whipsmcrt · 13 days
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whipsmcrt · 4 years
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 Each time Summer returns on the surface she brings looots of gifts!
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whipsmcrt · 4 years
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whipsmcrt · 4 years
"Summer be who you want to be dont let anyone doubt you.I know your able to do great things ,trust me all summers are the same they have potential ." From evil morty 
 🌻    Be who you want. To Summer, it was difficult choice: who she even wanted to be? The strong images she always admired, someone influencal? Someone content with peaceful life, someone to make UNIVERSAL change? Tough girl, ever since her first day at school. Yet inside she was soft. Fragile. Should she silence that side to be who she wants to be? If she did, would she be who she is anymore? In few years she had found sides of herself she never knew existed. All the doors felt open - but she was confused, what awaited behind each. What would be the outcome of one compared to another? 
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     “ I don’t know who I want to be! There are universes Summers don’t exist. Maybe I will know what I want to be. Since I am one of the few of my kind, I want to make it special. I want to know its the right path. For Summers out there. ”
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whipsmcrt · 4 years
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Orel, who’s been spending a ton of time at the Smith household lately, pokes his head over the couch where he’s watching Ball Fondlers and BEAMS!  “Hooray!  Summer’s back!”  He gets off the couch and limps his way to Morty’s older sister.  “Forget about the snacks for a second!  How have you been?!”
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🌻    “ Oh!” Lifting her gaze off the bag, her gaze greeted Orel’s. Oh, it must be just him at home now. Well, their loss. “ I’ve been great! Like, I decided to finish some studies. So, I’ll be here for a while! You here all alone? Good I happened to come by... are you okay? ”
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whipsmcrt · 4 years
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🌻    “ So! How are things going on surface? Oh, just a sec! I brought some snacks too! Only available in underground. Looks awful but tastes absolutely delicious! I’m sure I packed those... ”
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whipsmcrt · 4 years
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They haven’t seen the last of me.
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
me: i should be active here & catch up with rick & morty since over year ago i had episodes i didn’t finish- me: ... i love hyenas @direbcrn
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
Paramore ~ Crushcrushcrush.
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
I’m just this close to make my rules even stricter about what comes to solving argues on dash.
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
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🌻    “ Fuck seasonal flu... ” She sniffles, curling herself in a blanket while watching episode after episode some random shows she sleeps through half.  “ Why isn’t there a cure to just kill all viruses?! Whatte fuck are those guys even for?! ”
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
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“Yeah, you’re right– you’re— y-y-y-you’re making some pretty good points, Summer.  You always do now that I’m thinking about it.”  Morty sat up then and immediately reached for his cellphone where there were zero missed calls and zero text messages.  He only went home a couple hours ago and Netflix was a busy company, ESPECIALLY at this time of year.  Still, he would be checking every hour until he got something.  “Should I keep calling them?  To let them know that I really, REALLY want this?  Do they care about determination?”
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🌻    “ Hey, no problem but we need a plan first. Ya know, spamming calls and texts isn’t gonna work. Like, you must not look too desperate. We need a strict, proper and professional approach. Maybe a letter... Explain that grandpa Rick is a problematic person who happens to be part of your life and hasn’t been originally even part of this. I mean. It’s true, right? They need to focus at your work, and your work only. Nothing else should matter. Ya know, I’ll join you. Got few cool acquaintances in underground too. We’ll get a trailer and make it spread like wild fire in the net. If people love it, the corp is gonna smell the cash. Like, we’re totally getting this Morty. Pacifist way. Promise. ”
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
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“And that’s putting it very lightly, haha.”  Morty continues lying on the couch like all the energy’s been sucked out of him.  “He threatened some pretty important media people with a gun to make sure they gave my movie good reviews when it comes out.  Y’know, to make up for the fact that he treated me like shit over the Netflix movie thing.  Now I’m at risk of losing my Netflix movie thing!”
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🌻    “ Listen. It’s not time to  give up, Morty. Think about all the successful people who have gone through hard times, or been opposed by some sort of shit face... or a band of shit faces. Don’t give up on your dreams Morty! We’ll fix this. Even if it fails now, you still have the power. Stephen King wouldn’t be an author now if he gave up at his first book being rejected. ”
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
@implausiblynaive​​ continued x
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🌻    “ Wow, you really look like a mess. Let me guess.... It involves grandpa Rick? ”
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whipsmcrt · 5 years
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Day three back on Earth’s surface. Shit hit the fan already.
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