wickedghastly · 3 years
Also I will always side eye the spiritual community for being so quick to drag and talk shit about one darker skinned girl but STILL have the lightskinned one who literally doesnt even LOOK black on a huge pedestal even though she's the one who had victims actually come forward and detail spiritual abuse at her hands.
Crazy what clout and followers and attention on social media will do for you in this community. Can fucking literally bully dark skinned queer people and still have all these people kissing their ass.
Cute. Real cute. One of these days that shits gonna bite y'all in the ass.
I can't fucking stand y'all
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wickedghastly · 3 years
Oh nauurr alot of y'all in these comments are hilariously pathetic
How are y'all defending a pedophilic ass bitch in the notes like this fucking nasty ass freak doesnt sexualize minors
Y'all just like to gloss over that she's into DDlg right lmfao
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And thinks it's cute to brag about how men like her "small frame" and her "sweet little girl voice" AKA she was quoting a part of Paris is Burning where transgirl and most importantly a GODDAMN UNDERAGE Venus Xtravaganza talked about her experienced as an UNDERAGE SEX WORKER who passed away talking about the abuses she endured and thought no one would fucking notice???? 😢
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The Clip in Question:
This dumbass bitch uses pedophilic shit to promote herself but GOD FORBID somebody call out her fucking raggedy ass juvedermed to hell and back lips and her shitty raggedy spray tan what a hate crime oh naur
You can suck her clit all you want but it won't make her Black or Taino or pay attention to you 😢😢😢 Boo hoo abluhbluhbluh ya fuckin WEIRDOS
Where can I find info on princess nokia blackfishing? I thought she was Afro latina, im not saying she isn't blackfishing I just want to find more info on it
I have no idea how long ago you sent this but:
Literally if you just look at images of her you can physically see her morphing herself over the years into looking Black.
I had to research/come to the conclusions and look for this all myself. Some keywords that might help is that she used to go by themermaidgirl and wavyspice with the word tumblr on google (those were the names she went by before she switched to princess nokia.)
On her Blackfishing:
I basically found out through google after seeing what she looked like in her infamous “so juicy so fertile” Vogue video that she Blackfishes because I noticed she obviously uses tanner (Face lighter than body with different tones). I started googling her old pictures and social media names and...yeah here we are.
She deadass darkens her skin artificially, wears fake Afro wigs, and gets lip injections to make herself look Black, and is lying about being AfroPuerto Rican, she’s been lying about being Indigenous as well.
How you go from this: 
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To this: 
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Her own ex-friends have said she’s not Black and called her out for it. Actual Taino Indigenous people have repeatedly called her out for lying about being Taino.
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If you look at pictures shes posted of her family literally none of them are Black. They’re more than likely white or majority white/mestize. None of them in Puerto Rico would be considered Black. None of them. Like my mother’s family is literally all very much white Puertoricans who come from white European colonialists in PR, and that side of my family look JUST LIKE the people in these pictures. She’s not ambigious mixed Black, she’s straight up Blackfishing and pretending to be Black.
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She is literally mestiza/white Latina cosplaying Afro-Indigenous Latinidad. Like straight up fucking cosplaying being mixed and cosplaying being spiritual/in Afroreligions. 
Like who tf sits there for instagram smoking cigars with a golden headwrap showing the viewers a Yemaya oracle card like she’s really doing something except for people who are using ATRs and shit for social media clout liiikkeeee.......She can smoke all the cigars she wants, that’s not gonna make her AfroPuertorican or Afrotaino for shit. It’s fucking embarassing.
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I swear the reason she’s always going on about being mixed Afro-Indigenous is because in Latino culture, including PR culture, there’s this incorrect idea that we’re all European/African/Indigenous, therefore any Latino can claim Afrolatinidad. Obviously that’s not true. But I’ve even heard this stupid shit in progressive/activist circles. 
And with ATR/ADRs and Brujeria becoming more visible and popular in recent years, why wouldn’t she jump on it to capitalize off the craze, considering that’s what made her popular? So I deadass wouldn’t be surprised if this is why she tries saying she’s Black when clearly neither she nor either sides of her family are any sort of Black Puertorican. But she’s been called out for this shit so many times, nobody can say she’s just ignorant, at this point she’s been telling people straight up lies.  
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She wears Afro styled wigs and then lies about it being her real hair. And people have apparently called her out before but she was adamant that its her real hair. You can tell that its not her real hair, and that her actual texture is wavy, not curly.
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Those are all wigs. All 3 of them in the images. You can literally tell they’re wigs. Esp in the middle/second pic, look at those roots. You can see the braids underneath and how the curls aren’t actually connecting to her scalp. Bc those are fucking wigs. Even in the bruja video, she was wearing a fucking wig.
Why do you think she goes from a light tan, to a much darker warm almost orange shade, to a neutral medium shade, back to a super dark but more olive/green toned shade? Because that’s not what her actual color is. 
Have you noticed how in a lot of photos of her, her skin is sort of patchy with random spots, or her face is super pale without makeup compared to a much darker body, her body most times being a much darker color than her hands? Why sometimes her nails look dirty?
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It’s literally because she uses artificial tanners/spray tan on her skin. She’s always a different shade because it goes between being fresh and faded or she switches up the brands/colors/products she’s using.
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Like look at her fucking hand compared to her face (and check out the injections) like wow:
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She gets mad fucking CCs of injections into her lips to make them look fuller than they actually are. And she’s been getting it done for ages. In recent moments she’s been doing.......alot.
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She’s 100% A Blackfisher like it’s fucking crazy because I didnt know that wasnt what she naturally looked like. honest to god this had me so fucked up and I’m still so fucking mad over this. I had heard people repeatedly saying she wasn’t Black and figured it out through just searching up on google. She’s absolutely fucking wild for profitting off of the idea that she’s AfropuertoRican and acting like shes supposed to be some sort of representation for us when she’s been fucking lyinggggg. Faux-spiritual and faux-Black as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucckkk and making money off of it.
I even saw that she apparently tried to argue with a visibly Black woman who was calling her out, that the Black woman’s skin looked fake and orange and was probably a tan on twitter. Like. GIRL GET AWAY FROM THE MIRROR BECAUSE....
She’s fucking WILD.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
I got a new tarot deck today
And I got my hands on orange blossom water
A few rose of jericho
And I was able to restock my florida water
Shit is going really fucking good.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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wickedghastly · 4 years
The Myriad shit makes me so fucking SAD bro like
I already know I'm opening up myself to problems with me even talking about it and I'm gonna get dragged but like I've been following the stories of people who were victims of these girls involved and I'm just. Astounded.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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wickedghastly · 4 years
onion, garlic, scallion, shallot, leek, chives
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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ain’t no grave can hold my body down,
ain’t no grave can hold my body down,
my body down!
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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Lee Brown Coye (1907-1981), “Fantastic”, Vol. 12, #4, 1963 Source
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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wickedghastly · 4 years
Imma be real tho seeing how the Myriad shit went down and seeing how people are still being victimized by the trash girls who were involved. Like I'm talking people having to leave their spiritual houses because their godmother wants a piece of that "oil salesman" clout and cash and would rather keep someone who enabled an abusive man to continue to abuse people into your spiritual house even though you have god children who were VICTIMIZED AND HEXED by this bitch, a house that's supposed to be about femme power and centering. To find out that godmother is known for being messy, and that I was right in thinking she doesn't want people talking about what's been happening on facebook bc she only cares about her classes and how the drama might stop her bag.
I don't think I'll ever get initiated to shit and I don't think I'll EVER be comfortable enough to have a Godmother. Fuck that shit. You know how heartbroken I would be to find out my spiritual mother is out here lying on my name and publically bullying me in the spiritual house' fb group where I'm blocked where you're allowing people to make comments that someone needs to do a wellness check "bc they don't sound right" (bc someone is calling u out on ur shit?) And making fun of someone's PTSD and agoraphobia to the other house members???
Like nah bro I'm good a lot of these people aren't out here for anyone's best interest but their pockets and collecting notable people to brag about as your godchild.
Like the more that this Myriad shit goes on the more I'm realizing everyone in this fuckin community is a fuckin performer, nobody actually gives a shit about healing and medicine and helping the collective and supporting Black women, nobody gives a shit that a little fucking boy had his life ruined by a vile disgusting animal of a fucking man and all the women who allowed him a platform and who never spoke up and we're committing crimes and hexes against their fellow womb barers like.........
Literally fuck this entire online spiritual community and deadass fuck ever being a part of a spiritual house because "Black Lives Matter" and "Believe Black Women" are just fucking slogans for people, none of these popular witches out here actually give a fuck.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
Imma just blab about ghost stuff so don't mind me
But do y'all ever find areas where there's like, a LOT of activity and a lot of what resides there is negative af?
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There's this public park near me that has a community garden. Right near it is there a little patch of woods that is like beautiful in the winter, super fucking scary at night bc it gets pitch black in that bitch. Not the safest to be at night, along with the fact that coyotes use the area alot at night.
Those little patches of woods, I was able to put two and two together and realize a lot of people who are homeless or might be drug users use the space. You can tell from how the fallen branches are positioned, the cups and clothes around and used orange needle caps (which I'm used to, bc my city has a big pandemic with heroin and fet use). It's only a few steps away from the community garden and the main dirt path. People use the area all the time for events in the spring and to sunbathe too.
But MAN when I tell you the fucking area is fucking HOOOOOOOOOT. Like it's ASTOUNDING how many fucking spirits I've seen or interacted with there too.
I usually stand there to smoke a little and for sky gazing bc the area has a wide space that's not obscured by trees and it makes perfect space to view astronomical stuff like planets and shooting stars. But omfg sometimes I'll just be standing there with my gf and I'll get the noteable pressure in the back of my neck, my neck and shoulder muscles tightening, electricity/static near where the spirit is. Like as if it's grabbing me by the back of my neck or like trying to ride me. I HATE THEM BITCHES TOO, bc you have to be SOOOOOOO FORCEFUL with them to get them the fuck off and away from you.
Like sometimes just saying "leave me the fuck alone" will be enough for the feeling to stop and to leave me alone (the ghost in the front of my house, a victim of gang violence, has more respect -- with him it's you can usually feel it being his own grief/his own confusion at his sudden violent death not that he's purposefully malicious or trying to make me uncomfortable, and if you tell him to leave you alone he does really easy) but omfg no with these guys I had to OUT LOUD HAND CLAPPING like both me and my partner had to be like YOU NEEEEEED TO GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME AND GO SOMEWHERE with everything in my nutsack to get these dumb bitches to keep it moving. Annoying af. Like the kind of shit where you clearly have to cleanse when you get home and cleanse your fucking house to make sure it ain't follow u kinda shit.
Like not even the ghosts at the cemetery are like that. And that cemetery has a lot of motherfuckers I don't like like a particular judge with a old family and old name I don't like. And those motherfuckers are strong af they'll make your dowsing rods SWING like a motherfucker when talking to you like I'm talking STRONG STRONG clear answers with all of their chest cuz they have nothing else to do kinda strong.
Y'all creeping around a whole beautiful garden and you're this miserable???? *Hispanic voice* wassa madda whichu?
But oof that space that's like right there in the woods. Im gonna guess people have died there or other terrible shit there has happened. Cuz I feel like that's the direction they manifest from. And like I can't even walk around that space at ALL bc I have NEVER been somewhere where the vibes are so obviously "how dare you fucking be in MY space disturbing ME" like omfgggggg I get SICK being in there like all the muscles clenching and seizing and feeling lightheaded and SOOOOO UNCOMFORTABLE it's bad!!! And I truly wonder why
I could always just ask to be shown why but......I don't think I want that lmfao
Anyway that's it that's the post I just wanted to blab about how random hot spots in random places are interesting with the different feels they have
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wickedghastly · 4 years
This has been on my mind for a while but tbh if you aren’t a descendant of enslaved africans in america you aren’t practicing Hoodoo. While I appreciate the afro-latin homies, I’m tired of y’all feeling like you have room to speak on what is and isnt hoodoo.
No shade all tea, how can a practice born under the influence of oppression and slavery in america benefit someone under the oppression and slavery in latin america—or anywhere else. This is a problem with the umbrella of Blackness. They are not the same and I really wish we could have a conversation about this nuance within Hoodoo.
It’s also cringe considering the amount of anti-blackness I’ve seen exhibited by afro-latin “Hoodoo” practitioners.
Hoodoo as it is and has been, is more so like a gateway tradition where people connect with their ancestors then go to some other ATR. But I genuinely feel there’s unspoken centering of none 100% AfAm’s within certain spaces of Hoodoo practitioners and I’m 100% over it.
2021, Hoodoo isn’t a catch all for any body Black. If that makes you mad, take it up with your ancestors.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
Advertisement with heavily pink color palette voice: Hey feminist kween! Your legs are hairy as fuck and that’s horrifying! Girlboss, your hair is a labyrinthine maze of knots and radioactive grease! Soul sister, if odor down there were authoritarianism, you would make Stalin look like an anarchist. Buy our product, you hideous bitch, and maybe God will finally turn his gaze upon your wretched body. #TheFutureIsFemale!
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wickedghastly · 4 years
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Eartha Kitt photographed by Anthony Barboza in New York, 1992.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
oh u got the metnal illnes?
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