#modern au rp
mcyts-rp-finder · 6 months
Hellooo, I'm looking for a qsmp or life-series rp partner!
I prefer doing aus and can write between whatever few sentences to a paragraph or two depending on the rp. I do not do rpf, though I will do modern aus.
My main ships are: Guapoduo, Philever, Fitpac, Celltw, Wilbur/Pac, Scarian, Smalletho, Cletho, and Pearlizzie
My main rps are (excluding eggs): Roier, Philza, Pac, Jaiden, Grian, Etho, and Pearl.
My main eggs that i rp are: Chayanne or Tallulah (depends on who you want), Ramón, Pepito, Sunny, and Pomme.
If you're interested, I am aetheriseepy on Discord. I normally use Tupper to rp, but can work around it if you don't want to use bots.
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edgecastlema · 1 year
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you know, i've been thinking about just how close we are to opening... all while having some absolutely amazing roles open... wouldn't it just be crazy if we got some more apps?? especially for some more marvel, hunger games, horror films, dimension 20, literature (romeo and juliet perhaps?), as well as any muses your heart could desire!
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
hiya !! my friend and i are looking for someone to join our modern au marauders university au server on discord. :DD think cute group roleplays, 1v1 rps, in-character texting gcs etcetc.. very laid-back, very chill, all fun !! like this post and i’ll get back to you and ask you who you’d like to portray. <33 we’re both 20+, so we ask that you are at least 18+ in order to be added. 
taken characters are james potter && lily evans. 
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roleplayqueen96 · 1 year
Low-key wanna do a modern Au house of the dragon Rp, anyone out there wanna do it. I need someone as Daemon! I’ll play my oc and side characters!. All the angst, drama and romance.
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sins-like-roses · 2 years
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Starter Call for Itachi Uchiha
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mused-like-roses · 2 years
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Starter Call for Itachi Uchiha
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theizzybasilicahands · 3 months
It had been difficult to keep from checking his messages every five seconds, waiting for a reply to his message. They had matched the previous day and Stede had waited until the evening to send his message. So far, no response. It was agony.
Is this how dating was now? Waiting and hoping and worrying? Did he come off too strong? What if his match had swiped right by accident when really he had meant to swipe left?
He pulled out his phone again and read through his own message to check for egregious typos that changed its meaning.
Stede Bonnet (21:07):
Hello! I hope this isn't too forward of me, but I noticed we matched earlier today and we are both in Wellington. Gosh, it's been a while since I've done anything like this. Are you amenable to perhaps meeting up for a coffee some time?
It was too much. He threw his phone down on the sofa and ran his fingers through his hair. Maybe he should have gotten Mary to read it through first. She was always better at online stuff. Apps and the like. Even at work he left all of the social media stuff to the younger members of the team. He had little patience for it all.
He let out a slow breath and glanced at his phone again. Traitorous thing. He needed to get up. Move around and distract himself. Go to the gym maybe. Instead he picked up his phone and googled tips on how to improve the likelihood of getting a date through a dating app. Maybe he could put up a shirtless picture. People still did that, didn't they?
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aevumrp · 2 years
hello everyone! it's been a minute, but i've been gone as i started a new job last week and ellie has also been busy but we are still here! we will be doing a plot drop today and also updating the app count. we won't leave you hanging much longer as we have a few fun things still planned! we are also wanting a rodolphus lestrange, sybill trewlawny, or arthur weasley!
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shanardo13 · 1 month
Obikin College AU - RA/Don!Obi-Wan/First year!Anakin - Part One
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I’ve been reading a lot of modern au Obikin fics recently, so one could say I’m on a bit of a kick.
That’s where this idea comes from!! I’m gonna outline it below so I can reference this if I ever decide to write it/for your enjoyment. Also, the pic is what I imagine they look like 😎.
Link to Part Two
Link to Part Three
Anakin and Obi-Wan go to Uni together.
It’s Anakin’s first year, and he moves into residence ready for FROSH week.
Obi-Wan is a RA/ Don for Anakin’s residence building, mainly because it looks good on a résumé and it helps cut living expenses.
Anakin becomes obsessed with him. When he first moved in, he was honestly going to skip all the FROSH stuff, opting to explore the new city on his own. After meeting Obi-Wan he is the first one to show up for all their activities, volunteering to help whenever he can. Anything to be on the older boy’s radar.
They get through FROSH, Anakin flirting desperately through little side comments the entire time. Obi-Wan just believes he’s excited and eager about the events.
During FROSH, Anakin makes friends with other incoming students - Padmé, Rex and Ahsoka. They become a little group. Everyone is quite fed up with Anakin’s Obi-Wan obsession after the week. They pray once the semester starts and they no longer spend every day with Obi-Wan he will shut up. He doesn’t.
“Dude, do us all a favour and actually talk to him.” “Please, Anakin, we really can’t take this anymore.”
“Oh Come on guys, what are friends for if not to listen to each other ramble about highly likely unrequited crushes?”
He does try to talk to Obi-Wan one on one during FROSH. To say it was a little awkward would be an understatement.
“So, what’s your major?”
“English/Literature with a minor in philosophy.”
“That’s nice. I read a book once.”
They kinda just stare at each other and then Anakin rushes back to his little group of friends who all wear mortified expressions.
“Don’t even! I was nervous!”
After this, they don’t really speak during FROSH, until the last night of events. They are the only two left cleaning up after the evenings activities.
“Thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it.”
“Oh, no worries!” Please marry me
“Out of curiosity… what is the one book you’ve read?”
“I’ve read more than one book!”
“I sort of figured, considering the University acceptance and all.”
“Yeah… I don’t know why I said that.”
“It’s alright, it was charming. In a himbo sort of way.”
Oh my god, you think I’m charming? Take me right here in the common room, I’ll show you charming.
The semester starts and they don’t see as much of each other anymore.
Part of Obi-Wan’s job as RA/Don is to take shifts working the desk in the lobby of their building. He does this every Friday night.
Anakin discovers this by accident. He and the gang had been at an off-campus party. They’re coming home late one night, all quite drunk.
As they walk through the door and see Obi-Wan everyone starts giggling and poking at Anakin as he flushes.
“Hello folks.” Obi-Wan greets cheerily.
“Hello Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka smirks at Anakin.
“Did you tell him yet?” Rex pushes him forward.
“Tell me what?”
Nothing! It was nice seeing you Obi-Wan!” Anakin ushers them all toward his room, leaving behind a confused Obi-Wan.
Every Friday afterward, Anakin takes advantage of the knowledge that Obi-Wan is working the desk.
He hangs around, striking casual conversation. They talk about anything and everything. School, classes, hobbies, music, other interests. They become well-acquainted.
“You’re telling me you’d pick The Cure over the Smiths?”
“Oh, of course. Easily. The Smiths are so depressing.”
“So is The Cure, idiot! At least Morrisey’s hot about it.”
“Are you saying Robert Smith isn’t hot?”
Anakin flirts shamelessly. Oblivious, Obi-Wan doesn’t catch the hints and just thinks Anakin is killing time waiting for his friends. Unbeknownst to him, Anakin bails on his friends every Friday to hang out at the front desk.
“You sure you don’t want to come tonight, Ani?”
“It’s his Obi-Wan night. He won’t come.”
Another part of Obi-Wan’s job is being the “Don on Duty”. This means he responds to any complaints/emergencies the residents have. He carries around a special phone for emergencies. He does this every Saturday night. Again, Anakin discovers this by accident.
A loud knock at his door interrupts Anakin’s dorm room party. He and his friends are wasted, watching movies and screaming about them.
He opens the door to reveal Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan is looking down. “I’ve received several noise complaints about this room. You guys are going to have to - Anakin?” He cuts himself off once he looks up and blue meets blue.
“Obi-Wan! Come drink with us!”
“Anakin, I can’t. I’m on duty.”
“Oh come on, pretty pretty please?”
“Don’t say no! Please”
“Oh fine, but if this phone goes off I have to leave. And we really must be quiet.”
Obi-Wan spends the evening getting drunk with Anakin and his friends. Thankfully the phone doesn’t go off.
They watch films together, everyone growing drowsy. Anakin curls up next to Obi-Wan and rests his head on his shoulder. When Obi-Wan wraps his arm around him and holds him close, it’s merely because he’s drunk and tired.
That night, the two finally exchange phone numbers.
Anakin starts texting Obi-Wan relentlessly. Obi-Wan would call it harassment.
Anakin: do you ever think about the overwhelming and paralyzing passage of time? How you can’t do anything to stop it? (Sent at 3:42 am)
Obi-Wan: no, but I am now. (Sent at 3:44 am)
Anakin: lolz look at this silly kitty pic. He’s u! (Sent at 3:47 am)
Obi-Wan: go to sleep!!!!! (Sent at 3:48 am)
Anakin: jeez ok Mr. Grumpy pants 😡😡 (Sent at 3:50 am, Read at 3:50 am)
Obi-Wan starts getting invited to Anakin’s friend group hang outs. He was charming enough last time. Truthfully, it’s mostly because if he’s there, it saves the others from having to hear Anakin yearn for him all night.
Alright, this is kind of just the general idea/ all I’ve got right now! Lemme know if you guys want to hear more or have any suggestions! My DM’s are always open if anyone wants to brainstorm, or just chat in general!
I’d also be down as heck to rp this if anyone was interested.
Thank you for reading if you’ve gotten this far!!
I’ll update it later when I think of more! (:
EDIT: I've created a second part to this! if you wanna read more, the link to part two can be found at the top of this post!
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quill-pen · 5 months
In Timeless, Adonis has invited Connie as his date to the Lord Mayor's Christmas party. Wolf was encouraged (in the end, more like dared, because brothers be brothers) to invite Bess (as merely close friends, of course) and she accepted.
Let's dress our guys and dolls up and rp a little!
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Family Matters
A family line full of great magic users who's family tree is a literal family tree that grows old photos and letters from their branches. When a new family member is born a new sprot blossoms from said tree next to their parent and when an elder passes away their branch weakens falling off but, regrowing stronger than before so their memory can live on.
Halflings who's family gatherings are so large that it's always a large scale event that makes even rivals werewolf gatherings. They really know how to party and they are super close with each other.
Speaking of werewolf gathering, imagine a human who never had a close relationship with their own family marring into a werewolf family where they're all really close with each other. The human is an honorary pack member and they are overjoyed being apart of a loving family even if its not their own.
Alternatively a monster who never had a chance to understand the concept of a family being accepted into a human family with open arms being surprised yet super happy that they have people that they can trust other than their partner
Vampires who have family photos from every decade that they've lived through. Imagine seeing this proud ancient hand painted portrait of the family in decade old clothes next to the family portrait of said vampire family dressed in matching clothes doing on of those JCpenny's awkward family photos from the 80's.
A human with a child marring a magic user who also has a child creating a blended family of magic and non-magical customs. Sure the witch child will use their magic sometimes prank and tease their non-magical sibling but that doesn't mean they won't defend them when push comes to shove.
A giant couple adopting an abandoned human child along with their own child having those two grow up to be best of friends with the human sibling being the one to defend their MUCH larger sibling from bullies rather the other way around.
A young witch eagerly waiting for the day to get her powers so that she can be just like her parents when she's older. She counts the days until her birthday and her parents are happy that she's excited that they secretly got her a pet familiar for her birthday too to add to the surprise.
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rosy-fox-art · 6 months
Cjverse Chat Memes Out of Context (2)
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Feat. ( name and au, In order)
Twine (Sun Down)- @disruptivevoib
Ozzy (Voice of Reason)- @agent-8449
Paladin and Snare (Encore)- @b0vidine
Tune (Trial)- @keruukat
Amp (Trial)- @keruukat
Viscera (Swaps)- @disruptivevoib
Willow (Q-Thirds(- [Q-ott]
Judge (Swap)- @disruptivevoib
Silence (Ourobouros)- (mine)
Aperture (Ourobouros)- (mine)
Elm (Modern Prometheus)- (mine
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Gamer Girly - part 2
link to part one • link to master list
cw: alcohol, bisexualness, idk me being half gay
MDNI 18+
not proof read, literally wrote this bc of my insomnia and not being able to sleep tonight
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You and Geto texted to plan a FaceTime call in a few days as it worked for his schedule and you were beyond nervous. Even going as far as using your whitening strips and getting your eyebrows done. You planned it for Thursday evening, a time after Geto’s stream was over, before you, Utahime, and Haibara were about to go out to bars for Thirsty Thursday with your fake ID’s. You did your makeup and hair while listening to the squads stream rehearsing in your head what you think Geto would say. You picked out a black crop top and a short denim skirt to wear paired with your vans. As they wrapped up their stream you started feeling anxious and took a shot of a vodka mini bottle you had lying around your apartment to calm some nerves. As you swallow some orange juice as a chaser your phone buzzes from your desk.
‘hey just wrapped up, let me know when you’re free and I’ll shoot you a call. :)’
god texting him felt like you were flirting in high school all over again like a giddy innocent girl.
you set your macbook up on your desk so you could have a better view of him for the FaceTime.
‘sure, ready whenever you are!’ You respond.
Your anticipation leads to sweaty palms and sipping a white claw that was left in your fridge at some point as you pace around your bedroom, making sure everything in the background is okay.
your ringtone from your laptop goes off rather loud and you quickly sit at your desk but don’t press the answer button too soon. The 10 seconds it takes the call to load seems like years as you bounce your leg under your desk.
“hey!” You both speak at the same exact time, as you nervously giggle.
“How are you?” Comes out of both your mouths at the same time again.
“I’m sorry, you first,” you say as he chuckles with his eyes squinted close in the most precious way.
“I’m great, happy to be done streaming for the night and getting ready to go out with some friends, how about you?”
“I’m also going out with some friends for once! We don’t go to bars a whole lot but wanted to try one tonight. Other than that great now that I actually get to speak with you,” you admit, blushing.
“Yeah about that, this moderator thing is pretty easy, mainly the thing you have to watch out for on my discord is people sexualizing Shoko. She’s started to get butthurt about how she’s ‘more than a pretty face’” he rolls his eyes sarcastically.
“Oh yeah of course…” you pause, “are you guys like dating or…?” You close your eyes not believing you just fucking asked that.
“Oh no no, she’s been Satoru and I’s best friend all through high school. We taught her to play and she has pretty much gotten better than us.”
“Oh sorry yes that is Gojo’s first name, we all go by our last names on the stream.”
“Oh yeah okay, makes sense,” you glance over at the notepad sitting next to your laptop wondering if you should be taking notes.
“I have to admit there’s not really a whole lot that goes into it, I just wanted to see you over FaceTime.” He grins, lighting up a blunt and casually looking at his screen to see your reaction.
He can’t be flirting with you…right? You decide to take the ball in your court, “well what can I say, I’m only one of your most devoted fans,” winking at him and hoping you don’t seem too lame.
He chuckles, taking a long puff of his blunt and passing it to someone off the screen.
You dare to ask, “also sorry if this is too personal to ask so soon, but I saw your area code is close to where I go to college, can I ask where you’re from?”
He looks like his brain is trying to fit pieces together for a moment, looking up at the person he passed the blunt to. “Uh, yeah I’m from Shibuya and I go to university here.”
Your jaw drops, “like University of Shibuya?”
“Yeah, are you familiar with it?” He asks.
“I’m a junior here! I had no idea you guys were from around here or went to the same school!”
You hear Gojo in the back whisper “oh my fucking god”
Suguru shoots daggers at Gojo, still off screen, and doesn’t know what to say.
“We don’t have to meet up or anything if you’re uncomfortable with it! We can just pretend like we didn’t talk about this,” you blush nervously thinking he was put off by something you said.
“No, no, I mean it would be great either way. Just was a little surprising that’s all.” He responds, no longer looking around for Gojo, just focusing on you on his screen.
“Yeah well I’ll promote you to a moderator tonight and have the other mod text you to kinda explain the situation.” The dark haired mystery man smiles awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “Oh and the pay, uh how does $20 per hour sound?”
“Yeah sure whatever you’re willing to pay I’ll take it!” you say almost too eagerly. You knew mods got paid kind of well but you didn’t know it was this good. If he streams 7 days a week for 2 hours, that’s already $280 a week. Plus the time you spend in discord on the chats.
“Okay well I’ll be in touch…” he trails off and you can’t tell if he’s either high or just uninterested in your conversation. (In reality Gojo had a girl sitting on his lap sucking his face off and Suguru was trying to decide if he was disgusted or turned on)
“Yeah, thank you for picking me! Look forward to talking with you,” you say hoping he’s not regretting his choices noting that he got a little awkward after the talk about being local arose.
“Yeah, see ya,” he says too casually with hardly a hint of a smile on his face. You click the ‘end call’ button and sigh. It seems like this unobtainable crush you had on suguru for the past 9 months was still just that. Why had you never seen him around town or campus? Granted, it was a really big school and everything but never once had you seen him, by god you would remember that face.
You snap out of your trance back to your white claw and scroll to find your texts with Utahime while you down the can
‘your place in 10?’ you text her.
‘Yes, sorry kinda last minute but some of haibara and i’s other friends are going to come too’ she texts back and you groan, not in the mood to meet new people.
The thought of having to be social enough to go to the bar was anxiety inducing, but now having to actually meet people before you’re drunk? You grab two more of the mini bottles of vodka you have in your freezer downing one and shoving the other in your pocket for when you get to Utahime’s apartment.
You walk into her unlocked flat without knocking, being too in your head from the FaceTime call and what it meant. Utahime is sitting on the counter, Haibara between her legs as they are making out passionately. Her arms wrapped around his neck, legs spread in her skirt so Haibara (and you) can see her turquoise panties.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you giggle staring at the scene in front of you. “I thought you were expecting me.”
Utahime, obviously embarrassed jumps down from the counter acting like nothing happened and walks over to give you a hug. Wearing a blue skirt, white shirt, and red bow in her hair she looks as cutely innocent as ever. You looked about as opposite as her as possible with your ripped denim skirt, black crop top revealing your cleavage just perfectly, and black and white checkered vans.
“How did the call go?” She asks as Haibara excuses himself to the bathroom trying, but failing, to hide his boner from their make out session.
“Great but I have news about like the four of them -“ you’re cut off by a knock at the apartment door.
In walks a girl with white hair, a black button up black mini skirt, with knee high socks. She was accompanied by two average looking men, obviously whipped by her aura.
“Mei Mei!” Utahime runs over to her and gives her a hug. You’re a little taken aback by the warm welcome this new girl received versus your very awkward one. Well I guess that’s what you get for not knocking.
Haibara comes out of the bathroom looking like he just splashed cold water on his face and neck, “Bayer, Kokun, good to see you.” Walking up to them to dab them up.
You take this opportunity to down the mini bottle in your pocket and take a sip of Utahime’s sprite she left sitting on the counter. Sheeeeesh, three mini bottles and a white claw in before you even leave for the bar? You’re feeling pretty good and confident. Walking in on the couple’s make out session made you realize how long it had been since you got any action. Besides your vibrator working over time, usually after Geto’s streams.
You force yourself out of your thoughts and walk up to the trio chit chatting with the couple and introduce yourself. “Hey I’m y/n” and extend your hand to shake.
“Nice to meet you, y/n, Utahime has told me a lot about you.” Mei Mei says in her naturally sultry voice. Your eyes nervously look at Utahime, consider she had never mentioned this attractive white haired woman to you before.
“We’re new friends, she just moved in down the hallway and these two guys helped her move in.” Utahime says reading your mind.
“Ah nice to meet you, I’m just a few floors up if you ever need anything.” You respond.
“All we’re missing is Yuki right?” Mei Mei asks as she directs her attention to Utahime.
“Yeah but who knows if she’ll show up. I’ll text her to just meet us at the bar.”
With that, the group heads out to go to one of the dive bars in the city, a little place with karaoke on Thursdays. Supposedly Mei Mei knows the bouncer quite well, walking up first in the crowd to whisper something in his ear, finger trailing down his chest. You’re not sure what she said to him, only that his cheeks turned red and he let the 5 of you in without checking your IDs at all. From what you heard this place didn’t let fakes in very easily so you wonder what could have bribed that man. You grab a high top table in the back near the pool tables with Utahime and Mei Mei as the 3 boys go to grab you drinks.
“Can we sing a girls song together?” You propose to the two.
“Y/n are you drunk already? You’d never suggest that sober.” Utahime raises her eyebrows at you.
“How about the spice girls?” You ask ignoring her question. Mei Mei nods with a slight smirk. As you go up to put your name on a slip of paper the boys come back with the drinks. The DJ winks at you and you immediately regret your decision.
A few songs later and it seems your drink is gone, listening to the boys talk about sports and video games, as the two girls chat about their one annoying neighbor on their floor that has the loudest sex imaginable.
You walk up to the bar and stand patiently next to a tall beautiful blonde woman.. you try not to stare as the bartender comes over to her and asks her order. “I’ll take a whiskey and ginger ale, and whatever this girl is having.” She smirks pointing her thumb over to you. “Vodka cran please,” you squeak out to the bartender, nervously smiling at her.
The man goes to make the drinks as she sticks out her hand, “Hi pretty, I’m Yuki.”
“Oh you’re Yuki! Friends with Mei Mei and Utahime?” You stumble out the words remembering her name from earlier.
“Sorry, I’m y/n. I’m here with them tonight, I can take you to them if you’d like?”
Yuki leaves her card with the bartender and hands you your drink. “After you,” she smiles taking the first sip of her drink looking you up and down smugly. You grab her free hand with her vape in it and weave from the bar back to the table you all had claimed.
“I found someone you guys may know?” You shyly interject trying to be funny. The whole group erupts into various versions of “Yuki! Oh my god so good to see you!” She props herself up on the last open barstool at the table. Baggy red cargo pants and a black crop top, no bra with nipple piercings pretty obvious. She catches you staring and nods her head in a “come here” kind of way.
“So what’s your type?” She asks.
“Uh what?” You question back.
“What’s your type of woman?…or man I guess.” She eyes you up and down as if trying to determine your sexuality.
“Uh… I like long hair? And someone who can have a good time?” You’ve never had to answer that question on the spot so you think your answer was decent enough.
She lets out a chuckle and takes another sip of her drink. “So you’re not playing for a single side I’m hearing.” She smirks and puts her arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah I guess not” you smile back realizing how close your faces are.
Just then the DJ announces the next karaoke names, “y/n, Utahime and Mei Mei are going to sing us Wannabe by the Spice Girls!”
“y/nnnn” a tipsy Utahime grabs your hand and starts rushing you three to the stage. One thing you forgot about this place is you have to take a shot before singing. You three take your shots of what tastes like battery acid, stinging going down and trying not to think about it as the music starts.
The 90s classic song gets ever girl in the bar singing and dancing at the edge of the stage and you see Haibara behind the crowd video taping your performance.
Your words are starting to slur slightly and you are just having a great time feeling like a pop star. You swear up in the balcony of the bar you see a white head of hair jamming out and screaming the words but hey everyone’s having a good time!
The song comes to a close and the three of you get escorted off stage. You split from the two and say “I’m going to step outside to smoke for a second,” as you do when you drink.
You walk up to the back door of the bar and as you go to push, you feel someone else pull. With the alcohol in your system, your reaction time is a little delayed. Before you know it you are falling forward towards the gravel with your arms out.
“Oh Jesus Christ” you mumble out assessing the damage while you sit up so you are on your knees. Only a few scrapes as the person on the other side of the door comes up to you and puts a hand on your back.
“Oh my god are you okay I’m sorry,” you hear a familiar voice. Too familiar.
You turn around to meet amber eyes inches from your face.
“Geto?” Your jaw drops.
A/N I had to go through my archives to see what someone would wear to a bar in 2018 😭 and look up a discord mods hourly pay on google 😭 also had a bi panic moment w Yuki and Utahime and MeiMei as usual if you can’t tell
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lamslover · 4 days
Hamilton College AU Discord Server‼️
I'm looking for people to join in my server!!!
Every role is open except John Laurens! :33
You just need to be 13+ and less than 18!
(Unless you're comfortable roleplaying with other people and discord)
Please join in!!!
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rockabully · 3 months
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no one gaf abt oc shit on tumblr but i dont care here is stuff from my rp server (which is pretty public btw u just gotta dm me and ask if ur interested) of my oc adem (it's like the modern au and this rp server au smushed together version of him) who got turned into a weretiger (like a werewolf but instead of a wolf he's a tiger) (long story). here are some things i did.
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derp-atreides · 16 days
weird random Dune AU/rp idea:
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen is the insufferable annoying neighbor who throws loud parties all the time, gets drunk, has weird people over, causes a ton of trouble and, apart from all of that, is smoking hot.
Paul Atreides lives right beneath him, absolutely hates how noisy and loud and just "wrong" (by Paul's standard LOL) Feyd is but still keeps in contact with him, because he secretly enjoys the fighting and sometimes is even jealous because he can't let himself live that sort of life even if he really wants to. After some time of them fighting and kinda hating each other Paul finds himself thinking more "I'd love to be pinned against a wall by him" instead of "i want to beat his ass"...
(tbh i would love to rp this with someone, hmu if you're interested in playing as Feyd ig??)
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