fine, but if I can't find irises today because of you count *poke* your *poke* days!” she ends her sentiment with a final sharp poke to my chest and storms away. God damn, her finger is like a tiny dagger.
Listen, growing up without any sisters means I don’t know much about women, but what I do know .. is definitely never believe one when they say they’re fine. 
As I walk through the door of Caravel Tavern for the second time today, I call out, “Okay, Jake, I’m back with your eggs, Asshole. Where are you?”
I set my camera bag and the eggs down and lean over the counter, checking to see if he’s kneeling behind the bar top.
 “.. Jake?” I look side to side. Where the hell is he? It’s the middle of the day, not nearly early enough for lunch.. Not like the guy takes a break anyway. 
“JAKE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” I yell through my cupped hands. The sound echoes through the empty space.
He comes running from the back room, a panic written on his face. “Jesus Christ, Sam, what?”
“Got your eggs.” grinning wildly at him. I swear I'm actually his favorite brother. 
“Well, thanks, Samuel, for being useful for one thing today.” He says, before changing his tone, “You okay? You look a bit tense?”
“Yeah,” absentmindedly, my hand drifts to my shoulder, rubbing at the area where angry-flower-girl poked me earlier. “Actually, you’ll never believe what happened to me at the farmers market.”
He’s not looking at me when he hums his response, just putting the eggs in the mini fridge next to the ice well. I slide the second carton over to him.
“I ran into this girl, actually, she ran into me rather. I was picking out the bouquet arrangement for the photos I want to take and she sorta.. Came at me poking?”
He slowly stands and looks at me, his brow furrowed a bit. “She.. came at you?” He pauses. “Poking?”
“Poking,” I point to my shoulder in disbelief.
“Okay, and what did this poking girl want?”
“To yell at me for taking all the irises. I tried to do the gentlemanly thing and suggest an alternative, but she poked me some more and stomped off. She was hot as hell even if she was a bit psychotic.” 
“Well, why did you take all the irises? You also could have taken the other- wait, “ Jake pauses, turning to face me head-on. He sets the empty carton on the counter, “No, whatever you’re thinking about, cut it out,” He points at me, “Did you forget about the last ‘cute but insane’ girl?” 
“Hey, she wasn’t that bad! AND she was really hot?!” both hands raised.
“Sam, she cracked your windshield” he pinches the bridge of his nose.
Just as I’m about to further protest, “Cracked windshield? We’re not talking about ‘the Bride of Chucky’ are we?” Josh says
“Oh, come on guys, you can say her name. And again.. She wasn't that bad.”
“No, every time you say her name she comes back like Voldemort, and none of us need that shit.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Get your ass clocked in so I get your headshots done, and you can get to work lest Jake have a stroke.” I lean toward Josh and whisper, “You’re already late.”
“When isn’t he late?” Jake sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Well,” Josh claps his hands together, “it is clearly time for my close-up. Sammy, let’s get this shit fest over with.”  
Oh, Josh, ever the dramatic brother.
I don’t spend a ton of time taking Josh’s photos, grateful that he isn’t afraid of the camera. I barely have to direct him, which makes my life that much easier. If he could work on just not being a pain in the ass the rest of the time, that’d be great. 
A few goodbyes later, and I’m finally off to edit. Putting all my things into the passenger seat and giving my truck some words of encouragement, the engine turns over. Thank fucking god. I live fairly close to the bar, so I decide to not bother with the radio and just listen to whatever comes my way. 
Still thinking about the poking girl, mostly because my chest was sore. I didn’t expect to be stabbed today. I do hope she found her Irises…  
‘Now I don’t hardly know her, but I think I could love her,’
I turn the volume up on the radio, hoping it’ll help me focus on driving and not thinking about her.  
I make it back home, throwing the truck in park and hustling up to my apartment. I’m quickly greeted by my bundle of joy. I set all my things out to edit on the counter and take care of Miss P before I start working.
Taking a walk is probably what I needed to do anyway. 
I got Penelope right after I graduated and moved back up here. Being used to a house full of people to just living alone was.. well, lonely. I think I lasted only a few months living alone before I gave in and went to find a pet. The twins suggested a cat because they’re fairly low maintenance, and their plan was to get a couple cats once their lives settled a bit. Settled ended up being right around when Jake bought the bar, I would hardly call that settled, but it worked out for them. Me on the other hand, I’m more of a dog person. As soon as I saw Penny, I knew she’d be my adventure buddy, coming with me on my walks and hikes and photography trips. It’s definitely easier with a dog, despite what Josh says about how easy it is to train a cat with a harness to adventure with you.
Once she is settled in after our walk, I sit down to edit for a while. Pulling up the photos of Josh, something seems off. Why are half of these out of focus? I think to myself, scrolling through the options. If he could have just stopped talking for two seconds, this one would have looked good.  The longer I scroll through the options, the more annoyed I get. Why did she poke me so fucking hard? Finding myself rubbing the spot on my chest, I force myself to get up for a minute. Maybe I just need to walk around. Wandering into my bathroom, I pull the collar of my shirt down to see the spot, if it doesn’t actually bruise, I’ll be SHOCKED.  
Sitting back down, I take one look at the photo I've been trying to salvage, letting out a sigh. This is awful. 
Me: hey I’m not super happy with how Josh’s pics came out.. Do you care if I just borrow him in the morning to get some new ones? 
Me: Not at 6am tho-  it’ll be Sunday, The Lord’s day, and he would want me to get my beauty rest. 
Tweedle Dum🦞: lol that’s fine bud 
Me: I may come back for a drink tho. Shit has me STRESSED.
“God, Sam, don’t you ever leave?” Josh calls from behind the bar. 
“You’d think I was tired of looking at your ugly mug all day, but guess not.” My lips wind into a tight smile. “Can I actually get a drink? I’m annoyed as fuck that I hate all the pictures I took today, and a drink sounds like the perfect remedy.” 
“Turning to alcohol to solve your problems, hmm?”
“Shhhhh,” I wave my hands in front of me. “Can I get a Clover Club, maybe? In a whiskey glass.. No garnish. I don’t wanna look like a little bitch.�� I groan 
“Let your freak flag fly, brother,” spinning away to go make my drink and tend to the other patrons seated down the bar top. 
This drink really better do the trick so I can relax for five minutes. Honestly, the pressure I put on myself to make sure I do well for Jake’s pride and joy, along with trying to find my own way with a full-time job is a little exhausting. It’s hard knowing that Caravel is his baby; he really doesn’t have much else going on. I swear if he got laid, he’d be a hell of a lot less uptight about it, but I digress. I don’t totally feel like I’m the most reliable person, but I try to make sure he can count on me and I don’t contribute to his stress. Ya know, he’s my brother, and I want him to be as proud of me as I am of him for doing what he loves so much. I don’t think I tell him enough how proud I really am of him. He’s someone I look to for inspiration for trying to pave my own way. I’d never tell him that though, because he’d probably think I was yanking his chain or something. I have a job trial-type thing down in Boston later this week, and I’m really hoping it turns out to be something good. I could use something good right now.
Josh interrupts my thoughts, setting my drink down, “Just how you asked for it in a cocktail glass with extra garnish.”
I sigh audibly, “Ya know, I don’t even care. Gimme it.” I gulp it down in nearly one go. Josh looks surprised at me. Whether it’s because of my eagerness or because he knows I’m terrible at holding my alcohol, I’m not sure. I don’t care. 
“One more.” I close my eyes, waiting for the gin to work its magic on me. Feeling my muscles relax bit by bit, my brow finally straightens out, and I sink down against the wall closest to my seat. I sigh audibly again, though this time it’s one of relief.
The longer I sit here, the more people are trickling in. Sipping on my drink this time, I notice people in all sorts of outfits looking vaguely like anime characters. Gathering in little cliques of friend groups, a few interesting folk bouncing from table to table. I can't tell if time is moving incredibly fast or if the alcohol has made me move slower, but suddenly, I have the realization that it’s packed in here. Since opening, they’ve been able to handle everything behind the bar, just the two of them, with Daniel manning the door, but I don’t think they’re equipped to handle whatever event these people are overflowing from. 
I swig back the last sip of my drink, grab my glass, and make my way to the back room. I toss the raspberry garnish before setting the glass in the sink to be washed. Grabbing the ice bucket, I start to fill it to make sure the front is stocked for them; ice is usually always the first thing to go. I lug the full bucket back behind the bar, and refill the ice well. 
“Thanks, Sammy. Hey,  would you mind bussing some of the tables and asking the people with tabs if they need any refills, please? I’ll make sure I put you on the payroll for the night,” Jake asks, eyes pleading and desperate for help. And really, who am I to say no to him?
“Of course I can. I’ve got nothing else better to do anyway.” I start to reach for a tray. 
“Thanks. I mean it.” he says, squeezing my shoulder, “I forgot PortCon was happening, and we’re close to one of the hotels.” He explains before returning to the drink he's making. 
That explains the costumes. I do my rounds checking to make sure everyone seated in the booths are okay, grabbing the empty drinks out of their way, making light conversation when I can. I bring a tray of glasses, napkins, and various random trash items back behind the bar and set them in the bin next to Jake. Just as I go to take another trip, my eyes catch the door. Of course. Of course, this would happen to me. I can’t have a single day go smoothly if my life depended on it. Good God, someone is out to get me, I swear. 
“Fuck me,” I say out loud. 
“Who is that?” Jake says to me as he’s working on his current drink order. 
“The angry-flower-girl with the dagger fingers,” I pause, looking at the dude standing next to her, “annnd her date.”
“Oh shit.”
Crimson and Clover - Tommy James and the Shondells
“Now I don't hardly know her But I think I could love her Crimson and clover”
<- Prologue Chapter Two ->
Masterpost | Taglist | Jukebox Playlist
@gvfsstardust, @myleftsock, @mindastreamofcolours, @dont-go-home-without-me, @literal-dead-leaf, @lizzys-sunflower, @threadofstars, @mackalah, @klarxtr, @edgingthedarkness, @writingcold, @i-love-gvf, @takenbythemadness, @ladywhimsymoon, @earthgrlsreasy, @ourlovesdesire, @peaceloveunitygvf, @anythingforjtk
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avars · 4 months
Más rasgos en CAS.
Cambiar el ícono de contenido personalizado del CAS. (Recomiendo elegir solo una)
1 | CC Wrench override - Patch 1.105 2 | Tidy details & Tidy tattoos by sparrow's cc
Pantalla de carga.
Loading Screen - Pink Kitten by Tiasha-sims | 1 Gradient Loading Screen by Tiasha-sims | 2 Cozy Lo-fi Loading Screen by Tiasha-sims | 3
Fondos de CAS
Old school - CAS Room Override by littledica | 1 Background by Antoniocas | 2 cas background dum by sinnsims | 3 brown-edition-cas by shasims | 4 nature edition by shasims | 5 Reflection by vyxated | 6
Iluminación en el CAS. (Ten en cuenta que estos mods pueden interferir entre ellos, así que asegúrate de descargar solo uno)
FrontGlo by vyxated | 1 CAS Lighting by SimplyAnjuta | 2 Gentle CAS Lighting MOD by northern Siberia winds | 3
Mas columnas en el CAS.
Quitar el mosaico de censura.
MOD CAS - Sin maquillaje ni accesorios en sims aleatorios.
Pose al quedarse quieto en el CAS
Stand Still in CAS by helgatisha | 1 (Recomendado) Stand Still in CAS by Mizore Yukii | 2 Stand Still in CAS by EllieMaySims | 3
Control de posición de sim. (Compatible con cualquier "Stand Still In CAS")
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parkerbombshell · 2 months
From Whispers To Screams -2014 part 3 - Hunting for Pearls
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Thursdays 11:00am-1pm EST bombshellradio.com #indierock #neo-psychedelia #indiepop #artrock Repeats Fridays 3am EST   1 Wanderlust - Wild Beasts 2 Too True to Be Good - Dum Dum Girls 3 All the Rage Back Home - Interpol 4 Let It Vanish - Iceage 5 The Ferryman - Total Control 6 Love Is to Die - Warpaint 7 Hunting for Pearls - iamamiwhoami 8 50 Cent - Future Islands 9 The Refractory - Dean Blunt  10 Archie, Marry Me - Alvvays 11 Regret - St. Vincent 12 Queen - Perfume Genius 13 Wave - Beck 14 Two Weeks - FKA twigs 15 Human Sadness - Julian Casablancas + The Voidz  16 Taking Chances - Sharon Van Etten 17 Move With The Season - Temples 18 Suffering - The War On Drugs 19 The Singer - Ty Segall 20 Plastic Raincoats In The Pig Parade - Ariel Pink 21 Low Light - The Soundcarriers 22 Corsicana Clip - Wovenhand 23 Electric Man - Rival Sons 24 Figure It Out - Royal Blood 25 Spooky Boots - The Reverend Horton Heat 26 Tribal - Imelda May 27 Sparrows Will Sing - Marianne Faithfull 28 Immunity - Linda Perhacs 29 Never Catch Me ft. Kendrick Lamar - Flying Lotus 30 Cycle - Beck     Read the full article
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asolle · 2 years
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Click the link to download or stream Music Music Music Fall 2022 episode 6: https://app.box.com/s/r3kb5rehevhlbt973vfb5mki82v0zrzs
The Black Keys - Wild Child/Good Love Dungen - Panda Sharon Van Etten - Mistakes Kendrick Lamar and SZA - All the Stars Dum Dum Girls - Bedroom Eyes Danger Mouse and Black Thought - Because Gomez - Bring It On The Blackbyrds - Don't Know What to Say Dehd - Empty in My Mind Brittany Howard - Stay High Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer Eliza and the Delusionals - Get a Hold of You Stars - Build a Fire Marco Benevento - Winter Rose Bomba Estereo - Agua/Deja Mallrat - Surprise Me Beastie Boys - Don't Play No Games That I Can't Win/Make Some Noise Action Bronson - Jaguar Sofi Tukker -Wet Tennis Neko Case - Maybe Sparrow Japanese Breakfast - Slide Tackle Panda Bear and Sonic Boom - Go On EOB - Banksters Elvis Costello - Watching the Detctives The Roots - The Seed (2.0) Elvis Costello and the Roots - Walk Us Uptown
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deeturkey · 3 years
TEXT ✉️ 🦃🐦
Turkey: I'm so fucking tired.
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whereswaldohatter · 3 years
Waldo: ive got a pen with ur name on it if u want it. its full of some real good shit. i swear it put me to sleep for two days straight.
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juliettelinguini · 3 years
Juliette: I've been craving a build your own sundae bar for like all of summer so you've got to help me set one up!
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I'm gonna rewrite the pirates of the Caribbean movies
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wfodicks · 2 years
mike, drunk and travis discuss the following topics… drop shipping…. jack sparrow house…. after the break, we talk to filmmaker morgan elliott about his new documentary “potty town” about hank robar’s toilet collection in potsdam, new york. available now on demand. check out their website here for links on where you can get it. POTW: prey/beavis and butthead well,…
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bouncydragon · 4 years
Got a new story idea. Well, not new new.
Anyway, it's a Pirate Jotun Kid Loki thing.
Loki actually lives on Jotunheim and has a loving family.
Space ships, as in literal ships, you know, a la Treasure Planet.
Loki sneaks on board of a merchant ship that's in the harbour of Jotunheim.
On board he meets Sigyn. Instant friendship.
When the ship docks in another port, they sneak off and meet Thor who's there after he's convinced Odin that it would do him well to spend some time on a navy ship, so he can grow into a fine man.
In reality, Thor just wanted to get away from home, because everyone thinks he's a bit daft.
He is not the brightest tool in the shed but he isn't stupid stupid. He just doesn't understand some things, is a bit slow sometimes.
Loki, Sigyn and Thor become friends. Thor doesn't tell them that he's the prince of Asgard because most other realms (all of them) don't like Asgard.
Thor goes back to his ship, but the smol dum dum that he is, he doesn't notice it's the wrong one.
Loki and Sigyn want to stop him, figuring that that's likely not his ship because he is Aesir and that's a Ljósálfar ship, and also doesn't look as fancy as the ship Thor described to them.
But before they can leave, the ship sets sail and they are stuck.
They meet Peter, the ship's mechanic's apprentice.
Tony is the ship's mechanic. He doesn't snitch on the three kids and instead enjoys the company of them, and also is glad Peter has someone else than him to talk to.
Meanwhile, back in Jotunheim, Laufey is freaking out because his youngest son has gone missing.
Farbauti is calm and collected, while of course worried.
One of their other kids tells them of an Asgardian ship in port the day Loki went missing, and everyone knows Loki loves ships and spends a lot of time at the harbour.
Laufey and Farbauti go to Asgard.
Odin by now has gotten news of Thor's disappearance.
Farbauti and Frigga bond over their dum dum husbands.
Back on the ship, the crew has discovered the blind passengers and has "adopted" them.
Cue the kids running around on deck, helping where they can.
Loki's had to learn an instrument because he's a prince, and one day just makes a violin appear and starts to play, then two sailors join him and they jam together while some may be dancing. (Look for "Ye Jacobytes", that's what I'm thinking here)
It's the Avengers' ship, Fury is the captain, maybe. Or Steve.
The kids learn a lot from people like Natasha (yeah, woman are bad luck, but in the wise words of Captain Jack Sparrow "It'd be far worse not to bring her") and Clint and Tony and Bruce. Well, all of the Avengers really.
Also, the kids help Thor get more self-esteem and not let his parents or anyone treat him like he's stupid. Because he isn't, he just has his difficulties sometimes.
When they return home, Odin demands to know where Thor's been and he basically tells him "Shut up, old man".
Laufey hugs Loki tightly when he returns ("Father, I can't breathe...")
Peter misses his friends.
Don't know what happens with Sigyn. She might just stay on the ship.
Yeah, that's basically it I think...
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dapper-nahrwhale · 3 years
So like. The lord of chaos is definitely sparrow and lark just standing on each others shoulders playing a prank right? Like theres no way thats not them yeah?? If this isnt what it is imma look so dum. But whatever. Dont let me know I'll see for myself but just wanted to get that out there before I forgot.
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foxfics · 3 years
I Know What I Want (Chapter 5)
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x Original Female Character (Julia Gemheart)
Warnings: Angst, men acting like toddlers, sword fights
Summary: Jack’s compass is off the shits again. This time, he figures out the reason why.
Word count: 1.5 K (Very long)
"You're pullin' too fast."
"You're pulling too slow!"
"You both are giving me a headache!" Julia snapped at Pintel and Ragetti. The small dingy bobbed up and down in the clear waters, making the ride even more un-enjoyable.
"I don't want the kraken to catch us!" Pintel growled, "I'm saving me strength for when it comes!" He thought for a moment, "Don't think its even 'Kraken'. Always heard it said 'Krayken'."
"With a long A?" Ragetti huffed, "No, no no no no. 'Krocken' is how its pronounced in Scandinavian. And Kracken is closer to tha'."
"Boys, enough." Julia growled, leaning her back against Jack's. He was stiffer than a board, clutching something tight to his chest. She absently touched his leg, but he flinched out of the touch. It was worrying her how much he had avoided contact since their moment on the ship, but she wouldn't bring it up here.
Before she knew it, they had come to shore. The beach was bright and soft, the waves crashing upon it was a light blue. If it weren't for the distant storm clouds she would've thought it a beautiful sight. "Guard the boat. Mind the tide." Jack grumbled to Raggeti and Pintel. "Don't touch my dirt."
Julia gave them a confused look before following Jack. Like the others in their party (Elizabeth and Norrington) he and Julia were carrying shovels. Elizabeth held the compass, leading the way to a particularly sandy hill. Eventually, it started acting up again. "Here, you try it!" She said, shoving the object into Julia's hands.
Julia looked down at it to realize it was pointed at Jack. She blushed, the cluster of feelings she had earlier in the day rising in her chest. "It doesn't work!" She groaned, sitting in the sand in defeat. "And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most!!" She added the last bit to throw Jack off.
Jack approached her, looking at his oldest treasure inquisitively. "Yes it does." He smiled, "You're sitting on it!"
"Beg pardon?" Elizabeth laughed, raising an eyebrow.
"Move." Jack shooed Julia away from her spot, scooping up his compass before anyone could look. She smiled at him, but he kept his face on the spot as the others started to dig.
It took nearly an hour before there was an audible thump from under the ground. Jack and Julia had been sitting opposite of each other, and both perked up in excitement. This was it. They'd found it! They'd found the blasted chest.
It took all four of them to heave the chest out and sand it off. Norrington broke the lock and Jack dove to a knee to do the honors. Slowly, he opened the lid to reveal all sorts of treasures. Letters, maps, small trinkets and a small box with a heart shaped lock. No one spoke as Jack lifted it up and out of the chest. They all leaned in, holding their breaths as they listened.
Ba-dum, ba-dum...
Julia covered her face with her hands. "Oh my god..." She whispered, "You did it Jack...You found it..."
"Not me, love. Us." He smiled at her.
"It's real..." Elizabeth breathed, still in shock.
"You actually were telling the truth..." Norrington grinned.
"I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised." Jack responded, still smiling stupidly at Julia. Her smile always seemed to make everything better.
"With good reason!"
Everyone turned to see Will Turner walking towards them. He seemed mad, but perked up when he saw Elizabeth. "Will!!" She rushed towards him, throwing herself into his arms, "You're alright! Thank god!! I came to find you!" They shared a passionate kiss, and Jack and Julia shared a teasing disgusted face.
"How did you even get here, mate?!" Jack asked, breaking up the happy couples reunion.
"Sea turtles, mate." Will replied sarcastically, "A pair of them, strapped to my feet." Julia smiled and laughed at the irony behind it.
"Not so easy, is it?" the captain replied smugly.
"I do owe you thanks, Jack." Will began.
"You...do?" The captain asked, raising a brow.
"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..." "What?!" Elizabeth's gaze snapped back to him with rage. Jack mimicked her mockingly, sneering at the obvious insults to follow from Will.
"...I was reunited with my father." William finished, sounding actually happy.
"Well...You're welcome, then!" Jack smiled triumphantly, but Julia nudged him at Elizabeth. The girl was none to pleased, storming up with a fire in her eyes.
"Everything you said to me, every word was a lie!!" She accused, looking ready to beat Jack within an inch of his life.
"Pretty much." Jack shrugged, "Time and tide, love."
Julia looked at Will, who had began to unlock the chest. "What're you doing?" She asked, sitting adjacent from him curiously.
"I'm gonna kill Jones." He said. Jack's eyes widened and he pulled his sword, pointing it to the boy's neck.
"Can't let you do that, William. Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?"
"Jack!" Julia said in shock, backing away from his blade. "Jack, what are you doing?!"
"What I have to, darling. William, the key." He held out his hand. Julia looked at him in shock. This wasn't the man she loved. She took a step forward, but suddenly William had a sword to.
"I keep the promises I make, Jack! I intend to free my father. I hope you're here to see it." He growled, putting a protective arm around Elizabeth. Julia looked around in shock, wondering what she should do.
Suddenly, Norrington had out his sword and was pointing it at Jack. "I can't let you do that either. So sorry."
"I knew you'd warm up to me eventually!" Jack took a step forward to Norrington, but the ex-Commodore set his blade in Jack's direction. Julia pulled out her sword and pointed it at Norrington, Will mirroring his action.
"Lord Beckett wants the content of that chest. I delivery it, I get my life back..." He growled.
"The dark side of ambition..." Jack grumbled.
"Oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption.." And then he attacked. Julia, Jack, Will and Norrington engaged in battle, swords swinging and friendships being torn. Julia was scared, scared of why this was happening, scared of why they couldn't all see they could have what they want.
Jack ducked under Norrington and grabbed the key, rushing off further inland. Julia gave chase, followed my Norrington. Jack looked back in time to see Julia jump at him, bringing him to the ground. Norrington tripped over them and tumbled, all of them now engaged in a rather stupid looking wrestling match.
They heard Elizabeth shouting at them, but none paid much mind. At one point, Will had the key. Then Julia, and then it was passed to Norrington, and then back to Will. Jack seemed to be having the least fun in this pile of free for all. Jack threw it a fair distance, giving chase while the other two clanged their swords.
Julia tackled him to the sand and pressed her arm against his throat. "Stop it! Just stop it. God, please, Jack stop it..." Her eyes were full of tears, and she was between shouting at him and kissing him.
He looked up at her, "I'm sorry, darling..." he murmured lovingly, and then promptly tossed her off of him and bounded away. Julia scoffed and chased him, running behind Norrington and Will. A few moments later she heard a bell tolling as the boys fought in the old bell tower. "BOYS!" Julia scolded, "STOP IT!"
She watched as Jack, Will and Norrington dangerously jumping around the crumbling building as if it were second nature. She watched as Jack stole the key, only to be disarmed in the process. "JACK!"
There was some arguing, before Jack jumped off the side and landed in a heap. He looked up at Julia and smiled charmingly, "Now listen, darling, I-"
"Oh, don't you darling me, Sparrow." Julia snarled, advancing him with her sword drawn. Jack scrambled backwards in fright, blinking up at her with tears in his eyes. Julia held out her hand, "Give me the key, Jack. You can all get what you want if you stop fighting..."
Jack looked up at her, before darting off to the side and running for it. This man never ceases to exhaust me! Julia growled and chased him yet again, only to stop when Jack suddenly disappeared into a shallow grave. "Jack!"
"I'm ok!" He yelled up, climbing out with a shake of his head. Suddenly, Julia heard a crack before a rumbling. She looked back and her eyes widened in fear. A water wheel, with Norrington and Will on top, was heading their way.
Jack, on the other hand, had no idea of the water wheel advancing them. Julia barely had enough time to duck out of the way before it hit her. When she looked back the wheel was rolling away, Jack caught in one of its spurs. Julia watched this scene play out in amazement, the energy to fight barely there anymore.
Thats when she heard it. Davy Jones' pirates.
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russianwave · 4 years
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Hey, I thought I would compile a selection of different resources dedicated to learning the Russian language. Feel free to reblog and add your own
Information about the language
Russian Language on Wikipedia
Russian Language on BBC
Russian Language on Encyclopaedia Britannica 
Russian Language on Real Russia
I have a masterlist of different Russian language textbooks for all levels, as well as general Russian literature and Russian magazines for reading practice. It contains over 60,000 books and over 4,000 magazines
Children’s Books in Russian
Project Gutenberg Free Russian Books
Courses - Note that not all of these courses are free. 
Lingvist (comes with a 2-week free trial, and by far my favourite course)
Duolingo  (Joining with this link automatically adds me as a friend)
I Kinda Like Languages Russian Course
Learn Russian with RT (The audio files no longer work but there’s a lot of great resources that work)
Live Lingua Russian Tutors (Not a course as such, but a way to get a Tutor. You can get a free hour lesson)
Russian for Everyone
Russian for Free 
Russian Made Easy
Way To Russia 
Между нами
Я говорю по-русски/ I speak Russian
Русский как иностранный: B1+. Russian as a foreign language: B1+
Русский как иностранный: B1+. Часть 2. Russian as a foreign language. B1+. Part 2.
Русский как иностранный B2-1 / Russian As a Foreign Language B2-1
Русский язык как иностранный B2-2 / Russian as a Foreign Language B2-2
A1 Elementary Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
A2 Basic Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
B1 I Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
B2 II Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
C1 III Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
C2 IV Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
Beginner Russian Course / Курс России языка для начинающих
Intermediate Russian Course / Курс России языка среднего уровня
Russian Grammar Course / Курс грамматики России языка
Russian Course for Travelers / Курс России языка для путешественников
From Zero to Fluency Youtube Course
Start Speaking Russian Youtube Course
Russian Reading Youtube Course
Learn Russian Alphabet
Russian (Kazakhstan) Peace Corps Course
FSI Russian Course
Learn Russian
Yes Russian
Ready Russian
Russian Learning Reddit
Learn With Oliver
Memrise is a great resource as it has Memrise courses and user-created courses. These are the official Russian courses if you go through them one by one they amount to approximately 54 hours of content. The thing I like about Memrise is they test you on your pronunciation, and they have lots of videos by Russian native speakers. So it really tests you in all your skills.
Russian 1 by Memrise
Russian 2 by Memrise
Russian 3 by Memrise
Russian 4 by Memrise
Russian 5 by Memrise
Russian 6 by Memrise
Russian 7 by Memrise
These are some unofficial Russian Memrise courses you might like too. Although they tend to not have audio and they don’t have pronunciation tests or native speaker videos, they can still be a good resource.
Learn Basic Russian 
Top 10,000 words part one 
Top 10,000 words part two
Russian Grammar through Exercises
Assimil Russian
New Penguin Russian Course Vocabulary 
Vocabulary resources
Word Reference
Ba Ba Dum
Russian Swadesh list
English terms derived from Russian
Wikipedia Russian Topics (Click on different topics then click on different words for their English translation and meaning)
Russian Idioms
Russian Proverbs
Russian Similies
20,000-word Frequency dictionary of the modern Russian language (the Russian National Corpus)
Russian spelling alphabet
Russian Frequency lists/1-1000
Russian Frequency lists/1001-2000
Russian Frequency lists/2001-3000
Russian Frequency lists/3001-4000
Russian Frequency lists/4001-5000
Russian Adjectives - Frequency List
Russian Nouns - Frequency List
Russian Verbs - Frequency List
Russian palindromes
Russian Pronouns
Alpha Dictionary
Dubbed Russian Songs (Russian songs with Russian lyrics alongside transliteration and English translation. They also accept requests)
Clozemaster (I’d say this is more for intermediate-advanced, but beginners might make use of this as well)
Vikida Children’s Encyclopedia (Entirely in Russian)
Russian for Children by Pushkin Institute (Entirely in Russian) This actually contains resources for 5+ to 18+ so it covers a broad range of levels
Slow Russian Podcast
Slow Russian Youtube
Beginning Russian through Film
Amazing Russian Youtube
Bab.La English - Russian Dictionary
Grammar Exercises Youtube Playlist
Online Interactive Grammar 
Learn Russian Grammar Tables
Russian Grammar Youtube
Conjugation Tool
Russian Grammar
Russian News Sites
Russia Today (In Russian) / Russia Today (in English) (They also have a whole database of documentaries/shows/films that are in English or Russian. Just click on a show here and it’ll give you the option to watch in English or Russian) 
The Moscow Times (In Russian) / The Moscow Times (In English) (They have free English PDFs of past print publications too)
Tass Russian News Agency (In Russian) / Tass Russian News Agency (In English)
Moskovskij Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец) (only available in Russian)
Komsomolskaya Pravda (Комсомо́льская пра́вда) (only available in Russian)
Izvestia (ɪzˈvʲestʲɪjə) (Only available in Russian)
Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Российская газета) (Only available in Russian)
Kommersant (Коммерса́нтъ) (Only available in Russian)(There is also a UK news website entirely in Russian)
Trud (Tpyд) (Only available in Russian)
Moskovskiye Novosti (Московские новости) (Only available in Russian)
Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Независимая газета) (Only available in Russian)
Novye Izvestia (Новые Известия) (Only available in Russian)
Vedomosti (Ведомости) (Only available in Russian)
Pravda Правда (Only available in Russian)
Delovoy Peterburg Деловой Петербург (Only available in Russian)
RBC daily (Only available in Russian)
Sport Express (Спорт-Экспресс) (Only available in Russian)
Sovetsky Sport (Советский спорт) (Only available in Russian)
Russia Beyond The Headlines (In Russian) / Russia Beyond The Headlines (In English)
Krasnaya Zvezda (Кра́сная звезда́) (Only available in Russian)
Moskovskaya Pravda (Московская правда) (Only available in Russian)
Argumenty i Fakty (Аргументы и факты) (Only available in Russian)
Sovetsky Sakhalin (Советский Сахалин) (Only available in Russian)
Tyumenskaya Oblast Segodnya (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Murmansk (Вечерний Мурманск) (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Novosibirsk (Вечерний Новосибирск) (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Stavropol (Вечерний Ставрополь) (Only available in Russian)
Novaya Gazeta (Новая газета) (Only available in Russian)
Novgorod (Новгород) (Only available in Russian)
Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti (Санкт-Петербургские ведомости) (Only available in Russian)
Literaturnaya Gazeta (Литературная газета) (Only available in Russian)
Parlamentskaia Gazeta (Парламентская газета) (Оnly available in Russian)
Meduza (In Russian) / Meduza (In English)
Please note that sites listed do not equal an endorsement. I don’t know the political background or views of each of these publications. I’m merely compiling a variety I saw through various Russian news lists and search engine results. Content warnings may apply and not all content may be suitable for minors
Listening practice (Note, I may make another masterlist compiling various Russian podcasts and Youtube channels so I’m leaving them out of this section)
Slavic Languages and Cultures Department, University of Groningen Listen to the Slavic languages
Audio Lingua
Learn Russian with Peppa Pig
StarMediaEN (Russian shows, documentaries etc with English subtitles)
Russian Films With English Subtitles Youtube Playlist
Alosha (Алёша Попович и Тугарин Змей) Children’s Film
Dobrynya and the Dragon (Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч) Children’s Film
Ilya Muromets and Sparrow the Robber (Илья Муромец и Соловей Разбойник) Children’s film
How Not to Rescue a Princess (Три Богатыря и Шамаханская Царица) Children’s Film
Russian Animation (Mixture of dubbed content and subtitled content)
Киноконцерн "Мосфильм" (Moscow Film, only some of these are subtitled)
фильмы о Холмсе и Ватсоне (Movies about Sherlock Holmes with Russian audio and English subtitles)
Okay, so this list has gotten long enough lol. If you have any resources you feel should be added feel free to reblog and add them or message me and I’ll edit it in. If you have any requests for resource compilations that you want me to do (e.g. compiling Russian podcasts, general Russian websites, Russian YouTubers etc) please let me know. 
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juniperleafdelivery · 3 years
Underswap - Jobs and Personalities
Sparrow is often described as a "ray of sunshine." Their happiness is infectious, even Majesty can't help but smile whenever they're around. Sparrow is also very considerate, always thinking of others and constantly doing little things to help out.
They're very adventurous and love the outdoors. They also love all kinds of animals - especially bugs. They'd like to be a veterinarian someday, or maybe an entomologist! Hobbies include going bug hunting with Jackdaw and sketching pictures of insects :)
Sparrow has so many pictures of insects (and other animals, but the majority are bugs lol). Want to see? They'd be ecstatic if you say yes. They'll even tell you the story behind every photo and sketch.
Sparrow is currently in high school and works part time at an animal shelter! One of their closest friends is a veterinarian there.
A friendly skeleton who always tries to be polite to everyone. Unlike his brother though, Morpho isn't a social butterfly ba dum tss and needs time alone to recharge. He prefers being around animals. Just feels more comfortable with them.
Well, except for bugs. Morpho has a mild phobia of all insects (which makes his nickname a little ironic, but oh well). If there's a bug inside, he'll immediately bring it outside. And if it's outside, Morpho is staying at least 20 feet away.
Anyways... Morpho likes to stay clean and organized. He's often seen cleaning around the house. Morpho also despises pranks or any form of chaos. If you're planning a prank, it better far, far away from his place. But Morpho isn't the kind of skeleton who holds grudges. Just clean up after yourself and you'll (probably) be fine.
He works as a horse trainer! Morpho speaks much softer than other Papyruses, both so he doesn't scare the horses and because he naturally has a quiet voice.
A lighthearted, carefree skeleton who only moves if he has too. Despite his laziness, Jackdaw is very friendly and extroverted. He's also a notorious prankster, with Majesty as his partner in crime. Even if the former queen can't be there physically, she's often helping him create new pranks.
Jackdaw loves adventure and discovering new things. He often takes Sparrow bug hunting or goes on hikes with Morpho (not as often though. Too much physical activity lol).
He can be very stealthy and is amazing at running and hiding. Part of the reason is his magic isn't very strong. Sometimes it's easier to run than try and fight an opponent who's clearly stronger. ...the other part of the reason is if you're fast enough, you can outrun (most of) the consequences of your actions.
Jackdaw has worked a lot of odd jobs over the years, both in the Underground and on the Surface. He just couldn't find one that "stuck." He currently works in an antique store, owned by a friend who was in the (now disbanded) dog guard.
A straight laced, stoic individual. Always straightforward and direct, Majesty never messes around. That's what most people would say about Majesty. If you were to talk to someone who was around during the Great War, like Mallard or Mockingbird, they'd tell you a slightly different tune.
While she may appear coldhearted and apathetic, Majesty is fiercely protective when defending the people she loves. Her love language are acts of service. Whether it's working as the ambassador of monsters, or picking Sparrow up from school when Mallard is busy - that's how she shows her love.
Majesty also enjoys puns, and giving Jackdaw new ideas for pranks. Morpho can never stop them /hj She has a good relationship with Mallard as well. The two boss monsters are Sparrow's adoptive parents.
As mentioned above, Majesty is the ambassador of monsters! She handles diplomatic purposes, along with other political things.
Friendly, but a little anxious. Mallard tends to overthink things, which is why he likes working with his hands. Activities like gardening or arts and crafts gives him something to focus on and helps calms him.
Mallard is also very resourceful. Snacks? Water? First aid? He always has it on hand (on paw?). He's a quick thinker and good problem solver too. He's constantly making sure everyone is comfortable and doing ok; sometimes compromising his own well-being.
He isn't amazing at taking care of himself, sometimes thinking he doesn't "deserve" it. He's working on fixing it and is focusing on making more time for himself.
Mallard runs his own store! It's an artisan store that also sells plants. Everything there is handcrafted - there's flower pots, candles, soap, wood, clay, or glass figures, and many more.
Quiet and shy, Mockingbird is terrible in conversations. He tends to give one sentence replies and loses focus easily, often zoning out and lapsing into silence. He doesn't like meeting new people either.
Don't let his quiet demeanor fool you. While Mockingbird isn't angered easily, he has very strong sense of justice and is unafraid of confrontation. Even if his magic isn't as strong as it used to be, he's still very capable in battle.
Mockingbird doesn't trust easily, but would give the world to his family. He'll only warm up to someone if they have a good relationship with Morpho and/or Jackdaw.
He's very passionate about science! He continued to study thermo dynamics, even after the CORE incident. If anything, the experience pushed him to continue studying and prevent such an incident from happening again.
He owns a science museum! He opened and runs it with his Alphys. It features many hands-on science experiments, all covering different branches of science.
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evandorkin · 3 years
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Anxiety attack kept me awake until 7 a.m. Three hours after I fell asleep there's a crash. A bird got into the studio and a certain pirate was knocking stuff over and banging into things and wigging out chasing the sparrow. Sarah isolated the unnamed cat and I'm trying to get it out the window and then we're both after it and we lost track of it and figured it went outside. Close the screen, back to bed. Bird comes out from its hiding place after a while. Repeat performance. Won't go out the window, won't be caught, won't get scooped into paper grocery bag. Keeps flying from shelves of collectibles or books. Lose track of it, again hope it's gone. While I'm writing this the bird is back. Poor dum dum hid all day with the cat in the room. Same routine as before, only bird is tired. After a few minutes I catch it under the display case. Bird bites his beak into my favorite middle finger a bunch while I take him to the window. Bird won't let go. I let go. It let's go. Sarah gets an unhappy pirate cat out of quarantine room B and brings her back. Pirate not happy. Want bird. I'm tired. Want rest. https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1mk5hhl14/?utm_medium=tumblr
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