wonderwomandebz · 6 hours
Betwixt and Between - Spring in Australia and Autumn In England #SundayStills
Is it spring or autumn? I'm a bit betwixt and between.Read on to see why in my post for this week's challenge for #SundayStills
Autumn/Spring?? This week for Sunday Stills, Terri invites us to share some Autumn (or Spring) images, depending on where you are in the world. You can readTerri’s post here: Is it Autumn yet (or spring)? I’m a bit discombobulated (don’t you just love that word) because we’ve just left our home in Australia for an extended holiday in England with my eldest daughter and her family. We arrived…
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wonderwomandebz · 4 days
The 52 Book Club Challenge 2024 update #WOYBS
I've finally updated my 52 Book Club 2024 Reading Challenge and find I'm almost finished. Have you read any of the books I've listed in our monthly What's on Your Bookshelf linkup? What are you reading at the moment?#whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge #WOYBS
Welcome fellow readers A brief post from me today for this month’s What’s on Your Bookshelf as I’m away and wrote this before I left home! I was trying to be organised 🙂 I’ve finally made time to update my 52 Book Club 2024 Reading Challenge and am surprised to have only one blank square left – the prompt #40 Set during a holiday you don’t celebrate -it’s proving difficult but I’ll manage to…
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wonderwomandebz · 5 days
Tell Us About...a favourite something
What's something that's a favourite of yours? In this post I update an earlier post summarising the past 5 decades and how the next one is going so far. #TellUsAbout
Welcome This month our Tell Us About prompt is Jill’s choice of: Favourite things As I’m away travelling on the other side of the world at the moment I’ve gone back to a post I wrote in 2019 and rehashed updated it. It was a prompt asking us about our favourite decade so I thought it was a good one for this month’s Tell Us About prompt of favourite things. Which decade was your…
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wonderwomandebz · 6 days
Travel on the Horizon
We're off on an adventure, so stay tuned! I'm not sure if I'll be writing any posts while I'm away but I have scheduled a few for linkups during the month. #WWWhimsy
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again… Anticipation is one of the most exciting feelings in the world. It’s the rush of adrenaline that you get when you know you’re about to embark on a journey with new experiences waiting to be explored. The anticipation of travel always fills me with excitement and wonder. I’ve also just found a study that says travelling can make you look younger. Now…
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wonderwomandebz · 11 days
Friday Feels: 3 questions and an F word on Friday 13th
Yes it's Friday again! It's time for Friday Feels with 3 questions and an F word. Come and join in the fun even if it's Friday 13th!
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wonderwomandebz · 13 days
Now We Are Six
Can you remember when you were turning six? I'm sharing a lovely poem about turning 6 for this week's #Wwwhimsy and there's a good reason why!!
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wonderwomandebz · 18 days
Friday Feels: 3 questions and an F word on Sept 6
How can it be Friday again? It's time for Friday Feels with 3 questions and an F word. Come and join in the Friday fun.
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wonderwomandebz · 20 days
Taking Stock CheckUp #3
Taking Stock is back! One word prompts and my quick fire responses. Feel free to join in. #takingstock
Welcome to my third Taking Stock post for 2024. So far this year I’ve written a post in February and May, so it’s about time for another one! Every few months I like to write a Taking Stock post, it’s a fun way of getting some thoughts together, plus it makes me stop and reflect for a moment as I look at each of the one word prompts. To answer the one word prompts, I usually give myself a few…
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wonderwomandebz · 25 days
Thriving in August - Anticipation Abounds #WBOYC
August has been a quieter month as we prepare for a big trip in September but there's still some Thriving been happening - read more in my 'What's Been on Your Calendar?' post and join us for the linkup #WBOYC #WOTY #thrive
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wonderwomandebz · 28 days
Before and After, Now and Then #SundayStills
Before and after photos feature in my post for this week's challenge for #SundayStills
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wonderwomandebz · 29 days
I'm NOT a personal shopper and these are the 9 things you'll ALWAYS find in my wardrobe
What 9 items will you always find in my wardrobe, as opposed to a fashion writer who wrote a similar article about what 9 things you wouldn't find in her wardrobe. Each to their own!
The fashion police are after me I read an article the other day that got my back up. It doesn’t happen very often! I rarely air grievances on my blog, but today is one of those days. You have been warned and fashion bloggers, please don’t come at me! The article was titled I’m a personal shopper and these are the 9 things you’ll never find in my wardrobe. It was written by a fashion editor…
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wonderwomandebz · 1 month
Friday Feels: 3 questions and an F word
It's time for Friday Feels with 3 questions and an F word. Come and join in the Friday fun.
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wonderwomandebz · 1 month
Taking in the View: Wordless Wednesday
Taking in the view for Wordless Wednesday and #wwwhimsy. #wordlesswednesday
Driving down the hill from Tumbarumba to Tumut Wordless Wednesday Minimal words today, just a lovely view taken while driving down the hill the other morning. Have a great week. Debbie signature Min, over at Write of the Middle, has a linkup for bloggers called Wednesday Words & Whimsy which everyone is invited to join in with a post – link here #WWWhimsy. I’m happy to say I’m on Min’s…
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wonderwomandebz · 1 month
25 Classic reads and counting #WOYBS
We've been reading the classics in our online bookclub (since January 2021), so far we're up to 25 books and counting. Have you read any of the ones I've listed in our monthly What's on Your Bookshelf linkup? What are you reading at the moment?#whatsonyou
Welcome fellow readers I’m pleased to report that since January 2021 our Stunners Bookclub has read 25 classics, a number I’m very proud of! 25 classics and counting Many of the books we’ve read I’m embarrassed to say I’d not read before. Most of them are books I’d recommend. What constitutes a classic to you? I found this quote and it appeals to me, what do you think? A classic is a book…
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wonderwomandebz · 1 month
Tell Us About...Holidays
This month's Tell Us About linkup is all about Holidays, which is a word close to my heart! I love travel and now that we're retired isn't every day a holiday? I hope you'll come over and join us. #tellusabout #holidays
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wonderwomandebz · 1 month
Yarn Bombing Festival: Adding Whimsy to Benalla Streets
What's yarn bombing and how does it fit in with a hot toddy recipe? I'm sharing some thoughts for this week's #Wwwhimsy #WOYP
Welcome to Wednesday Words and Whimsy It’s time for Min’s Wednesday Words and Whimsy linkup – how fast are the weeks rolling by? Read more below about how to join in. Today I’m sharing a hot toddy recipe and a story about yarn bombing – just some random whimsy! Yarn Bombing On the weekend my sister and I drove for approximately 2.5 hours from our homes and met up in Benalla (Victoria) to swap…
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wonderwomandebz · 1 month
Glorious Yellow Daffodils and Sunshine: A Symbol of Hope #SundayStills
Yellow flowers in the garden, sunflowers, sunshine and gold medals - all feature in my post for this month's colour challenge for #SundayStills
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