fellow coyotekin or like idk I think other canines are the same? When you see prey (birds, squirrels, mice) do you freeze like a coyote (or other canine idk) does? It's something I do but idk
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Whoa. Don't believe everything just because it's on TikTok.
Blessed be, poodle.
Wrong dog breed, but I can understand the confusion from an untrained eye.
I didn't say I believed anything on tiktok. I'm smarter than that. Tiktok has a severe mis/disinformation problem. And I was one of the few who actually paid attention in class when they taught about fact checking source material.
I can't tell if this is about the witchcraft post, or different post about me sharing my experience about learning about nonhumanity through tiktok and then explicitly stating in same said post that I did my own research afterward elsewhere.
If it's about the witchcraft post, I didn't even mention tiktok in that post, so I don't know what your deal is. Plus I don't even go on tiktok for witchcraft. I don't even watch tiktok anymore actually. I had simply seen someone else using the identity of witch incorrectly. I am not naming names, because I feel it is unimportant and would cause unnecessary drama.
I usually don't respond to anons like these, because I feel it pointless to argue with someone who hides behind a mask. But I felt this needed to be said.
Blessed be to you as well. May light guide your path.
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As someone who practices witchcraft and is nonhuman, I would like to remind everyone of what witches actually are;
Witches are beings. Just like you and me and every other being on the planet.
Witches are not some mythical creature. Unless you kin a specific witch from a piece of media, you are using the term wrong.
Anybody can do witchcraft and be a witch regardless of gender. Anyone who says otherwise is an asshat trying to gatekeep. Wizard is not the male version of witch.
Witches and practicing witchcraft is NOT A NONHUMAN IDENTITY unless in that specific situation if you have a kin or copinglink to a witch from a fictional source or nonfictional source.
Witches do NOT suduct men and eat them. You are thinking of sirens, succubi, incubi or harpies. Those are not witches.
Witches do NOT eat souls. You are thinking of demons or the guys from the anime or manga Soul Eater (or some other actual mythical creature that eats souls). Those are not witches.
Witches are NOT 'monsters'. They are beings. Yes this is just a repeat of bullet point 2. Yes I am salty about this.
Again, there are many human witches out there. While it is possible for some witches (like yours truly) to be nonhuman, being a witch does not automatically make you nonhuman.
For the love of the gods please don't immediately associate witches with everything evil. Yes, there is a small small number of people who practice witchcraft who do bad things with it, but that small number really likes to erase all the other witches out there. And yeah, I am well aware that the media stigmatizes witches.
If you associate all witchcraft with Harry Potter, just block me. Just fucking block me before I block you.
TL;DR, witchcraft is a PRACTICE and the word witch refers to a being who PRACTICES WITCHCRAFT.
Witches are NOT a higher being to be revered, nor are they entities to be feared. Beings who use this identity for either of those things are just assholes.
Rant over.
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(Not hiding this in tags because i feel it's important)
I had no clue there was even a term for alterhumanity until I saw tiktok comps on YouTube. I went quite literally my whole life without knowing that I was alterhuman until I had seen tiktoks about it. And I am proud of it! I am! I really am! And I don't care!
Did I have animal instincts and otherwise when I was younger? Yes, I did! And yeah sure I did acknowledge them, but that was only because I was told it was 'weird' and 'wrong' and that I shouldn't want to growl at things I didn't like and that I shouldn't want to turn my fur lined coat inside out to feel like I had fur. I was always treated as if there was something deeply inherently wrong with me, and so I believed that. I went my whole life thinking I just came out wrong.
It wasn't until I saw other people freely barking and howling and doing quads and showing how they felt through art, crafts, den making and otherwise that did I realize that no, I didn't come out wrong! I just simply was nonhuman! And I would have not known that if I didn't see tiktoks about it. I wouldn't have realized neopronouns made me comfortable with my nonhuman identity. I would have continued to live my life not knowing that I could be free and express who I actually am, I would have lived my life repressing all of these urges and instincts and masking them with the "normal traits". And I would have been so much more depressed. I would have felt like I was lower than dirt, like I was an absolutely horrid human that 'came out wrong'. I would have felt less comfortable with my disabilities being part of who I am.
Alterhuman/Nonhuman/Therian/Otherkin tiktok saved me from repressing my true self. And I am proud of it.
I’m actually wondering how many of my followers (and people in general since I tagged this post) realised they’re nonhuman due to TikTok! (There’s nothing wrong with that at all and I’m glad you’ve figured yourself out no matter the source :))
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Canids of the World by José R. Castelló
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Think about this quote like all the time and how it really undermines so much shit in capitalism
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By Tanja Askani
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Any other therians just immediately think about getting tails when they first learned about genetic modification?
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Geniuenly like. So many people claim support disability. But then say something completely untrue
Y’all support autism? So what about when the person has intellectual disability or need help walk talk eat bath use bathroom? Does your support end when you see someone with higher needs?? Someone who actually genuinely won’t survive without support from others n that support is sometimes having other people do everything for them.
Y’all support depression? What about when the person can’t bring themself to get out of bed for days on end? What about when that person goes days weeks months without cleaning self because can’t get up even though need to?
Yall support schizo-spec disorders & psychosis? What about what the person get violent because of their delusions n hallucinations? The ones know are fake but still can’t help but believe in? The ones genuinely believe in their delusions/ hallucinations? What about the ones don’t don’t get violent to self n other because of the disorder? Those that just sit scared about the hallucinations n delusions. The ones that won’t leave their room/ house out of fear of their delusions/ hallucinations?
Y’all support those with physical disabilities? What about the housebound bedbound ones? The ones need gait trainers walkers wheelchairs? What about the ones who full time users? Or the ones that need power chairs to independently move around? What about the ones crying screaming throwing up from their pain?
What about the disabled that always have a horrible attitude because tired of the disrespect? Tired of having to explain everything about them to everyone even if personal? Tired being told get over it n just educate others?
The disabled ones tired telling people not use certain terms. Tired of being spoken over n for without being thought about or asked. Tired of hearing their communication isn’t valid for ‘xyz’
Y’all support but act very picky about who deserves support and who’s not worthy of it. It’s not support if you pickin n choosing
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Ok after doing some research, I have found out a couple things;
Wolves do not have dew claws!
However, a certain amount of dog breeds DO have dew claws, and many have/'require' them on the hind legs
Coyotes have dew claws! And also some populations do have dewclaws on the rear legs as well!
Golden retrievers (one of my kins) are observed having rear dewclaws, though it is uncommon and usually breeders will remove them.
The evolutionary reasoning as to why dogs have dewclaws is very confusing!!! Some say it is leftover from five-toed ancestors of modern dogs, while others say it was a mutation found later on in breeding certain dogs and was kept due to the stability it gave in the wrist joints
All in all- I don't know what exactly this means for me! Maybe I am more golden retriever than I thought? Or maybe I'm a coydog and not a wolfdog, despite the fact that my early vocal stims were howls instead of coyote calls? Who knows!
Me: ok almost done with my work shift
A phantom dew claw on my right hind leg: Hello there *starts to sting*
Me: WHUH???????? WHAT???????? HUH???????
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May I please have a service/therapy dog care kit, and/or tips? It's alright if not
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Here you go, friend Fishbone! /// X X X X X X X X X
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I really hate that I even have to say this, but I'm going to because it's a reoccurring theme I keep seeing recently in therian/otherkin tags.
Keep your misanthropy out of the therian/otherkin community. It is not fucking welcome here.
It is insanely frustrating to see us going backwards like this! Not only that humans are not inherently evil by nature!
I'm so tired of constantly having to fish out misanthropes in my feed because you have such an insecurity with your own identity that you project that hatred into innocent people- I mean it's gotten to the point I've had to filter the tags entirely!
It is not fair and not true at all to call humans an evil race or species. If you simply just LOOK you will find kind and loving people out there, you just have to give kindness first.
I get it. People are mean. But you must also understand that meaness is not within their nature, hatred and disrespect are things that are taught by the generation before them or the others around them, it is not something they were just born with.
There is absolutely zero reason that humans as an ENTIRE species should be hated. Ever. Period point blank. Even those who identify as nonhuman, are still outwardly human, and at the end of the day you could be very well hurting your own community with your hatred! Even if humans are rude and mean to you, returning the favor is not how we will solve the problem. We must educate those who are willing to listen and ignore those who choose to hate us for existing. We must be the ones to create the peace that we all desperately fight for.
That is all I have to say. I apologize if this seems like a stream of consciousness, but this is a topic that has been bothering me as of late. Just wanted to get it off my chest.
I love and adore this community with my heart and soul but sometimes it can become upsetting to see some of us cresting more problems that should not have to be something we fight over. All I want is for us to live in peace without divide.
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Me: ok almost done with my work shift
A phantom dew claw on my right hind leg: Hello there *starts to sting*
Me: WHUH???????? WHAT???????? HUH???????
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