wingsoffireocs · 4 years
My oc is twig the rainwing she is black and aqua with an extra long tail and wings bigger then a skywings wings and bright green eyes.she loves and respects queen glory despite being deathbringer and glory’s daughter. twig Is not like a normal rainwing she prefers meat instead of fruit.even if twig has sun-time her scales don’t get brighter or darker they stay the same all the time.twig can still change her scales but they don’t change for emotions.
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wingsoffireocs · 4 years
This blog has been inactive for a while; if anyone is interested in taking ownership, send me a message off anon!
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wingsoffireocs · 4 years
This blog has been inactive for a while; if anyone is interested in taking ownership, send me a message off anon!
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
One Big Happy Family
Maple  Mudwing/Female/23 yrs 
Lost all her siblings in the Sandwing Succession War. She was their bigwings, and after almost loosing them in battle, she decided to try and have them flee to the rainforest to avoid fighting and the possibility of death. They were caught at the Mud Kingdom border by Burn's soldiers, and as her punishment she was then forced to live without any of them. 
She was then brought to the Mud Palace and worked as a servant for Queen Moorhen. After her years of service were complete, she was released, but with no family and no other place to go, she headed to Possibility. She'd heard tales about it whispered in the palace; a place where dragons of other tribes actually lived in harmony! It was her last hope. There, she found honest work as a blacksmith, learning a trade and eventually meeting someone special...
Coyote Sandwing/Male/20 yrs
An ex-soldier from Burn's army. When he was younger, he believed that Burn would eventually win because she was the best fighter, so there was no point in siding with either of the other two. His loyalty was build on fear, not admiration. Everyone else in his family also followed Burn, and one by one the died for her, too. 
During one battle against a group of seawings, he fell from a cliff, and his left wing was torn. He would never fly again. He escaped from the fight, and fled as far as he could. He figured Burn would surely have killed him now that he was bound to the ground. He was found by a traveling group of skywings who were heading to Possibility, and they let him join and tended to his wound. 
He found work in Possibility as a chef, strangely enough. Cooking for a small business along the main market street. During the festival that took place on the eve of the Brightest Night he met Maple, and they became inseparable. And eventually, they decided to settle down...
Maple & Coyote's Dragonets: 
1. Catfish - the bigwings. Loves her sibs and protects them from bullies. Can be a little overbearing sometimes, though.  2. Mirage - the adventurer. Loves to explore and dreams of visiting all the kingdoms in Pyhrria. Thinks she doesn't need her family, but also cant live without them.  3. Addax - the quiet kid. has a bit of an attitude, but its just to mask his confusion at his place in the world. turns a lot of that energy into his music. 4. Amber - the DIY gal. always creating and constructing. the only problem is that she has more ideas than she does time to make them all 5. Giraffe - the daredevil. She lives for the thrills life offers. The fun outweighs the risk, but she's more cautious when it comes to her sibs involvement 6. Bayou - the prankster. Plays jokes and pranks to both get attention among the crowd of sibs, and also as a way to keep everyone's spirits up 7. Honey - the nature lover. has a green talon, and is always bringing home stray animals begging to keep them. good at keeping secrets
This family started out as two lost souls trying to find new meaning in their lives, and instead they ended up finding each other and creating their own happily ever after. The kids each have their own unique stories I'm going to try and write someday, but for now I just have the story of how Maple and Coyote met. References are linked in their names! 
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
Let me talk about my OCs cause I love doing that
Starshadow- Male, Nightwing, purple-black scales and purple eyes
Backstory- He was one of the first few eggs to be hatched under a full moon, as per Hope's suggestions, but the moon was partially covered when he hatched. This caused his mind-reading abilities to be weaker than his hatch-mates' and his white scales to be duller and grayer.
Infinity- Male, Rainwing, Cyan and green color palette
Backstory: Infinity has a lot of personality, but the other Rainwings thought he was too clingy so they ignored him. He ran away from the rainforest when he was 2 and met a Seawing. He learned about how families worked and desperately wanted one, so when he got back to the rainforest, he started living in the Nightwing village. A Night/Rainwing hybrid named Sunflower became his friend and they pretty much became adopted siblings. Infinity even calls her father "dad" sometimes.
Sunflower- Female, Night/Rainwing hybrid, warm color pallet(looks more Rainwing)
Backstory- Sunflower's mom is a Rainwing and her dad is a Nightwing. She lives with her dad but is often ridiculed by her peers for looking like a Rainwing. Her mom and dad are split up, so she never sees her mom, but Sunflower tries many times to sneak into the Rainwing village to try and find her despite her dad's opposition. She has many Rainwing friends and is fiercely protective of them. (Side note: Sunflower can breath green fire that produces toxic smoke. I have a headcanon that Night/Rainwing hybrids either get this or flammable venom)
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
first oc that i've made (for wof)
Name: Porcupine
Gender: Male
Tribe: IceWing
Personality: always confused, easily impressed, loud, has an uncontrolable liking for everyone
Extra: Instead of havin normal scales, he has the spiky mane scales to replace them.
Puffs up his spikes (scales?) when angry or alarmed.
Was named by RainWings instead of his (Porcupine's) parents.
Appearance: i dont have one for him. yet. i just know he:
is a very spiky boi
very blue (not too blue)
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
my baby boy
Name: Duskwatcher Gender: Male Age: 28 years Occupation: None Place of Residence: Duskwatcher doesn’t even know where he is when he’s in the center of any kingdom - wanderer. Mainly hangs around the Kingdom of Sand, the Rainforest Kingdom, and Sky Kingdom. Species: Nightwing with Skywing ancestry Sexuality: Homosexual even though he barely knows left from right Personality: Duskwatcher is a spastic, in-the-moment dragon. With little to no depth perception and the fact he hasn’t flown for many years, he flies lopsidedly and horribly. He frequently crashes. He’s absentminded and distracted most of the time, having frequent delusions and talking to himself (yelling a lot, too). You know how cats stare off into space sometimes, completely silent with a look of horror and intrigue on their face as if there’s a demon right there? That’s Duskwatcher. He’ll be having a fully coherent conversation with you, and then kinda just… stop. Duskwatcher has no concept of time and frequently just stays up until he actually crashes. He dissociates frequently, often wandering aimlessly and wondering where he is by the end of it. Under all of this, however, Duskwatcher is an intelligent, well meaning dragon with horrible social skills and unending loneliness and is terrified of his past coming to chain him once again. History: Duskwatcher grew up on the old Nightwing volcanic island. His egg was left outside, for his parents didn’t want him, and ended up up under the full moon- though his egg was cracked, and he emerged with a broken, shattered version of what would have been future sight. Eventually being found, he was brought back to the heart of the island. Quickly, however, the other realized there was something wrong with this young dragon– never focused, trapped in his own head, rambled on and on about meaningless things– fantasies of the future, shattered and filled with his own input (often very negative). He was taken to the laboratory for testing once a week. Eventually growing very weak from the endless testing and going back and forth, Duskwatcher didn’t even bother from his room anymore, much less think about where he was going- sometimes he forgot he even had wings. Duskwatcher, to this day, doesn’t remember what happened, or waking up with blood on his talons and on his body (some, he duly noted, was his). All he knew is that he was in a cage now, chained up and left to rot (but with food once in awhile). Duskwatcher didn’t even notice when the scenery changed. Until, of course, the cage he was in just… broke, because he had finally got too big. He never did manage to get the chains off, though. Other: Duskwatcher is still getting used to the sun and he just goes completely blind because it’s too bright sometimes. He’s extremely short of breath because of the metal clad around his neck, and his fire is a bit strained– though it’s abnormally powerful for Nightwing fire (due to his Skywing ancestry). Appearance: An extremely deep purplish, reddish black Nightwing with a deep night pattern on his wings. Chains are embedded on his legs, neck, and the base of his wings. They make it extremely hard to sneak, because they just clang everywhere. This doesn’t seem to affect his movement, and he’s surprisingly fast. Duskwatcher has a missing eye and various scars around his body.
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
After re-reading The Brightest Night and seeing Stonemover again, I made up a rainwing oc named Lovebird that comes to see him everyday after lessons at JMA. She gives him fruit and makes him flower necklaces to try to cheer him up because GOSH DARNIT she's going to help that sad dragon GET HAPPY if it's the LAST THING SHE DOES!!!
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
Name: Darkreader Gender: male Species: Nightwing Age: 127
Darkreader is a blind (apart from seeing some faint shadows) and deaf nightwing. He is unable to fly, partially because of being blind, but mostly because of an accident he had when he was much younger (trying to escape a bully, he tore his wing membranes to shred in a large thorn bush) He is able to read minds, and can see images projected in one’s mind when he focuses. He can talk because of it, but it’s often slurred and hesitant. His wife is a Nightwing named Dawnstrike, who is mostly mute (apart from groans and such) They can easily speak to each other, her thinking and him talking. They only had one dragonet, Oakseeker. Darkreader’s family line has a tendency to be very tall, and considering his age, he is massive.
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
friendly reminder to everyone that uhh cringe Culture is dead and there are no rules as long as u aren’t hurting anyone so yeah give all of your ocs animus powers and special quirks and tragic backstories because they’re yours so you can do whatever u want
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
I have two OCs, a icewing and a sandwing, who are both named after landscapes on Earth. Their names are Everest and Sahara.
They sound wonderful!
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
Looking for RainWing OCs to feature in a video!
MusicMommy is looking for art of RainWing OCs to feature in an upcoming music video!
ART CALL FOR RAINWING KINGDOM THEME VID! If you have a RainWing OC you’d like to share (no hybrids please; I’m being unabashedly tribist) please link to me! If there are fab OC’s you’ve come across that belong to others feel free to link and I’ll ask owner for permission to feature.
[…] digital or pics of drawing are all good <3
[…] Even ref sheets are interesting for fans - whatever you’d like :)
- deviantart dot com/musicmommy/status/16062108
If you have any art of your characters that you want to share with the fandom, you should drop them off there!
(Also, this blog just hit 1300 followers! Thank you all for the support!)
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wingsoffireocs · 6 years
My Bois Have Namies! Thank You!
Glare ( thank you admin!): he has retrograde amnesia after waking up on a battlefield three years before the story he is featured in takes place. Since no one who could remeber him was left alive, and he had no records to speak of (since he could not remember his name) the record keepers simply gave him a new name and sent him on his way. However, he quickly became disenchanted with the bleakness of the ice kingdom and the icewings themselves, and soon sold his armor and moved to Cliffside- a city in the northern Sky Kingdom- after the war. 
Trivia/Interesting Facts: Glare has a small journal filled with poems about his experiences after waking up with no memory. He also wrote a few songs based on his experiences, one of which is called "Lost Snowflake". He also has an extremely creepy, extremely unintentional smile in which he shows all of his sharp teeth. 
Blighthealer: His original name was "Prescience" (knowing something before it happens), but after escaping the nightwing island, he changed it to Blighthealer because he "didn't want his name to be a lie". He seeks to be a doctor, and currently studies at a university when he isn't working as a intern at a local clinic in Cliffside. His parents were extremely verbally and mentally abusive towards him, leading to him becoming insecure and having serious trust issues, being unable to accept compliments or criticism, thus making it hard for Glare to connect with him. 
Trivia/Interesting Facts: When first hearing his name, dragons tend to think he is a gardener. However, his name means to heal damage, which he hopes to do for other dragons. He is also an overachiever, as he tends to believe he is never "good enough" (a belief installed in him by his parents). 
These two are both appearing in a fanfiction currently in the works called "Marvel at the Stars". Thank you for helping me name my dragon bois! 
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wingsoffireocs · 6 years
Cassowary a.k.a Cass Female Age 4 “The Fightiest RainWing”
She’s usually deep blue with purple and red scattered here and there. Cassowary is very confrontational, and was often found arguing with other RainWings until the Queen decided enough was enough and sent her to JMA (Cassowary didn’t go quietly). Most of the RainWing students tend to avoid her, due to her aggressive personality. Cassowary has a genetic mutation which makes her talons excessively long and sharp like daggers. She winds up in a relationship with a Sea/Mud hybrid named Delta, who is the only one willing to put up with her fighty-ness. Unlike most RainWings, Cassowary has an Australian accent. This is considered odd because she’s lived in the rainforest her entire life.
- submitted by darkrenegade303
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wingsoffireocs · 6 years
Yo, remember Quickmind, he's become an even cooler boi
Oc #3
Name: QuickMind Gender: Male Age: 6 in Dragon, 18 in Human Species: Nightwing/Icewing Hybrid Abilities: Fire Breath, Ice Breath in Colder Temperatures, Slightly Fire and Cold Resistant Scales, Mind Reading, Visions, and Animus Magic.
Relationship Status: Single
Jade Academy Winglet: Sapphire
Quickmind is a Cunning, Clever, Sarcastic and Feisty Dragon who isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He’s also Intelligent and Protective, caring for his friends and family greatly. His personality often depends on his mood or the current situation. His Mother, Solstice was the one to care for him, she loved him dearly and still does, however he never knew his father, Polar, seeing as he and his mother lived on the Volcanic Island. His mother met Polar on a Journey, they fell in love, became mates, and had his egg, however Solstice had to take her son back to the Volcanic Island, for their safety, seeing as most Icewings aren’t fond of Nightwings. However he was born outside of the Volcanic Island, under the three moons. He’s a Nightwing and Icewing Hybrid, being more Nightwing then Icewing in appearance, yet still has the abilities of both. He has Mind Reading and Visions, as well as Animus Magic. He can breathe both Fire and Ice breath, the ice breath is much easier for him to use in colder temperatures. His scales are also slightly fire and cold resistant, being both Nightwing and Icewing after all. He attends The Jade Mountain Academy and is in The Sapphire Winglet.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Nightwing-Female-Solstice
Father: Icewing-Male-Polar [Location Unknown, most likely somewhere in the Ice Kingdom]
(My friend suggested these edits and I’m like heck, sure)
- submitted by  just-your-average-dork
Wonderful!! <3 
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wingsoffireocs · 6 years
watchful, a nightwing that mutated to reflect the lava and volcanic rocks more than the night sky
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wingsoffireocs · 6 years
Look at my dragon children
Oc #1
Name: PassionFlower Gender: Female Age: 5.3 in Dragon, 16 in Human Species: Rainwing/Nightwing Hybrid Abilities: Color Changing Scales, Rainwing Venom, Fire Breath, Mind Reading, Visions
Relationship Status: Single
Jade Mountain Academy Winglet: Sapphire
Passionflower is an incredibly Intelligent, Creative, Cunning and Caring Dragon. Her personality often times depends on her mood or the current situation , and the color of her scales often changes to match her current mood as well. She is a Rainwing and Nightwing Hybrid, being more Rainwing in appearance, yet still has the abilities of both. She loves to read and make art, as well as explore and study things. When she was younger she was always trying to please her father, Siege. However he never wanted anything to do with her, having been disappointed that she barely looked like a Nightwing at all, so she has major Anxiety. Her mother Shimmer has always loved her however, and her and her older brother Nightstrike are the sole reasons that Passion isn’t a complete and total mess. She was born under the three moons, meaning she has Visions and Mind Reading, however she knows how to keep her Mind Reading under control to the point where she rarely uses it unless she feels she absolutely needs to. She can also breathe Fire, spit out Rainwing Venom, and change her scales to any color imaginable. She attends The Jade Mountain Academy and Is in The Sapphire Winglet. She also has a brother named NightStrike, and despite the fact that their father loves NightStrike much more then he loves her, the two of them are still very close.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Rainwing-Female-Shimmer
Father: Nightwing-Male-Siege
Brother: Nightwing/Rainwing Hybrid-Male-NightStrike
Oc #2
Name: Freeze Gender: Male Age: 5.7 in Dragon, 17 in Human Species: Icewing Abilities: Frost Breath, Incredibly Sharp Talons, Being Able to Survive Subzero Temperatures.
Relationship Status: Single
Icewing Circle: Fourth
Jade Mountain Academy Winglet: Sapphire
Freeze is a Quiet, Calm, Intelligent, Often Nervous Dragon. His personality often times depends on his mood or the current situation. He loves to Read and Write, and Studies often as well. He’s not that big on Exploring, preferring to stay safe, but doesn’t completely hate the thought of it. His parents, PermaFrost and Sleet have always loved him for who he is, so he’s never been too worried about trying to please his parents. He can be a real softy at times, but can be incredibly serious and dangerous at other times. He has some anxiety but it’s not incredibly bad. He is full Icewing, and he has all the abilities that Icewings have. He and his parents are in the Fourth Circle of the Icewing Kingdom. He attends The Jade Mountain Academy and is in The Sapphire Winglet.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Icewing-Female-PermaFrost
Father: Icewing-Male-Sleet
Oc #3
Name: QuickMind Gender: Male Age: 6 in Dragon, 18 in Human Species: Nightwing/Icewing Hybrid Abilities: Fire Breath, Ice Breath in Colder Temperatures, Slightly Fire and Cold Resistant Scales.
Relationship Status: Single
Jade Academy Winglet: Sapphire
Quickmind is a Cunning, Clever, Sarcastic and Feisty Dragon who isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He’s also Intelligent and Protective, caring for his friends and family greatly. His personality often depends on his mood or the current situation. His Mother, Solstice was the one to care for him, she loved him dearly and still does, however he never knew his father, Polar, seeing as he and his mother lived on the Volcanic Island. His mother met Polar on a Journey, they fell in love, became mates, and had his egg, however Solstice had to take his egg back to the Volcanic Island, for their safety, seeing as most Icewings aren’t fond of Nightwings. He’s a Nightwing and Icewing Hybrid, being more Nightwing then Icewing in appearance, yet still has the abilities of both. He however was not born under the three moons, so he doesn’t have the powers of Vision or Mind Reading. He does however have Fire Breath, as well as Ice Breath in colder temperatures. His scales are slightly fire and ice resistant and he can also semi appear invisible in darkness, but the white parts of his body often give him away. He attends The Jade Mountain Academy and is in The Sapphire Winglet.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Nightwing-Female-Solstice
Father: Icewing-Male-Polar [Location Unknown, most likely somewhere in the Ice Kingdom]
Oc #4
Name: Splash Gender: Male Age: 5.3 in Dragon, 16 in Human Species: Seawing/Nightwing Hybrid Abilities: Being able to Breathe Under Water, Incredible Swimming Skills, Excellent Night Vision, Bioluminescent Scales, Fire Breath when out of Water, Visions, Mind Reading, and Animus Magic.
Relationship Status: Single
Jade Academy Winglet: Sapphire
Splash is an Incredibly Intelligent, Serious, Calm, Wise, and Caring Dragon. He’s more of a pacifist when it comes to Life, but will fight if he feels he absolutely has no other option. His personality often times depends on his mood or the current situation. When he’s tired, which is often since he sometimes stays up late studying or reading, he often can act slightly grumpy and irritated at things, but despite being tired he tries his best to remain calm and respectful. His mother, Dewdrop raised him in the Kingdom of The Sea. He has met his father once or twice, but usually never saw him, seeing as he lived at the Volcanic Island, however he now lives in the Rainforest with other Nightwings, so he gets to see his father more because he can visit more. Splash remained living in the kingdom of the sea with his mother. Dewdrop loves her son very much and wants nothing more but for him to be happy and healthy at all times. He was born under the three moons in the Seawing Kingdom. He’s also an Animus Dragon. He’s a Seawing and Nightwing Hybrid, being somewhat more Seawing in appearance, yet still has the abilities of both. He can Breathe Under Water, Has Incredible Swimming Skills, Excellent Night Vision, has Bioluminescent Scales, Can Breathe Fire when Out of Water, Visions, Mind Reading, and Animus Magic. He attends The Jade Mountain Academy and is in The Sapphire Winglet.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Seawing-Female-DewDrop
Father: Nightwing-Male-Echo
Oc #5
Name: Meadow Gender: Female Age: 5 in Dragon, 15 in Human Species: Mudwing Abilities: Near Fire Proof Scales, Fire Breath, Able to Blend in well with Mud and heal quickly from it, Able to Hold her Breath for up to an Hour and 30 minutes.
Relationship Status: Single
Jade Academy Winglet: Sapphire
Meadow is a very Quiet, Shy, Caring, Kind, and Respectful Dragon. She doesn’t like Violence, but can bring all hell loose in a fight if she has too, being very strong. She can be very curious at times and loves nature, especially flowers. Her personality often times depends on her mood or the current situation. She loves to learn new things and explore, as well as paint and draw. She’s very fond of books, usually reading books on different dragon species or biology. She’s very good at gardening and taking care of plants. She loves when it’s raining, because that means she can have fun and roll around in mud. She only knows her Mother, Maple. Usually Mudwing parents take no part in caring for their young, but Maple only had one egg, and she wanted to make sure her one child would be safe, seeing as she wouldn’t have a sibling group of her own. However Meadow never knew her father, Quake, she only knows his name, as Fathers play no role whatsoever in the caretaking of young. Her mother loves her very much, and watches over her constantly. Meadow is a very positive and happy Mudwing thanks to her mother loving her so much. She is Full Mudwing, and has all the abilities of a Mudwing. She has Near Fire Proof Scales, having been born from a Blood Red Egg, her scales aren’t entirely fire proof as most other tribes would think, wounds from fire just heal over instantly. She can also Breathe Fire, Blend in well with Mud and Heal very quickly from it, as well as being able to hold her breath for up to an Hour and 30 Minutes, unlike most Mudwings who can mainly only hold their breath up to an hour. She attends The Jade Mountain Academy and is in The Sapphire Winglet.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Mudwing-Female-Maple
Father: Mudwing-Male-Quake
Oc #6 Name: NightStrike Gender: Male Age: 6 in Dragon, 18 in Human Species: Nightwing/Rainwing Abilities: Fire Breath, Rainwing Venom, Color Changing Scales, Visions, Mind Reading
Relationship Status: Single
Jade Academy Winglet: Sapphire
NightStrike is a rather Calm, Serious, Protection, Caring Dragon, he can sometimes be very Vicious and Dangerous, and isn’t afraid to fight. He’s very Protective of his little sister PassionFlower, and wants her to be happy. He is a Nightwing and Rainwing Hybrid, being more Nightwing in appearance, yet still has the abilities of both. He knows their father loves him more, and he’s grown to hate their father because of this, but tries to hide it. He and his sister are incredibly close, practically like partners in crime, and they work extremely well together. They’re practically best friends. NightStrike was born under the three moons like his sister was, but he was born two years before. He can breath fire, use rainwing venom, can have visions and use mind reading, all like his sister. He can control his Mind Reading abilities just as well as his sister, if not slightly better, the two having practiced and taught themselves together. He attends The Jade Mountain Academy and is in The Sapphire Winglet.
◇ Family ◇
Mother: Rainwing-Shimmer-Female
Father: Nightwing-Siege-Male
Sister: Rainwing/Nightwing Hybrid-Female-PassionFlower
- submitted by just-your-average-dork
I love how thought-out they all are!! Wonderful!!
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