#Libra facts
libragoddess1993 · 10 months
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YOUR Venus in Libra Horoscope
What: Venus in Libra
When: Aug. 29 - Sept. 22, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. Cardinal signs & Air signs
Takeaway: A renewed sense of grace, justice, beauty, balance, and sweetness.
     2024 has been a cosmic rollercoaster—two Mercury Retrogrades, that explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction, the subsequent Mars-Jupiter conjunction and immediate squares to stern Saturn…In other words, we’ve had a LOT of planetary action involving the nervous Mercury and the dry, hot, angry Mars. These transits have likely upped your irritation and restlessness, tipping the scales too much towards the YANG side of things. But starting Aug. 29, Venus, the planet of all things yin, struts into Libra, sprinkling flirtation, optimism, and some much-needed peace into your life. 
     Yep, like a rich piece of cake after a super-salty meal, Venus in Libra is swooping in with some sweet relief. So, if you’ve been feeling burnt out and/or out of touch with your sensual, harmonious side, Venus in Libra is a bright spot on the horizon. From now until September 22, expect delightful conversations, a surge in social charm, a stronger yearning for collaboration or partnership work, and a renewed love for all things beautiful.
Venus in Libra Meaning
     Venus rules Libra, so when it’s in this cardinal air sign, it’s like coming home after a long trip. And when Venus is home, it doubles down on all its favorite things. Think: sweet compromises, charming negotiations, artistic expressions that make you swoon, and flirtations that could give a poet writer’s block.
     Libra is the zodiac’s maestro of aesthetics and the ultimate diplomat, balancing everything with the grace of a ballerina on a tightrope. But this air sign is also driven by connection, collaboration, and justice. Venus in Libra is thus a fabulous transit to build bridges and bonds that are mutually beneficial (and balanced).
     Imagine you’re negotiating a contract at work. With Venus in Libra, you approach the situation with tact and fairness, aiming for a win-win outcome. You’d listen to the other party’s needs, present your case with a smile, and find common ground that benefits both sides.
     In relationships, Venus in Libra manifests as a natural inclination towards partnership. You’ll find yourself drawn to harmony, constantly seeking to maintain balance and avoid conflict. Whether it’s picking the right words to diffuse a potential argument or planning a romantic evening that caters to both your tastes, Venus in Libra ensures that love is always a two-way street, with a focus on mutual respect and shared joy.
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thelittle-lady · 2 years
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badbitchzodiac · 1 year
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Yup, that about sums it up! ♎️ Tag a bad Libra bitch & check out our store today! 💕
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allzodiacfacts · 1 year
Libra man
The Libra man’s true self is very different from how he presents himself to the world. He may be stoic, reserved, and even bookish on the outside. But underneath his refined exterior is a freaky lover.
The Libra man may have many kinks and can be extremely passionate in the bedroom.
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witchescauldron · 1 year
Hello! Love your mood boards. Could I request a Libra sun, Leo moon and Scorpio rising? Thank you in advance!
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Libra suns remind me of the princess aurora, she was almost effortlessly flawless. It seemed she was beautiful and graceful, and she was kind. At least that’s been my experience with every libre come across. They seek out fairness, and they want to be a helping, or healing source in the world, often finding themselves in jobs, such as some type of care childcare, senior care, some kind of doctor or vet. They are ruled by the planet Venus, and Venus comes with a certain expectation of luxury, or just a general fondness for the finer things in life. Libra sons fielder best when they’re able to express themselves through makeup and clothing, and really are able to present themselves the way they want to. We were sons are incredibly creative as well often excelling in poetry and painting.
Leo moons are very creative. They specifically lean towards Expressionism so any type of creative outlet where they can express themselves or act or use. Their words is very well place for them. Such as acting quite blank or poetry or songwriting even singing. They enjoy with the spotlights on them, but maybe not as much as a Leo son, that almost craves the spotlight and attention. Leo moons seek it a little bit more subtly and might not constantly seek out the spotlight. They do like when recognition is given to them, but they won’t put on a whole performance just to get a couple of applause. Leo moons can be perfectionists and seek a almost unrealistic standard of perfection from themselves . My advice to Leo moons is take it easy, trust yourself you won’t let yourself put out something you aren’t happy with.
Scorpio rising’s, have a very mysterious air about them, they can make others feel like they know them very well however, there’s quite a few hidden layers underneath that no one really has access to. Scorpio rising‘s are fantastic secret keepers. If you tell them something it is locked in a vault forever. They will not share with others. Scorpio, rising‘s also have a very deep sense of Moral justice or just justice in general they very much don’t like watching people get stepped on or people they don’t deserve it stepped on and they will often try and seek out justice if they can for themselves or others if they truly care about that person. Depending on other placements in the chart, this can lead to fairly vindictive actions but with a libra, sun and a Leo moon, I feel like this might be curved a little bit . With any water placement in your big three, you have quite a keen sense for your intuition, you might’ve always found it easy to figure out if somebody is lying to you or trying to hide their true emotions. 

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wtfzodiacsigns · 2 years
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allaboutlibra · 11 months
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Libra Traits Male: The Unveiling Secrets of Libra male Personalities
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 In astrology, the Libra traits male is characterized by a captivating blend of charm, diplomacy, and intellect. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, these men exude an aura of harmony and balance in their interactions. Socially adept and natural peacemakers, Libra males are skilled at navigating diverse relationships with grace and understanding. They possess an innate sense of fairness and seek harmony in all aspects of life. Highly perceptive, they appreciate aesthetics, often displaying a love for art and culture. The Libra male’s amiable nature and desire for harmonious connections make them cherished companions and empathetic confidants.
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
Libra: the importance of others
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pic not mine
we need people to see parts of ourselves that, with a lack of self-love, we no longer know how to recognize.
we need people to hear from them other points of view on the same issue
we need people to constructively point out flaws in us so we can grow. and that we do the same with them, also in a constructive way.
we need people because we won't build all things alone
we need people to do good to them and share good things, without necessarily wanting something in return, but at the same time wanting that exchange.
we need people to build our character through diversity (mainly through the difficult and underprivileged realities that exist out there)
we need people to exchange experiences, situations
we need people who vibrate in an energy of harmony, peace
and Libra does this very well.
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yukimaru379 · 1 year
Which Sign Could You Beat In A Fight, According To Your Zodiac?
Never walk into a battle without being sure that you could win.  Know your opponent, and pick your fights wisely.  When it comes to fighting someone, you have to know if they're the type of person that you can take down, and that could have a lot to do with their zodiac sign, and yours, too.  Which sign could you beat in a fight, according to your zodiac sign?
check rising/mercury/mars sign
Aries. Aquarius. You have no morals, and Aquarius has morals that will hold them back. They aren’t trying to hurt anyone, and you couldn’t care less about going completely insane on someone. They try to take the high road, and you follow them there and beat them into the ground.
Pisces. maybe virgo
Aquarius. Capricorn. You want to dominate everyone, especially those that you see as powerful. That makes a Capricorn a desirable target. They think they’re so awesome, but you know you’re better so your determination overpowers theirs when you have a fight.
Sagittarius. Libra. You’re an athlete, so it’s an easy win. You fight a Libra just to get them away from you, because you can’t stand being bored. Libra can’t decide how they want to fight you and they tip toe around any conflict. You plow right through them and never look back.
Capricorn. Cancer. A Cancer goes into a fight with a lot of heart, but you go into a fight with no heart at all, in a completely sadistic way. Their passion is trumped by your cold bloodedness. They’re screaming and crying, and you’re coolly, collectedly planning a quick and simple attack.
Libra. Pisces. You would probably never actually fight a Pisces, but if you did you’d win. They’re the only sign you could ever win against, as a matter of fact. You’re a lover, not a fighter. But if for whatever reason you get swept up in a gang fight and join in to support your squad, aim for the Pisces or you’ll probably die.
Scorpio. Aries. You’re a ruthless killer, and could really win a fight against any sign, but you’re the only one who can defeat an Aries. They might be beasts, but you’re the kind of fighter that emotionally destroys someone, kills them and spits on their grave. All they have is unfocused rage, and you take a scorched earth approach.
Virgo. Leo. A Leo is really competitive with a Virgo, so is likely to seek out a fight. You don’t bask in your glory like a Leo, so they might underestimate you. However, you’re a perfectionist and do everything with efficiency. While a Leo is running their mouth with a big game, you could pick them off in a second.
Leo. Scorpio. . just look at orochimaru and sasuke and see zodiac sasuke is leo and orocimaru is scorpio, manipulative vs manipulative characters, even though scorpio is really manipulative but leo is also manipulative
Cancer. Gemini. You tend to play games with people, and if you hurt the wrong Cancer, they will destroy you. When rubbed the wrong way, an emotional Cancer can lose their mind and claw you to death.
Gemini. Taurus. They’re too slow to ever beat you, Gemini. You get them from both sides and finish the entire fight before they know how to react. If words are involved, forget it. You run circles around a Taurus.
Taurus. Sagittarius. You aren't much of a fighter unless they’re completely pissed. Sagittarians just so happen to be that red cape that angers any bull beyond reason. Their flightiness makes a Taurus enraged beyond reason, and not even a super athletic Sag can beat a Taurus when they’re that mad. Plus they always roll deep.
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libragoddess1993 · 10 months
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Here's a few without makeup on 😀
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badbitchzodiac · 1 year
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Call them indecisive or diplomatic, but Libras have a thing for staying in the middle while they note all the pros and cons of each side! ♎️ Tag a bad one and check out our store today! 💕
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danbysea · 2 years
The sum total of my self knowledge is that I love to hard, I care to much and I feel to deeply.
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witchescauldron · 2 years
May I request a moodboard for Libra Sun, Ascendant in Taurus and Moon in Leo, pleathe? Thank you :)
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Libra suns are a very peaceful sign. Are they seek to find balance in life and in every relationship they enter. Their worst fear would be to be the reason someone’s upset. So they go to great lengths to try and be almost everything for everyone and not be the problem for anyone, however that’s almost impossible, and can lead to burn out and crashes in their psyche. All that said, though libra suns are incredibly sweet, caring souls, and for them to even go to those links, proves just how much they put others before them. Libra suns are intelligent as typical with any air sign, but they also have a great deal of creativity within them typically choosing more academic career paths, but keeping a lot of creative side projects, and outlets. Libra suns even though they strive for balance they have a hard time making decisions. They are constantly weighing the pros and cons of every situation, and this can often lead them into a deer in headlights moment, where they don’t know what to choose in the moment, and typically they need a push in the right direction from somebody else. Hopefully it’s a good influence rather than a bad influence.  libras tend to want a more light if not sparkly kind of aesthetic they very much want to live their, princess fairy royal core lifestyle.
Leo moons where do I begin? Unlike the sun placement counterpart of Leo’s moon placement Leo’s still want attention, but on a much smaller scale, they don’t want it on a grand stage. They enjoy receiving attention from friends and family and close loved ones. They still do like the spotlight. And still Leo moons are incredibly ambitious and they know exactly who they are and they will not compromise for anyone on who they are, which could be a good backbone that is needed for a libra sun. Leo moons are very creative. They pair very well with this feminine moon energy, personally, I see Leo’s more as feminine lioness energy than the male energy. It’s more of a inner strength and a physical outer strength. It’s more of a nurturing, caring for the bigger group, pack, energy, then individualistic. I’m not saying Leo’s can’t be like that but the ones that I’ve met are very concerned with how their friends and family are doing and are very interested in helping the people they care for strive for the absolute best.
Taurus rising’s are methodical and sure footed. They enjoy the finer things of life they like comfort and they like very well crafted delicacies. They might not have the biggest circle of friends, but the friends they do have had been well vetted, and I’ve been there for a very long time. At first glance, Taurus rising don’t come off incredibly strong they come off a little bit more muted a little bit more quiet and subtle. They are like I said, a little bit more homebody, and a little bit more into the comfort, then flashiness, so upon first meeting a Taurus rising they might seem very subdued. However, that is a bit of a façade, Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus loves the finer things of life. Like I said before they like very well crafted delicacies they know when somethings cheap. All they have to do is look at it or feel it for a second and they just know, it’s a skill. Taurus rising’s also love very hard again. They are ruled by Venus the planet of love whether it’s romantic or platonic. They are very open with the people in their circle and even to new people. They are very kind and nurturing towards newcomers. 
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