Fantastic, you have abortion worshipers going into the pro life tag claiming to work with foster care for the sake of telling all those boys and girls they supposedly helped that they should have been killed in the womb.
The poor, the homeless and the disabled are just a cursed existence we ought to violently exterminate in the name of compassion and mercy because their suffering is unbearable in out empathic hearts.
Those darned pro lifers who despite adopting every child they feasibly can are all hypocrites because there aren't enough of them to adopt every child and teen in existence.
Those tens of thousands of children and teens who didn't get adopted yet certainly don't deserve their lives for having us pro abortion saints work at a paid job which delays their doom as poor homeless undesirables.
Nevermind that for every child in foster homes we claim pro lifers don't care about, us pro choicers killed at least ten unborn babies in the name of our unyielding compassion and mercy for their future hypothetical suffering.
Also killing their own consensually made children that caused no life threatening complications is definetely a woman's right, no more than that! Is a healthcare emergency against the plague of suffering undesirables.
However, if anyone asks what a woman is we are unable to answer because the gender thought patrol will cancel us and because Planned Parenthood is definetely not hiking a profit by butchering and sterilizing children they say would commit suicide if their bodies develop naturally.
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From the dawn of human history, against their choice, men have been conscripted by governments to sacrifice their bodies and lives in war for the sake of politicians.
If women think having a baby is such a horrible burden that warrants infanticide of their own children because of patriarchal oppression they should pay first a visit to every war cemetery and monument to see how many men through history gave their lives for the current generation of women to have not just rights but a fairly cozy capitalist lifestyle.
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A theory about the life or Arda and the meaning of Tom Bombadil
If you consider Middle-Earth or Arda as the main character of Tolkiens entire fiction with Eru Iluvatar as it's parent then perharps Tom Bombadil's role has a possible explanation.
-The "birth of the Valar and Maiar" outside of the world is like a child first forming at the womb with every sort of potential possible and no clue how to use it.
-Melkor's rebellion and the song shaping the world is actually Arda's birth, the child leaves the womb and cries upon entering a world it has no control of.
-Melkor's struggle against it's siblings before the first age are like a child's struggles with walking, speaking and conceptual thinking which often has them failing and starting over until getting the hang of it.
-The lamps of the world are the child becoming self aware of their own existence and their breaking represents the end of innocence as the child becomes aware of good and evil.
-The abandonment of Middle-Earth by the Valar towards Aman represents the moment a child must leave their home and face society on their own for their education, mom and dad cannot follow you into school.
-The awakening of the elves and their corruption by Melkor is basically a young child facing the dangers of the world and failing without it's parents support.
-Elves being immortal, fair and creative represent the untainted imagination of a young child to craft all wonders while orcs being rotten, ugly and destructive represent the negative emotions reducing that potential to petty and pointless cruelty.
-Melkor being defeated and captured by the Valar is the equivalent of a child coming home from that first confrontation with nature and society and receiving all support and guidance the parents can give to prevent their despair and suffering.
-The fall of the two threes, the stealing of the Silmarillions, the willing departure of elves from Aman with kinslaying involved and most importantly the renaming of Melkor to Morgoth are actually the brutal transition between childhood and adulthood called puberty. The child becomes a teenager not just rejecting their parents protection but actively seeking confrontation with society and nature to carve itself a place in the world.
-The failures of the elves to defeat Morgoth and the awakening of men is actually the most brutal point of a teenager growing up, it is the point they learn about their limitations and mortality. The faith the teenager has in it's own imagination to solve all problems in the world shatters before the sheer colossal weight of reality and upon realizing that failure and death are unavoidable they stop being elves and become men.
-The War of Wrath and the downfall of Morgoth at the height of his power are the crossroads everyone must face upon reaching adulthood. Your parents rescue you from the pitfall of teenage stupidity and bring you home one last time to set you straight before telling you that it's time to leave the house for good.
-The choices given at this crossroads are represented by the ones given to elves, half-elves and Sauron. Elves must return to Aman or fade from the world, half-elves can choose to become men and remain on Middle-Earth to die and Sauron can face the consequences of his actions or run towards the darkness. Each choice has a fundamental meaning in early adulthood and hence why their consequences shape the second age.
-Elves by this point become an alegory for childhood memories you must leave behind, men cannot be immortal children and hence their only choice is to be cherished in Aman which is the ageless realm of imagination or be completely forgotten as you age further.
-Half-elves who become men are a representation of adults choosing to face the difficulties of life now fully aware of their weakness and mortality.
-Sauron refusing judgement and becoming a new dark lord represents men rejecting to grow up and twisting their imagination to justify further walking down the path of evil.
-When Sauron comes in the form of Annatar towards the elves and helps them forge the rings, it represents all sorts of ideologies and easy solutions preying on your childhood memories to convince you that utopias are possible and that there is a magical answer to aging and death.
-When Sauron makes the One Ring and puts it on his finger to control all the others it represents the reality of cults and ideologies robbing people of their freewill and virtues in the name of impossible utopias which lead to misery and slavery in the form of Mordor, the land of shadows.
-The wars between elves and Sauron over the rings represent, due to the rings power to ward off aging, the mental battle in a young adult's mind between his fading childhood memories and the corrupted immaturity that twists them into present nightmares.
-The arrival of Numenorians who quickly defeat Sauron at his strongest when the elves couldn't represent adult society stepping up to confront immature people and demanding them to give up their pretentions of grandeur that trap them in evil. You are not an eternal child much less the king of the world and if you act like a tyrant then better and more successful people will kick down your door and drag you into humiliation.
-The fall of Numenor represents the temptation that men, once reaching their peak success as adults refuse to accept aging and death despite being fully aware of them.
-The ban of the Valar is the divine decree that death is just unavoidable but rich and successful men who refuse God will rise against nature itself with all their might to try and become immortal. It also represent willingness to betray the very parents whose love and nurture made you the succesful person you are.
-What becomes most egregious during Numenor's corruption is that Sauron teaches men to worship Morgoth instead of himself, the allegory for immaturity and ideological false promise gives place to fullblown selfish evil as men openly revolting against the rules of nature cannot lie to themselves anymore about pretending to have higher moral justifications for their evil.
-This comes to a head when Eru Iluvatar sinks Numenor, removes Aman from Arda and permanently removes Sauron's ability to take a fair shape that can fool the hearts of men. Men at their strongest who rebel against God will fail and destroy all they build, lose all their connection to the good memories of childhood they cherished and ultimately their very imagination will become devoid of anything beautiful that drives them to justify their evils.
-The founding of Arnor and Gondor with the last alliance between men and elves ultimately pushing Sauron to a corner and cutting the One Ring from his finger represents the repentance of men by acknowleging the good of his childhood memories, honoring his parents and ultimately using his morals to cast aside temptation towards immortality and utopia.
-The refusal to destroy the One Ring there and then also means that said temptations will not fade during a man's life and that even if lost and forgotten in the human mind like how the One Ring got lost in Middle-Earth they will one day resurface as you grown older and wearier.
-The third age itself with all powers in Middle-Earth losing magic and might unless tied to a magical ring represents an adult past their prime coming to terms with his reduced capacity to create something as great as they once did as even their strongest childhood memories are forced to return to the land of dreams without a strong ideological push to remain relevant.
-The War of the Ring itself is the final temptation of the human spirit upon approaching death. This is best represented between the struggles of Gandalf, Galadriel, Saruman and Sauron.
-Gandalf represents faith in God and duty tempered by all the hardships a man endured during life, that he must use a ring of power to aid in his struggle is proof that a wise man can turn even a false promise into good action without becoming corrupt. The fact that Gandalf dies fighting a Balrog, which is a primordial evil encompassing all ages of the world and represents all sins a man made during life is a perfect alegory for repentance. That Gandalf is brought back to life stronger and greater by God upon repenting is the realization of the Christian promise of ressurection through unwavering faith in divine good.
-Galadriel represents the fairest and most wonderful of childhood memories that clings to you even if your memory is kept fresh by a false promise such as a ring of power, that this cherished memory gives the heroes all equipment and encouragement they need for the arduous journey while facing ultimate temptation herself is a brilliant way of telling that your deepest held ideals and dreams in life do matter when facing death but they must step back and relinquish their claims to you as you accept the end of your life.
-Saruman represents the fool who at the end of his life gives up on his faith and fruitlessly tries to claim a piece of immortality by selling himself to evil while pretending to be in control, what was once a great being ends up meeting the most inglorious and pathetic death after rejecting all attempts to repent before God.
-Sauron represents damnation, the man who long refused God to build himself a material empire through evil. Sauron is much stronger militarily and magically than any opposition he faces in the current era just like many men rise to call themselves gods by sacrificing all morals and genuinelly believe themselves invincible upon looking at the wealth and troops they amassed in life. However, Sauron is missing his One Ring, he is missing the ultimate false promise he made to achieve his power and keep it forever. What this means is that the lie old evil men tell themselves about living forever can never become true, death is coming for them to reap away all material power they have accumulated and they will not escape even if they pretend with all their twisted imagination that they can.
-The journey of the One Ring with a Hobbit towards Mount Doom represents an innocent good willed outsider marching through all deception and material power a self-proclaimed god can muster just to reach a dying old evil man and tell him that his time is up.
-That Frodo falters and Gollum falls into the pit of fire by divine providence taking the One Ring with him is an affirmation that no mortal men is above corruption, an immensely rich and powerful evil old man can buy off any would be assassin with the ultimate false promise he made but he can never bargain with God. All evil Sauron did to keep himself alive and greater than all his foes has no meaning in the face of God just pulling his life support and casting him into the void.
-When Sauron dies, his forces crumble despite vastly outnumbering the armies of his enemies because they really have no reason to follow his will once the false promise of immortality he made died with him.
-Finally once the Age of Men begins with humanity rejecting impossible utopias of immortality, which represents a man on his deathbed looking at his children with the sense of having educated them properly to live on after he is gone, we get to Gandalf taking his time off for a long conversation with Tom Bombadil before departing towards Aman the land of dreams.
-The meaning of Tom Bombadil in this context is that a good man who firmly held to his faith until the end of his life can reconnect with his inner child without regret or shame of the life he lived. Tom Bombadil represents the inherent good nature every man has inside themselves during their entire lives, all the joy and goodwill that no matter how ugly the world gets can remain pure even when faced with the ultimate false promise of the One Ring.
-Tom Bombadil is the Christian ideal that every man, no matter how gravely they sinned, can find salvation because even if all of Middle-Earth fell to shadow there is still good in humanity that just cannot be corrupted or destroyed.
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Ok, but what if like "Chara" is actually Kris's dead name?
I mean, the game let's you create a name for the character but then forces you to play as Kris anyway so it could be that players are not able to force a non-binary transperson to use a name they don't identify with anymore.
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Mass Effect 4 and the child dilemma.
I've been wondering for a while now how BioWare will handle the conclusion of the trilogy's romances if Shepard is indeed ressurected 600 years later and the prospects that entail for a potential character you could meet in the new game.
First of all the big assumption is that Shepard will be put into cryo shortly after surviving the destroy ending because he/she will be in critical condition and hence we won't see him/her grow old with his/her significant other.
Sad as this sounds, Shepard being out of comission until the technology advances towards Lazarus 2.0 is the logical outcome for bringing the Commander back in the distant future.
With that said, the second thing to consider are the technological and moral limits regarding reproduction in the Mass Effect Universe.
Turians and Quarians can't reproduce with humans and while it's established that homossexual reproduction is scientifically possible in the setting, a cryo comatose Shepard is in no position to consent for genetic donation even if they loved their significant other dearly.
This means that if Shepard is going to have a child or descendant in Mass Effect 4 he/she will have to have conceived it at the time of Mass Effect 3 either normally or with Asari.
I know it's rage inducing just to think about it but Garrus, Tali, Miranda (she can't normally conceive), Traynor, Cortez and Kaidan for male Shepard are all off the table when it comes to giving the Commander an offspring or descendants.
This leaves us with four possible choices that BioWare can use for a new character related to Shepard.
The first one is Shepard's and Liara's child, she will be born from Liara shortly after the events of ME3 and we will meet her as a matron stage Asari (the middle one between maiden and matriarch). She would certainly be an interesting character considering she lived a long life under the shadow of her broker mother and her iconic "father".
The second one is female Shepard's child with Kaidan, he/she will be conceived at the end of ME3 and be placed in cryo stasis alongside his/her mother. That child will likely be born while Shepard is still some 20 years from recovery and we will meet our offspring as an adult who has issues from growing without parents.
The third one is male Shepard's descendant with Ashley, he/she will be the great grandchild of the child you conceived at the end of ME3 and unlike the previous two comes from the prestigious Williams family whose name was restored by Ashley and your child. Because he/she is your distant descendant and may even come from a big family related to you there will be less angst and more shenanigans about Shepard's reining in the overwhelming expectations placed on the character as well as dealing with your other relatives.
Last option is male Shepard's descendant with Jack, he/she will be the great grandchild of the child you conceived with Jack during the Citadel DLC and unlike the Ashley one will be a more free spirited adventurer from a small family. Once again it will be less angst and more shenanigans because your descendant uses your name to gain advantage on gray businesses and minor delinquency without thinking too much.
This is my take on four possible characters that can show up in ME4 and before I finish I will state my second big assumption.
Your ME3 romance won't join you in cryo because they had to help rebuild the galaxy and possibly raise your child by themselves. The meta reason is that ME4 will introduce new romance options and reviving the old ones for each playthrough is too much work.
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Ok, you are all grieving and not believing but what are you willing to exchange for getting back what you lost?
Yang fell into the void but what if something crawls out of it offering her back in exchange for Blake's soul?
Wishes, magic and darkness all walk hand in hand so it will be fun to see what those girls become when giving themselves away for those they love.
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New Mass Effect
It seems the remaster will change Mass Effect 3's ending at least enough to make the destroy ending canon.
I don't feel bad about it, when push comes to shove it's the only ending which makes sense and allows the story to continue.
Shepard grabing power pylons to become Reaper overlord or jumping into an energy shaft to trigger space magic are both suicidal options which rely on blindly trusting the Catalyst as if his cooperation with Shepard was ensued by the Crucible.
Destroy relies on Shepard shooting a conduit and is the sole ending the Catalyst warns you against because of his mandate to prevent future conflicts between organics and synthetics. It feels as the only choice he let slip up out of overconfidence.
Shepard's perspective aside there is the fact no other conflict can take place with the Reapers still around, there just isn't a powerful enough antagonist in the setting that can match much less threaten the Reaper fleet wheter under Shepard's control or voluntarily under Synthesis.
With the Reapers gone the path is open for Leviathan to rise as Milky Way's new antagonist and also open for Andromeda's lingering plots to become connected with the main trilogy.
Connecting both galaxies is an essential step towards exploring Andromeda and restoring the Milky Way as Jardan tech can help repair environmental damage from the Crucible whereas the military power from the Milky Way will be needed to defeat the Kett empire and later the ones who deployed the scourge.
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Sometimes the Universe brings about things you didn't know you needed until they come into existence.
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I’ve been replaying Mass Effect so naturally… AUs formed.
Heavily referenced images from the show and mass effect concept art. 
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Ok big questions...
Since nobody asked I might as well point to the white elephant in the room.
Will Catra and Adora have magic babies?
Will Catra and Adora adopt children?
Or will Catra and Adora ask Bow to be their trusted donor?
What do you guys think?
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The sad part of She-Ra ending right is that all those rage memes prepared for things to go south are now useless.
I mean, I was ready to scream "Noelle thou hath betrayed us!" and "She freaking died and went to gay heaven!" but in the end it went allright.
How am I supposed to feed on the darkness of the human heart when it's all rainbows?
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Boy Houdy
I haven't posted on Tumblr in ages but She-Ra has awoken in me the happiness to do so again.
Where do I start? Season 5 is so fucking awesome.
Horde Prime was a terrifying final villain with his assimilation tactics and near endless resources.
Glimmer is a bixesual icon, she binges for Adora and Bow but ends up choosing the later because he is closer to her and because Adora ends up with...
Catra! The lesbian looney everybody hates and loves in equal measure. If she was a self destructive dumbass the previous seasons now that she can't run away anymore she does make an awesome redemption comeback and wins the heart of her beloved to boot.
Adora was preety the whole season and she finally learned how to let other love her and protect her without going into kamikaze hero.
Shadoweaver finally paid off her karma and as twisted as she was, her true colors were of love for her two adoptive daughters. Goodbye you evil douche may your last moments redeem you somewhat.
Perfuma and Scorpia took the baby steps of a new ship and Mermista and Seahawk gave us hetero representation.
Honorable mention goes to Entraptadak for getting together in their weird fashion, wrong hordak and imp will act as their adoptive children I guess.
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Nier Automata x FFVII
1 Sephiroth as DAD
1 Flower as MOM
2Aerith as BIGGER SIS
2Barret as BIG SIS
2Eclair as LITTLE SIS
9Souls as unlucky romance protagonist.
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There is no Chloe
There was never any Chloe Burgoise, her true name os Adrien Agreste and she crossdresses as Chat Noir to avoid acknowledging her parents broke up. She bitches up with Marinete because she is in love with her but was raised to believe girls can't love girls. The power of Plagg is illusion and this is why she can play boyfriend and fighter at the same time. That's because plagg us Queen B and whoever wields the true chat noir will be evil. Wubba Dubba Lub Lub.
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The Queen and her Children live and all shall know despair!
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Michelle Coke Sanders married Pepe Donalds and had a daughter named Wendy Sanders Mc' Pepsico. Illuminati is a farse WUBB@ DUBB@ LUB LUB !!!!!!!!!!
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Sapphire's Crisis
Love, reason and faith can they coexist?
Sapphire fell in love with Ruby but her reason told such love was impossible as her faith in the Authority told such love was immoral.
Then came Rose Quartz and told Sapphire that there was love beyond anyone's control and as Sapphire put her faith in Rose her reason told her love was possible because her faith told her love was moral.
However, because Rose was a lie does that mean that love beyond anyone's control was a lie too?
This is why Shappire fell into despair and left Ruby when the truth about Rose came out.
Without Rose, Sapphire needs a new faith to guide her morals.
Should she snuck back into the authority and pretend her life with Ruby never existed?
It wouldn't be hard for a gem of her caliber to pull such stunt and she would be following Pink's example of selfish deception.
Did her love for Ruby matter, even if it was a shameful act by Authority standards?
Is loving Ruby worth being an off-colour in the eyes of the diamonds?
So much doubt in the heart of poor Sapphire and with future vision she can see every life she could possibly live with or without her beloved Ruby.
As for Ruby, she doesn't need a reason to love and pursuit Sapphire because her faith in Sapphire is a reason in itself and if Sapphire doesn't believe that their love is eternal that won't stop Ruby from trying to make such love last forever.
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