worlds-smartest-idiot · 19 hours
wow this is too intimate to share with my close friends or family let me put this on my tumblr blog for hundreds of strangers to see
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After All, We Have My Hands
You and I are one
One being, One mind, one body
We look up towards the sky
Red and mechanical brilliance
Echoing murmurs and lamplight
"I wish I could capture this,"
You said with quiet longing,
"But I can't do art like you"
I leaned our head to our shoulder
"Why not?" I asked you,
"After all, we have my hands"
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After All, We Have My Hands
You and I are one
One being, One mind, one body
We look up towards the sky
Red and mechanical brilliance
Echoing murmurs and lamplight
"I wish I could capture this,"
You said with quiet longing,
"But I can't do art like you"
I leaned our head to our shoulder
"Why not?" I asked you,
"After all, we have my hands"
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i had a RAW fucking line in my dream and i cannot stop thinking about it
the whole plot was there was this couple who had to fuse into one person (it was a weird convoluted reason why). one was a science student and one was an art student. and there was a point where they were staring at the cave sky (they lived in a red cave) and one half was like "wow this is so beautiful, i wish i could draw it" and the other half was like "why not? after all, we have my hands"
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im sorry but who was going to tell me theres a diary of a wimpy kid musical and the rodrick rules song goes hard as fuck
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im so mad rn fellas
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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Mission School / Supergraphic Ultramodern / Wacky Pomo / Contempo Eclectic / Groovival / Cyberdelia / Neoclassical Pomo / Cassette Futurism / Pulp Fantasy / Radical Surrealism / Rad Dog aka Neon Surf / Whimsigothic
doing this because im very autistic about old design styles and im curious what other people who dont have as much knowledge on the subject prefer. more popular or relatively popular design styles like frutiger aero, vaporwave, global village coffeehouse etc have been excluded from this poll as theres already a lot of people who are aware of those design styles and favor them already. this is more to see what specifically current audiences prefer in terms of "nostalgic old aesthetics" and what could potentially be the next Big Trendy Aesthetic in online culture (or at least the makings of one) ^_^ feel free to rb
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I'm sure this kind of poll has gone around before, but I'm curious...
reblog for larger sample size
(also apologies if i got some of the state abbreviations wrong)
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Hey people!! I'm going through with the fundraiser idea after all, here's the official post for it!
It's not too different from other commission fundraisers for gaza or other causes. The long and short of it is you can donate to a fund/org of your choice, I've listed 3 that I personally think will be good options but don't feel limited to them.
"Payment" will be done in the form of proof of donation! That means sending a receipt (with the date of this post's publication or later, which is may 29). Each "slot" will be $10, you are welcome to take more slots, but I'll count them in increments of 10 (so, that means $20 and $25 are both worth 2 slots). Each slot is a little emote/sticker bust of your character or favourite character, you can use them as discord emojis, twitch emotes(?), tokens, icons, etc.
UPDATE WE'RE GOING PAST 25 BECAUSE I THINK 'WERE HITTING IT AT THIS RATE! if time and energy allow I will try to surpass that amount towards the end of the week (the cap is just bc i physically cannot draw for that long my hands have joint issues).
I do encourage you guys to donate even after this, but for the sake of slots, pls just let me know before you do so, that way I can keep track of how many I take on and if I can even deliver. Otherwise, if we don't reach that amount, this will wrap up at the end of the week until I find some more time to do it again. I hope that is understandable
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Ex: I love the color green. My room is green, my hair is green, my phone background is green, etc.. If I can get an item in green, I will. I don’t wear a lot of green, but it’s like “my color” yk?
Black is separated specifically because I have a feeling a lot of tumblr users will align with that
Just curious :)
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a petition to ban conversion therapy in the EU' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
If you are a citizen in the EU please sign this petition:
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