wilhelmwrobel · 2 months
This is your sporadic reminder:
✨ For Republicans the concept of free speech isn't about discourse but about overriding consent ✨
They don't care about people being allowed to express their opinion. They care about an audience being forced to listen to them, no matter how vile they are. Keep that in mind when they talk about free speech.
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wilhelmwrobel · 2 months
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November 2024, colorized
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wilhelmwrobel · 4 months
Welcome to my new series: ✨ common comments that will one day give me a stroke ✨
Some person on the internet: "The Mafia kidnapped my wife and children and is blackmailing me for $100'000" or something
Some random, chronically online 22-year old: SUE THEM 😡
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wilhelmwrobel · 1 year
I feel like there's a part of that whole "Musk is getting rid of the block feature" discussion that we should pay more attention to.
Just to note: while what I'm saying isn't a groundbreaking revelation, it's a lens we need to adopt more in current political discourse.
... when right-wingers talk about "free speech" their definition is different to yours. To you it means being able to express yourself without being silenced. To them it means "I want you to be forced to listen to my vilest takes."
Under that definition the people on FOX complaining about their lack of freedom of speech to millions of viewers suddenly makes sense. It also works really well with Musk's antics about Twitter being a bastion of freedom of speech while banning journalists and why it's a very straightforward progression to, at some points, take the block function away.
Ever ponder why right-wing platforms like Parler and Truth Social don't succeed? They're just echo chambers for right wingers, of which there's - let's be real here - no shortage. No, they need a liberal audience and none of these apps provided that.
But here's the key takeaway from this: This concept is the whole foundation to Trump's appeal.
Since that escalator-ride Trump has been a megaphone for the most unhinged right-wing takes. And due to the, let's be frank, surreal spectacle of it, liberals couldn't take their eyes off of him. (Edit: It's also why the Trump indictments seem to help Trump. It's the promise of a highly visible platform to his base)
If you're wondering why DeSantis imploded on the runway of his campaign, it's exactly that. He drew enough attention to him but didn't do an obscene enough victory dance after hurting people. He didn't announce, commentate and rub the cruelty in enough. It's the stuff the right goes beserk for at the moment. "Triggering the libs" and "free speech" are synonymous to them. And - if nothing else - Trump is great at forcing us to watch and listen. That man tried to make 9/11 about himself.
And, this right here, is your call-to-action: I want you to break that spell.
The difference between "Trump, the Messiah of proto-fascists" and "Trump, a lunatic ranting at people distancing themselves from him" is your attention. Don't give him any.
We don't need any further proof that he's despicable. If somebody hasn't turned away from him now it's not because they haven't realized it yet. So can we please ignore him now and watch his base drop him like a hot potato just like they did with DeSantis?
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wilhelmwrobel · 1 year
My linguistics textbook, when I was an undergrad, had multiple paragraphs on what the fact they are using OSV order says about Yoda's species, lol
Edit: I'll try to go over this later to try to fix inaccuracies
Also whenever I see a non native English speaker apologize for their English I always will always always be in awe how far they've gone in learning English
Stuff like "broken" English is so dumb, I think it's very cool seeing how words are ordered Around the world is very cool and not something to call broken or wrong
English is an SVO language meaning it's Subject-Verb-Object!!, It's not particularly rare, and is the second most common word order!
A sentence In English would be like "He Parks the Car"
The most Common word order is Subject Object Verb!!
So in an SOV language it would sound almost like
"His car, he parked"
So when stuff sounds out of order it's probably because one's original language must have ordered words differently, and it's very cool how the process of learning language kind of gets you in the mindset of how to think differently too!
My indigenous language of mixtec (Tu'un N'davi) is a VSO language, or Verb-Subject-Object!
So in it "I will speak to you tomorrow"
Is "kahh Tdeo Taa"
Or "speak to you I will tomorrow"
I colored coded verbs objects and subject to show you how cool it is how words change and flow in different languages, I personally am a huge fan
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