wonderwerk · 7 years
4.2: Tuesday
9:58pm: Feeling pretty okay. I want more food but I’m not really hungry, actually. Just bored in class. Looking forwards to climbing tonight, but apprehensive about how my delt/pec will feel. 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
4.1 Restart
So i just completely failed to do the diet last week, April 9-15. I should probably examine why, but you know, my arm hurt and I was being lazy. So basically I’m back to square one in terms of this process. Except I know I can do it for at least two weeks at a time. So this time, maybe 4 weeks without stopping? And I know I need to contain my carb ups a little more, and that drinking less alcohol will probably help with that. 
1:17pm: I’ve had one Qust bar to eat so far. PRetty hungry. Main problem is my intestines hurt? 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
3.3 I failed this week
Something about having a slight delt/pec injury and just like, beign totalyl unerslept, I just didn’t do the UD 2.0 this week. Just didn’t. 
SO. New plan is to do a 1000-ish cut from now until starting next week 9with tiny carb up on sat for Dutch tryouts) to bring this week to a nice deficit. Then starts week 4 fresh! (April 16-22) 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
3.2: Climb depletion
Did a good job on 1100 cals yesterday, terrible job on everything else. No ellip. Just sitting and reading fanfiction until 5am. Great work me. ;_;
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wonderwerk · 7 years
3.1: Injury?
6:51pm: I’ll hit the elliptical instead, right? right? 
6:48pm: Ok I’m supposed to go lift or climb or SOMETHING to get this depletion kicekd off, but my right shoulder (front delt? pec? somewhere in there) really, really hurts. When i try to use it. So. SO. Logic dictates that I take today off, right? That only makes sense. I’ll eat <1000 calories and just... rest it. It’ll make everything else off by a day but that’s okay, right? 
Mon: Rest arm, cardio
Tues: depletion and yoga
Wed: depletion and cardio 
Thurs: cardio and yoga (and climb bc why not) 
Fri EVE: tension workout
Sat: frisbee
Sun: power lift and power climb. 
Just. Just don’t eat, okay? Until Friday night. 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.7: Frisbee Sunday
Played frisbee. Ate a burger. Should not have eaten a burger. 
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Thanks RDJ that helps
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.6 Saturday power lift
Honestly today was a failure. I woke up super late, dawdled, didn’t do yoga to warm up, only got to climb for like 15 min, and then my lift was all split up.
That said, I do think I hit my hammies and glutes fairly well, and my shoulder is bugging me but I managed to get a fairly dcent bench (100 an then 110, I think?)
So, really not ideal, but not terrible. Need to be more focused and precise, more than anything. My attention was all over the place. In fact, No Wine would be a good Friday night policy, to get me ready for the Saturday lift. Drinking should go on Thursdays. 
I also needed to eat like 800 calories fewer today. I let myself get fatty papusas with katy and that was a MISTAKE 
Final Count
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.5 Friday carb up
So I did the schedule like normal, starting the carb up Thurs night. I managed to eat ~4,000 calories from thurs night to Fri night. Last carb up I did 5,500 with 680g carbs and 180g fat, so it’s an improvement. 
Final count: 
3,924 calories
561 - 91fiber = 470g carbs (that’s right around where I want it.) 
97g fat (still need to go lower on that)
196 protein (that sounds good.) 
So, again, need to go lower on fat. I also suspect there was some more I forgot to log, or something? So, need to get more accurate! 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.4 Thursday is the light at the end of the tunnel
8:38am: So I’m supposed to carb up tonight but maybe I should wait tuntil tomorrow morning? Mostly bc I don’t feel like I’ve actually cut all that much? I weigh 129 today. I’m trying not to freak out about it. I knew I wasn’t going to lose last week, but I thought, at least, M-Th this week would take it down a bit... arggg. What do I do? Cut harder next SUNDAY-Th, and take it a little easier on the carb ups, definitely. Don’t give up. Don’t freak out. Just give it another week or three. Then reassess. If nothing else, I AM getting stronger. I can feel it. I’m motivated, I’m feeling good about my choices, etc. Even if the scale doesn’t reflect it, it’s still good work. Stay the course. 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.3 Wednesday is the hungry day.
And yes I am hungry. Sometimes viscerally, right now emotionally. 
10:00pm: But I didn’t! Go me. 
8:46pm: Okay i broke and had a third of a ONE bar. that’s like 70 calories, 6g carbs, 6g protein. And now I want MORE MORE MORE MORE
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8:38pm: Okay only like 1.5-2 hrs until I can be unconscious. Writing, waiting for Ash to show up and have girl talk. Already ate my soup, have just a bedtime cheese snack and quest bar to go. 0.0
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.2 Yes its only Tuesday
9:00pm: Didn’t get enough done today. Too much wedding daydreaming. I’ve decided that I’m not allowing myself to online shop for any wedding fashion/accessories/decor until I get through 8 weeks of this diet! That’s some good-ass incentive. 
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The tension workout was better today, i think, in terms of feeling dizzy hot and COMPLETELY TRASHED by the end of it. My quads. MY QUADS. Still no nausea yet, though. Maybe I need to go even lower on carbs/cals. Or maybe incorporating more yoga/cardio will help-- didn’t make it to yoga today as I intended. 
Didn’t do a lot of things I intended.
Oh shit I have to write a paper tonight. Friiiiiiiiiiiig. 
Final count: 
1105 cal
85-46 = 39g carbs
133g protein
9:02am: What should I do with my day? Go climb with Eyal early and ditch riley? Or climb with Riley and ditch Eyal? I don’t have the muscle strength to do both. 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
2.1: Back to the start
Later: Not bad. Ate like 50 cc too much.
Final count: 
1267 calories
115-67=48g carbs 
143g protein
8:53m: I really, really want to be eating something with this coffee. But if I eat in the morning, I’m fucked. Gotta power through to lunch or so. THen I get a s’mores bar. Then tuna salad. Then soup for dinner.  What to do in the meantime? Plan my day, then go to t yoga, then depletion lift and listen to music, then write write write until it’s time for therapy and visiting Julia nad Kevin
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wonderwerk · 7 years
1.7 Ramping down carbs
10:27pm: wow this part is REALLY HARD. it’s really hard to stop eating carbs.
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I’m about to have tea and a half a protein abr and then NO MORE and then back to NO CARBS and workout out SUPER HARD oh god I’m still so sore....
2:17pm: Yeah I injured myself, is how. 
Just a little bit. On the ole left foot tendon. I stopped running on it so it owuld be okay for the rest of my exercise week. A wise move. Go me. 
8:31am: I’m so neurally fatigued from my lift. Just in my arms though, not the legs. The legs are more regular DOMs. I’m supposed to go play this women’s mixer. How??? 
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wonderwerk · 7 years
1.6: Power lift is powerful
3:40pm: wow. Just lifted for abt 85 min, and I broke like at least three records. I don’t know if it was the carb load, the creatine, listening to music, or some psychosomatic thing, but whatever it is, it’s fucking working. 
I benched 115lbs. The REAL big girl plates. For FIVE reps. And it wasn’t even that hard. Like I know I can do more next week. 
I also incline pressed 30lbs in each hand, which I’ve never done before, and tri pushed 85 lbs, and got actually really close to a pistol suat. 
I did get VEYR farty/crampy/something towards the end. I think I really do need to make sure my carb up is a little less sugar-heavy and actually take it easy on the fiber, as well, so that I can just MAINLINE that glycogen without causing all this gastrointestinal distress. Notes for next time.
Also I think I very clearly over-ate, but we’ll see if the scale drops next Thurs. 
Bench: 115x6
1-leg squat: 60x6
Overhead press (not machine): 40x6
Pull-ups: 7
Incline Press: 60x7
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wonderwerk · 7 years
1.5: Carb up day
Wow. Just wow. 
That was really fucking fun. It was almost HARD to get enough crabs in. And I need to make sure that I don’t over do it on fat, fiber, or sugar. Just straight up starch on starch. Bagels and low-far cream cheese next week, that’s my plan.
Final count (From Thurs night to Sat morning):
5500 calories 
600g carbs
180g fat (too much!)
220g protein
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wonderwerk · 7 years
1.4: Split Day
10:11am: got through my usual track workout without fainting. I didn’t feel nauseous, but I felt incredibly dissociated from my body, almost floating. And SLOWWWW but I guess that’s no shock on low carbs. I’ve had my protein bar already, got another half a protein bar and the rest of my chicken tofu-noodle soup. Should be enough to carry me to my 7pm tension lift! About which I’m incredibly nervous because my limbs are so sore and so tired. I hope I can get through ti with enough force to “upregulate my mRNA and ribosomes.” 
Yep I did a good job. It was a good lift and then I slammed my protein smoothie and went out w Halleh and Ash and James and Laurie and had a ball eating carbs. 
Final count: 
1435 Calories
131-55 = 81 carbs (but - 72 after dinner, so only had like 21g before the carb-up)
154g protein
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wonderwerk · 7 years
1.3: Okay
I got very dizzy today. Almsot all day I elt almost drunk. But it was actually almost kind of nice? 
I managed ot have friends over and not break my plans, too, which was a fucking miracle!!!
Final count: 
1204 calories
101-60 = 41 carbs
117g protein 
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