worldofvioletdawn · 7 years
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Today we’re showing off the mokara (top) and the bhorloth (bottom). The mokara was inspired by a creature on Samurai Jack.
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worldofvioletdawn · 7 years
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Today, we’re looking at some of the more mundane creatures of the setting. When designing Violet Dawn, we decided early on that we wanted Avadnu to feature its own alien ecology. For the next few posts, we’ll explore animals intended to take the place of traditional mounts such as horses.
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worldofvioletdawn · 7 years
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We’ve showed off the xyth, beings of pure evil. Lumina are the opposite in every way, but not any less terrifying.
Lumina are extraplanar beings of purity and light from a distant realm, as alien as they are good.
Lumina originate on a plane of infinite wonders, a place where goodness and beauty are integral to existence. However, their home is also so unlike most realities that it can be maddening; fire, light, and thought itself are among the elements of their world that differ wildly from those found elsewhere.
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worldofvioletdawn · 7 years
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Dungeons & Dragons had the Pit Fiend and the Balor. Violet Dawn had the Xyth. This is a rarely seen promo piece we used at Gen Con.
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worldofvioletdawn · 7 years
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The picture that started it all. An early concept of the xyth that convinced us that we could create artwork on par with other RPG publishers. This was intended to be the cover for Denizens of Avadnu, but it was eventually replaced.
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