goodbye post!!
hey everyone!! okay, i’ve gotten a lot of asks regarding the fate of this blog, so i’m gonna address a few of them to try and keep people out of the dark. 
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goodbye post!!
hey everyone!! okay, i’ve gotten a lot of asks regarding the fate of this blog, so i’m gonna address a few of them to try and keep people out of the dark. 
i had a lot of fun for the short time i did run this blog, and i think that maintaining this blog would continue to be a lot of fun!! i had so much planned in terms of events and fics and takeovers, but i think i may have overestimated my tolerance for fandom groups, especially given how close a community has to be for rping to even work. (when i talk about the fandom, please keep in mind that i’m talking about people who blog about ds as a whole, not absolutely everyone)
i didn’t realize how small and young the ds fandom itself was, and it wasn’t until i passively challenged the problematic behavior of more prominent members that i noticed. even the slightest amount of aversion to the system that this crew has going rocked everyone and had people choosing sides and sending both hateful and supportive asks to me within hours of posting anything against certain offensive bloggers. especially when it comes to loli and shota references, this fandom seems uneasy about challenging anyone who is doing things wrong, and it makes the atmosphere of he fandom feel a lot less friendly. people should be able to have an open dialogue with each other and express concerns without fear of being run out of the fandom completely, but instead, users are too set in their ways to accept explanation of offensive posts without making excuses and pointing fingers. i’ve made a lot of friends on here, and even they aren’t necessarily supportive of taking the offensive and calling out nastier posts for fear of being both ineffective and ultimately screwing themselves over.
because of that, i think that for now, at least, it’s best for me to retire from the fandom. there are always going to be problematic members of fandoms, but i am not comfortable trying to balance between attitudes of “i don’t want to cause a stir, which means being in a place where people continue to make offensive content and are continually supported for it” and “i want to speak up, which means possibly offending and upsetting people who are made nervous by conflict.” 
i apologize to anyone i may have upset by venting about yucky posts and posters; it was not my intent in the slightest to cause any kind of trouble. unfortunately, the small size of this fandom makes it impossible to make comments without alerting the entire crew, and i wish i had known that sooner. i also apologize to the people i had had ongoing rps with. i’m sorry for abandoning them, but i promise i had a lot of fun with each and every one. 
at the request of a few people, i am planning on leaving this blog up and the content (including my headcanons posts) intact for now. who knows? i may wind up returning here sometime when there is a little less tension and picking up where i left off!! until then, though, feel free to follow my main blog, silentshivers. if we were friends before, i still definitely want to talk to you!! even though this blog went awry, i’m really glad i got to meet a whole lot of you, and i still want to keep in touch. B’)
thanks for everything, you guys, and i hope i’ll see you again in the future!
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yo yo yo heads up i am!!! probably going to delete this blog in a couple weeks jsyk it’s been fun and it’s been real but now it is TOO real and not really fun so i think it’s time 2 ollie tf out
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idk if people dont know this but??? bad touch and shota jokes are rly not funny and actually disgusting like please dont make them
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I'm a little confused. What's a bad touch joke?
bad touch is a synonym for child molestation (ie the kind of wording a child would use to describe it). people make jokes calling maxwell the “banana bad touch senpai” and shit like that for some godawful reason when it’s literally a joke about child rape??? they aren’t even kind of funny and i’m beyond grossed out that so many people think they are. what the hell is wrong with this fandom.
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Bad touch jokes are funny, get over it. You dont have to take everything so seriously.
please unfollow me
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*logs on for the first time all weekend* *first post on my dash is a “bad touch” joke* that’s enough for today
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wilson is a surprisingly decent cook, and makes almost every meal for himself from scratch since he lives so far from any shops. rather than invest in any actual kitchenware for himself, though, he uses any unoccupied flasks and test tubes to hold spices and measures ingredients in a graduated cylinder.
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fancy! 3:0
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((aight okay there’s a lot of sex talk going on in the ds crew rn, which is totally fine and cool!!! and ive been scarce for a lil bit to try and wait it out until everyone had tuckered themselves out on the subject, but no one really seems to be nearing the end yet. as a solution, i’m gonna temporarily unfollow a few people so that i don’t have to ask em to tag even the littlest thing. just a heads up so you don’t feel bad!!! i’ll follow you back in a while after stuff dies down some!))
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reblog if your url represents who you really are 
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trying to restore health as quickly as possible in don’t starve like
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Happy spring, puppets!
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*strikes a 90s whiteboy rap group pose* tag your nsfw text
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how to have a fun and safe time
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Oh my God, Wils.
sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the things you love
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it was available for trade, so i gave up my wilsonfucker and wellywast urls for it!!! B’) worth every penny
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