witchfulmarigold · 5 years
I’m Alive? I think!
Hi... It’s been...over a year. I had a baby, he’s almost one. He’s pretty great. He’s spent his first year sickly (nothing serious, minor surgery to fix) but he’s finally starting to feel better. 
I apologize for falling off the face of the earth. How is everyone? @softrabbitstory @xakise I’m aliveeeeee
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
"Active" ?! Eh.... I'm here quietly watching. Always watching.
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who’s still on tumblr?
reblog if you plan on remaining active.
just wanna see if the number’s still huge! ☆
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
u can tell who the ancients of tumblr are bc they’re the ones not posting anything abt where to find them if this site collapses…we know this site isnt going anywhere….the apocalypse couldnt stop this garbage…..it has the cybernetic code of a cockroach
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
Just an FYI most places ((big box stores)) make you sign an agreement when you get a job that FORBIDS you from unionizing. If you do, you will be terminated. Just watch your backs guys.
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
Happy Halloween and Samhain babes!
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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It's a....Wizard!!!! 🤗💙
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
Prayers, good energy, love, and support for Jewish witches.
In light of the recent events, I think that our community should do our part to send healing, hope, and positivity to Jewish witches and all Jews.
Say a prayer, send good energy, cast a spells, ect for them, and like/reblog afterwards to signify that you’ve done so. Hopefully seeing a lot of this post will make them feel supported and know they’re cared about and in our hearts at this time.
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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The family finds out tonight! Any guesses??
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
Its not abandoned though? They are still constructing it...its supposed to be a dove...and it faces a massive volcano. It was on a volcano documentary I watched like two weeks ago on Netflix.
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This mysterious “chicken church” is located in the middle of the Indonesian jungle. The abandoned building itself is quite bizarre but even more bizarre is the fact that there are 12 underground chambers.
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
Hector: Imelda, como se dice “un zapato” en inglés?
Imelda: A shoe.
Hector: Salud.
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
I do the “Oh thank God you’re here” and literally DUMP the rest of the candy in their bags. Every.Year.  
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if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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🍎🍪Abundant Apple Pie Cookies
½ cup Coconut Oil (protection, purification, love) 1 cup Sugar (attraction) 1 Egg or Substitute (creativity, cleansing, psychic power, rebirth) 1 teaspoon Vanilla (serenity, love, mental clarity) ½ cup Apple (love, health, protection, stability) 1 ¼ cup Flour (abundance, prosperity, grounding) 1 teaspoon Salt (cleansing, protection, banishment) 2 teaspoon Baking Powder (protection, growth, purification) 1 teaspoon Cinnamon(strength, power, abundance, prosperity) ½ teaspoon Nutmeg (abundance, protection, psychic power) ¼ teaspoon Ginger (abundance, success, strength)
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
Ahh the wonders of being an adult. 
The true magic of Harry Potter was the spell JK Rowling casted to convince us all to like her and take everything she shit out as gospel. 10 year old me devoted my life to that woman, current me would fight her in a Denny’s.
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witchfulmarigold · 6 years
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