withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
nice find. where did you manage to get it?
this video is years old… how did she manage to age backwards? her laugh lines are nonexistence nowadays.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Guess who is taking on WeHeartIt? ;-)
Well someone needs to clean up this #Freelice tag problem
If you can be bothered with making an account, do it. Just upload photos of Felice's real face/that sort of stuff and make sure you tag it with #thinspo #thinspiration #felice fawn etc and most importantly #freelice!
Also, whoever has been using this technique to suspiciously flood out the Felice Fawn tags (assumingly to cover up her exposed scamming/general bullshittery) has also been using random, highly popular tags in order to mainly also flood out the "popular posts" tab in Felice's tumblr tags.
So, to fight fire with fire, here are the most popular tumblr tags: gif lol fashion art vintage illustration landscape animals food film
And the weheartit ones: women kiss sun bedroom cats friendship house 
sweater bird girl heels sand water birds london peace girly stars
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
well it appears she can frown, and relax... other than that...
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
Does anyone know when Lauren changed her name?
Somewhere between 2004 and 2010, since her old deviantart said lauren cook and the first record I can find of her on tumblr is 2010.
Sorry man, I don’t know exact dates.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
Idk if me resizing the image bigger has fucked with them, or if its her attempt at shitty photoshop.
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Two photos, taken on the same day. 
It could be two entirely different looking faces of makeup. Or two entirely different people. 
"The girl whose facial structure can change IN A FLASH!"
Sources: (Tweet advertising new Instagram photos source) (The original Instagram link she was advertising) (Original post from Felice’s blog, where I got the non-ipad taken photo from) (And the original instagram link, where I got the ipad taken photo that I used)
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
This looks like her fact is shooped on
P.s. check that shitty photoshop on the bottom right of the photo, on her arms hahaha
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Its almost 9pm in the uk, 9pm - 17 hours =  3am (excuse the incorrect time-stamp from twitter, I must be set up as a foreign account? idk)
Not judging her for being pissed at 3am, she could have been on a night out and carried the party on alone when she got in? Who knows. But I think its more likely her pulling all nighters and getting wasted on her own, as we seem to see fairly often.
Just collecting data. ;-)
(Tweet source)
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
womp womp
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Facial comparison from Dakota’s newest video.
CREDIT: Hachi PULL forum
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
And replace the penguin with a scared little sausage dog 
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Idk this reminded me of Failice 
Except replace the food with just all salmon
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Felice Fawn whenever she cries and bitches about her piddly-ass first world problems like a spoiled fucking brat living in a 24 year old body.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
Dat url
so relevant
thought you were a Felice truth blog at first 
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Felice Fawn is every 15 year old atheist that uses the term ‘sheeple’
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
Although we do need to remember the photo on the left was taken a whileee ago, and when she was also more visibly higher in weight. 
But that doesn't detract from the point made of her ridiculous attempt to emulate a skull, done with some craftily positioned hair and a hella lotta shoopin.
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It’s bewildering what photoshop is capable of doing.
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Felice Fawn
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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Translation: I'm so caring I would rather spend my money money I scammed on other ungrateful peoples' presents than on my own heating bills. But I don't regret it because I'm sooooo kind and giving.
Even though it's Maja's house and Rich most likely pays all the bills. 
Has this girl ever heard of the word "subtlety"?
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I also love how she thought this was so noble/important that she had to also post the tumblr post to twitter.
(Post source)
(A few people already beat me to making this kind of post on the matter but I forgot I had left this in my drafts so Ima post it anyway heuheu)
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withdrawnfawn-blog · 11 years
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