My account isn't working so I'm going to create a new one and repost all of my old shit, I'll repost this with my new account once it is created
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I want such an unhealthy relationship with food that the idea of eating makes me feel sick and not tracking everything makes me anxious like I used to, I need to get worse I don't know how it's physically possible for me to eat this much.
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Just search the word "legs" on Pinterest, literally best th1n$p0 ever
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Thighgaps and skirts that fall just above your knee >>>>>>>>>
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PLEASE INTERACT I need motivation.
Stay safe, hydrate, and take your vitamins <3
Hi decided to do this
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Having a retainer is literally the best. Now I have to fast for 12+ hours a day, I can't impulsively late-night binge, and I have to skip breakfast because in order to meet my 12 hour requirement I can only take it out right before I leave. And what do I get in return? A perfect smile
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