wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person​ lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person​ lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person​ lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person​ lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person​ lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person​ lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Hello all. I’ve remade (and gone from following over 1k blogs to following under 100 (and I want to keep it below that) so it’s cleared up my dash nicely!) and I’m still working on shit but: I am now over at @certified-person lol bye bye having 705 followers, unless you wanna come find me over there? (Okay at least 5 of the most recent ones are spam but w/e, the numbers are decent. I still remember when I first joined, whenever my follower count went up, it would go up in pairs in odd numbers like every time, until I got to like 14 or something. I was so happy when I hit 11.) Hopefully things will end up being a little more organised, and marginally higher quality than the shit I post here.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
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windows 10 is garbage so every time i boot up the computer i have to run command prompt and enter
net.exe stop “Windows Search”
so that the shitty goddamned search/cortana feature that i never fucking use stops running in the background taking up all my fucking disk space
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wishuponawish · 7 years
the autistic ping
Look, we’re not actually narcissists
When you talk to us about an emotional issue
And we respond with a personal experience or anecdote
We’re not trying to make the conversation about ourselves.
Most times (at least with me), I have to find an experience within myself that is similar to what you’ve described
So I can furnish an appropriate emotional reaction to what you’re experiencing.
It’s sort of like when you ping an IP address to fix a faulty Wi-Fi connection.
It’s not personal, it’s just how I navigate Feelings™.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
Monogamous people, please stop asking me if my partners know about each other. That cannot be your first response to someone saying they have more than one partner. It’s really rude. I know you’re trying to figure out if I’m cheating but the way you’re asking implies you already think I am. Consider saying congratulations first, asking their names, or asking how I met them. Start by asking regular relationship questions. Then you can ask “have they been introduced?” A polyam person will either tell you that yes they have or they haven’t for XY or Z reasons but of course they know about each other. If they don’t give you an answer or say they haven’t in a way that implies its shady you could ask why they haven’t been introduced. They’ll often tell you. Ta da! You’ve found out whether or not their cheating without implying to every polyam person that you assume they’re up to no good. 
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wishuponawish · 7 years
If You're a Student, Please Utilize:
quizlet.com if you need a study tool. It’s very efficient in it’s use of flash cards and quizzes/tests and is helpful if you want to remember key things about certain topics.
mendeley.com for research papers. It’s extremely helpful if you want more organized papers and an easier way to write down your ideas and even share ideas with other students if you choose to.
sleepyti.me if you need to calculate when you should fall asleep/when you should wake up.
hemingwayapp.com to break down your essays and give you tips on proper word usage, sentence structure, etc.
duolingo.com to help you learn the basics of a foreign language.
slader.com to view the solutions to your textbook questions for free.
*Some of these sites are apps
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wishuponawish · 7 years
I had a thought the other day about how a lot of the time sci-fi/fantasy as a genre has vilified the idea of people taking their meds by saying that if someone has powers, then their meds which help them control the symptoms of their mental illness will stop them being able to use their powers.
And I thought - why not have the person who’s on, say, anti-psychotics, or anti-depressives, or pain medication… why not have their powers go wonky when they haven’t been taking their meds?
Not in a dangerous way, although that isn’t out of the question. Just. “I’m a seer and I take meds for my anxiety, but if I don’t take them, then the only things I see are the worst outcomes, which isn’t helpful.”
Or how about “my ability is to talk to animals, but if I’m off my meds then we can’t understand each other because it’s like there’s too much static.”
Or even, “I can control things with my mind, but when I haven’t been taking my pain meds, my mental control isn’t so good either, so everything starts shaking when I need to be precise.”
“I’m able to see and sense ghosts and spirits and other entities, but if I haven’t been taking my meds then I don’t know which entities are real, and which aren’t. Which has caused some communication issues when I started talking to a chair instead of my friend Xianthiape.”
Things like that, you know? Medication is usually there to do specific things to help people to function better. Let that show in science fiction and fantasy. 
The… only thing I’d say not to do, or rather, be careful with, is conditions like ADHD, because having ADHD it’s completely up to the person whether they want to have meds or not. Personally, I really don’t like the idea and wouldn’t want them at all, for example.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
i love experiencing how my classmates work to avoid misgendering me. for instance, today one classmate greeted the rest of our small group: “All right ladies and gentlemen — and Avery”
another time a classmate went: “Pardon me, ma’am — uh, sir, uh….esteemed one”
and, my absolute fave: “Hey ladies! — and gentleThem”
i love these moments both because they’re humorous and because they show how hard these folks are trying! it’s not about getting it right every time at first, but consistently correcting yourself!
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wishuponawish · 7 years
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i thought i just wasnt trying hard enough but apparently its not my fault that sleep hygiene never helped me!! this is coming from an adhd coach so im gonna trust her on this one
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wishuponawish · 7 years
im not here to make neurotypicals feel comfortable lmao
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wishuponawish · 7 years
"Philosophy is the underpinning of law, ethics, psychology, and ultimately even science. " I can count on less than one hand the number of science papers I have read that cited a philosophy paper.
Maybe not by direct citation, but science is a philosophy.  The whole concept that “the natural world is a thing that we come to know via observation and experiment, and this is an endeavor worth doing” ultimately comes from philosophy.
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wishuponawish · 7 years
as a gay, I have two moods
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