wokeus · 5 years
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For the last day of Pride month, here’s another release of these same inclusive pride flag redesigns. I hope that, at some point in the future, these will be more widely used to represent the queer, trans and intersex communities that I love so much to unify us and liberate us against the constructs of cisheteronormativity and to honor the queer, trans and intersex people of color who have been so instrumental to improving queer, trans and intersex visibility.
Go to https://pride.qti.world for more information.
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wokeus · 5 years
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In memory of the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, I’m re-releasing this set of Pride flags to honor the Black and Brown trans and queer femme people who spearheaded the fight for queer and trans rights so that the rest of our community can have the rights that we now have.
For more information, go to https://pride.qti.world
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wokeus · 5 years
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Happy Autistic Pride Day everyone! This is for the fellow queer/trans/intersex autistics out there.
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wokeus · 5 years
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These are redesigns for the Pride flag for the sake of inclusion.
The background contains the common colors of various Pride flags of the trans community since they form the backbone of our community. The striped colors in front are the conglomeration of the rainbow and bi pride flags, which contain the common colors of Pride flags in the queer/LGB+ spectrum. In front is the violet intersex symbol, which holds various icons that contain Black and Brown stripes to represent the Black and Brown people who are often at the forefront of the actions pivotal to liberation for the entire community.
This is representation and recognition without strict coercion, where Black and Brown people are recognized for what we’ve done for the community and what our forebears did to liberate us all.
The main flags are the heartbeat (for obvious reasons), the fist, and the upside-down triangle designs. I also included icons for various subsets of the queer/trans/intersex/LGBTQ+ community, such as neurodiverse, Jewish, and Muslim QTI/LGBTQ+ folks.
Let me know about your thoughts on the design, if you please, and give any solid, useful critiques. Thanks.
For more information on usage or just in general, go to https://pride.qti.world
Big thanks to queerwitchqueenofcolor for the inspiration for these designs!
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wokeus · 6 years
sometimes i hate tumblr but then one of you posts a picture of a little cow with curly hair. and i remember why im here.
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wokeus · 6 years
sometimes i hate tumblr but then one of you posts a picture of a little cow with curly hair. and i remember why im here.
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wokeus · 6 years
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wokeus · 7 years
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Since it’s World Mental Health Day today and National Coming Out Day tomorrow maybe I should walk you through my diagnosis from the end of 2012.
Y’all already know I’m autistic which is the 299.80 part (both PDD-NOS and Asperger’s were considered autism at the time).
Now with 309.28 (depression and anxiety), I lied to the psychologist and didn’t tell her that I was gay (I came out the next year though) and how being in the closet adversely affected my mental health, it turned out to be the right decision since the therapist I was with for a few months told me that “I would make a woman happy some day” about 20 minutes after I told him I’m gay.
An adjustment disorder basically means temporary, but I still get this shit to this day.
301.9 is PD-NOS, which pretty much means I have symptoms from different personality disorders (e.g. obsessive compulsive, schizoid) so it’s just best to say I have a personality disorder in general.
But what’s a personality disorder? It’s given to you if you exhibit behavior that isn’t “normal” (schizoid means aloof for instance and not schizophrenic) so “normal” people think there’s something wrong with you and don’t wanna be friends and shit 😕 Which lead to the peer relational problems 🤷🏽‍♂️
And the 60 means it’s not a 100 so y’all gotta make up for the 40 😏
But yeah, this is just my view of what these mean, I’ve come to terms with accepting who I am and managing the depression and anxiety as they come.
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wokeus · 7 years
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…..so when are we gonna stop acting like terrorist attacks only happen in western countries 
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wokeus · 8 years
Save #staywoke
Save #staywoke for the things that #wokeus and be aware of injustice.
In her song, “Master Teacher”, Erykah Badu constantly referred to the phrase “I stay woke” to refer to a social awareness and consciousness of the realities of the world around her.  This song was released in 2008 but it wasn’t until 2012 when the singer posted a tweet in support of the famed feminist Russian band “Pussy Riot” that the usage of the phrase “stay woke” went viral.  With events…
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wokeus · 8 years
What is #STAYWOKE, and why does this site exist?
Remain vigilant.
The phrase “Stay Woke” has long been a street term for consistent awareness of the realities of life. #StayWoke can be as deep as realizing the corruption in your government is destroying your community. Or it can be as light-hearted as knowing that “I just saw this text” is not always an admission of being busy, but occasionally the strong curve begging for respect.
We decided that while #StayWoke is great in funny and playful circumstances, it deserves greater attention. In this post, we’ll outline the key principles and motivators for this campaign. We are not experts on anything on this site–and that’s the point. Wake up with us.
Namaste. Special thanks to Samara The Zengod for introducing me to this concept at just the right time. Namaste is an important part of #StayWoke because this is a communal movement. You may have heard “Namaste” before. In Sanskrit, it translates to “I bow to you.” In Hinduism it means “I bow to the divine in you.” According to many Hindus, these three syllables mean quite the mouthful: "I honor the place within you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place within you, which is of Love, of Truth, of Light and of Peace. When you are in that place within you and I am in that place within me, WE ARE ONE"
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Uttering this word is usually accompanied by a physical display of this level of respect: a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest (The two touching palms represent the unity between those greeting each other). This gesture is called Añjali Mudrā. Whether or not you believe in a higher power, this concept still applies to our life on this Earth. Stay woke to the universe inside you, but also to that of the Other. We are of the same material and share the same space. Through this consideration, we are no longer separate universes, but a larger universe via network.
“Universe? Sounds Trippy.”
It is. But the idea of having a universe inside you can be simplified as such: Your perspective contained in your own mind, body, and soul is the essence of your life. Every thought you’ve had, every shade of red you’ve seen, and every effect you’ve had on the world is part of your perspective–your universe. But if everyone has this, realize that however much you stick to your own perspective, the Other has one just like you do. Unless you’re a cat lady, you’re bound to run into other universes out there. And even then, you’re surrounded by black and white kitty universes.
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Humans are a social species by nature. Interacting with our environment is a primary source of the development that makes us who we are today. If you were raised by wolves, you’d have a lot of difficulty walking into Chipotle and ordering the burrito bowl you need to satisfy your craving…although you’d probably just eat a deer by the highway in that case. As our environment has evolved over time, so has our society, and thus we must each individually evolve according to the world we are born into. It's #justfact that we are connected to others and can only benefit from utilizing the human beings we have in each other.
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Sooo…what does this have to do with #StayWoke?
An awareness of ourselves and the other is the first step in remaining woke. Education is a prerequisite to action. In Master Teachers, Erykah Badu explains the importance of searching within yourself before you can search the world. Listen to these words (some of them are conveniently placed in the music player on the desktop version of this page, but you can find the full version in your local Google searchbar). It’s only after you have read the book of “Me” that you can be woke to yourself. At that point, you have earned the distinguished diploma of “Understanding of Self” required to take on the world with precision, success, and meaning. The answers to all our life’s troubles begin within. What do you do with the knowledge you’ve accumulated? Why achieve goals in life when at the end of the day, we will all return to the soil we came from? Why do people raise their children instead of abandoning them like fish? To #StayWoke is not a destination, but a lifestyle of learning, practice, and master teaching. It takes a village. Join us.
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wokeus · 8 years
Do Not Ignore Other People Of Color
Do Not Ignore Other People Of Color, doing so excuses #whitesupremacy
I have seen many posts on social media about how “Black Lives Matter” is used for justification to deliberately ignore the struggles of other people of color.  I stand in solidarity with my Black brethren one-hundred percent against police brutality that targets them.  I stand in solidarity with my Black brethren one-hundred percent against the systematic injustices that they face such as the…
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wokeus · 8 years
You shouldn't have to #feeltheburn or be "enlightened" to work towards dismantling the patriarchy and other aspects of white supremacy. It shouldn't take #hashtags to remember victims of bigotry. Just a reminder to keep love in your hearts and stay vigilant. ❤️
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wokeus · 8 years
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Watch: She has seen a lot but this is what hurts her the most.
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wokeus · 8 years
Intersections Woke Us
The intersections should wake us. All too often, when it comes to conversations about racial, gender, or other forms of equality, we concentrate on the importance of only one form of privilege or underprivilege at a time.  However, this is a very inefficient and inaccurate way of solving issues related to communities affected by hate, discrimination, homelessness, drug use, etc.  By looking at…
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wokeus · 8 years
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listening to her sing at night
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wokeus · 8 years
hillary literally defended someone that raped a child, A CHILD. that is a bad person, jfc.
You’re referring, I assume, to the subject of this meme:
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This is literally a very short google search anon w t f 
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2014/jul/17/did-hillary-clinton-ask-be-relieved-rapist/ –> READ THIS BUT FIRST:
tldr;(A) She was appointed as her client’s attorney by the court system; she did not volunteer for the case.(B) She asked to be removed from the case because she was grossed out by it, but the judge denied her request.© She didn’t “free” her client; she negotiated a plea deal for jail time, LIKE EVERY DEFENSE ATTORNEY IS LEGALLY REQUIRED TO DO.(D) If she did not zealously advocate for her client, or purposely tanked the case, she would have faced disbarment from the legal profession. (SHE WOULD HAVE LOST HER JOB)(E) In the 1980 audio interview, she talked about how her client somehow passed the polygraph that she’d hoped would have helped prove his guilt, and then laughed while saying that since then she never trusts polygraphs, ever.(F) Even the picture used is not the actual victim, and you can be damned well sure they used a tearful angelic blonde little white girl to drive the hate.
but tldr; yes she defended a child rapist , no she didn’t really have a choice despite finding the case disgusting, because as a civil attorney YOU LEGALLY STILL HAVE TO REPRESENT THEM NO MATTER HOW ICK IT IS (this is what LAWYERS DO, they have NO CHOICE). She was essentially forced into it by her firm, and she made the guy take a polygraph test hoping that would prove him guilty. But when it didn’t prove him quilty (since he passed the polygraph ) she said she forever lost her faith in those tests. 
Also, just FYI, in case you’re looking for a law degree, please know that this is STILL required of attorneys today. If you request to get removed from a case because you don’t like it and the court keeps you on you are legally bound to do so irrespective of how you feel about it.
No one is saying that every it of what that man did isn’t super horrible or gross. 
But …
being legally bound to defend a rapist ≠ being an advocate for rape. 
Also – bit of history for ya– despite this one gross case (among other civil cases no doubt) the Rose Law Firm she working for was known for actively taking cases for and defending groups like The Black Panthers. #tbt
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