autistook · 2 days
How would the fellowship spend a day at a shopping mall? I've been thinking about this for far to much time, and I want someone else's thoughts.
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Frodo: Goes to a small tea shop and spends the whole time there, because he can't make up his mind.
Sam: Follows Frodo like a puppy, until he spots a gardening shop and buys like every possible useful tool. Glances at Merry and Pippin's activities and rolls his eyes.
Merry & Pippin: Use the tiny carousel for kids, running to ask Aragorn, Gandalf and Boromir for more coins to put in it because they are high as hell and having the time of their lives. Probably go eat junk food for cravings and most likely Pippin goes to run around a comic book store, while Merry goes to a book store to buy a stack of complex and informative books. Pippin has ice cream and accidentally drops it on the floor of a toy store, because he went there for fun.
Boromir: Mostly just sips coffee and chit chats Aragorn, keeping an eye on Pippin.
Gandalf: Spends his time groaning at high Pippin. Maybe goes to see a 3D-movie and eats popcorn with a large smirk on his face. Also goes to a book store, but avoids Merry at all costs, accidentally ending up in the toddler book section - and he sits down to read Peppa Pig or some shit - and accidentally reads the whole series because "wow how will this continue?"
Aragorn: Coffee with Boromir, keeping his eye on both Pippin and Merry. Keeps Pippin running errands for him in his hyperactive, high state. Boromir lifts an eyebrow at his schemes, to which Aragorn just shrugs his shoulders and sips his cappucino with a smug smirk.
Legolas: Wanders around body shop, smelling all the different shower gels, body creams and what not, trying all the testers and eating some, confusing the people working there. Does this for HOURS. Probably tries all sorts of donuts if there's a cafe that has them, and buys a lot of weird ass clothes for the fellowship because "wow, x would love this." Buys himself a lacy, oversized bra because he is curious. Gives it to Gimli at home.
Gimli: When he is not carrying all of Legolas' shopping bags and rolling his eyes, he can be found listening to Gandalf reading Peppa Pig - and he is so fucking into it.
Bill the Pony: Didn't get inside, even though Merry and Pippin tried to put a trench coat, sunglasses and a fedora on him as a disguise.
Thank you for this ask LMAO
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The Lord of the Rings: A Musical Tale
@ Chicago Shakespeare Theater, July to September 2024
📸 Liz Lauren
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lightningskipper-blog · 22 hours
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Just some more Sam and Frodo. I love pre-Quest shit so much.
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koyunsoncizeri · 3 days
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Frodo! For art trade ♥️♥️
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catchymemes · 2 years
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thegorgonist · 5 months
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The Fellowship When I was a kid, my folks basically told me I was a hobbit. I cherish the memory of them reading all these books to me--and I turned around and read them to my little siblings and eventually to my partner! I've drawn and painted a lot for The Hobbit but never The Lord of the Rings, and this ECCC seemed like the right time to debut one!
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lycazart · 29 days
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‘I wish the ring had never come to me’
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dudja · 3 months
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ithrilyann · 10 months
Peter Jackson on casting Frodo
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“Frodo was a very, very important character in the movies. But he’s also a very difficult character to play and to cast. […] We were convinced that Frodo is gonna be an English actor, ’cause we wanted the Hobbits to basically be English as Tolkien really wrote them. So, we went to London and we started auditioning.
We couldn’t think of any actor to play Frodo. We had nobody in mind. We thought it would be unknown English actor, a young kid. We were in London auditioning for about a month and we’ve probably seen three hundred Frodos. There were two or three that were okay, but nothing magical, you know. ’Cause Frodo had to be magical. Every time the casting room door opened and some nervous young actor would come in, we were saying, ‘is this gonna be Frodo?’ And you sort of know within ten seconds that it wasn’t really Frodo. It was a worry, but we were plugging on.
And then our casting director said to us one day, ‘A package’s just come in the mail. It’s from Elijah Wood’. It was a video tape, a VHS tape. I had heard Elijah’s name, but I’ve never seen a film he’d done. I actually had no face for Elijah, I didn’t know how he looked like.
So, we put the video tape in. Elijah was in LA and heard that we were in London and we’re not gonna come to LA. He really wanted to get this role. So, he hired a dialect coach to teach him accent, he’d gone to the local costume-hire, got some cheesy kind of Hobbit costume on. He’d gone into the trees somewhere behind his house with a friend, and he just videotaped his own audition. He didn’t have our script, so he was reading from the book, he was doing Frodo parts from the book.
I just put this video tape in, and literally, not having known who Elijah Wood was really, I just thought, ‘he’s wonderful, he’s absolutely great’. And so, Elijah cast himself”.
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leiaham · 9 months
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First Post!
I deleted my old tumblr because... man idk why it was covid-times and the prefrontal cortex was not in the room with us!! Anyways, I was reminded by my lovely friend @repecca that tumblr exists, and that some of my work has been going around on here, so I decided to post some of my work up officially! Starting off with my most notable (?) work to date, here's my LOTR: The Middle Kingdom Project. Now, it's been over a year since I posted this, and at the time I was... really searchingfor myself artistically, and I decided to go all in on something that I'd been ruminating on for a long time.
So, hello, again. I'm Leia. I do visual development/BG design, and I'm also a writer of things. I love fantasy and transformative work. It's nice to meet you.
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laurenillustrated · 1 year
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Frodo and Gandalf 🧙‍♂️
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thehouroftwilight · 2 months
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autistook · 6 months
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tunabuna · 1 year
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yeah idk do u like this tumblr
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
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"Don't go where I can't follow!"
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