witchhazel-fumes · 2 months
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Melanie and her mother, Mary
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Melanie looks almost identical to her mother. Her mother does not like that, therefore Melanie does not like that. Not that it matters, Melanie hasn't had a mother since her last death, at 17. Hopefully Mary is doing well. She seemed so relieved when Melanie was shoving handfuls of unfolded clothes into a garbage bag.
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^these two things are a decent summation of how her mom was towards her
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witchhazel-fumes · 2 months
tldr i think we are way past the age of being pretentious cunts on the internet. i think more people should take a chill pill and some deep breaths before they post opinions on things. this is not 2013 creepypasta oc review deviantart that’s not what we do here we aren’t bringing that back. we are all like 18-30 we do not need to be doing that shit no more.
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witchhazel-fumes · 2 months
@ younger creepypasta fans, don't be worried about sharing what you make for the fear of people finding issue with it for existing. We like your art for what it is, and encourage you to keep making it, because that's what the core of being an artist is. The ability to write, draw, create, whatever it is that drives you, and literally nobody ever can take that away from you. Those kids with the shitty stories and self inserts built a fandom from the ground up, wrote and drew their characters just because they wanted to. If you don't care for it, make your own art, or move elsewhere.
The quote in anton's original post is incomplete, so here’s a better one— "find what you love, and let it kill you."
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witchhazel-fumes · 2 months
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wow 3 posts in 1 day that's crazy
anyways i think it's even crazier that people are STILL trying to police this fandom. Pretentious ass ideas in a fandom that was built off of shitty stories we all know and admit fucking suck.
I've been here for as long as I can remember and forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm PRETTY sure we JUST had a renaissance of sorts surrounding "Cringe Culture is Dead". Dude sounds like HOLLYWOOD trying to shit on others for being creative. It's so pretentious and stupid. What was said was said, no deleting the post is gonna do that.
If you can't write. Don't, right? Asshole. Be so fr and get off of your high horse. What you hold so near and dear isn't exclusively yours, as a matter of fact it was never anyone's to police.
It started on a shitty website. With shitty stories. For people to get scared of. I think the only one who needs to do some growing is that fucking guy.
Be silly. Have fun. Create. Don't let a fucking snob shit on everything this community has always been about.
P.S. Realistic Creepypasta isn't an original thought. Read.
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witchhazel-fumes · 2 months
Creepypasta is inherently cringy. It's foundations are built on the backs of mentally ill teens and young adults from the late 2000s-2010s. Of course it's self indulgent, we were suffering and needed escapism. Of course some of the portrayals of mental illnesses are less than perfect, we were navigating an ableist world while struggling with said illnesses. Hell, many of us were being abused and the idea of a found family made it so we could make it through another day.
I've been in the creepypasta fandom since I was a little girl. 9 years old, in fact, 2009. The dawn of ARGs becoming popular. I've only recently began creating content because I felt the community has matured enough that if someone didn't like what I did, they'd move on rather than rant and rave over how garbage my art is. That's mostly the case. Mostly.
See, I'm seeing a rise in "mature" portrayals of these characters. Not NSFW "mature", that's always been there. I mean supposedly gritty, realistic, "made for adults" kind of spins. It'd be fine if the people doing it weren't fucking trampling on the heritage of the community in the process. We're a goofy community, and the slenderman is our dad that makes us waffles. We write bullshit, but still entertaining stories about serious topic, then put those characters in goddamn tutus. You can have your cake and eat it too. You just don't have to be unpleasant about it.
My favorite example of this duality is @carnalhaus 's Nine Jeff. His story is heartachingly sad, it's fairly realistic, it's got mature and NSFW themes at times, and yet... we've got art of him in a cat maid outfit. And it's fantastic. The duality of this fandom is what makes it so great. Shunning one part in favor for the other is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the media. Being all high and mighty about how "mature" and "realistic" your interpretation is isn't unique. It's sad.
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witchhazel-fumes · 5 months
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The bbgurls <3
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witchhazel-fumes · 5 months
It's my birthday! Yay....!
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witchhazel-fumes · 7 months
there’s a lot of misinformation about autism that gets spread on the internet, so here’s a friendly reminder that the main symptoms of autism are as follows:
an adverse reaction when exposed to direct sunlight
highly selective eating habits
skin that is cold to the touch
an inability to enter churches
long, unusually sharp canines
a thirst for blood
if you experience several of these symptoms, you could be autistic! i recommend doing further research on your own, as i am not a doctor and cannot diagnose you, but i hope that someone finds this clarification helpful.
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witchhazel-fumes · 7 months
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witchhazel-fumes · 8 months
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witchhazel-fumes · 8 months
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I painted a pumpkin UwU
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witchhazel-fumes · 8 months
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im every inch a man, and i’ll show you somehow
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witchhazel-fumes · 8 months
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Charles Addams - Friday the 13th
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witchhazel-fumes · 8 months
Hi yes hello I wrote a fanfiction about Nine.
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witchhazel-fumes · 11 months
why did no one tell me liver tastes like BLOOD (┬┬﹏┬┬)
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witchhazel-fumes · 1 year
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i was practicing drawing noses and.... the ninejeff brainrot got the better of me ;-;
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witchhazel-fumes · 1 year
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kitty sketches uwu
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