witchsae-blog · 5 years
🌟 Sona Samhain 🌟
In this day of Samhain, I feel a lot of energy going around. May your rituals go well, and have the effects you want. Don’t forget to light a candle to the deads; or to leave a plate with some food. I’m doing some cookies with cinnamon and clove + mulled wine. Then, leave them on the grave of my ancestors, with some talk. (They like to be talked to) Maybe do some tarot reading and a ritual to Hekate ! <3
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Witches who have their shit together: Pursue your craft! Choose your passion and study it! Spend every day writing your book of shadows! Study more than one type of magic so you can expand your interests!
Me: Tag yourself I'm tarot failure and sigil bitch
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
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Something to remember.
Books - http://debbietung.com/books
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
ghost choir 👻 🎵
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
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Can’t wait till I can get a black cat ✨
If you know artist tell me ⭐️
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Every day you’ve dealt with your terrible stepmother and your equally terrible and ugly stepsisters as you’ve done your chores. One day, an invitation to the prince’s ball comes to your late father’s estate. After your late mother’s dress is destroyed, you find an elderly woman in front of you. She waves her wand through the air and suddenly a blue ball gown with glass slippers appear on the bench next to you. She claims you can go to the ball for only a small price. You have to kill the prince.
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Would you be interested in this ?
If yes, would you prefer to know about my relationship with Dionysus or Hekate ?
30 Days of Deity Devotion
A basic introduction of the deity
How did you become first aware of this deity?
Symbols and icons of this deity
A favorite myth or myths of this deity
Members of the family – genealogical connections
Other related deities and entities associated with this deity
Names and epithets
Variations on this deity (aspects, regional forms, etc.)
Common mistakes about this deity
Offerings – historical and UPG
Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
Places associated with this deity and their worship
What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?
Has worship of this deity changed in modern times?
Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?
How does this deity relate to other gods and other pantheons?
How does this deity stand in terms of gender and sexuality? (historical and/or UPG)
What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire? What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling?
Art that reminds you of this deity
Music that makes you think of this deity
A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think this deity resonates strongly with
Your own composition – a piece of writing about or for this deity
A time when this deity has helped you
A time when this deity has refused to help
How has your relationship with this deity changed over time?
Worst misconception about this deity that you have encountered
Something you wish you knew about this deity but don’t currently
Any interesting or unusual UPG to share?
Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity?
[Source: dewognatos but they’re gone.]
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
When ants die, a few days later they emit oleic acid, which tells the living ants to dispose of their corpse.
A myrmecologist named Ed Wilson discovered this and dropped the chemical on a living ant. It was immediately carried off, despite the fact that it was still moving, and clearly not dead.
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
A Guide to Keeping your Heart Soft
Love Big.
Compliment often.
Expose the Greatness in everyone you meet.
Hold no unsaid expectations against anyone.
Forgive easily.
Tell the kid how cool their toy/picture/story/rock is-and watch the light flood their eyes.
If you hold anger against someone/if they said something that hurt you, talk about it in a healthy way.
When it comes to unsolicited wisdom, the very least you can do is listen and think about it, you don’t have to agree, but give yourself the option to learn and grow.
Purge bitterness from your bones, it makes you older faster and clogs your joints.
SMELL ALL THE CANDLES IN THE STORE; cake-scented candles never ruined anyone’s day.
Tell yourself one thing you love about yourself every day, to start, and more will follow: Toes, I love that you balance me; calves, I love that you’re strong; thighs, I love your power, etc.
Laughter is a healing balm.
Do not lie to yourself, acknowledge the power of you.
If you suffer, all you have to do is survive; AND THEN give yourself permission to thrive.
Do not be afraid to be extraordinary; in your craft, in your hugs, in your words.
I wish you the best of luck.
More guides
How to live among the stars
How to befriend your sleep paralysis demon
If you are a researcher or adventurer and want to share a guide, join our subreddit!
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Samhain Ideas
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🥀 Write letters to your ancestors. Seal them in envelopes with dried flowers or other small offerings, and burn them.
🥀 In lieu of flowers, delicately cut apple slices, orange peels, or other fruits in floral shapes and leave a bowl of them as an offering.
🥀 Read some books/watch some movies that are popular in your family.
🥀 Write little poems or letters to the Fae, roll them up and put them inside cinnamon sticks with a blob of honey or some milk, then leave them in the woods.
🥀 (Gently!) Put googly eyes and tiny paper hats on your plants to make modern Jack o’ lanterns.
🥀 Wear things from people in your life, family jewelry, clothes that a family member has purchased for you, 
🥀 If you can visit the grave of a loved one or someone in your family. Talk to them for a bit.
🥀 Charge candles with crystals Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, Citrine, or hematite to burn at your altar.
🥀 Write a list to your deities of the things you are proud of having accomplished together. Bury it with an offering.
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
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hey yall this is the 4th annual samhain giveaway!! winner will be decided October 30th, 2019, Samhain. 12:00 EST. i’ll message/inbox you, will ship international!
must be 18+ to enter!
need to be following this blog to win!
please don’t reblog to giveaway blogs please! (nor tag it as one)
winners will be chosen randomly by an online number generator
please answer within 24hrs or a new winner will be picked 
H A P P Y   S A M H A I N 👻
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Treats will probably be
- Some tips about practice
- a lil positive reminder
- Fun fact about deities / plants / animals / myths
- a tarot reading (1-2 cards) so ask the question in the "trick or treats" !
Tricks are gonna be meme or pics of my dog 🌿
Take care and may your energy be safe ~
👻TRICK or TREAT witchblr 🎃
a fun little game for the witchblr community, taking place OCT. 1st - NOV. 1st.
please tag all answers or related posts #trick or treat game so people can blacklist the tag if they want to avoid it
how it works:
reblog this to let people know you’re participating!
if someone sends you an ask saying “trick or treat”, reply with either a trick or a treat, suggestions for those below!
you can stop at any time though, and please don’t feel pressured to answer all of them if it becomes overwhelming.
when you receive an ask that says “trick or treat”, reply with either a “trick” or a “treat”, perhaps use a random generator to decide which.
TREATS: sigils, tarot reading, shufflemancies, drawings, simple spells or charms, witch tips, or whatever you like!
TRICKS: silly gifs, cat pictures, rickrolls, random pictures, memes or whatever. please don’t use gore, flashing, or sexual images!
please don’t spam people for treats!! // please be kind and respectful!! happy halloween!
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
October is here and it’s the perfect time to set intentions.
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Could you please reblog this if you are a witch who isn’t Wiccan?
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
Stones That May Help with Tarot Readings
Amazonite — connecting with nature spirits, increases clairvoyance
Amethyst — spiritual enhancer, spiritual protection
Aquamarine — intuition, psychic awareness, clairvoyance
Black Onyx — sends back any form of negativity directed at you. protective, grounding
Blue Chalcedony — instills sense of calm, heightens listening skills, eloquence, enhances generosity, responsiveness, and receptivity
Blue Lace Agate — clairaudience, may make even the most difficult reading positive and uplifting, eloquence
Blue Quartz — for aid in “seeing” higher realms
Chrysoprase — helps one see the unexpected in a reading, keep a piece with your tarot cards
Citrine — distinguishes intuitive voice from mind chatter, manifestation stone
Fluorite — clarity, intellect
Green Aventurine — increases clairvoyance
Golden Tiger’s Eye — increases clairvoyance, clarity, prosperity, shields from psychic drain 
Hematite — helps the reader from becoming too involved in the problems of others, psychic self defense, deflects negativity, protection
Howlite —vsualization
Lapis Lazuli — psychic protection, prophetic dreams
Larvikite — may enhance magic or psychic abilities
Malachite – protection, deflects negative energy within an area
Moldavite — powerful spiritual, intuitive and visionary stone, spiritual and psychic protection
Moonstone — strong stone of intuition 
Prehnite — prophecy stone, place next to tarot cards to increase prophetic abilities
Pyrite — supposedly helps when doing readings over the Internet
Red Tiger’s Eye — increases clairvoyance, protective 
Rose Quartz — may help calm a nervous first time client, allows intuitive insights to flow freely
Rutilated Quartz — clairvoyance, manifestation stone
Selenite — mediumship, clairvoyance, past lives, dreams, psychic communication
Smoky Quartz — enhances focus and attentiveness, grounding
Snowflake Obsidian — clairaudience, protection, grounding
Sodalite — opens the third eye to being more inclined for spiritual visions, enhances eloquence, stone of manifestation
Sources: various books, articles, websites, research, personal experience. Feel free to add onto this list. Not all crystals affect everyone in the same way.
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witchsae-blog · 5 years
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I found this photo in r/witchcraft, and the poster said they found it in a “social media pagan group.” I wanted to share here for Tumblr witches who want to try and help the Amazon rainforest.
For those who haven’t heard, the Amazon rainforest is on fire. Brazil’s Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) detects and keeps track of the fires and has stated that there has been an 83% increase since last year. It’s the highest number of fires since record keeping began in 2013. As of Wednesday August 21, 74,155 fires have been detected in Brazil.
This is very important! Brazil’s rainforests produce 20% of the world’s oxygen. They are the lungs of this earth. With the ongoing climate crisis, they are under attack. There has been an increase in deforestation lately under President Jair Bolsonaro, as he has rolled back a lot of environmental protections. The forests and the three million plants and animals that live there are in danger.
And we cannot forget the people who call the rainforests home. One million indigenous people from up to 500 tribes are at risk from these thousands of forest fires. Lives are at stake, as the skies turn black and the smoke plumes are visible from space.
In addition to magic, please consider signing the many petitions circulating as well as donating to groups like Rainforest Action Network to help directly protect the forests!
Here’s an article about the fires
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