witchescauldron · 1 year
Hello! Love your mood boards. Could I request a Libra sun, Leo moon and Scorpio rising? Thank you in advance!
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Libra suns remind me of the princess aurora, she was almost effortlessly flawless. It seemed she was beautiful and graceful, and she was kind. At least that’s been my experience with every libre come across. They seek out fairness, and they want to be a helping, or healing source in the world, often finding themselves in jobs, such as some type of care childcare, senior care, some kind of doctor or vet. They are ruled by the planet Venus, and Venus comes with a certain expectation of luxury, or just a general fondness for the finer things in life. Libra sons fielder best when they’re able to express themselves through makeup and clothing, and really are able to present themselves the way they want to. We were sons are incredibly creative as well often excelling in poetry and painting.
Leo moons are very creative. They specifically lean towards Expressionism so any type of creative outlet where they can express themselves or act or use. Their words is very well place for them. Such as acting quite blank or poetry or songwriting even singing. They enjoy with the spotlights on them, but maybe not as much as a Leo son, that almost craves the spotlight and attention. Leo moons seek it a little bit more subtly and might not constantly seek out the spotlight. They do like when recognition is given to them, but they won’t put on a whole performance just to get a couple of applause. Leo moons can be perfectionists and seek a almost unrealistic standard of perfection from themselves . My advice to Leo moons is take it easy, trust yourself you won’t let yourself put out something you aren’t happy with.
Scorpio rising’s, have a very mysterious air about them, they can make others feel like they know them very well however, there’s quite a few hidden layers underneath that no one really has access to. Scorpio rising‘s are fantastic secret keepers. If you tell them something it is locked in a vault forever. They will not share with others. Scorpio, rising‘s also have a very deep sense of Moral justice or just justice in general they very much don’t like watching people get stepped on or people they don’t deserve it stepped on and they will often try and seek out justice if they can for themselves or others if they truly care about that person. Depending on other placements in the chart, this can lead to fairly vindictive actions but with a libra, sun and a Leo moon, I feel like this might be curved a little bit . With any water placement in your big three, you have quite a keen sense for your intuition, you might’ve always found it easy to figure out if somebody is lying to you or trying to hide their true emotions. 

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witchescauldron · 1 year
capricorn sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising
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Capricorn suns are extremely hard-working, their practical their dependable. They’re incredibly trustworthy. If you were lucky enough to have this sign as a friend, you are in great hands. Capricorns surprisingly enough have a pretty good instinct. It’s almost like a water signs intuition. They are very good at knowing, initially if they trust a person or if a situation or job is good for them. This can be amped up if they have a water sign in their chart like you do especially if it’s their moon. Capricorns are a cardinal sign. Meaning they very much like a controlled environment and especially environment they control specifically. So they are more comfortable in jobs that they absolutely know through and through or at their home where their environment is controlled it’s calm. It’s nice that’s where they can thrive. That’s where they can recharge. That’s where the good stuff happens. 
Scorpio moons are extremely skilled at reading people. Even at a young age, you might’ve noticed that you can easily uncover someone’s emotions without them being disclosed to you or even situations that were trying to be hidden from you. Even when you have nothing to go off of you have this almost instinct or gut feeling that something might be off and you’re able to kind of use logic as well as your intuition to conclude, the answer. Scorpio is a fixed sign so they don’t really like change. They’re very comfortable with the way things are, but because Scorpio is a water sign, they are malleable to an extent they would really rather stay in the ocean that they’re comfortable with however, if they absolutely must move to a different location they will, and they will adjust, but they will find it a little turbulent. It’s cold and aloof as Scorpio desperately tries to come off as they are goofballs and softies underneath the would just rather not many people know that about them so you might have a little hidden side to you.
Aquarius rising is another fake sign. Meaning they like concrete ideas, and stability. Since your rising sign, dictates, how you are perceived, many people might find you out of this world and very airy. You might have a little bit of mystery to you people can’t quite pin you down. Aquarius is also have a strong aesthetic style to them whether it’s pink fairy whether it’s space or which in the woods it does not matter once they find this style they are comfortable in and the aesthetic that they love whether they know it or not, they fully commit to it and they feel more at home. Aquarius rising’s are logical and forward, thinking they very much like a good idea and they are kind of futuristic, and they want to be the ones to change the world. Where is rising, can be very ambitious and paired with a Capricorn sun shit can get done if they are determined enough and they believe in a project enough. 

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witchescauldron · 1 year
Hiiiiiiii :)) can i get a moodboard for a cancer sun (7) cancer moon (6) and cap rising? Thank youuu<3
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Cancer suns are the embodiment of nurture. They are big homebodies, they thrive in emotional and well net relationships. They want to connect deeply with everyone they meet. Cancer placements really like to be at home. Like Tauruses, they thrive off of comfort, so good smells candles, comfy couches , or blankets or beds all the way to good food is what cancer placements Enjoy to feel absolutely comfortable and unwind. Many good chefs have some type of cancer placement. Definitely a cook from the heart kind of placement.  cancers are a water sign, so they are highly intuitive and they have this sense of knowing they can easily read a person. They are a cardinal sign, so they have an almost moral code for themselves that they follow. This moral code can fluctuate from person to person, but it typically is a general set of rules of that they won’t cross or what they expect from themselves and others.
Cancer is ruled by the moon that is its home planet so having a cancer moon leads you to have a very deep true cancer attitude. you might find you are very in touch with your emotions. It’s very easy for you to feel a plethora of emotions. Now whether or not you allow your emotions to fully take over depends on how much you want to control your emotions and let almost a chaos consume you. From one cancer moon to another it’s great to feel your emotions. It really benefits us to express our emotions, however, when we let it rule, every decision we make, and we’re not able to use our logic, it can be very detrimental.  with a cancer, sun and cancer moon. You might feel the strong urge to seek out nurturing roles.  This can be anywhere from just asking friends and family is stays eaten. They’ve had anything to drink, making sure they’re feeling happy and healthy or it could go as far as actually taking on a very motherly role and becoming a source and a pillar of stability for somebody in your life. Your intuition is probably off the charts.
Capricorn rising  is another cardinal sign in your big three, so you are heavily cardinal, sign-based meaning like I said, before you have a set code of morality for yourself, and possibly others that you expect to be followed. But you also seek to control your situation and environments to an extent. That she would be happier in situations in places that you know through and through such as your house, or a long-term job that you know the ins and outs of and there’s no surprises really. Capricorn rising’s are go-getters. They’re kind of trendsetters. They won’t jump on just anything they have to feel that it is called “safe and a good move but they are quite in tuned with incoming trends, and what not. Capricorns like starting projects and finishing them it gives them a sense of accomplishment, however, with your two cancer placements, you can be one or the other type of cancer one type is they would like to do creative pursuits or a project however, they are far too comfortable to start . Or there’s the other side of cancer which is very fast paced and moving and when they have a goal they want it completed as fast as possible but with perfection you can be a mix of the two in my personal life. I’ve definitely seen both of these types of cancers, and they can vary Wildly .
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witchescauldron · 1 year
May I request a moodboard for Taurus Sun, Libra Moon and Gemini Rising, please?
Thank you ❤️
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Taurus suns very much enjoy the finer things in life, they really are the happiest when all of their senses are content and happy. So, for example, when they smell things that are nice, so they’ll typically have a lot of nice smelling, candles or body sprays, they will typically have the warmest comfiest, fluffiest pillows and blankets, and the most lovely furniture to sleep on. They also have a fantastic taste in food. They tend to be foodies they might not gorged themselves, but they definitely do enjoy a fine cooked meal. Tauruses are all about making their life the most comfortable so they might not necessarily enjoy working, but they understand to have the lifestyle they want They have to put in quite a bit of effort, and they have no problem doing that. As long as they get to reap the rewards of their hard work they will be happy and satisfied. however the quickest way to catch their wrath is to get in the way of their comfort or them enjoying their life. 
Libra moons tend to want a very harmonious and peaceful life. They don’t really like causing a lot of waves or ripples. They will go out of their way to make sure their piece isn’t ruined, and they’re not gonna do it in a Blades of glory kind of moment they’re going to be very quiet and subtle very delicate about it. Extreme emotion such as anger can really weigh on Libra moons and kind of bog them down so they really try to live in a more happy and harmonious life. Libra moons can be emotional at times, often drowning in their own emotions, and not really able to make sense of Just exactly what they’re feeling. However, libra moons are incredibly intelligent and once they’re able to kind of narrow in on exactly what they’re feeling and what is making them feel that way they can kind of work backwards and correct the situation or work through this situation. Libra moons also enjoy a little bit more glamour in their life, it makes them feel nice, it kind of gives them a little sparkle, and they really do like a little bit of attention on them and glamming up on certain occasions. They might not do it every day, but they do take care in their looks. 
Gemini rising‘s are quite a sociable sign, finding it fairly easy to navigate in social circles. They can easily make new friends and people tend to be drawn to them with their open minded views and general approach ability. Gemini rising is also find it fairly easy to navigate new situations with a Taurus son who is not very keen on last minute changes or changes in general, you might find you have a little bit of an anxiety, reaching new situations and new topics and you might have yourself up a little bit more than needed but your Gemini rising will come out in the situation and help you easily navigate them leaving you to almost wonder why you were even so worried about the situation to begin with. Gemini, rising like any air signs are drawn to communication and intellect. They find they can connect on a deeper level with people through intelligent conversations. They might also find that they learn better through talking with people then reading from a book and spending hours upon hours just studying. Finding a conversation is way to learn would be beneficial for any Gemini rising‘s going through schooling so finding like a study group that you can openly talk about the topics with others, could really help.
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witchescauldron · 1 year
Hey ! thoughts on Gemini sun Libra moon & Taurus Rising? Thank you 💞
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Gemini suns live in the domain of intelligence and idea sharing, they are very sociable and it’s easy for them to connect with people and share ideas. They typically find good luck in merging their social life with their innovative or intellectual life. Often finding groups of people who have similar mindsets to them, or being able to kind of merge everyone’s ideas together to create some thing. Geminis are also a mutable sign, what this means is, they tend to adapt to situations much easier, and they reflect what is shown to them back at the world. This is why Geminis get quite the rep for being “ two faced”. And even though most of the time, it’s probably not done in malice this is just simply how Geminis operate or mostly any mutable sign operates. They see the world, or they see the people present it to them, and they reflect that back at them, they have many different layers are multi faceted, and they can easily blend in to other communities or lifestyles Making them a very versatile person. As my often caused them to feel like they’re trying to find their true inner self because they don’t really get a lot of downtime to explore themselves. 
Libra moons are very harmony-based people. They often tend to be the mediators in situations, or just trying to keep everyone levelheaded. Libra moons seek balance in all aspects of their lives. It’s what brings them, the most joy and harmony, and typically when they are unable to find a balance between things in their lives, they might become a little rattled. Libra moons can be a little bit flighty and indecisive often having trouble coming to a decision and then following through with that decision. With your Gemini sun, you might find that this is a little bit more amplified for you and it’s a lot harder to fully come to a decision just for the fact that you can see all the possible outcomes with everything else and you don’t know what want to stick with.
Taurus rising’s are quite easy to understand, these are a very what you see is what you get kind of sign. There’s no hidden ulterior motives they don’t have time for that. And they are a sign of opulence and comfort. They really enjoy being comfortable and are typically in a fantastic mood, when all of their senses are pleased, and they are in a comfortable situation. However, they can quickly become agitated, irritated and downright angry when their needs are not being met or they feel like they’re being disrespected. Status is important to a Taurus especially to a Taurus rising. They also can be materialistic feeling like they’re worth is attached to objects, depending on other placements in your chart this could be amplified, or it could be a little bit more muted, but to some extent, all Taurus rising’s will go through a period in their life at one point or another Where they believe, having certain items defines them. 
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witchescauldron · 1 year
hello! Can I request a moodboard for cancer sun, libra moon, leo rising please? Thanks in advance!
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Cancer suns  are very protective of the ones they love and of themselves, they strive very hard to keep their inner world at peace, and they are not willing to allow just anyone to come in and possibly ruin the peace. They’ve worked so hard to acquire. Cancers don’t really warm up to the thought of some thing changing but if they understand that it Hass to be done, they would rather it be done sooner rather than later so they will step on the gas to really push things forward and really make sure things are going at an accelerated speed Because they would rather just rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with if they have to absolutely go through with this.  since cancer is ruled by the moon. It has a very strong feminine energy to it, which is represented in. They are very caring and motherly like nature they tend to take on the mother role in a lot of friend groups, and they also feel their emotions strongly and they have a wicked sense of intuition. Many people think that they are dipping their toes into a small puddle when they meet a cancer, but before they know what they’re up to their neck in deep water that they had no idea was even there.
Libra moons are in a credibly, peaceful position. They work very well with others. They are easily able to bring harmony to almost any situation. They do tend to get lost in the decision making process and trying to weigh all the options so they tend to overly rely on others to make decisions for them. One of the best ways to work through this is to start making your own decisions to start off small and then work up to a little bit more critical stuff. Libra moons are incredibly friendly, and they are more than willing to give up their comfort to appease somebody else. Because libra is an air sign they are really good with her words, and they’re able to easily communicate what they want to express or how they are potentially feeling. And they can help others find the words to Express, their own ideas and their own emotions. 
Leo rising tend to have Leo aspects magnified in this placement. They tend to be very bold, outgoing, energetically, lively. They can really rally the troops and bring people together. With your libra moon, being able to really easily understand people and find harmony, you could be a very good leader, especially with your cancer son, as well, being able to kind of take care of others on top of all of that. We arise and kind of thrive on the energy of others, and when other people are hyped, they’re hyped, and it really propels them forward to move on projects or any creative things that they were doing at the moment.  Leo risings can have a very sharp look to them. Sometimes you kind of look at them and you think yes, this person is supposed to be the centre of attention. This person is supposed to be having all the eyes in the room on them. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Can I see a mood board for Taurus Sun Pisces Moon Sagittarius Rising ? Please and Thank you
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Taurus suns are very much living in the world of opulence, they are very in touch with their senses, and they want every bit of their senses to be delighted in life. Such as they always want to have something good to smell, they always want something good to eat, they always want something good to feel whether be a certain texture or Emotions. Tauruses strives for absolute comfort in their sensations, and beyond that they strive for luxury for their sensations they’re very in tune with their body. Tauruses are very particular as well they like what they like and they do not like what they do not like there is no changing any of that. They have very strong opinions and tastes, and they will not fluctuate or waver on them, but just as that strong loyalty they have for inanimate objects they have that towards people they have that towards their career. They have a strong sense of loyalty that is rivalled by a Scorpio Placement. And they can easily tell when somebody else is loyal, and they are very drawn to other people that are loyal.  Tauruses are very reliable. They are good people to turn to in a situation where you need a pillar of support.
Pisces moons are emotional, they are living in a little bit of a turmoil. Pisces on their best days can’t really determine what emotion is stronger that they’re feeling at one particular time they tend to feel a lot of emotion all at once so when tensions run high when they are feeling bog down, they can shut down. They need absolute alone time, they need to be with themselves to figure their stuff out, I recommend meditation journalling or just a quiet night and take a bath do self-care if you’re feeling up for it with a Taurus sun self care and a quiet night in would really boost your energy levels and boost your love for yourself. When Pisces is around other people, they tend to take on their emotions. They are a very massive mirror there kind of like the reflection in water whoever is in front of them that’s the emotions they take on. It takes a lot of work for a Pisces placement to not take on another persons emotions or even take another’s persons emotions to heart. A person they could interact with could be having a bad day and unfortunately I get to gets a little bit taken out on them and the Pisces will take that incredibly personally. It takes a bit of work to get over that and work through it, and they might not even fully be able to do that. They might really have to take like a moment out of their day to really wind themselves down from that. With Pisces moons though they are so creative and so intuitive. They are so go with the flow kind of flighty, but it leads them to amazing and beautiful adventures. 
Sagittarius rising, are another go with the flow sign, and they are also a beautiful sign so since you have two beautiful signs, you can easily adapt to situations and events happening around you. Depending on how strongly your Taurus moon rules you or how you allow it to rule you you might find you have almost an equal balance of being able to adapt and except new Changes and situations in your life since Taurus suns are very stubborn and they do not like change but with your two beautiful signs, you might find that you’re able to a little bit more easily except changes that might happen in your life. Or if you haven’t really done any work to kind of except that life is chaotic things happen, you might feel at war and odds with yourself and you might feel a great deal of anxiety from your Taurus sun freaking out about any sudden changes or new things happening but typically once you go through that event, you find that you’ve handled it a lot better than you expected to and that’s because of your two beautiful sites. With Sagittarius rising you kind of have this Wonderlust, you wanna go out on a little bit more adventures maybe nothing grand or extravagant or too big too quick but you are interested in road trips or maybe exploring a new country and you would do the research first before just jumping on a plane and going in thanks to your tour son. It would be a little bit rare for you to just pack up and go somewhere, but it isn’t fully out of the norm if you were to do that, and you might even find that you kind of enjoy those moments a little bit. Sagittarius rising‘s are also very big on social circles, and they want to know about the world around them, and they very much like learning through action. They would rather learn through experiences and actions. They take then learning through a book and it tends to stick better with them when they live through the experience. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Нi! 👻 Can I ask you about aesthetic with Pisces Sun ☀️, Taurus moon 🌒 and rising Gemini? (Of course, if there were no such pictures before) Thanks in advance 💫
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Pisces sons are known to be very creative. They’re empathetic they’re compassionate they’re really romantic they’d like to romanticize things. They have a really good intuition that I feel they need to lean on a little bit more. They tend to want to romanticize their life, they can get very bogged down with the dreariness, and the repetitiveness of life, and they often seek escapism through fantasy, and unfortunately on a dark note drugs and alcohol sometimes. As a Pisces myself, I feel the best way, while still being productive and present, is using my coping mechanism of escapism is to romanticize my life and kind of make it, a story in my head as I’m doing things or make up a fantasy as I’m doing things and pretend I’m a character. Create a pursuit in Outlets really help a Pisces sun thrive in their daily life and typically are better suited career wise for a creative career. Pisces sun in an office job or a retail job will drive a Pisces son insane Pisces suns are beautiful signs and they need stimulation. They need changes in their lives. They need to explore they need to feel like they have freedom, and that they are in the control seat of their life to which they often feel like they are not. 
Taurus moon is all about comfort above everything else. They want to stay home, they want to be in familiar situations. They don’t want to have to exert emotional energy or energy at all if it is not absolutely necessary. They would rather harvest that and keep it for a task, or an emotion that really requires them to fully process and ground themselves. If you can actually be quite a motional compared to other earth signs, that’s because their ruling planet is Venus and Venus is all about deep feelings of love, and with the feelings of love can come deep feelings of anger and rage. They can’t be swept away pretty easily by their emotions, especially if it’s some thing that they are incredibly passionate about but they are not as easily swayed as a fire sign or a water sign, especially in their moon placement. With a Taurus moon and Pisces sun this could give you just enough emotional balance to really kind of try and slow down your knee-jerk reactions to emotions that your Pisces sun is going to want to do. And with feelings of sadness with your Taurus moon and your Pisces son you’re gonna want a lot more comforting acts to feel better so I’m moving in surrounded by a bunch of toys and plushy‘s and the comfiest blankets and the fluffiest pillows will really be the thing that kind of helps you get through emotional hard times. 
Gemini rising‘s tend to have many faces and I know that’s cliché to say and believe me when I tell you this it is not a manipulation tactic that is just how they are. They are a mutable sign and with your Pisces sun you are a giant mirror any mutable sign is going to be a mirror but when you have two or more mutable signs in your top three, you’re a magnifying glass of a mirror What you are seeing in the world is what you are going to project out especially if you’re in an environment or around people and especially if you don’t feel safe to be yourself, you will project what is being projected onto you outward to keep yourself safe. It’s a little bit of a defence mechanism but it’s also to blend in. Geminis are like chameleons that’s why they seem so sociable and so approachable and like they have all these friendsand other acquaintances they’re able to relate to people they’re able to get down on someone’s level or raise themselves up to someone’s level. They are able to connect emotionally and logically with a person. And that’s why some people might find them two faced, because they weren’t expecting them to have such a versatile range and some people who can’t do that immediately think that that’s manipulation or that’s sketchy. they don’t see it as the gift that it is, to be able to relate to so many people personally. I find those people that accuse any Gemini placement to be manipulative, because of this are close minded. How can one think that being able to relate to a bunch of different people isn’t a gift. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a moodboard for
Libra Sun
Leo Moon
Libra Rising?
Sorry to bother you! Hope you have a nice day!
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Libra sons have a very good internal scale on right and wrong, they will typically act in a way that is best for everyone above themselves. They would rather the mask be happy then them selves reap the benefits, while others can share in it. And as beautiful of a sentiment that is and how they try to act as much as they can, they can bite them in the ass, and they can typically let their own ambitions or their own wants and needs fall to the wayside to try and make others around them. Happy. They’re not ones for conflict. They don’t want to fight, and if they can avoid it, they absolutely will. These signs take a lot in life, and they smile and grin and bear it, and they make the best out of the situation and that is extremely admirable. However, when they are finally pushed to their edge, they can be rather ruthless. They are an air sign and they are very intelligent very quick witted have a silver tongue, but they hold it back and they don’t feel like they need to use it again unless they have absolutely been pushed to the breaking point and they snap. And when you’re on the receiving end of that it is hurtful, but I have to say if you are on the receiving end of that, there’s something you did to deserve that. I’ve seen my Libra friend snap only a few times in her life. I bought her Starbucks and whatever she wanted after that because she was in the right for it and she deserved it, and that person that pissed her off got what they deserved. do not mistake a libras kindness and complicity for weakness. They will prove you wrong, and it will be sweetly enjoyed by the people around.
Do you moons are a fun, loving, very warm sign they can be quite energetic, and they tend to want the best for the people around them. The moon represents feminine energy, and with Leo in the moon placement I feel like it’s more of a lioness energy. Where the lioness very much make sure everyone in her pack is taken care of everyone’s emotionally happy and physically well. And a little bit more subdued they want to just more so relax they want to be in the sun they want to really relish in their victories and their friends victories. They do have that hustle. They do have that grind, but they know when to take breaks and they really do enjoy taking their brakes and they really do enjoy their cat naps in a sense. Leo moons will typically find they excel in creative pursuits. Be at acting, dancing is a big one, art and poetry. typically more so things that move their body and can get that energy out and they can truly express how they are feeling into the world. 
Libra, rising’s are very well mannered very well spoken very intellectual, and they seem to have quite a bit of knowledge on everything as per a air sign. But they can feel quite restless, they really enjoy being able to explore the world or explore new knowledge pursuits on their terms. Libra risings romanticize the world and enjoy going out and exploring the world and experiencing it firsthand for themselves. They enjoy travel and learning about the cultures they visit, and they fully immersed themselves into it. libra, rising’s tend to have a bit of a softer look maybe a little bit of around her face, and bigger eyes. That’s just a broad stroke of a brush things that people tend to notice about libra rising. I find libra rising‘s, have a very kind soul that you can tell almost immediately, they are extremely open and warm and kind of the opposite of other air signs. They have a smaller group of friends. They do have quite a few acquaintances, and they do enjoy social events and they really do enjoy being the bell of the ball. They don’t fully like being the absolute centre of attention or at least they won’t admit to it, but they do like glamming it up for special events and kind of knocking everyone away with the amount of care and time they took into their look.
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Hiiii can I request a mood board for capricorn sun, aries moon, scorpio rising plz !
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Capricorn sons are very calm, cool and collected people, they tend to really think through decisions they are making they’re not ones to make snap judgments. They are also fantastic people to lean on if you’re close enough with one and they will in their own way get you to lean on them. Depending on the placement in your chart, some Capricorns can be a little bit more warm and a little bit more open on other placements they can be a little bit colder a little bit more standoffish and but that’s not to say that once you get through that shell, and you are considered a precious pearl to them. They’re also very committed and very dedicated to themselves and their work. They will find a career and they will stick to it 100% even if it’s something that not everyone else sees as glamorous or quite right fit for them. If a Capricorn is committed to it and they like it they will not, but they are extremely loyal to themselves their careers, there lifestyles and their friends. Anything discussed with a Capricorn is considered sacred they will not ruin their reputation with you just to partake in gossip they will not gossip about others with you. They will not leak your stuff to anyone else. You’re in very safe hands when you’re close with a Capricorn like that to share deep intimate secrets, so extend the same courtesy because if they find out that you’ve leaked any of their secrets because they can be extremely private people, they will cut you off and they will drag you for it. They can be very vindictive. 
Aries moons have very big emotions him and they can flare up quite quickly but they can also dissipate just as fast they very much feel their emotions they’re not necessarily wants to push it down and suppress it with a Capricorn sun there might be some hidden tactics to hide their emotions, but as well with a Scorpio rising, you really do feel your emotions and you might feel quite out of place with how you deal with your emotions you might feel them strongly, but with your Capricorn sun, you might really try to suppress them, so it makes you feel a little bit of a disconnect with your true self. Aries moons can be very idealistic as well. They have many ideas and they want to do them all but it really comes in to play for the other signs in your chart whether you are going to start and finish these projects or you’re just gonna get overwhelmed by all these projects, and just kind of like have it fizzle out and move onto the next thing. It was a Windsor also extremely creative people and they tend to be pretty good performers and enjoy a little bit of a spotlight. They do definitely also enjoy being in a bit of a leader role. 
Scorpio, rising‘s are mysterious aloof, a little cold, or a lot cold actually. Whether they are those things or not that is definitely how they are perceived and exactly how they want to be perceived. They’ve built up a wall between themselves and people, they are scared of being hurt and they don’t want anyone close enough to hurt them. They also like the staresthey get Form being the mysterious one. With a Capricorn sun, you can have extra thick walls with your Scorpio rising these are two signs do not let people in easily at all. There is an extreme vetting process for anyone, and just because your family with a Capricorn, sun and Scorpio rising, does not mean you’re close if They do not trust you even if your family you will not be close to them. you will not know their secrets and they will keep you more than an arms length away. However, the downfall to a Capricorn, sun and a Scorpio rising is these two signs no matter how cold or aloof they seem they want to be seen for who they are, they very much want to be loved for who they are, they very much want that deep, intimate connection that they’ve almost gas lit themselves into believing isn’t available for them or isn’t real for them, they believe other people can find it but for some reason they believe they can’t have that and that’s simply not true. It just takes a little bit longer for them to find that person or that friend group that can really make them feel whole and loved, and it is out there for them.
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Could you do one cap sun, aqua rising and aries moon? Thanks, <3
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Capricorns sun tend to like more simple things. They’re kind of low-key in comparison to a Leo sun or a libra sun. However, that is not to say that they do not like quality they love quality any earth sign you come across is going to love quality plus Capricorns also know their aesthetic and they stick with it. They are very sure and confident of themselves, even when they might not feel it to the rest of the world, they have that façade.  Capricorn suns can be rather standoffish and cold, and a little bit shrewd. It’s hard to break through that barrier and typically when someone does, it’s only because the Capricorn let them Capricorns will not show it, but they do tend to suffer from feeling very lonely, and they may not have the biggest group of friends, but the people that are close to them are very dear to them, and even with the people closest to them, they struggle to rely on them for emotional support, intend to burden all of that on their own shoulders (I’m a Pisces with a lot of Capricorns in my life and I just want to shake you all and yell at you to lean on me!). Capricorns are really good listeners and they have mastered on one to keep their mouth shut, you will never see a Capricorn run and tell someone else secrets. You will never tell your problems to a Capricorn and get judged by them. They will wait for your permission or they will ask your permission if you were looking for a solution or you just wanna vent, and they will respect whatever you ask them to do in that moment. But amongst all of this, Capricorns are one of the funniest zodiac sign, I have ever met next to a Scorpio. Capricorns have a fantastic comedic timing even when they’re not trying to be funny, they can break a room out into laughter. 
Aries moons tend to have quite large emotions and as quickly as they come, they can fizzle out in a second and it will often leave the people around them feeling like they’ve gotten whiplash. It might be good for Aries moons to have a creative outlet, journaling, practices, or meditative practises or even going to the gym when they feel extreme emotion, such as anger or even sadness. Every Aries is energetic and idealistic. They have ideas for days and they want to act on all their ideas but they’re kind of like a kid in the candy store. They see all these things they want and they don’t necessarily know where to start however, with your Capricorn sun, I feel like you’re able to reign that in a little bit and able to kind of slow yourself down take a breath and figure out what you want to start with most and you will follow through with that something an Aries moon alone, or any Aries placements kind of has a harder time doing without a strong grounding earth sign to accompany them.
Aquarius, rising’s are very innovative. They really enjoy quirkiness, and they will typically have a lot of quirky innovative ideas on either how to benefit their lives or other peoples lives. This paired with your moon is a great creative charge and if you truly wanted something to come to fruition with your son being a grounded, Capricorn, that can get shit done can really make any idea you want come to life these placement can be a powerhouse. Aquarius, rising’s tend to have a little bit more of a rebellious kind of looked at them, or in eclectic kind of look to them. They seem very interesting, and people tend to gravitate towards them because they kinda wanna know what the heck is going on with this person? Aquarius rising‘s are pretty good at keeping people on their toes and keeping people at an arms length away emotionally. Someone might not truly know where they stand with this sign and that’s kind of how Aquarius likes it. They’re not ones to gather a huge social circle. They’re very happy and content, being with themselves in a smaller group and they’re not really looking to entertain to a massive extent. They typically do end up entertaining people but it’s not because they were seeking to do that. It’s mostly because they let one of their passions come forth and they were talking about it and other people were interested so they will definitely have people that are interested in the same things gravitate towards them. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Taurus sun Aries moon Gemini rising
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Taurus suns are notorious, for being hardheaded ambitious and strong-willed. I in my opinion if you want to fight a losing battle, talk to a Taurus, even if they are in the wrong, they will not admit they’re wrong ( drives me up the damn wall). However, you have to admire that persistence, let’s say a Taurus has decided on a career path and they run into what seems to be the end of the road and obstacle and they can’t progress any further. They will push and push and push through that wall to the other side when many would’ve given up and said it was a lost cause Taurus is somehow where that wall down and are able to reach their goal. Tauruses themselves have a great deal of loyalty to their career to their lifestyle to the friends and family and they are really drawn to people that they can see have that same amount of loyalty. Tauruses are ruled by the planet Venus, so, even if it is in your sun house, you might have a more luxurious, leaning taste. You might not have all the extravagant newest things, but you do have certain items that you will not compromise on the beard, aesthetically looking or quality. And you have a little bit of a flirty nature to you, and are often looking for that idealistic romance of a lifetime.
Aries moon brings a very fiery energy to a water like planet like the moon. It brings a lot of energy and ambition into your emotional aspect of your life and your willpower. You’re very idealistic. You are very eager to start new projects. You also enjoy kind of being the leader of projects or of groups, and will typically take on that role happily. Aries moons can be a little flighty when it comes to projects that they start they might not fully finish them. However, I feel with your Taurus sun that might not necessarily be too much of an issue for you. You might really power through so when your energetics energy kind of fizzled out a little bit for the project that’s when your Taurus stubbornness is like no I’m gonna finish this and you typically end up doing that. The best way I can describe Aries anything is a sparkler once it’s lit it’s big it’s bright it’s shining it’s beautiful and it’s just going and it just seems like controlled chaos, but as bright as it burns, it can fizzle out pretty quick, and that can be said with a lot of things whether it’s a new project whether it’s a new hobby, or even their emotional state, they might have flareups of rage, sadness, happiness, and it seems so big and overdramatic, but just as quickly as it comes, it will fizzle out and typically percent Aries moon will move on quite quickly almost giving people around them whiplash. 
Gemini rising’s like to socialize and learn about other people in their lives, or people coming into their lives. They tend to have quite a lot of acquaintances, and they are always very curious with learning peoples stories or sharing their own stories, and just learning about the world around them in general. Since your rising sign is how you come off, Gemini, rising’s tend to come off fairy the best way I can describe it is wordy. They have a lot of words in their arsenal that they will pull out, and they can come off very clever and quick witted, and typically for more sensitive types It might seem a bit abrasive, even though it’s not and it might seem a little bit more cold as well the certain way they talk. however, none of this is true Gemini rising’s are not meaning to be cold. Trust me if they are you will know it. Geminis, I know it’s typical to say, but they have a few faces and it’s not manipulation tactic or anything like that. It’s just how they are. They are a mutable sign, and they will reflect what they are interacting with, so you might not truly get to know a Gemini rising unless you’re able to hang out with them in a bunch of different situations and have a lot of heart to hearts with them. Something they are more than thrilled to do.  even though gemini is an extremely sociable sign, and they do enjoy interacting with people. If they have more homebody, placements and strong, homebody placements, they will thrive in a closer tightknit group and need a lot of energy to recharge, and would rather use social media to learn about people than necessary speaking, face-to-face.
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Hi! can I request Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces Rising for the mood board and break down please
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Capricorns are methodical well planned people. They understand slow and steady is the way to win any race and they will not rush into things before they have thoroughly thought it through and thought of every possible outcome. Sounds similar to a Virgo however Virgos tend to become crushed under the weight of possibility and all the potential outcomes, while Capricorn is able to quickly determine what is their correct path and they will stick to it and unlike a Taurus, who is incredibly stubborn and will not change their trajectory a Capricorn is willing to make some sacrifices and willing to bend a little bit if their goal Has to be changed, but as long as the outcome is the same, they will do it.  no matter how dreamy or idealistic other signs in your chart might be a Capricorn sun is very much gonna be able to keep you grounded and very realistic always stopping you from flying too Close to the Sun. Capricorn seek to do something meaningful with our lives, or become something meaningful in their lifetime and living a bland boring life to a Capricorn is very dull and it will kill a lot of their drive and typically you will know when you’re in these lulls, the world will seem a little bit more gray. 
Leo moons, even though they still do like attention are a little more subtle than their sun counterpart. They enjoy being in the spotlight with friends and family or people they feel close to which would work out fairly well for a Capricorn sun, who isn’t looking to be on a grand stage, but they do still want recognition and praise. Leo moons at the end of the day still know who they are and what they want to be, and they will not compromise for a lot of people on who they are. Leo moons also bring a nice fiery element to the water element of the moon in a little bit of a energetic boost and making people with this moon sign, a little bit more lively, and a little bit more of a go-getter. Leo moons will be fairly ambitious and really strive towards their goals because they know when they feel confident when they’ve completed a goal or they are pursuing a creative outlet or something that makes them feel good. They know they are emotionally well nourished in that moment, and it boost their ego, which also intern makes them feel fantastic so they will chase that fulfilment.
 Pisces rising’s tend to have a go with the flow attitude. They’re very soft in appearance and tend to be soft in the way they approach conflict, they tend to want to believe the best of people. However, with your Capricorn moon that won’t 100% be the case for you, you’re very much aware of peoples darker sides, and you know not necessarily to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but with the Pisces rising, you are a little bit more softened into wanting to believe so you are willing to give more chances to people off the bat however, if they do betray you or give you a reason not to trust them anymore you will have no problem cutting them off. Any placement, especially in a big three with a Pisces is quite intuitive and for your Capricorn sun who knows what actions to take you might feel like you have a pretty good gut feeling you might not necessarily see it as intuition, but those gut feelings that never seem to lead you wrong, are most likely because of your Pisces rising. Any water sign in your big three will give you pretty good intuition I personally know a Capricorn in my life with a cancer rising and she doesn’t see it as intuition but her gut is never wrong. It’s freaky how much she’s always on the nose with things. Since rising signs also kind of mould a little bit how you look or how you are perceived people do see you as a little softer, and you might even like the softer looks but you are not afraid to tell people how it is, you’re not afraid to not sugarcoat things You know how to protect yourself and you know how to protect your peace. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
May I request a moodboard for Libra Sun, Ascendant in Taurus and Moon in Leo, pleathe? Thank you :)
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Libra suns are a very peaceful sign. Are they seek to find balance in life and in every relationship they enter. Their worst fear would be to be the reason someone’s upset. So they go to great lengths to try and be almost everything for everyone and not be the problem for anyone, however that’s almost impossible, and can lead to burn out and crashes in their psyche. All that said, though libra suns are incredibly sweet, caring souls, and for them to even go to those links, proves just how much they put others before them. Libra suns are intelligent as typical with any air sign, but they also have a great deal of creativity within them typically choosing more academic career paths, but keeping a lot of creative side projects, and outlets. Libra suns even though they strive for balance they have a hard time making decisions. They are constantly weighing the pros and cons of every situation, and this can often lead them into a deer in headlights moment, where they don’t know what to choose in the moment, and typically they need a push in the right direction from somebody else. Hopefully it’s a good influence rather than a bad influence.  libras tend to want a more light if not sparkly kind of aesthetic they very much want to live their, princess fairy royal core lifestyle.
Leo moons where do I begin? Unlike the sun placement counterpart of Leo’s moon placement Leo’s still want attention, but on a much smaller scale, they don’t want it on a grand stage. They enjoy receiving attention from friends and family and close loved ones. They still do like the spotlight. And still Leo moons are incredibly ambitious and they know exactly who they are and they will not compromise for anyone on who they are, which could be a good backbone that is needed for a libra sun. Leo moons are very creative. They pair very well with this feminine moon energy, personally, I see Leo’s more as feminine lioness energy than the male energy. It’s more of a inner strength and a physical outer strength. It’s more of a nurturing, caring for the bigger group, pack, energy, then individualistic. I’m not saying Leo’s can’t be like that but the ones that I’ve met are very concerned with how their friends and family are doing and are very interested in helping the people they care for strive for the absolute best.
Taurus rising’s are methodical and sure footed. They enjoy the finer things of life they like comfort and they like very well crafted delicacies. They might not have the biggest circle of friends, but the friends they do have had been well vetted, and I’ve been there for a very long time. At first glance, Taurus rising don’t come off incredibly strong they come off a little bit more muted a little bit more quiet and subtle. They are like I said, a little bit more homebody, and a little bit more into the comfort, then flashiness, so upon first meeting a Taurus rising they might seem very subdued. However, that is a bit of a façade, Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus loves the finer things of life. Like I said before they like very well crafted delicacies they know when somethings cheap. All they have to do is look at it or feel it for a second and they just know, it’s a skill. Taurus rising’s also love very hard again. They are ruled by Venus the planet of love whether it’s romantic or platonic. They are very open with the people in their circle and even to new people. They are very kind and nurturing towards newcomers. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
scorpio sun (10)
leo moon (7)
cap rising
breakdown 😬😬😬
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Scorpio suns are a water sign much to the shock of some people, they are very passionate, very forward very blunt. They will vocalize very quickly their emotions comparatively to the other two water signs that might sit on their emotions little bit longer before confronting. Scorpio suns are very selective with their group they might seem like they have a very wide range of friends, but only a very select few of them are actually close enough to a Scorpio to know almost everything about them or at least they’re darker traits, thoughts and memories. It’s a great honour to be considered one of a Scorpio‘s close friends. And there’s a lot on Scorpio suns about being very mysterious, very dark very edgy. I would really like to point out, I have never met a Scorpio that was not drop deadhilarious. Their range for comedy is amazing. They have a dry sense of humour and it’s cutthroat and it’s funny and they can also be the class clown. They can also be very jovial. with their comedy and it’s very funny, especially when you’re not expecting it . Scorpio suns very much love being able to bring laughter to the people they love they like bringing joy to the lives of people they care, for they will do a lot of things to make the people they love happy, and that’s where they can go into: “darker themes” of becoming extremely protective of their friends and family but as long as no one is provoked, everything should be fine.  scorpios have many layers and it’s hard to put it all into one post but never assume you know a Scorpio there is a layer they are not showing you. There’s a layer they are developing and there is a layer that is not them anymore. Your greatest downfall with a Scorpio of any placement is to assume you know them 100%. but that’s the fun part with a Scorpio. It’s like a present that keeps on giving.
Leo moons are very self-aware of who they are and what they want to be. They are unapologetically themselves. They are very bold and they are very bright. They know who they are and they know what they stand for. They will not let someone make them feel small and they will not cater to someone else’s feelings if it means giving up who they are for even a second.  funnily enough with a moon aspect to Leo. They still like being in the spotlight, having attention, but they don’t like being on display for the public. They like attention from their friend group, and their families they aren’t as drawn to the public stage as a Leo sun would be.  another aspect, yo Leo moons opposite there, sun sign, Leo moons want a little bit more organization and control in their life, and even in the lives of the people around them to the point where they can become a little controlling of others. Leos are naturally creative, so paired with the moon sign, which is creativity seven energy these moons can be very creative and want to entertain. Leos are also fairly emotional, and with the moon being of an emotional sign, Leo moons might take slates very personally and they can be dramatic in how they handle it and wanting sympathy and revenge if there’s been an argument or just a lot of attention if they’re feeling down.
Capricorn rising’s are very put together very on top of their shit. They are go-getters they know who they are, and what they’re doing with their lives. With your other two placements, which are also very confident signs paired with your rising you almost at every stage of your life will have if not a solid idea a vague idea of who you are and what you were doing and what your purpose is. Capricorn rising’s are in a little businesslike in their interactions, especially when it comes to him working environments or projects they see things from a very analytical point of view. You do have two other very creative signs so that might take the edge off of that a little bit. But amongst all the seriousness of a Capricorn, rising these signs as well are hilarious I cannot stress that enough they have the best comedic timing. They deliver the best top tier, dry humor. Again I have not met a single Capricorn, rising Sun moon that could not have me in tears in a minute  from laughter. 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Hello! Could I have a Leo sun/virgo moon/Aquarius rising mood board please?
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Leo suns are bold, fierce great leaders, strong willed. These are all great qualities and things that are overly sad about Leo’s and they are true. I am going to highlight some of the things that go under the radar. Leo’s are extremely kind and very generous they do like to be showered with gifts, and they do like to receive things, but they do love to spoil the people they love. Leo suns are incredibly ambitious, but something that fills them with a great deal of pride is when they see people they care for succeed as well, and when they help people they care for succeed, so if that means staying up late and helping a friend with a project or helping a friend get a business off the ground they will 100% do that and the whole time be their number one cheerleader. Because when Leo’s friends thrive, Leo’s thrive and I think that is such a beautiful caring thing and it gives off very big lion pack energy.  true leaders understand that their success isn’t the only meaningful success, and that the people around them are just as important.
Virgo moons are incredibly intelligent, they are so smart, they can be quite intuitive. However, they tend to be pretty far into their head that a lot of times they talk themselves out of their intuition. Virgo moons might find they thrive Best with a little bit of structure a little bit of routine just enough to kind of keep them on track especially when they have projects so they’re not just flailing in the wind. Unlike other earth signs, that would do very well with absolute structure. Virgo is a mutable, sign and mutable signs need some flexibility, some movement and change ups in their life so a more lenient schedule for a Virgo would allow a little bit of spontaneity which would keep the Virgo moon thriving in a little bit of life. It’s kind of like watering a succulent they don’t need a whole heck of a lot of it, but they need just enough to keep going, and truly feel like there’s a purpose in life. Virgos can get very sucked into the grind aesthetic and lifestyle and they don’t particularly thrive in there. It’s very admirable that they want to do that and they can like I said, though they do need a little bit of spontaneity in their life and they are not really ones to take it so you would have to kind of force yourself to . 
Aquarius rising is come off as very intellectual, very poised, very well spoken, and they seem to have a variety of knowledge on everything. Mostly because whatever peaks and Aquarius rising interest, they will search it out and they will learn everything about it so they end up becoming a jack of all trades in a way. many Aquarius rising‘s are friendly and very approachable and they’re easy to talk to. definitely the person you want to go to with a weird idea they will hype you up. They will help you figure it out. They also have a little bit of a rebellious vibe to them, kind of like a devil may care attitude they truly don’t care what others might think about them.  their goal in life is to pursue the knowledge they are interested in stand up for what they believe in. They don’t have time to play small games with people on popularity or perception. Leo and Virgos also don’t care much for popularity politics, or anything of that sort so I can definitely see a very independent strong-willed vibe from you based off your chart 
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witchescauldron · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a moodboard for my big 3? I'm an aquarius sun, pisces moon and cancer rising.
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Aquarius sun is a very out of this world type of person. They’re very much intrigued by things outside what people would call the norm. They always seem to have some strange conspiracy theory or just new innovative idea. They are strong advocates and they truly devote themselves to any cause that they are called to. Even though they seem to be very flighty and very non-present, they actually have a very firm footing and could be actually very down to earth. The signs won’t purposely cause problems or fights. However, when they see an injustice, or some thing they believe in disrespected, they can get pretty standoffish, and they will not go down without a fight. They are not pushovers. Aquarius’s are very much seen as the trendsetters and they tend to beat to the song of their own drum not really caring if other people agree with it or not.
Pisces moon is a very feely kind of energy, these people tend to have a sharp intuition, and they are extremely in touch with their emotions.  due to their extremely sensitive nature and always wanting to help others out. They have a bit of a problem with differentiating what are their true feelings and what are others feelings that they might be taking on. Pisces moons are a type of person that has the philosophy of I will get down the trenches with you and we will get through this together, which is very sweet however, it does quite a bit of damage to the Pisces moon in the end  because by the time it’s all over and even in the middle of it, they can no longer tell what their emotions are and what the other persons emotions are. That’s why it’s recommended that Pisces moons take quite a bit of time to themselves meditate go on walks and pursue creative outlets just so they can re-center and come back to themselves and do a little bit of self-care and really check in with themselves and make sure they are OK. 
Cancer rising is also another incredibly intuitive sign, and you would do best to act on your gut instinct because most of the time they are right, especially with a Pisces moon. However, again cancers are also extremely emotional and they are a very mothering kind of energy, so it is always highly recommended to really take that personal time and really connect with yourself and make sure you are in full alignment because when you’re not in full alignment, your gut instinct will be wrong sometimes. Cancer rising’s are also really big homebodies they don’t mind going out and socializing and meeting new people. They enjoy it, but they are truly happiest at home in the comfort of their own home to comfy couch or bed, watching your favourite shows and eating your favourite foods. With all of your placements to give off a very Otherworld worldly ethereal vibe. 
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