willowberryart · 2 years
Mine is Solvieg why? Because I started to roleplay with her. I think it's a lot to deal with the issues I explore through her, such as family issues, trauma, identity, self exploration...it also helps she's also autistic so...Love that, and she has hair that's fun to draw.
I'll tag @cipherzeroxx @janice-the-moh @aceofstars16 I guess XD
Pick one of your own OCs and tell me why you're so obessed with her/ him. Then you tag 4 more people to come along.
I have been obessed with Iris because the first thing in my head is her color hair, I put purple and pink, my favorite colors. Next, those colors reminds me of one of my favorite star wars resistance characters, Synara San.
Can you guys guess what would she become to Iris ?
I tag @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @cassie-fanfics , and @genericficerblog
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willowberryart · 2 years
Brief overview of my Next Gen Marvel kids
Elizabeth Hope Rogers - Daughter of Captain America and Sharon Carter, she was born unable to move most of her legs, only knew the Barton kids growing up due to her birth following the Civil War, and her dad wanting to keep her safe Audrey Edna Stark - Daughter of Anthony Stark and Pepper Potts, She grew up largely in the public eye, she was 5 when the Civil War happened. She has a strained relationship with her Dad, but plans to take over the company sometime. She had a brief relationship with Verny as a young teen, and later one with Harry Osborne, she remained friends with both, but is now single. She, like her Dad has Undiagnosed ADHD but is in denial. Vespa Pym - Daughter of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, Incredibly intelligent and even Graduated near the top of a competitive school. She doesn't have a lot of friends, and is also quite protective of her little brother. Happens to be Autistic. Vernon (Verney) Pym - Son of Hank and Janet, aforementioned younger brother of Vespa. Smart, but had no interest in going to a competitive school after his sister, he decided, much to the dismay of his pacifist father, to become a superhero after his Highschool sweetheart died due to a supervillain attack. Lila Barton - Spends time split between her family farm and her dad's NYC apartment, and looks forward to making NYC her permanent home. Good friends with Elizabeth, and is teaching her some archery.
Robert Elliot Banner - Son of Robert Bruce Banner, and Elizabeth Ross, goes by Elliott, he spent his early yours in NYC as his dad got his medical license, then his Dad moved to northern NY. He was pulled out of public school after a bullying incident led to him hulking out. he homeschooled for years before finishing highschool in a small parent run highschool of mostly mutants.
Solveig Lokidottir - Son of Loki and Amora the Enchantress - her parents didn't treat her well and heavily favored her younger brother Calder, it seemed she could never be good enough for them. She has a lot of problems with the trauma their choices left her with. At 16 she went to Midgard where she got close to Simon Williams, who encouraged her to run away. She quickly found herself in Juvie under the name Solveig Jotunson, to keep her parentage secret. She now lives in a small apartment with her ex cell mate, working minimum wage, while trying to find ways to undermine her parent's plans. She's also is an undiagnosed Autistic.
N'yami - Daughter of T'challa and Storm, hasn't met with the avenger kids since the civil war when she was 5, she lives in the palace in Wakanda and takes her Role as heir very seriously, the only part which she's not a fan of is learning how to fight, she often feels like it's fighting just to fight. She's looking forward to spending time with the Avengers, fine tuning her skills, and her father hopes, gain some confidence in her leadership ability.
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