poemsandmisery · 1 year
my life was never the same after reading “the only trick of friendship, i think, is to find people who are better than you are. not smarter, not cooler, but kinder and more generous, and more forgiving and then appreciate them for what they can teach you and try to listen to them when they tell you something about yourself no matter how bad or good it might be, and to trust them, which is the hardest thing of all. but the best, as well”
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poemsandmisery · 3 years
"Grief in my table is a twelve course dinner I serve for myself. It is dainty as pieces of hor d'oeuvres I serve with my favourite cocktail; it melts in my mouth before it even ceases to exist. It is the soup I boil and simmer, until the broth is thickened; it sits wet and sharp on my tongue. It is a main course meal cooked by my mother, made to overfill my gut till I choke on her hands, coaxing to let it in once more. My grief is the wine on my right hand spilling onto my thighs as I struggle to get rid of the red stain before I hear the doorbell. It is the cheese on the garden salad, sitting too conspicuously because it never fit into the pretentiousness it fed itself. The grilled salmon, the thai basil chicken and the roasted duck, my grief lives in these heavy proteins as remainder of it's indispensibilty. But then it cools down, in the quiet cold armour of my frozen sundae. My grief is a twelve course meal I serve for myself, but then I get up, wash my hands and go to bed."
Grief At My Dinner Table by Kaishary
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poemsandmisery · 3 years
The Only Thing
I’ve seen this for mitski but I have to know. What’s YOUR Sufjan Stevens song? Like the one that feels so personal it hurts to listen to?
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poemsandmisery · 3 years
I wish I could buy my tapestry faith off a department store,
The way I see you do.
Conveniently, I see you pull it out of your pockets,
And your handbags, and
Without invitation and without warnings-
I feel you jolt it down my throat.
I wish I could flip my coins of faith to my convenience,
The way I see you do.
Oh how you hoard the cherries you love;
And call it the fruits of living.
Without my permission
I sense you paint a caricature of mine to your longing.
-kaishary (Faith)
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poemsandmisery · 5 years
Catharsis of Catherine
I was one string away from the apocalypse;
Fumbling to hold on to
My head spin, like yours would
When you'd get down from a carousel-
Under the full moon, and a full tempo
With the shadows brimming over the cup,
Threatening to go over
Her warm arms engulfed me;
'Breathe love', she whispered
Oh but how do I?
When it shudders with every twitch
An ache I cannot soothe.
'Breathe', she urged
I long to, I murmur,
Yet, there's this weight inside me,
Holding down on my shoulders,
My throat,
My crown;
Filling up the cavities in my heart
With a blackness that's darker than the void
'Breathe', she murmured over and over
Until her voice became my favourite melody
Until one string of sanity turned to two, and three and four.
Until the weight lessened his grip on my soul
Until I at last, breathe.
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poemsandmisery · 5 years
For so long, I have been holding on to you You’re all that people see, You’re all that people hear, You’re all that people love. For I, have been a coward Hiding behind your shadows and; Flinching away from all that is bright Alas, that explains why I am the dead carcass- And you’re the sunflower So, lure me to your dark alleyway And you take the spotlight, For as the night passes, and the day approaches; You’ll have them swayed And I’ll fade away.
kai (12 am/pm?)
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poemsandmisery · 6 years
I have always been the poet who writes about love, Without falling in love- It’s like having salmon at your neighborhood  eatery; And believing you’re at a thousand dollar restaurant- Having cavier. It’s like looking at the roses from afar, At the floral shop around the corner and never caressing them; But coming home at night, and devouring it’s anatomy like a starving child, Under the harsh flurosecent light. I have always been the girl falling in love with the existence of love- Without ever breathing love into someone’s mouth. It’s like opening up the curtains in the morning, And staring at the trees swaying softly from the breeze; But never opening the window pane, To let it kiss your cheekbones and brush your away hair I’ll be always be that woman, that girl and that poet.
k.islam(too many friends)
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poemsandmisery · 6 years
Lonesomeness is a strange man. At first he'll squeeze your shoulder Like an old friend; You turn around And you’ll try to unbound, But he'll just latch on to you Tighter and more harder. He'll whisper how he missed you His lips caressing the underside of your earlobe- And his hands digging inside your bones. You'll try to remember their names, And those moments of gratifications, But he'll pluck them away; One after another Till it's just you and him And you'll feel him embracing you Like a lover on the peak of her crescendo, Basking in the some strange euphoria, A climax- And just when you’ll too Start to run along the tide He'll pull himself inside Drawing in his arms and legs And he'll tip his bonnet, Until next time my friend.
K. Islam (too many friends)
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
I stumbled upon you in the most non poetical way one could possibly think of it was all hands and legs in this river of clumsiness.
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
You and me we were stars before, embedded into the constellations. lovers would gaze upon us secret hope in their eyes; the anguished would look past to the dark veil behind; all these wishes, all these agony,  we clenched on to them bearing them along our courses. but then, dip, dip, dip, we grew feeble we lost some hope, and the lovers collided. we fed some pain, the anguished obliterated. we grew weary, we dwindled, you and me,  we couldn't be stars anymore so we exploded.
kaishary.i, from “Venus and Her Lover” (@poetryandherselfonly)
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
At first there was nothing and then there was everything; there was the sun, the stars, and the moon and then there was you
k. islam (@poetryandherselfonly)
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
Maybe before, I kept you tucked Between my crooked heart. Now darling,
You only reside In my poetry.
- Kaishary I. @poetryandherselfonly
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
Thank you so much for your kind words! @ofpoemsandprompts
Hi! I just love your blog it's so inspiring! I started this poetry blog of mine and I would be grateful if you checked it out! It's @poetryandherselfonly thanks!
Hey, I just saw it! I am so so sorry with how long it took me to check this ask out, and to actually answer it! Your poetry is beautiful btw. You can actually feel the feelings and meanings behind the words.
I also like the way you sent this ask to me, because honestly, sometimes I barely have enough time to open this app, let alone find amazing poets like yourself! I’ll definitely be following!
Everyone: @poetryandherselfonly!
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
Everyday; You rehearse On the song of wealth, Of a stagnant, stable life But Mother, How could you not see How my heart craves To breathe- To take in the beauty Surrounding me. Why Mother Do you sneer? Every time I pick up my pen To pour out my sorrow Into an empty page; When you should have been there To pluck them off with grace. Why Mother Do you devour These dreams of mine; And leave me all- Empty inside When you could have Embraced me and Kissed my woe aside.
-Kaishary I. @poetryandherselfonly
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
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// Important messages for all poetry lovers //
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
I knew From the beginning In my bones My soul My heart That you and I We weren't meant to be Yes you would Find another girl But would she Write about you like me About your smell Your breath Our dreams
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poemsandmisery · 7 years
I wonder; When did ever come to this To this heavy silence, And murky lies. We were like daisies, All innocuous and sweet. Then we're plucked off From the fields- By the hands of the fate. And now we are the thorns; Everything bitter and dark Who stings your finger And bleeds you from your heart.
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