wormtrainwisdom · 9 days
Companies: Young people don't want to work anymore
Those same companies: underpay workers, have unrealistic job requirements, and use ai to skim through resumes so that generalized resumes don't work anymore.
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wormtrainwisdom · 1 month
Just a friendly reminder not to comment on people's weight or appearances. In general, it's not cool, but you also don't usually know the context. Someone could be eating less than 300 calories a day and still have a body type that makes them look a little chubby. I speak from personal experience.
If you are someone with body image issues, remember that it's not always your fault. Whether you eat too much, eat too little, or even eat the right amount, you can't always effectively change your body type. And there's no shame in that. Be you, listen to your body and your needs, not the critics. If you feel like you aren't satisfied with your body, go to a doctor and see if you are in a healthy condition. If you are, then you're fine, you don't need to do anything. If not, then they can help you figure things out in a healthy way that works for you. Don't take it upon yourself without guidance, don't listen to diet culture, don't harm yourself trying to force your body into someone else's mold.
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wormtrainwisdom · 1 month
Your relationship with your bones is toxic.
They don't tell you your posture is bad until they get angry, lash out, and hurt you. And if you try to break up with them, they cripple you.
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wormtrainwisdom · 5 months
Bendy and the Ink Machine is an isekai, and so is Deltarune.
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wormtrainwisdom · 6 months
Got bored, and got annoyed with shiny gengar
So, made my own shiny gengar
First image is normal gengar, second is the official shiny, third is my version of the shiny
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wormtrainwisdom · 6 months
Thank you, and I'm sorry for asking such a difficult question 😅 My autism is showing a bit. Thanks for answering to the best of your ability.
Hello! I am newer to the sewing craft and hobby. I was wondering if you had any tips or thoughts on your favorite fabrics to use, qualities to look out for, and any other general tips you might want to give to a blooming designer. Most of my work is gonna be more whimsical and less historical, but that doesn't mean I can't use all the help and tips I can get going in! I will write down any valuable information you can give in my notes.
That is a VERY broad question and I don't really know how to answer without knowing more specifically what you're sewing! I do 18th century menswear, and very 18th century inspired everyday clothing, but I have no idea what you're looking to make, so I don't know if we need the same fabrics. Like, when I hear "more whimsical and less historical", for me that would be something like a tailored suit that looks like it's made of leaves, but for someone else it might be a big floofy ballgown.
But to answer the bit about my favourite fabrics - I prefer woven fabrics in natural fibres with no stretch. I use a lot of linen, cotton, wool, and some silk and rayon, with the weight and specific kind of fabric depending on what garment I'm making and what season it's for. Usually they're medium or heavy weight, with the exception of shirts. My favourite thing for nightgowns is thrifted 100% cotton bedsheets, my favourite thing for shirts is lightweight linen, and I like making pants out of heavy cotton and jackets and waistcoats out of wool suiting, but there are lots more materials I've used for these things.
And there are people who like to sew with stretch knits, or who use a lot of shiny synthetics, or lightweight gauzy fabrics! There are tons of different kinds of fabric, and the ones that are best for you will depend on what kind of garments you're making, what kind of wear they'll get, and your budget. (Though I will say that I'm a polyester & acrylic hater. Sometimes synthetics can be nice if you need something sparkly and shiny that can't be done with natural ones, and I do usually machine sew with poly thread, but polyester fabrics are often a Bad Texture and they don't breathe and I avoid wearing or working with them.)
One thing that might be helpful is going to your nearest fabric store and touching lots of fabric and reading the labels. It's not the same as actually sewing with them, but it should help you get a bit more familiar with the textures of various weaves/how much they fray/etc. (Also looking at the fibre content on the labels of your own clothing, even though these days far too many things are polyester, or some sort of blend, and there are lots of great fabrics people are missing out on.)
I'd also recommend Nicole Rudolph's videos on fabric - she's got ones on wool, silk, linen, cotton, and tailoring supplies, which ought to give you a good idea of the various qualities of those particular natural fibres.
Here's a link to my FAQ, which has some other sewing questions I've answered over the years.
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wormtrainwisdom · 6 months
That's completely understandable. I probably should have thought about how open-ended it was. Thanks for having tips to give me despite that, though!
Heya! I'm rather new to sewing, just starting out, and intend to start designing whimsical dresses. I was wondering if you had any general tips in regards to things like fabrics, stitches, supplies, or techniques that you'd be willing to share.
This is a huge, open ended question. My best advice on this would be to get yourself a bunch of books on sewing techniques and basic sewing education, and practice a lot on cheap fabrics!
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wormtrainwisdom · 6 months
Happy holidays!
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wormtrainwisdom · 6 months
"I SWEAR TO GOD, WE HAVEN'T HAD A NORMAL GOD DAMN DAY SINCE YOU TRANSFERRED HERE. Something is ALWAYS happening with you guys, it's like you guys argue on and on, and that always seems to bring in some kind of horrible monster for some fucking reason! I don't care whether or not you two hate each other, I just want one NORMAL day!"
You and a bunch of other students are the background characters in a teen TV show and you all tolerated the main character’s drama long enough. In the middle of the main character’s argument with another main character, you blurt “can we please learn World History!”
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wormtrainwisdom · 6 months
Upon discovering this, I am silent. I contemplate my options.
Throughout my day, I pace back and forth. I spend time writing letters, only to burn them before I can even finish.
It takes a while, but eventually I stop writing. I sigh a little, changing into a different set of clothes. One I knew he hadn't seen before. And I stand there, waiting.
The moment he walks in the door, he sees her, standing there. The siren. A veiled vigilante, dressed in shades of red with gradients into black. The outfit being long, obscuring, shadowy robes with a witch's hat, which had a black veil hanging down from it. Obscuring her face. This was one he had encountered before, but he never anticipated that she would show up here. In his house.
Upon seeing her there, he felt a sense of dread. This was the only one who had consistently managed to take him down. The only one who had consistently managed to stop him. "What the hell- Siren, I knew you fought dirty, but how did you get into my house? Why are you here, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?-"
The vigilante did not answer, simply approaching. He would quickly draw a gun, aiming it right at the siren.
At this point, she would stop. Staring right at him.
"...you'll regret that decision, Flint."
He stops, right in his tracks. Her voice sounding so familiar to him...this was the first time Siren had ever spoken to him normally in a fight...previously, she had always only ever used her abilities around him. Only ever singing...but this was the moment he knew.
"...L....Lisa?...You're...no...no, this can't be true..."
A young villain tried to mug you, but upon seeing your face, he fled in terror. Upon further investigation, you discover that your high school sweetheart is now the most powerful villain in the world and has you on a list titled “hurt them, and I’ll kill you.”
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wormtrainwisdom · 8 months
My Coraline inspired costume for Halloween this year @neil-gaiman
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wormtrainwisdom · 9 months
Krobus deserves diamonds and horseradish
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wormtrainwisdom · 10 months
So sick of these damn bots
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wormtrainwisdom · 10 months
My dad found the lipton sprite trend and managed to fuck it up
He managed to fuck up putting tea in sprite
Lipton is not real god damn tea, and cannot be substituted with real tea
Furthermore, different teas have different steeping times. Did he listen when I told him this? No. He now has two earl grey tea bags and two spiced herbal tea bags in one bottle of sprite sitting on top of the fridge for 15 minutes arguing that "It's gonna be comparable" and "tea is tea."
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wormtrainwisdom · 11 months
Really ironic that they call themselves "Moms for Liberty" while actively making oppressive actions.
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Phenomenal news. Just what the people ordered.
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wormtrainwisdom · 11 months
I'd stand with ya if it meant something, Neil. You're a good man. Hang in there.
Hey Neil! Quick question..
Do you think we'll see custom playlist for Gabriel and/or Beelzebub?
Thank you so much if you answer, bye Neil!
I don't know. They are being made by Amazon Prime Video's marketing department.
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wormtrainwisdom · 11 months
I guess liking a person's bird photos is the epitome of having a crush- @todaysbird
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