wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Sakura x Karin is a severely underrated ship
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
did i pay $30 for eric vale to shit on trump in his america voice? maybe. you're welcome.
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Why do I feel like literally all of the characters in Merlin have been in love with at least a dozen other characters at some point
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
When you think about it Sansa’s only healthy and genuine romantic experience was with Margaery. Even if you wanna argue they’re straight which I mean, highly doubtful. Margaerys goal was to basically seduce Sansa which she did through flower giving, arm-in-arm walks around the gardens and vague suggestions of homosexuality. And at the end of the day it fucking worked SO.
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
I know I’m late but the idea of Bev and Ben getting married in January (January Embers) KILLS ME
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
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so i’m really into it right now?
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Stan Uris, still waiting for his turn in the fucking hammock because Richie and Eddie keep hogging it: now, I’m not homophobic,, , but do gays really deserve rights?? ?
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Friend: “How are you?”
What I say: “I’m fine.”
What I mean: “I’m upset that stoncy isn’t canon. There is so much lost potential. They should’ve been a monster-hunting poly trio. I also wanted more El and Will sibling bonding from the show. Platonic love is cute and these two are the saddest hoes of the show and I want them to be smothered with soft love and affection. Also why the fuck does everyone keep hurting Will. Fuck off. My boy needs happiness and therapy. Also,, , Will is gay. If they don’t ever address that, I’m going to be so mad. You just know they won’t, too, because people tend not to commit to it, they just hint that their character is gay and never actually go the full mile for fear of losing the homophobes in their audience. I don’t care about Byler I just fucking hate when shows queerbate—“
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
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i wanna draw more of them but i dont know where to start!!???
Aziraphale is a big mood tho, i was honestly so ready for them to steal the kid and try to raise it in secret hahahaha
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Theon: you sure have been spending a lot of time with Margaery lately
Sansa: No, Theon! It’s not what it looks like!
Theon: Oh, so there’s No need for me to be jealous 
Sansa:Theon, you’re the only one for me 
Theon: oh, really?
Sansa: Yes! Margaery and I are dating, she’s just my girlfriend 
Theon: so there’s no best-friend feelings involved 
Sansa: No! You’re my best friend, she’s just the love of my life.
Jon, who heard the whole thing: what the fu-
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Arya: [offers Sansa a drink]
Sansa: is there poison in it?
Arya: probably. What’s your next move?
Sansa, looking at Arya dead in the eye: [drinks the whole thing in one swig]
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Theon, skating into his therapists office with sunglasses and a juice box in his hand: Theresa, you will not fucking believe what supressed memory resurfaced last night
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Margaery: every time I talk with you people it gets more bizarre
Theon: You say "you people" like you're not part of the family. Well, I've got news for you, you're already on the Christmas card.
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wholesome-prompts · 4 years
Margaery: Guess whose banned from PTA meetings!
Sansa: What do you me-
Theon:That’s right, Us!
Robb: How exactly?
Loras, pouring wine: it started when this bitch named Susan-
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