wonderfuldarkoworld · 2 years
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Iniciei há alguns meses estudos sobre anatomia humana. Daqui pra frente irei compartilhar nesse perfil o meu aprendizado ☺️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CiTMdDRvfdk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonderfuldarkoworld · 2 years
When I started the self-inquiry, I thought I had some addictions to deal with, like coffee, tobacco, and sugar addiction, well, they were the most notable. The first step is simply to quit and see what happens, how your body reacts, and how dependent your body was on that. What also happens is that as you deal with these cuts and maintain a routine of meditation and self-analysis, you notice others addictions and compulsions.
After spending more than three months without smoking, I realized a compulsion that was always there but hidden by the cigarette addiction. The binge eating. Of course, after quitting smoking I felt much more hungry, however, it wasn’t hungering I felt, it was a craving to eat. Fortunately, as time went, I changed my eating habits, adhered to veganism, and moved away from industrialized products. But… I kept eating four unnecessary meals a day.
After a few attempts to do the 24-hour fast, I started to study more about the subject and I realized our need to give the digestive system a rest and our ability to live peacefully with two or one meal a day and to able to live longer than a month without eating (fasting being a time of detoxification of the body and not a practice with the purpose of weight loss/aesthetics).
The question is, why do need to do this? The first thought that comes to mind is “if I’m fine the way I am, then why change?”
But what is being fine? Are you really happy with the way your life is? So why aren’t we happy every day?
That’s Where I’d like to point out the difference between pleasure and happiness. When we listen to our mind’s requests and feed it, we experience temporary happiness, pleasure. But quickly this pleasure ends and we want more. We have five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. Anything we do to please them, to seek a pleasurable reward give us the false impression of happiness.
We have the habit of living by listening to our mind and it lives by looking for objects of the senses. A master explained to me that these objects are the means to satisfy the senses, for example, food is an object for the sense of taste. The issue is that we’re insatiable, and our minds will always ask more believing that happiness is in these pleasures.
When you go against that natural flow of your mind and consume only what you really need, then you can see various addictions, quirks, and even compulsions that lived right there inside you, because you get angry and have reactions like a chemical dependent.
Are we able to get rid of all this evil? Of being happy despite everything? Well, I believe that human being has a capacity that animals do not have: to be aware of their own actions. So as I go against everything I know is harmful to the body and mind, always questioning myself and making conscious and not impulsive decisions, I’ll be humanizing myself more and getting closer to feeling true happiness, the one that does not oscillate and does not depend of the objects of the senses.
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wonderfuldarkoworld · 2 years
The beginning
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Today it’s been 7 months since I had the worst depression crisis of my life.
My life had lost all meaning. Actually, it never made sense. For all my desires and ambitions were aimed only at the material world and my huge ego.
It was in early 2022 that I decided to search incessantly for the meaning of life, the source of all suffering and how find the true happiness.
My first steps were through videos on Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and Christianity, and with the practice of silent meditation in the lotus position. The first few months of studies and practices were like I hit myself hard. A real beating. And I realized who has always been my worst enemy, my ego. It’s been 22 years of feeding my mind and my ego, so it certainly won’t be overnight that I’ll understand everything and have full control of myself.
I decided to create this blog to record my reflections and experiences in this journey towards self-realization and also to meet other brothers and learn from their experiences.
Let life take you…
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