witch-diaries · 5 years
Magic to Replenish Energy
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(Had to make a new version because tumblr messed with the gif on the original and won’t let me edit my own posts…)
As a spoonie witch, using magic to help regain my mental and physical energy has been extremely helpful. I decided to compile some resources to make life easier!
Mental reboost tea spell
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Rejuvenating tea
Morning coffee spell
Daily energy chant (for your morning drink)
Lemon cayenne wakefulness potion
Spoonie spell for energy + Spoons spell
Rain energy spell
Electric charge spell (storms)
Solar charged spell
Energy boost spell
Pick me up energy spell
The “I’m Tired, I’m Dying” Spell
Full bloom spell
Odds and ends:
Moon bathing + Energy bath
Energy shower scrub
Recharge yourself (with crystals)
Sun meditations
Motivation charm bag
Spell jar/sachet for energy
“I Shouldn’t Be Awake But I Have to Be” Jar Spell
Emoji spell for healing from burnout
Sigils for energy: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related resources:
What to do when witchcraft drains you
Spells and sigils for energy
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
Simple spell work for low energy days
You may also like:
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witchcraft series
How to return to the craft
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witch-diaries · 5 years
things to release on a full moon
fear of change 
searching externally for answers & not searching within
negative energy 
the belief that you’re not good enough
comparing yourself to others
clinging onto things
letting go of the need for approval from others
fear of criticism & judgement
old beliefs that no longer serve you
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witch-diaries · 5 years
This is so beautiful, I printed it out and put it on my altar. I needed this. Thank you
One of the best things about withcraft is how it like... just becomes real.
Like all you have to do is say oh witchcraft looks fun, this stuff might help me, this MIGHT be real... and slowly it starts to prove itself.
I'm not even talking like, i cast this spell for confidence and now I'm more confident.
I mean how when our room was heavy with negative energy from my roommate's anxiety attacks and I decided we couldn't wait to make the cleansing spray so i put cleansing sigils on post it notes around the room near vents and windows, and then did some energy work to gather the energy on her side of the room and throw it out the window, andmy roommate who had been hiding in the corner poked her head up and said it felt better.
But even more than that I mean when later that night one of the cleansing sigil post its unstuck from the wall and floated across the room to stick itself to my roommate lying in her bed.
I also mean when I hear those stories where I'm like yeah you definitely qent on the astral plane.
And when I do a tarot reading to an almost strangerwho thought it'd just be a fun activity and ended up staring at the table in bewilderment because it pinpointed exactly what was happening in his life--even when as i was reading i was sure i was spewing bullshit.
I'm talking about the stories I hear about empaths, about clairvoyance, about energy, divination, astral plane, deities.
There's times I doubt how real this stuff is, where I'm like this is just aesthetic and placebo effect... and then i hear a story or something happens and I'm just like yeah... this is real. This is happening.
It's like as soon as you offer to the universe (or whatever your beliefs) a willingness to connect, an acceptance that maybe you can communicate with it, it's voice becomes louder and more obvious and you can't deny it like you once could.
Know what I mean?
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Crystal Safety, Revisited
There’s an awesome post going around by @prettycitywitch that discusses crystal care and toxicity. I noticed a few errors in it, just due to the source that was used, so I contacted her and got permission to rewrite it to ensure the most accurate information possible is spread around in the witchy community. I’ve gone through every crystal in her list and added a few others. 
Everything in this list has been confirmed by the Gemological Institute of America Laboratory (one of the foremost in gemological research), multiple published mineralogical sources, and/or at least two online mineralogical databases. Crystals of particular concern in each category have been bolded; the other listed crystals have a bit of wiggle room.
Crystals affected by sunlight or heat Most crystals (including nearly all in this list) are safe to expose to sunlight temporarily - you can wear them in jewelry during the day, for example, but don’t leave them in your windowsill for weeks. In general, colorless crystals may be left in the sun indefinitely, while colored (especially pink) crystals should be stored in a place that doesn’t get direct sun all day. Heat, on the other hand, can easily affect many crystals, but usually only at high temperatures (steam or a jeweler’s torch), so I’ve only included the ones that could be damaged by relatively low temperatures.
Amber - may crack in heat
Amethyst - may fade over time; safe to expose to sun temporarily
Apophyllite - heat can cause flaking; sunlight is fine as long as the specimen is kept cool
Maxixe (dark blue beryl) - fades extremely quickly to pale brown in sunlight; color can only be restored through irradiation
Azurite - will fade over time with exposure to sunlight; store in a dark, cool environment
Celestine - fades in long exposure to sunlight
Chrysoprase - may fade in sunlight; restoration of color sometimes possible through prolonged storage in water
Fluorite - occasionally can fade in sunlight
Hackmanite - exhibits tenebrescence, a temporary change in color due to sun exposure; will return to original color if kept in a dark area
Hiddenite - unstable in sunlight and heat to a lesser degree than kunzite; however, some darker green hiddenite is much more unstable than kunzite and great care should be taken, as it can fade in a matter of minutes
Kunzite - will fade drastically in sunlight; indoor incandescent light can also slowly affect this stone
Larimar - fades over time when exposed to sunlight and heat
Morganite - deeper colors or more lilac hues can fade in sunlight
Opal - fading is minimal, but sunlight, heat, and changes in air pressure can cause internal fracturing called “crazing”
Pearl (& mother-of-pearl) - may lose color or turn dull in sunlight or heat
Sulfur - extremely heat-sensitive; crystals may fracture or burst if left in the sun or held in your hand
Topaz - irradiated stones may fade in direct sunlight
Tugtupite - exhibits tenebrescence, a temporary change in color due to sun exposure; will return to original color if kept in a dark area
Vanadinite - may darken and lose transparency in sunlight
Zircon - heat-treated stones may revert to original color over time in sunlight; avoid exposure to UV lights (tanning beds, nail salons, etc)
Water-soluble crystals Though many crystals will eventually be worn away by water mostly due to tiny particles of other substances suspended in the water, there are very few that will dissolve in water in any significant way. Contrary to what some believe, most crystals with the suffix ‘-ite’ aren’t water-soluble; ‘-ite’ simply means ‘stone’ and is part of most mineralogical names. 
Anhydrite - not water-soluble, but instead will absorb water and convert to gypsum; store in a dry environment and do not submerge
Boji stone - not water-soluble, but may rust due to iron component
Calcite - somewhat soluble in slightly acidic water; neutral or slightly alkaline water is usually safe; negligible dissolution in air due to gaseous carbon dioxide
Celestine - very slightly soluble
Chalcanthite - easily soluble in water, but must be stored in a humid environment
Chalcopyrite - not soluble, but may rust due to iron content
Fluorite - very slightly soluble
Gypsum - somewhat soluble; solubility decreases in warmer water
Halite - easily dissolves in water; moisture from your skin or humidity in the air can eat away at crystals
Hematite - not water-soluble, but exposed rough areas may rust
Magnesite - slightly soluble; solubility increases with presence of salt
Magnetite - not water-soluble, but may rust due to iron content
Malachite - slightly soluble in water containing carbon dioxide
Marcasite - water may trigger decomposition into melanterite, which contains sulfuric acid
Mica (muscovite, fuchsite, lepidolite, etc) - plate or sheet-like specimens may absorb water into cleavage planes and begin to break apart; aggregated crystals are safe in water
Pyrite - exposure to water, including high-humidity environments, can trigger breakdown
Rhodochrosite - slightly soluble in water containing carbon dioxide
Selenite - somewhat soluble; solubility decreases in warmer water
Sulfur - soluble in warm water; may form sulfuric acid over time if left in a wet or humid environment
Ulexite - dissolves in hot water; slightly soluble in cold water
Acid-soluble crystals A large number of crystals will dissolve in acid. Many only dissolve in strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid - I won’t list those here because it generally won’t be a concern. There is very little information on mineral solubility in weak acids, such as vinegar, so this list is incomplete. But really, why are you soaking any of your crystals in acid?
Amber - “young amber” is soluble in a large number of chemicals
Aragonite - easily soluble, even in dilute acids; effervesces
Atacamite - readily soluble in acids
Azurite - may be slightly soluble
Calcite - easily soluble; effervesces
Lapis lazuli - composed of a number of minerals, including calcite, which may be acid-soluble; acetone and other substances may remove dye
Magnesite - slightly soluble in acids
Malachite - readily soluble in acids; color may also be affected
Pearl (& mother-of-pearl) - soluble in acids; surface will become dull and pitted
Rhodochrosite - slightly soluble in warm acids; effervesces
Smithsonite - effervesces and dissolves in acids
All water-soluble crystals
Crystals affected by salt Salt is a dehydrator, so any hydrated crystal may be damaged by it. Salt has a hardness of 2 to 2.5 and may scratch any mineral softer than this. It is safe to put non-hydrated crystals of a hardness between 2.5 and 7 in salt, but very fine scratches may occur due to impurities; don’t put cabochons or faceted stones in this hardness range in salt.
Apophyllite - may dehydrate in salt, resulting in flaking; usually not an issue unless combined with heat
Cavansite - may dehydrate
Chalcanthite - dehydrates easily, forming potentially dangerous powder; store in a humid environment
Gypsum (including selenite) - hardness of 2; may be scratched by salt; may dehydrate to anhydrite
Opal - will dehydrate and develop internal fractures called “crazing”; store in a wet or humid environment
Pearl (& mother-of-pearl) - may become dull and pitted
Stilbite - may dehydrate
Potentially dangerous crystals
In general, crystals are pretty safe - handling them is usually okay. Many crystals do have somewhat dangerous elements, such as aluminum-bearing garnets, but they’re “locked” in the crystal structure in a way that prevents them from harming us unless the crystal is powdered or dissolved and inhaled/ingested. The occasional garnet or moonstone gem water won’t hurt you in the slightest.
Because there’s no way for this list to be ‘complete’ - I don’t know what unusual stones you might have - I advise you to never make gem waters with or otherwise ingest
powdery, very fine, or fibrous crystals;
crystals which you have not identified;
metal ores;
metals, with the exceptions of gold, platinum, tungsten, and titanium; and
stones composed of a variety of minerals.
Don’t use these crystals for gem water, elixir, massage oil, etc. Don’t put these crystals in your mouth or otherwise insert them into your body.
Adamite - contains arsenic
Amazonite - generally safe, but the color is usually caused by traces of lead; don’t use flaky or powdery specimens in gem waters
Atacamite - contains copper
Aurichalcite - contains copper and zinc
Azurite - contains copper
Boji stone - composition can vary, so some stones may have dangerous components
Brochantite - contains copper
Cerussite - ore of lead; wash hands after handling; do not inhale dust
Chalcanthite - contains copper; wash hands after handling; do not rub eyes after handling; do not inhale; do not ingest
Chalcopyrite - ore of copper
Chrysocolla - contains copper
Cinnabar - ore of mercury; always wash hands after handling; do not inhale dust; never ingest in any form; do not heat; massive (aggregate) cinnabar can contain elemental mercury which is very easily absorbed by the body
Conichalcite - contains copper and arsenic
Cuprite - contains copper; do not ingest
Dioptase - delicate, may break or crumble into powder; contains copper
Eilat stone - contains copper
Galena - ore of lead; wash hands after handling; flaky/crumbly specimens are common, be careful not to inhale dust
Malachite - contains copper
Marcasite - decomposes to melanterite, which contains sulfuric acid; do not ingest; wash hands after handling; do not inhale
Mohawkite - contains copper and arsenic; may contain other toxins
Psilomelane - contains barium
Pyrite - broken-down pyrite can contain sulfuric acid; do not ingest; if pyrite appears blackish or crumbly, wash hands after handling
Realgar - contains arsenic; wash hands after handling; never ingest
Serpentine (sp. chrysotile) - safe unless fibrous; do not inhale; asbestos
Stibnite - very soft; contains antimony
Sulfur - can form sulfuric acid when in contact with moisture
Turquoise - usually safe unless powdery; contains copper
Vanadinite - contains lead; may have traces of arsenic
Wulfenite - ore of lead and molybdenum; do not ingest or inhale
A few final safety reminders
⚠️ Never swallow any crystals, because some otherwise safe crystals can interact with your stomach acids and produce dangerous chemicals.
⚠️ Never crush, powder, or dissolve crystals with the intention of inhaling or ingesting them - fine powders and solutions make elements more accessible to the body.
⚠️ Wash your crystals in water and gentle soap before making any gem waters, elixirs, etc. with them. Even if the crystal itself is safe, it may have been in contact with other dangerous crystals or chemicals.
⚠️ Never make gem water, elixirs, etc. with crystals that are on/in matrix (the base rock the crystals grew from). You don’t know what the matrix is composed of, and it may contain dangerous minerals or elements.
⚠️ Never burn, hold in a candle flame, or intentionally heat your crystals. Intentional heating should only be performed by a jewelry or gemstone professional in a controlled environment. The sole exception to this is anhydrite without matrix, which may be carefully raised to 200°C (~400°F), dry heat, to dehydrate it and change any gypsum components back to anhydrite. Be aware that this process can occasionally result in fractures, breakage, or internal damage to the stone.
Keep yourself and your crystals safe, everyone! There’s no way for this list to be complete, because there are thousands of minerals out there, so please feel free to contact me if you have questions about any particular stones!
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Things to put in your book of shadows~✨
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Hey. Do you need a hug?
Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. It’s okay! You deserve love and warmth in your life.
Are you comforted by words? 
Here’s an Emergency Compliment
Here are some kind words you can personalize with your name 
Here are 15 more emergency compliments 
Here is a Self Esteem Boosting Confidence Machine 
take a moment - video 
believe in yourself - video 
Inspiration from Jacksepticeye - PMA 
encouragement from Mr. Rogers - video 
you are ENOUGH - video 
Do you need to hear some pleasant ambient sounds?
How about rain sounds you can customize? 
You can listen to a cafe here  
or how about a crackling fireplace?  
ASMR? Stimming? 
Soap cutting ASMR - video 
more soap ASMR - video 
a 4 hour ASMR video to help with sleep 
ASMR face and scalp massage - video
ASMR slime - video 
the most satisfying video in the world 
more satisfying videos 
Lora Zombie speed painting - video 
Agnes Cecile speed painting - video  
the fastest workers in the world - video 
how candy canes are made - video 
Mr. Rogers shows how crayons are made - video 
How about a game or activity distraction?
Play 2048 here 
A whole website of free games!  
play chess against a computer 
Here are some coloring pages you can do online!  
Play Flow online here 
here’s a game where you stretch a giraffe’s little neck to give kisses 
Learn about the history of life on earth with PBS Eons 
Do you need something soothing?
Control the pattern of rain here! (flashing colors warning)
try doing nothing for two minutes 
Vent to a stranger online for FREE!  
weavesilk, where you can create a soothing pattern 
have you ever been to the nicest place on the internet? 
watch Bob Ross bring joy to painting - playlist 
How about a laugh?
Vines you can show your grandparents 
History of the entire world, I guess  
History of Japan 
Rhett and Link caption fails 
Thomas Sanders Vines 
The Demented Cartoon Movie (warning for flashing colors) 
The ASDF movie 1-11 
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale  (warnings for some bruises and some violence)
Rhett and Link VS Hank Green - SHUT UP AND DANCE 
It’s going to be okay. Today may be the worst day of your life - but tomorrow won’t be. Life is a series of ups and downs, and that means there’s going to be good and bad. Drink some water, let yourself cry if you need to, and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. 
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witch-diaries · 5 years
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(Actually this can be made into incense, a spray or even a candle but it’s good to make a oil of it to anoint yourself or other things. This recipe is also very good with protection against spirits and or malevolent entities, along with those who wish you harm/ill and or give negative vibes)
What you’ll need:
Marjoram (This is a very powerful herb for overall protection. However don’t be surprise if your spirit friend/companion goes away for a bit due to this herb, it can make spirit communication a bit difficult.) I thank my grandmother (who is a native medicine women) for telling me this.
Salt (For obvious reasons!)
Frankincense essential oil or resin (Frankincense is considered to be holy and was said to be given from a Archangel)
Willow or sage (both are very good for protection and protection against evil)
A Carrier oil (or not if your making this into a loose incense)
A container to put it all in
You can use Moon/Sun water instead of oil
If your making it a loose mixture, place a crystal in it to keep it charged!
You can place the mixture within sun or moon light to charge it or make it more potent
If you don’t like the smell of Frankincense you can use Lavender, Peppermint, Dragon’s blood, Myrrh or Rose essential oil or resin.
You can add the following herbs for more potency: Mandrake root, Lavender, Lemongrass, Rose, Basil, Wormwood, Bay, Sandalwood, Cedar, Pine, Cinnamon, Juniper/Juniper berries, Dill, rosemary. 
Directions: This is pretty self explanatory. You add everything into the bottle (BUT REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR INTENT ALSO!) I can’t stress this enough guys! You can add as much or as little as you want to your own mixtures! 
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witch-diaries · 5 years
FML... Crazy old Bat sent my hubby a message today "you have mail from the bank, oh btw, John is dead". I haven't spoken to her since feb-jan. And she decides to tell me my grandfather's dead. What the f*cking hell woman. Apparently he hanged himself yesterday (day before Canada Day) and that's how she decides to break the ice... with my MAIL. To remind you I cut her out of my life because she's abusive and manipulative and a compulsive liar, she's also a thief and a drug dealer soooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO for obvious reasons I don't contact her.
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witch-diaries · 5 years
“Ryerson touts itself as an accessible institution, but many on the autism spectrum have found otherwise. There are sensory issues like classrooms with smoke detectors that produce constant overwhelming low-level ringing, Ryerson’s overstimulating hubs and halls, mandatory group work and a lack of assistance for students having social communication issues with professors or administration.”
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Incense Witch Tips!
Like real ones you can actually use
Learn how to use a mortar and pestle the right way. Different kinds of resins need to be crushed differently. Frankincense in particular is hard to get used to. Done incorrectly, it’s a bit like trying to grind up dried chewing gum. Myrrh is a bit similar, but is, in my opinion, easier to grind. Benzoin, dragon’s blood, and copal blend with a bit of a pop. They’re easy.
When blending an incense, start with the harder resins (frankincense and company), then your easier resins (copal, benzoin), then your roots (orris, etc.). After, add your plant leaves to powder. Then your plant materials such as flower petals. End with your liquids and binding agents - essential oils, wine, egg, etc.
Adding a few drops of liquid to homemade loose incense can act as a binding agent. An egg can also be used, but this creates shelf-life problems. This will not help you create joss sticks, but little nuggets of incense. Why would you want this, you ask?
The texture of loose incense matters. If the incense is chunky with bits of resin, it will take a longer time to burn. The chunks of resin will often ooze oil as they burn. Powdered incense burns more quickly. It can even burn mid-air if you aren’t careful. If you’ve ever accidentally tossed powdered incense near a candle flame, you know what I’m talking about! My favorite method, creating small pills and nuggets gives you the best of both worlds - longer burning incense and beautiful plumes of smoke.
Like a good soup stock, a quality incense is better after it’s had some time to flavor. Let it sit for a while! If you have an altar, let it cook on your altar. Let it sit for a couple of months.
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Attempting a weather spell tonight to delay a storm tomorrow ! Updates will follow
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Me: I just sometimes get so stressed that I just want to screech
My Therapist: Then do it.
Me: I’m sorry?
My Therapist: Primal screeching is one way of completing your stress cycle, do it. Be mindful of where you are, I usually do it in my car, but yeah. Go for it.
Me: Ah- Oh.
My Therapist: Holding that kind of thing in is what’s locking you into that stress state. Screeching, running, dancing, that tells your body they the danger has passed and you’ll relax. Since you have a lifetime of that shit locked away, it’ll take a sec but yeah. Screech if you want to.
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Spread This shit. I don't normally add to posts... but... I'm 22 and only now have I finally gotten the courage to go to my doctor and get assessed for Asperger's Syndrome. When I told my mum about it. We aren't that close and I have a deep fear of my parents, due to me having Autism, and my mom said she wasn't all that surprised that I am Autistic. She apparently had tried to get me looked at as a kid but BC of social anxiety and an uncontrollable fear of doctors as well as having a horrible case of being a people pleaser I masked all my autism traits because I thought if the psychiatrists saw that I was weird and different that they would think that I was crazy and then they would take me away from my parents, which lead to me not being diagnosed with Autism until over a decade later... This shit is serious guys, it fucks you up for life if you aren't given the proper care and help.
autistic traits that were ignored simply because I’m a girl:
very obvious special interests in things like animals or hair were ignored as normal girl interests
noise sensitivity was me being an uptight bitch
meltdowns extending into teenage years were seen as typical for dramatic teenage girls
love of colorful, sparkly, visually-stimulating things?? GIRL
vestibular stimming only landed me in cheerleading and gymnastics
severe social anxiety = shy girl!!!
always saying “what”? can’t be her ears bc she has great hearing, must just be another ditzy blonde girl
only eats specific foods/plain food? girls are sooo picky
self-harming? red flag but still typical of girls who are “looking for attention”
awkward laughing at everything because I don’t know what to FUCKING SAY?? giggly girl, very normal and cute (not)
doesn’t go out a lot? the perfect daughter!
not to mention all of the symptoms that WEREN’T obvious because I worked so hard to hide them.
pls educate girls on autism so they don’t spend their formative years wondering why they feel so different.
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witch-diaries · 5 years
(”What? Jes, what even is that? Is that just like… Bone Throwing? But with beads?”)
Well yes. Kind of.
The short background is that I was cleaning out some old boxes in my room and I found an old spell book from when I was 15 years old and just making witch shit up because I didn’t have access to Real Proper Witchcraft. (Flash forward to now, where Adult Jes is still making shit up and hand making everything just like Teen Jes had to, except that Adult Jes now does it voluntarily and finds it much more fulfilling than just buying Proper Witch Stuff).
Flipping through that old spell book, I found this little divination system that I had made up using some beads I had. I made jewelry a lot as a teen, so I just had a lot of beads around, so it made sense to use them for divination when I wasn’t able to access the Usual divination methods because of Family Reasons.
What kind of beads? Well, of course they were super mystical crystal beads!! Super pretty hand made fancy… crystal…
Yeah, bullshit. They were funky plastic beads.
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Anyway, since these beads came in a bunch of different colors (seven, actually), I decided to pull two of each color and assign them ~*~meaning~*~*. Then I’d throw them onto a surface and interpret how they fell.
(”Yeah. Jes. That’s Bone Throwing.”)
Yes, okay, shh. Adult Jes can see that now, but Teen Jes didn’t know what bone throwing was. Hush up, this isn’t so much a ‘how-to’ guide as it is a trip down memory lane.
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I actually forgot all about these until I found a page in that found spell book where I’d been journaling about some bead readings I did. And Adult Jes thought “Oh wow. This looks like it was really cool. Damn, I wish I could remember what each of those beads meant…” And then I turned a few more pages and found that Teen Jes actually HAD bothered to write down the bead meanings.
So, I guess lesson #1 of this whole thing is: Don’t dismiss anything in your craft as Too Stupid To Write About, because maybe fourteen years into your future you’ll look back and go “Wait, that was a GREAT idea!”
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So anyway, I’d toss this handful of beads onto a surface, and then start interpreting how they landed. Having two of each color was key to this whole thing, because the first thing I’d do is start looking at the pairs. See how they fall.
For example… the red beads are Passion. Not like, romance-novel-passion, but like ‘powerful emotion and/or intense focus’. They’re pretty far apart in this toss. And what’s in between them? The black beads (Conflict) and the blue bead (Peace).
This is the part where the journaling would happen. Example: I haven’t been writing as much as I used to, even though it was something I was really Passionate about. I stopped after numerous conflicts with a friend (yaaaay abusive and manipulative friendships…) and it tore down my confidence. These days, I haven’t picked it up again because of Peace, but peace to the point of complacency. I’m comfortable and I don’t like rocking my own boat. Picking up a pen again would force me to face those old traumas. And I don’t want to because ugh.
More things to consider: There’s a green Wealth bead hanging out by the two Love beads, but the other Wealth bead is hanging out with both Uncertainty beads. Peace, Passion, and Spirituality are making a little wall between those two groupings.
Anyway, you get me? The main idea was to look at the pairings and see how close together they were, or if there was anything in their way. It was a lot of introspection and thought.
But like… also I found the entry in the spell book where I threw the beads for a high school friend and her boyfriend, and I couldn’t make sense of it because it definitely looked like their future had lots and lots of pain and heartbreak and that couldn’t be because they were like totally perf? And then as I was looking at it as an adult like “Oh that abusive lying psychopathic asshole got CALLED TF OUT by my FUNKY PLASTIC BEADS!”
So. Yeah. Bead throwing. Like bone throwing, but more plastic.
Lesson #2 to be gained from this is… idk, the young and the new witches tend to get caught up in this mystical idea of tarot cards and how they’re like the Ultimate Divination Tool but Oh No they can’t get any because their family Wouldn’t Understand, and I mean I get you, but also some Funky Plastic Beads will drag someone just as hard as the fanciest of tarot decks.
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Growth is painful. Change is painful . But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong .
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witch-diaries · 5 years
A reminder that healing will have ups and downs. If you are going through a rough patch, it doesn’t mean that you are back to square one. It never means all the progress you made was for nothing. Recovery is not linear. You’ll grow from this. I believe in you.
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witch-diaries · 5 years
Good things come to those who witchcraft.
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