winterfurlough · 13 years
Yesterday, I took thirty minutes of video over a two hour period and then spent over four hours today in iMovie to produce a one minute video tribute to my beard.  
I miss my beard horribly.
Sleep well, sweet prince.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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Today ended with a lot more photo post-processing.  Good news, everybody, I'm done working on holiday pictures.  Click through to see the rest of them (a lot of them interesting, most of them of my one-year-old nephew.)
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winterfurlough · 13 years
I was productive
Today was spent doing a lot of video recording.  I just haven't tried to splice any of it together yet.  so i have nothing to show you.  I also did a bit of reading.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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Today ends with some photo post-processing.  Here are a few shots from the Swells' show at Grant and Green in San Francisco.  It was their first show.  They wailed.  You should see their second show (click through for more shots from the show).
You can hear their music here: http://weareswells.bandcamp.com/ (you should).
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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Today was a day of painting (after almost burning down the apartment).  This is an idea I've been kicking around for a while after I thought about how I wish the Pixies taught me spanish rather than Miss Gatesman.  This is called "Vamos," after the song by the same name from Come on Pilgrim. 
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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A painting inspired by my dog's recent digestive problems.  I think i'll frame it for the bathroom.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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After lighting the first batch on fire in the microwave, i just baked them on the cookie sheet.  This seemed to work and the dog enjoys them.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
Smoke Alarm
Apparently, i should not have followed the part of the recipe that said, "microwave for 10 minutes" or i should have read the part that said, "but make sure to remove them when firm."  Now the apartment has 2 feet of smoke descending from the ceiling and coughing abounds.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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Today's first task is to take advantage of a holiday gift.  My parents gave me a book on how to make dog treats.  These are the ingredients
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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Although I wasn't super productive over our four days back east (unless you consider eating and drinking to excess productive), I can claim that i shot a lot of photos.  Mostly of my nephew enjoying his first christmas.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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The cigarbox guitar is complete.  Tone is near awful but throw it into the amp with a bit of distortion and it wails.  It also scares the crap out of the dog while wailing.
Here is a picture of it next to my Martin Backpacker and Makala Soprano Ukulele for comparison:
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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What good is an fully acoustic guitar?  Using a few dollars worth of electronics from Radio Shack, my cigarbox guitar will now be amp ready.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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Wow, today's task went quickly.  Although it still has a few spots of tarnish and some pitting, the razor is 1000% nicer than it was and for the first time since i've owned it, has intact scales.  Now to just hone it and strop it and then continue to ignore it as my beard continues to grow.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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I've never pinned a razor before.  I did buy a 4oz ball-peen hammer just for this purpose though.  Brass-working, go!
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winterfurlough · 13 years
As I finish the pinning of the razor, i've turned on a documentary called Helvetica.  I plan on following up with the sequel, Comic Sans.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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There is still a bit of pitting and with 800 grit being my finest, there is little I can do to make it a mirror finish.  Well, there is, but I'm not going to spend the effort.
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winterfurlough · 13 years
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I forgot to take pictures when I first started, but today's project is to complete the restoration of my old thiessen bruch 5/8" blade.  I got a ton of tarnish off and am just about to move over to the 800 grit sandpaper.  Unfortunately, my dremel was lost in the move so i may not be able to get the mirror polish on it.
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