wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
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            Hey friends! Raive here with a MODERN/MUTANT AU CENTRIC LUKE SKYWALKER. He’s a former farmer turned airforce intelligence–CIA operative–Black Ops what have you army man who gets into some crazy antics after finding a government conspiracy and rescuing a diplomat’s daughter. I also have a canon divergent star wars verse if you prefer! Please LIKE/REBLOG if you wanna interact!
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
That diagram of the Jedi temple got me thinking that it would have a very collegiate atmosphere
“Wanna get some food?” “The refectory’s closed.” “What about the one in the east wing?” “They put so much cheese in EVERYTHING though.”
Younglings excusing themselves from class, using the restroom, and then taking “the long way” back (which takes forty-five minutes)
All sorts of nefarious goings-on happen in the meditation gardens after midnight
There’s a loth-cat loose in the dorms. No one knows who it belongs to, but it has been there for weeks.
Jocasta Nu would very much like to know who keeps changing the desktop backgrounds on the library computers to a close-up of Mace Windu’s angry face, although she’s not sure whether she would prefer to punish them or hire them on as an assistant
Kit Fisto is a bit of a legend in the dormitories, rumored to have scaled the Tower of Reconciliation on a dare using nothing but tied-together bedsheets. He demurrs when asked about it, which only adds more fuel to the fire.
Though not officially sanctioned, there is a temple radio station. Tune in late at night to hear everything from traditional Gungan music to deep cuts from outer rim punk bands
Quinlan Vos is a library napper #confirmed
Groups of padawans sneaking through the main hall at night, when everything is empty and silent, their giggles echoing off the vaulted ceiling and bouncing back at them from a thousand directions 
They say that the memorial to Qui-Gon Jinn in the Temple Spire is haunted. Every now and then a knight will camp out next to it in hopes of catching a glimpse of the paranormal, and some come back claiming to have heard strange sounds. Then again, they may have just been hearing Eeth Koth’s art-noise band rehearsing.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
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Star Wars webtoon #40 // Hong Jac Ga aka the minute he was Anakin again instead of Vader, Obi-Wan (and Yoda) was RIGHT there, softly smiling at him and welcoming him back to the light nobody touch me I can’t deal with this I’m not crying you’re crying
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
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            Hey friends! Raive here with a MODERN/MUTANT AU CENTRIC LUKE SKYWALKER. He's a former farmer turned airforce intelligence--CIA operative--Black Ops what have you army man who gets into some crazy antics after finding a government conspiracy and rescuing a diplomat's daughter. I also have a canon divergent star wars verse if you prefer! Please LIKE/REBLOG if you wanna interact!
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
✗reassurance&comfort starters
❝ i know this is tough for you, but it will get better. ❞ ❝ you are safe with me. ❞ ❝ don’t worry, everything is going to be okay. ❞ ❝ i’m staying with you. ❞ ❝ i’m not going anywhere. ❞ ❝ i won’t leave, i promise. ❞ ❝ you will get through this. ❞ ❝ you can tell me anything. ❞ ❝ i’m sorry you’re going through this, but i’m here. ❞ ❝ i love you so much. ❞ ❝ i may not have the best advice, but i’m a great listener. ❞ ❝ hey, look at me… ❞ ❝ you got this! ❞ ❝ take your time, don’t rush it. ❞ ❝ you’ve done so well. ❞ ❝ i’m so, so proud of you. ❞  ❝ keep your chin up, sweetheart. ❞  ❝ it’s okay to cry. ❞
send a ♡ and a number for your muse to: 1. offer a wholehearted hug 2. stroke my muse’s hair whilst whispering comforting words 3. take my muse’s hands and hold them 4. attempt to make my muse smile or laugh 5. pull my muse into a hug and caress their back gently 6. place a hand on my muse’s shoulder 7. kiss my muse’s tears away 8. kiss my muse’s forehead 9. cup my muse’s cheeks in order to make them look up 10. press their forehead against my muse’s
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Anakin: Obi-Wan is finally coming home from his week long mission, so you know what I’m getting tonight ;)
Anakin: Yelled at. I’m gonna get yelled at.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Modern Alternate Universe Set Up:
Part One; looking to the far away sun rise (farm boy);
ages: 17-19
He lives in a small town with his aunt and uncle. He goes to school, works on the farm and dreams of leaving to go to the big city. His best friend is a slightly older boy named Biggs. The two of them get into loads of trouble and run off on adventures in the woods. Luke has his other group of friends, but they mostly interact with him because there’s little choice otherwise. He has a close relationship with Ben, a friend of his late parents. Luke tends to sneak off to the old man’s house when he’s upset with his uncle who actively tries to dissuade Luke from interacting with Ben. When Luke’s mutant abilities become apparent, it’s Ben who teaches him how to develop them so as not to be ousted from the small town. 
Keep reading
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Like this if you’d be interested in plotting things out for a modern verse.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Modern Alternate Universe Set Up:
Part One; looking to the far away sun rise (farm boy);
ages: 17-19
He lives in a small town with his aunt and uncle. He goes to school, works on the farm and dreams of leaving to go to the big city. His best friend is a slightly older boy named Biggs. The two of them get into loads of trouble and run off on adventures in the woods. Luke has his other group of friends, but they mostly interact with him because there’s little choice otherwise. He has a close relationship with Ben, a friend of his late parents. Luke tends to sneak off to the old man’s house when he’s upset with his uncle who actively tries to dissuade Luke from interacting with Ben. When Luke’s mutant abilities become apparent, it’s Ben who teaches him how to develop them so as not to be ousted from the small town. 
Part Two; a taste of who we are (soldier); 
ages: 19-24+
Luke buys an innocuous flash drive from a yard sale that happens to have classified information. Upon activating it on his computer, he puts into motion a sequence of events that upends his life. His aunt and uncle are subsequently murdered by members of an underground criminal organization. Ben reveals that he works with the government. With the threat on their heels they look for a way to get the information to the authorities. 
After a long journey involving a low-tier criminal, a politician’s daughter, and the loss of Ben, Luke returns the classified information where it belongs. He joins the military not long after and becomes a Green Beret. Several years in he’s transferred to a CIA subdivision where he takes covert missions overseas. This eventually puts him into the path of the criminal organization that killed his aunt and uncle. He finds out that his father is one of the heads of this organization and the next few years are spent trying to take them down. 
Part Three; light’s been burned out for a while (veteran);
ages: 35+ 
There’s a cost to becoming a hero. His initial few years in the military had been successful. He completed missions and his success rate was high. But skill is only part of the equation, and luck runs out. Luke may have taken down the criminal organization that his father was part of, but their followers still existed. He was presumed MIA / Dead, but he was found; a shell of his former self. Honorably discharged from the military, Luke returns home to his wife and son (Mara and Ben), but he’s hardly the same person. Things are difficult, his health not the best. 
For the most part, Luke works as a combat instructor when he can. When he can’t, he spends a lot of his time just trying to find a semblance of peace in the painful mess that is his mind. He often goes to veteran meetings and gets psychiatric help. His relationship with his wife and son is strained to say the least.
Luke is a mutant and has something like his canon Force powers. He is one of ten who have this particular mutation, including his father and sister. There powers manifest primarily as telepathic based, and based through an energy known as the Force, coined by the first mutant to develop the mutation. It’s considered to be something like an augmented aura energy. He was taught to use his mutation by Ben Kenobi when he was a teenager so he could control it and not be thrown out of his house.
Telepathy; including the ability to alter memories, sense people in the vicinity, persuasion, create illusions, stun / render unconscious. He can resist lower level telepaths reading his mind.
Accelerated Healing; through concentration 
Precognition; through concentration and dreams
Can sense weaknesses in people and objects. This can be physical weaknesses, emotional or event-based and use this to completely disable or destroy people and objects
Aura Energy manipulation; augment speed, reflexes, and strength as well as physically manifest energy such as lightning. With a little more concentration, he can augment the auras of allies as well and increase their speed, reflexes and strength. 
Revitalize: Also an aura manipulation technique, with a little concentration he can empower a fallen ally by giving them more energy should they be exhausted or injured--this can heal minor wounds or decrease the severity of major ones.
Protection or minor invulnerability: With focused concentration, can deflect / negate attacks such as bullets or blades. Only works for as long as the user is able to concentrate
Astral projection / Doppelganger illusion.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
So many people deactivated omg.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
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inspired by + and +
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Modern verse luke is an adorable teenager who becomes a mess of an adult but Tries his Best for his kids and his wife.
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
im thinking what i’ll do is make my main verse a modern AU and then obviously have star wars canon be my alternate main verse... depending on whether or not anyone wants to plot an alternate version of The Mess aka tlj. 
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
so i went to disney world and my saltiness at the lack of luke skywalker stuff and p much anything light side has brought me back on this blog. 
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wontfailyou-blog · 6 years
Grief was a foreign concept. It was the old weariness in his uncle's eyes, the lines in his aunt's down turned lips. It was the faded markers out behind the Homestead. He understood loss, the feeling in his chest whenever he saw any of his friends, when he saw Biggs, with their parents. Because Owen made sure he was aware that he was not their son, not out of malice or ill will, simply because they thought it wasn't right. Not when his grandmother's bones were buried so close. But that feeling of loss wasn't the same as grief. His loss was a strange bereft thing, because how could you feel sad about something you never had?
Now was different. Now the victory was a loud celebration in the hangar, and there was laughter and cheer and the bittersweet aftertaste of knowing. People who had been there hours ago were gone. Ships were damaged. Over the celebration hung a cloud that wouldn't disperse.
Luke felt it as the evening grew later and the heavy, tight feeling in his chest grew tighter. Every grin and praise and high five only made it worse. He was the hero, at the forefront of it all because he had been lucky and blew the Deathstar.
(Not lucky, he knew, not lucky at all, it was the Force but what did he know?)
When it finally became too much he found a secluded place, still in the undershirt of his borrowed flight suit. He wasn't sure how to feel, whether what he had was grief or something else. He felt numb. The deaths of his aunt and uncle had occurred what seemed like ages ago, Ben not long after. And then Biggs had been blown out of the sky. Biggs who had always believed in him, pushed him, drank stolen liquor in hidden alcoves. Shared a half-drunk kiss before Biggs left in the morning and Luke wondered what would have come of that if he said something. Wondered what would have happened had he stayed home and never left. Wondered if he would be dead too.
Luke scrubbed at his dry face, and was surprised to find Leia standing there behind him. She was looking out the viewport much like he had been doing a second before. Her reflection glanced over at him and Luke felt that stirring of hesitation, trepidation.
"What are you doing way over here?" She asked and Luke didn't really know what to say.
"I needed some air..." he said eventually. "Everyone on my team died. I don't know if that feels like a victory." Biggs, his last remnant of home. And then he remembered, remembered how everything he'd gone through paled in comparison. "I'm sorry. You..."
Lost everything.
"They're deaths weren't in vain." She said, and Luke hears the dismissal. Remembered they were strangers.
"I don't want to talk about it." She turned away. "It just doesn't feel real."
Luke swallowed. He felt the lump rise in his throat-- "Yeah." The word came out breathless.
Something seemed to dawn on her, maybe the same thought, the same understanding. They had both lost everything.
"Would you mind if I stayed here, I..."
"No, not at all." Quick, a gesture at the cargo boxes Luke was using as a makeshift seat. She sat beside him, completely silent, and if after a while they gravitated to lean against one another, neither said a thing.
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