words-in-space · 1 year
If I'm born to live then why don't I have an instinct on how to do it?
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words-in-space · 1 year
Why is everything a lovestory? Why is the ultimate goal to find the love of your life? If I‘m incapable of love, where do I go after I die?
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words-in-space · 1 year
Does it really matter if I move away? There will be humans, and humans are the same everywhere you go if you just look at enough of them. Deep down we‘re all just humans.
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words-in-space · 2 years
I have not enough money to buy all the books I want to have, but if I had I wouldn’t have time to live a life anymore, so maybe it’s not entirely negative
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words-in-space · 2 years
It‘s night again. It’s dark, but not dark enough to see the stars. It’s funny how I don’t notice all these lights in the night anymore. If all of them went out, would we finally look up from everydays life and see the universe?
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words-in-space · 2 years
I did a pajama day today. I read a lot and didn't do anything with my time. I think I needed this. I'm wondering if all these perfect people sometimes feel just exhausted from the world.
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words-in-space · 2 years
She wasn't afraid of the dark, but she was deathly afraid of the night. Not because of the silence, not because of the old oak tree in front of her window or the street lantern which was glowing behind the fence of the garden. But in the night, when the lantern was glowing, the branches of the tree painted long black fingers at the wall of her bedroom. They waited, unmoving, for her to make a sound to grab her and take her with them. So she lay still, her breath as steady as of an endless sleeper, her eyes wide awake in the dark.
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words-in-space · 2 years
I‘m planning to write a short story today. I had a nice idea and today I will try to write it. I hope I can write it as good as I imagine the story to be.
I like writing shortstories. I‘m not good at talking, but I’m better at writing. I‘m better than telling the stories about others than about me. I like telling weird stories. I like shaping the events as I like. I have control.
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words-in-space · 2 years
Hello internet
Hi human who's reading this! I'm glad we're both here. I don't know what I'm doing here, do you?
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