wiccan-heart · 5 years
Sigils and How to Use Them:  -  (A Master Post)
This post isn’t about creating sigils but, rather what they are and how to use them to their fullest potential. A Sigil is a symbol, but not just any ordinary symbol. They are sigils that are created with intention, will, and magic. They are vessels that carry your intentions- a means of making them manifest. There are three very distinct views on this matter: Instant, Passive, and Active.I personally believe all are correct. However, one method may be more suitable for certain Sigils than the others.
Please note:
 It is very important that, while you are drawing the Sigil, you are present and mindfully putting the right intention into it.  If you are totally new, here are some examples of some Sigils that I have made: ~~~Sigils~~~ ~~~How I Make my Sigils~~~ ~~~Sigil Chains~~~
Sigil Activation:
Sigils are activated upon creation but can be further powered using any of the following three methods. If you have a book made specifically for Sigils, (especially if you create or keep Sigils for cursing) be sure to create or draw Sigils on the front and back covers that will cancel the effects of all other sigils within the book. 
Instant Sigils:
This method is a One-Shot-Johnny. It is the strongest in terms of manifestation. However, the effects are very short-lived. This method involves destroying the Sigil. Once the Sigil is destroyed its power is at 150% but decreases back to 0% at an exponential rate. Depending on the caster, it could last up to two days.  I use this method to amplify my spells and intentions. 
Here’s how it works:
Take a Sigil, let’s say one for empowering intentions, and draw it onto a piece of paper.  Charge the Sigil. You can do this is sooooooo many ways. ‘pray’ to it, masturbate to it, set crystals on it, leave it in the moonlight, etc. Then, once you have set your spell and have started the ritual, burn the Sigil. You are not limited in how you can destroy the Sigil! You can burn, tear, shred, melt, smudge, or soak them (If drawn in water-based ink). The effects will be manifest immediately. 
Passive Sigils:
In this form of Sigilwork, Sigils will only manifest while they aren’t remembered. The moment that they are remembered, they lose their effect, or it becomes very weak.   Here’s how it works:
Take a Sigil, let’s say one for positivity, and draw it on a piece of paper. Then charge the Sigil.  Then, place the Sigil in a place which no one will find or see it, not even yourself. The Sigil will really start working its magic once you have entirely forgotten about it. 
Active Sigils:
Active sigils are powered by remembering them and feeding them intention.   Here’s how it works: Take a Sigil, let’s say one for protection from negative energy, and draw it on your skin, a piece of paper, or a miscellaneous object you keep on you. Then you would rub or ‘pray’ to the Sigil whenever you needed it, pouring the intention of protection into it as you did so. This strengthens the Sigil and causes a more direct manifestation at the same time. You can charge these Sigils the same as Passive Sigils.
Sigils in Spellcraft:
As I had mentioned above, I use sigils to amplify my focus or intentions.  There are other ways to use them in spells. You could even make a spell entirely from Sigils. 
Here are some examples of some smaller spells that involve Sigils: A Raven’s Breath Snap Magic
In larger spells, you can create Spell Circles- or incorporate Sigils into Sacred Circles. Below is an example of a Spell Circle.
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In the center of the circle is the Sigil that acts as the root for the entire spell. This Sigil is basically like the subject of a sentence. Whereas the symbols on the ring of the circle are the actions.  You can create Spell Circles of your own! Step 1: Draw a circle Step 2: Draw a Sigil inside that circle. Step 3: Write the specified implementation of said Sigil around the perimeter of that circle. The language doesn’t matter- as long as it boosts your headspace. (I created my own language/cipher/cryptograph for my GreyGrimoire so that peering eyes wouldn’t be able to read it.) Step 4: Create the rest of the spell around the Spell Circle. (Whether you’re making a spell bottle, or enchanting and Item or casting a curse. Just gather your materials and build correspondences.) Step 5: Cast that mamma jamma!
I have made a Masterpost about Spell Circles and you can find it HERE. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask me or another blog! Remember, everyone’s craft is different- These are beliefs from my craft. Though, I try to be as respectful as possible to other crafts.  
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wiccan-heart · 5 years
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wiccan-heart · 6 years
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Kitchen/Cottage witch aesthetic 
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wiccan-heart · 6 years
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☆゚..゚☆ MAGIC ZODIAC☆゚..゚☆ 
Aries: Strength Potion Taurus: Turn of Fate Potion Gemini: Anxiety Free Potion Cancer: Healing Potion Virgo: A Glimpse to the future Potion Leo: Make Amends Potion Libra: Hex breaker Potion Scorpio: Love Potion Sagittarius: Mind Strength Potion Capricorn: Relax Potion Aquarius: Blessing Potion Piscis: Protection Potion
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wiccan-heart · 6 years
“I’m a baby witch! What do I start learning?”
Here’s a quick-and-dirty list of things that I think sets up a good foundation for someone moving forward with magic work and why. They’re also in order of what I think is best approached first. (For a time reference, I recommend the whole thing taking at LEAST a year, but individual steps and overall length will vary in each person.)
Learn basic magical theory. What is happening when you cast a spell? What is grounding? How do correspondences work? Why is X step or tool important? Learn about what it is you’re doing before diving into actual casting. Have a basic grip on how it works. 
Some form of divination, even if it’s something as simple as a pendulum. Other people won’t always be there to help you answer questions, validate your interpretation of something, or offer direction. Having some form of divination under your belt helps you avoid dependency on other people. You can more easily answer your own questions, check your own intuition, and take matters into your own hands.
Protection and Cleansing. No matter what path you go down or what type of magic you end up doing, these are two things that every magic worker needs to know how to do, and know how to do it well. They also tend to be fairly straightforward to learn. Cleanse your space, cleanse yourself, cleanse that object, cleanse your grandma. Then protect them. Learn how to set up wards and shields, which brings us to….
Basic energy work. You’ve probably already run into it a lot by this point and it’s fine if you’ve already picked up some things. But now is the time to really focus on it and get comfortable with it. Learn how to confidently sense what’s around you and interact with it, fix gaps in your wards and shields, project your intent into things, you get the idea. Energy work will always be there in a pinch and requires no materials besides your body, and is extremely versatile. Plus, most paths really require at least a base-level understanding of it these days. Can’t hurt.
Start honing your specific path. Here’s where the cookbooks, the old graveyards, the skulls on the shelf, the fairy figurines start really coming into play. If you have an idea of what sort of path you’d like to follow, start really getting into the meat of it! What does it look like? What are the first steps to that type of magic? If for now you’re still eclectic or aren’t sure, then just read what interests you or try more advanced general spells than you have so far.
Go back and do it all again. That’s right. You can also put time into your path or your regular research, but go back and pick up those old books from step one. Read the old articles. Return to the basics and see how your views have become more nuanced, or how you disagree. What details flew over your head the first time? Can you pick up a new form of divination or try something new with your main form? Could those wards and shields be stronger? You get the idea. Once you’ve revisited it, you should have a really solid foundation that will help you no matter what direction you take next!
Other stuff to study on the side: Local folklore, mythology, and types of spirits. You may not want to work with spirits, but sometimes spirits want to work with you! So it’s good to have an idea of what to do if they pop up.  What plants grow in your area? What‘s edible? What is used in healing?  What plants are NOT edible in your area? What’s poisonous?
If you think there’s another important step that you recommend that I didn’t include, feel free to add it! :)
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wiccan-heart · 6 years
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Elemental Correspondences
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wiccan-heart · 6 years
Rejuvenating Witchcraft
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Things to help you move on and recover from a long day, a rough night or a good cry.
Spells and magic:
Simple all purpose recovery spell
Rose quartz healing tears spell
Simple self love spell
Ease the pain spell
Here comes the sun spell
Bath magic / Self love bath / Shower ritual
Cleansing ritual body scrub
Quick pick me up glamour
Sunrise magic
Things to make:
Self care sachet
Self love and healing spell bottle
Inspired healing bottle
Self love jar
To move forward:
I move on sigil
A simple moving on spell
Clarity spell
Old habits begone spell
Spell for reassurance
Little things to do:
Surround yourself with crystals like rose quartz, carnelian, amethyst, rhodonite, citrine, pyrite and more!
Use rose water or honey to sweeten up your day.
Fairy like habits and self care
Witchy thing to do right now
Magical self care
Self care magic
Witch self care tips
What to do if witchcraft drains you
Cocoa comforting recipe
A warm heart tea recipe*
Healing heart tea*
Self love potion
Odds and ends:
The new you tarot spread (3 card)
Moving forward tarot spread (5 card)
Magics for heartbreak
Witchcraft for the grieving
Gentle witchcraft
*Please research herb safety before using!
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wiccan-heart · 6 years
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Tea Witch Aesthetic
♡ Please leave caption intact ♡
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
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Beautiful interiors by Alberta Prairies
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
4 Things To Do Before A Spell (With Examples)
1. Clear your intention: Think about what it is that you want. Be clear with your wants. and desires. Example: If you’re doing a spell to help find a job. Be clear with what kind of employment you’re looking for. Consider distance, profession, pay. Don’t just ask the universe to hand you a “Job”
2. Clear your space: Clear your space of negativity and distractions. Example: If you’re doing a luck spell, Don’t just wing it. Cleanse your space with herbs, reduce noise, clutter, or things that will get in your way. This could also mean people. Meaning, If there is company, or people around you who are not involved in the spell try to find a calm peaceful space where they won’t effect the outcome. 
3. Improvise premade Spells:  If you’re using a spell from a book, Or online (Tumblr) switch up the spell to make it personal and doable for you. Example: If the spell calls for lavender and you don’t have it use other calming ingredients like salt, Or your favorite calming incense. 
4. Protect Yourself: No matter what spell you are doing, Always protect yourself before during and after. Example: Before your spell wear protective crystals or draw sigils on your body. During the spell create a protective circle, And after take a cleansing and protective bath with herbs and salt. 
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
Someday I want to live in a community of witches. We’ll have gardens and kitchens and ecotechnology and be near the sea and the air will buzz with our magic. There’ll be paths of rose quartz gravel, and flowers growing everywhere and scenting the air, and trees, and bonfires during summer and hearth fires during winter, and all of our gods (for those of us who have them) will want to come hang out because it’s such a magical place.
Who’s in?
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
Obligatory Samhain Post
October is almost Octover, and that means that Hallowe’en and indeed Samhain, draw near.
Samhain/Samain, pronounced ‘sa-win’, ‘sow-in’, - with the ‘ow’ pronounced as it is in ‘cow’ - is a Gaelic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the onset of the ‘darker half of the year’. It begins at midnight on the 31st of October and celebrations often run into the 2nd of November. It is regarded by many pagans and witches as the end of the year itself.
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Keep reading
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
Candles: Color and Purpose
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Candles are seen as the most powerful object for witches. If one lights a candle while reciting a chant or prayer for enlightenment, empowerment, and good health is one way to use a candle. One can also ward off negative energy and impart positive energy into one’s life using a candle also. 
Historical Uses
Birthdays were the first ritual with candles used. Many believe the practice of wishing and blowing out the candle brought this wish to the gods who would grant it via the smoke. 
Candles represent earth (wax), air (smoke), water (melted wax), and fire (flaming wick).
Magical Uses
Always be in the right frame of mind, or the spell will create an opposite effect intended
Allow candle to burn down on its own for most rituals 
When the candle has extinguished itself, the spell will be complete
Some rituals and spells may ask for the candle to be extinguished and then re-lit the next day
Never leave a candle unattended 
Give decent amounts of time for the candle to burn
Choosing a Candle 
Magickally disinfecting your candles before using them is very important, since the energy from those who shipped it may linger on the wax. It is good to make your own candles from scratch for this reason also. 
Avoid dipped candles such as white candles dipped into colored wax. Try to find ones solid color throughout  
Cleansing Your Candle
Depending upon your preference, you can do a few things to cleanse your candle, such as leaving it outside for a week in the garden to soak up the moon’s rays at night. 
For a less time-consuming cleansing, you may anoint your candle, using water and oils prior to the spell or ritual:
Wipe clean with a paper towel, removing all dirt 
Prepare a solution of spring water, one teaspoon of sea salt, and warm until the salt dissolves. Allow to cool, and then pour back into the bottle. Keep this in the refrigerator for about a month for use over time. 
Intent. Stand in front of your sink, hold the candle in your left hand (nearer to your heart). Be very careful not to wet the wick, and pour a small amount of the sea salt spring water solution over the candle. If using a tea-light candle for quick burn time, remove the candle from its casing before cleansing with the water. Take a fresh paper towel and dry the candle very well and say the following: “This magickal water cleanses thee, with good intent and purity” (Robbins and Bedell, 2017).
Inscribe the candle with a small, sharp knife or thick needle, and scratch your full name and your wish into the wax. It is not important that it be legible, nor the location where inscribed. The words will clout the spell more as the candle burns down. 
To anoint your candle, pour some pure vegetable oil into a bowl. This oil is used for most anointing, but if using a spell for health and well-being, you may mix in a few drops of other oils if you wish. Lavender is common for health and well-being spells and will make the magick more intense. Hold the candle in your left hand again and dip the first finger of your right hand into the oil and run it down the candle from top to bottom in a line. If anointing a tea-light, place it back in its casing, dip your finger into the oil, and smear it in a clockwork motion around the top of the candle wax. Say this invocation: “This magickal oil anoints thee, with all things good, magickally” (Robbins and Bedell, 2017). The candle is now cleansed, charged, and ready to be placed in a suitable holder in preparation for the spell you choose. 
Rhyming and repetition can help add punch to a spell. A lot of ancient and prewritten spells will rhyme with a poetic fluidity. Repeating the spell will give power to the message each time. The most magickal numbers that represent completion are 7, 9, and 12. 
To end the spell, you will need to close the ritual. Choose one of the phrases such as “and so it is” or “the spell is cast” or “so mote it be” before looking upward and saying “thank you.” 
Colorful Uses
The correct color is the most important thing with candle use
Some spells are exact to the color needed, and others more flexible 
When in doubt, always use a white candle for it is neutral 
Color Correspondances 
Cleansing homes
Purifying spaces
Creating harmony
Invoking spirits
Improving communication with others
Summoning guides and angels
For use in every situation 
Promoting restful sleep
Finding the truth
Gaining wisdom and knowledge
Invoking psychic visions
Calming emotions
Suppressing anger
Aiding meditation
Moving your house
Becoming more patient with others
Curing a fever
Having a better understanding
Promoting strength and vigor
Rejuvenating energy and stamina
Conjuring willpower
Summoning courage
Inciting passion and sexual love
Sparking enthusiasm
Prompting quick results
Warding off enemies
Becoming more attractive to others
Healing emotions
Attracting romance
Becoming more caring
Inviting peace and tranquility 
Healing rifts
Banishing selfish emotions
Protecting family and friendships
Invoking spiritual healing
Being more compassionate 
Accumulating money and wealth
Promoting prosperity and abundance
Accomplishing goals
Growing plants
Attracting luck
Negotiating employment matters and finding new jobs
Hastening conception and solving fertility issues
Casting out greed and resentment 
Increasing activity
Resolving health matters
Nurturing creativity and imagination
Passing exams and learning
Aiding concentration
Controlling mood swings
Protecting yourself when traveling
Persuading others
Healing problems associated with the head
Increasing energy and stamina 
Improving the mind and memory
Promoting success and luck
Developing business and career
Helping those with new jobs
Clarifying legal matters and justice 
Selling goods or houses
Capturing a thief or recovering lost property 
Removing fear
Summoning spirit help
Bringing peace, tranquility, and harmony
Improving psychic ability 
Aiding astral projection
Easing sadness
Improving male energy 
Summoning spiritual protection
Attuning with the trees and earth
Promoting concentration
Helping with decisiveness
Protecting animals
Amplifying assertiveness 
Aiding friendships
Bringing material gain
Gaining mental stability
Connecting with Mother Nature
Studying and learning
Summoning the Mother Goddess
Drawing down the moon
Connecting with lunar animals
Purifying female energy
Improving all psychic abilities
Aiding clairvoyance and the unconscious mind
Ridding negativity
Developing intuition 
Interpreting messages in dreams
Banishing bad habits
healing and enhancing well-being
Rejuvenating yourself
Improving intelligence
Bringing financial gain and wealth
Winning competitions
Attracting love and happiness
Maintaining peace in families
Cosmic ordering
Robbins, Shawn, and Bedell, Charity. The Good Witch’s Guide. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2017. Print.
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wiccan-heart · 7 years
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