wordgirl-rebooted · 2 months
dictionary girl: how could I forget 😅. Well still stands that I ain't getting my unicorn plushies stolen from me
I swear to God if you say the longest word in stealing ur unicorns
dictionary girl: you mean Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? Okay then
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wordgirl-rebooted · 2 months
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also! i forgot to upload these from my latest video :3c
HAVE FUN 🌈💖📖 (pls credit if you use these)
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wordgirl-rebooted · 3 months
I swear to God if you say the longest word in stealing ur unicorns
dictionary girl: you mean Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? Okay then
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wordgirl-rebooted · 3 months
who made wordgirls suit?
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Dictionary girl: I did! :D
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wordgirl-rebooted · 3 months
Are you nervous about anything? I'm sure you did your fair share of reading before hand- just worried about your first villain.
-our young hero is standing right outside the grocery store. Gaining some curious looks from the bystander and customers who are living out the store-
Dictionary girl: well there's always a chance something can go wrong. Granny may is one of the top villains from what I heard. But if I can handle her maybe I should be able to handle the rest!
-she smiles determinedly-
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
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DTIYS by @seedjae also posted this on insta bc I wanted to be more active there. this was really fun to do. next time Ill speed paint the process (hopefully :p)
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
kinda went on a trip but I'm back now!
Shall resume answering asks sometimes today
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
So Becky- what powers do you have? I was curious, sense you were taking the bus, nothing wrong with heros taking other transportation, but I was curious.
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Becky: I know I have super strength given the many instances of me picking up really heavy objects with no problem....my hearing is a bit better than most people...would defining words count?
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
Next you'll tell us what summa...summey....summa...(This is supposed to be like those villains messing up the words oop-
It's summary of ur confused)
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Becky: but surely you guys know what summary is right
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
So what's happening with wordgirl?
(back with the new heroine)
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Becky: I thought the bus would be faster than this....
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wordgirl...? Hmm. I actually like that name!
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
(since yall seem to want to give him head pats-/lh)
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*gives the Steven a headpat*
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Steven: oh uh hello?
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
*bites the Steven*
steven: ow! Why'd you bite me!?
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
*gives the Steven a headpat*
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Steven: oh uh hello?
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
Was there any simps two brains had while being a villain?
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
hello! Mod here!
Thanks so much for the mention ^^
TIs au of mines has been a long time in coming. (Since I was younger tbh since EI grew up with wordgirl) Still in the progress of organizing lore and making a proper header for my blog, so it really means a lot for all the positive feedback I have received 😁
-mod/main blog - @melodythebunny
2 Random Things!
1. WORDGIRL REWIRED Episode 2 IS being edited. It’s my fault and my fault alone that it isn’t out already, I’ve been dealing with some mental health stuff, which isn’t an excuse but should hopefully clear some things up!
2. A friendly reminder- PLEASE SPREAD THE LOVE TO ANY FELLOW WORDGIRL REBOOT CREATORS! I wasn’t the first and I won’t be the last, and every single project I’ve seen has had delightful ideas and a criminally low amount of interaction!
Here are some I could find that you guys should spread some love to!!
(Note: I have seen no rivalries between these different projects and ours, but I want everyone to know- just in case- that different reboot-projects are not in competition, and it thrills me to see so many cool projects and AUs in this fandom!!)
@wordgirlexploration is a project inspired by ours (AAAAAAAAAAAAA??!?!?! /pos) and is ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL! It will supposedly be told through a series of written fanfictions, and some of the creators are actively working on WORDGIRL-REWIRED!!! I am so jealous of some of the ideas they’ve had :(( (and by that I mean naming Leslie “Leslie Little” I am so mad I didn’t come up with that smhmyhead 😔😔)
@wordgirl-rebooted THIS PROJECT IS SO FUN! I haven’t been able to find too much info on the method of storytelling it will use (or whether it will exist as a series of ideas or eventually a directly told story?) but I’ve been following it for a while and I’m super intrigued by it!! Not to mention the creator’s art style is ADORABLE
If you guys find any more feel free to reblog this post giving them a shout out!!
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
*looks at Exposition guy,*hey you married if not can I be ur husband if so can I still be ur husband-
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Exposition guy: uhh thanks? But I'm married already. Say is this the police station?
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wordgirl-rebooted · 4 months
So wait, if Bob hasn't arrived on Earth yet then how did Becky wind up with the Botsfords?
well you see anon it's because of [REDACTED] and
Oh dear we're not at that point In The story
Seems like I can't tell you until then
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