A thought on analogical arguments
Hi everyone, I’ve been inactive for a while. Mostly because I’ve just not had much to say recently, however I had some 3 AM thoughts recently I wanted to get out, because why not.
Specifically it’s regarding analogies. Specifically two analogies about the same topic.
People make the argument for why male and female promiscuity are unequal with two analogies.
On the side of promiscuous females are bad, but male promiscuity is good you have the key argument.
“A key that opens any lock is a master key, but a lock that can be opened by any key is a bad lock” with the key of course being representative of a man (werman? I’m still trying this) and the lock being a woman.
Someone pointed out the folly of this argument with a counter analogy that positions female promiscuity being good and male promiscuity being bad.
“A pencil sharpener that sharpens every pencil is useful. A pencil that let itself be sharpened by every sharpener is a tiny useless nub”
Obviously pencil is analogous to the werman or let’s be clear here both analogies are actually representative of both the individual’s gender as well as their genitalia... Anyway... I’m sure most people have heard the first and some the second and I know that the second is technically making the same point I’m about to make.
The point being that both of these analogies are terrible. Analogous arguments in general don’t really work unless the analogy is 1:1. So for this argument the analogy would have to actually fit on a 1:1 scale.
So let’s focus on genitalia. What do both genitals do? The penis goes in somewhere and the vagina takes something in. Houses it for a time perhaps.
So let’s thing about it in terms of something more applicable. Wermen are guests and women are hotels.
So... What happens if you get a person who visits multiple hotels? Nothing... They’re just a frequent traveller...
What about a hotel that accepts lots of guests? It’s just a very good hotel.
What about a person who only uses one hotel. They’re just a loyal customer who knows what they like.
A hotel that only takes certain guests. Well they’re just a very exclusive hotel probably nice and friendly and just not interested in anything more. A bed and breakfast perhaps or a simple inn with only a couple of rooms available.
What about a hotel owner that stays at another hotel? One could call that disloyalty, but that would be stupid. Even a hotel owner needs a vacation and there’s nothing wrong with them staying at a different hotel
and likewise there’s nothing wrong with staying over at a friends house.
or just staying at home. 
Now there are two points I’m trying to make here. Analogies are a stupid way to make an argument, because you could twist almost any analogy to make your point, but also that I dislike both previous arguments because they both involve some amount of slutshaming and also implicitly imply wrongness in certain areas if you try to stretch the analogy. Ie in the first and second analogy. Pencils cannot be sharpened by other pencils and keys cannot open other keys. Locks can’t unlock other locks either and sharpeners can’t sharpen other sharpeners and it also implies a necessity of use. A pencil that is never sharpened or a lock that is never opened are pretty useless.
This analogy I made can be stretched to point out what I believe to be true. There is nothing wrong with promiscuity male or female, there is nothing wrong with male or female homosexuality and there’s nothing wrong with asexuality... Or masturbation however you want to interpret the staying home analogy. I guess.
Sex is a good thing. There’s nothing wrong with liking it as long as you are careful and make sure it’s what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with promiscuity no matter who you are as long as it’s what you want to do and you’re not like cheating on someone or something of course.
Anyway that’s all I had to say.
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Reblog this if you are in the Romantically Apocalyptic fandom.
I’m curious as to see how many of us are out there.
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A ramble
They say ignorance is bliss and sometimes I look around and I think yeah maybe so... Would it be so bad to close my eyes and ears to the problems of the world and just focus on some stupid nonsensical shit that entertains me without making me feel depressed, guilty, concerned or angry? Probably not, but then thinking that... Thinking about not paying attention to these stories that represent the plights of others. Makes me feel selfish and guilty. Ignorance may be bliss, but ignorance is also selfishness and being uninformed is wrong especially if it’s willful.
Is it possible to be happy now? I can’t feel happy when I see so much suffering and even things that seem good and that I was happy about I’m told are causing more problems. I can’t feel happy when I close my eyes and ignore the suffering and problems and feel guilty about ignoring the pain of others. I can’t help anyone, but it’s still wrong not to watch them hurt. So, I have to watch and feel bad.
Even this might get me in trouble...
“You’re complaining about being forced to be aware of the suffering of others, you selfish prick...” I can’t argue with that... It’s true.
I could say that it’s not like people have to be forced to know my suffering... but the response there...
“Oh what suffering? Your suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of (insert maligned group or individual who definitely has more cause to be upset than I do)” Okay yeah that’s fair...
So... I guess I can’t be happy... That’s fine though... If I was happy there’d probably be something wrong with me...
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honestly just unfollow me if you skip maroon 1-4 and start with maroon 5
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I feel like when you’re writing, organizing chapters and dialogue is easy
but jfc, the amount of time it takes to constantly keep people moving and make sure they’re in the right spaces and trying to come up with wording for it is always such a shock. 
Like, fuck, I made you pick up a coffee cup, you need to put it down at some point. also I can’t remember what I dressed you in, can you push up your sleeves? I don’t remember if you even have your shirt on.
and YOU. YOU OVER THERE, you got out of your chair earlier, but did you come back yet? Are you coming back? Where did you even go and why’d you get up? Fuck, I can’t make you sit down again already, you just stood up, go…over there. go get more coffee. Did you bring your mug with you? fine. bring the pot to the table and—wait, wasn’t the coffee pot already over here? shit, hold on, I need to go back and re-read and re-write
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I have had things I’ve wanted to write
But I’ve been busy. Since summer began, I’ve been having multiple tiny insect intruders in my apartment. I am absolutely phobic of insects and bugs in general. This Intrusion (Fun reference for certain people) has therefore left me in a state of constant near panic. It has resulted in me being cut off from the internet one of the few places I normally go to when I feel anxious or depressed. I have had trouble enjoying most of the things that normally make me feel happy when I feel otherwise. In short I hate this... I can’t wait for it to be over and despite this I am going to try my best to put up those things I wanted to write despite this.
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Hoard of hoards... Just a dragon surrounded by various piles of objects... Or Hoard of hoarders...
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whats your hoard
from iguanamouth
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Because using broad labels to make discussing broad groups easier instead of having to identify every single deviation that makes up said group isn’t a normal aspect of humanity or anything...
notice how liberal sj types tend to obliterate difference in order to make difference more palatable to them
there’s no more black, indigenous, Afro-latinx, etc, it’s all POC. No more lesbian, gay, bi, it’s all queer. I’ve even seen the attempted use of femmes as a ~more inclusive~ stand-in for women
it’s a reduction of all categories to “marked” and apparently “unmarked”
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I have taken a survey.
Let me fill in my answers.
“I never trust anyone to tell the truth about anything. Everyone is always lying to further their own agendas. Like me right now.”
“There is no such thing as facts. Only fiction. Reality isn't real.“
“Repeat after me. We are all dead. We dream of life. One day we will awaken.“
“This is only a phase. The night will pass and the morning will come. In the light we will see the true horror of being.“
“Political correctness is just the noise of frightened people trying to beg for forgiveness from a harsh and unloving world. To be fair though so is every other political and idealogical movement.“
“We cannot be given too much time to think. It is imperative that we are kept busy and distracted. If we think we might learn and if we learn... We must scream“
“What do you have faith in? Your false gods and idols. They do not exist. They are just another comforting lie compounded on the one we already inhabit. The only true god is the emptiness.“
“Death is not the end. Death is only an awakening to yet more horror. “
“Your movement is dust in the wind. Human life is inconsequential. A century passes like the life of a gnat.“
“Why care about such petty obsessions? When you wake up what will it matter what you believed?“
“Why do you let them talk? If you do not care for their answers why do you give them the option to speak?“
“We are all divided. We are all alone. We will have no one to help us when we wake up. We will face The Emptiness with nothing.“
“Our petty fears make us feel better and allow us to ignore that which we truly have to be afraid of.“
“Everything is a distraction. A smokescreen. The Time is coming.“
“It does not matter who speaks and who is heard. Let my voice echo forever in the empty halls.“
“There is no message. Everything is a void and every sound is only screaming. We cannot see we can only hear.“
I probably shouldn’t have, but if even one person reads this and suffers some kind of existential crisis it’ll be worth it.
I’m not a good person...
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The Trump team put out a survey a while ago about the mainstream media. Apparently they didn’t like the answers so they sent it out again but only to Trump supporters.
Here’s the link so you can let them know what you think about the mainstream media.
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I get the feeling he won’t be facing them entirely alone >.>
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Soldier 76 vs 76 soldiers
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Announcing the department of Fictazoology
People say if you’re good at something you shouldn’t let that talent go to waste no matter what it is. Even if it’s stupid... Especially if it’s stupid. As such I am announcing The Department of Fictazoology. Name subject to change if someone comes up with something better.
To explain Fictazoology is the study of Fictional creatures. This is not cryptozoology the study of yet unproven (Read: they don’t exist, but we hope/wish they do/did) creatures. No this is the study of specifically fictitious creatures. Things we know are false. Specifically creatures that exist in fiction. 
The idea for this sprang forth sometime ago when as a joke I began to describe the breeding methods of various enemy creatures from the mario series of games. I was, at least in my opinion and those listening, very good at coming up with humorous, but plausible ideas for how these creatures procreate. Something I suspect, and hope, the creators had never put thought into themselves. So, I decided to widen my repertoire. Send me in a creature from any fictional series, that does not already have any sort of zoological dissertation on it of course, and I shall tell you all sorts of zoological factoids about the creature that I have made up, but that will I am sure be plausible. There is absolutely no limit aside from the one stated above on what creature you can send in. I do not have to know the series in fact if I know nothing about it I assume that will only make it more fun.
I will also when I can be bothered begin putting up my first few Fictazoological dissertations on the various mario creatures in the coming days/weeks/months/years/decades...
Yours Jay Xythos, PhD (Fictazoology. A fictional science about fictional creatures comes with a fictional degree of course :D)
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A question...
This isn’t an attempt to brag or boast, but there are usually not many things about human nature and human social dynamics that I cannot understand, but I fail to understand this Nazis are people too thing going around... Like I’m not here to weigh in on this. Other people have made any point I could make far better than I could, but when did Nazis stop being the enemy?
For years Nazis have been the one enemy that we could put in a game or movie and show getting gunned down in waves without anyone complaining, because Nazis were the closest thing we had in the real world to a true evil. Their not complex villains with good motivations or sympathetic backstories. Their ideals are evil and hatred. They are constantly depicted not as thinking feeling creatures but as like... Mindless monsters of hatred and death. Whether that portrayal is right or not is not the point. The question of dehumanizing Nazis and whether it’s a good idea is not the point. The point is we already were dehumanizing them. We’ve been dehumanizing them since some fiction creator needed a villain no one would bitch about seeing killed.
Why and when did Nazis suddenly become something sympathetic and not something we are conditioned to fill full of bullets? Again I’m not trying to make a statement I’m just trying to figure out, when did Nazi’s stop being something we’re supposed to kill and become something we’re supposed to try and reason with? Or am I misreading this and The people saying we shouldn’t oppose them are just the nazis? Cause if so that of course makes sense and we should oppose them because they are nazis and as decades of gaming and movies has taught us the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. (Disclaimer:  I am not recommending or supporting the idea of going around killing nazis. That is murder and it is wrong. Opposing Nazis, however is definitely a good idea and is literally the only correct option.)
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I started reading and I just reading this post and somehow without scrolling down I knew there would be a response undereneath and that it would be that Discworld quote.
Sometimes I think about how many little things we probably do every day that would totally mess up the reasoning of a Sherlock-Holmes-style detective.
Like the other day we went to the cinema and I was wearing a shirt with no pockets so I put the ticket in my trouser pocket.  The next day I was wearing the same trousers and I put my hand in my pocket and found the ticket there.
Now, I have a certain selection of things I always have in my trouser pockets and I don’t really like having anything else in there because it confuses my hands when I want to get something, so I took the ticket out.  And I wasn’t near a rubbish bin, but I was wearing a shirt with a breast pocket.  So I put the ticket in the shirt pocket.
And I thought: if I get interestingly murdered, the Sherlock-Holmes-style detective is going to deduce that I’m wearing the same shirt that I wore yesterday.  Because it’s got a cinema ticket in the pocket with yesterday’s date on, and why on earth would anyone put a cinema ticket in the pocket of a shirt unless they were wearing the shirt when they went to the cinema?
Which is a bit of reasoning we would all find totally convincing if it came from a Sherlock-Holmes-style detective.  But it would be wrong.  Because actually there are so many other explanations for things once you take account of the fact that people are often slightly eccentric in completely trivial and unguessable ways.
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Yes this... I could not figure out how to explain this..
If you ever hear me breathe deeply it’s not because I’m annoyed it’s because I forget to breathe sometimes
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does anyone else feel like they constantly have to justify everything they do? Iike I’m always mentally preparing a reason behind everything just in case anyone was to question it.
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Just in case anyone is unaware... The Borowitz report is a comedy column similar in nature to say The Onion. He is very funny, but is not factual.
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oh my god 
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For some random reason one of the worst moments in my life popped into my head.
You ever have a moment when you suddenly remember hearing a word recently, but can’t remember what the word was or what it meant or the context you heard it in or anything and you spend the rest of the day trying to remember the word and then you finally remember and in a burst of happiness that the torment is finally over you just say the word out loud in a jubilant cry? Well that is how I ended up yelling “Segregation” in a joyous optimistic tone in the middle of class. I mean it probably could have been worse, but yeah that was an awkward moment.
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