Thereā€™s a ā€œtehmā€ blocklist. Lol
What was funny about it was how short it was like why expend all that effort for just a few namesā€¦ are you that pressed about gay men being exclusively homosexual
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Tumblr wouldnā€™t let me log in for a sec and I was so scared that I got termed šŸ’€
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(x) ā€œMoney wivesā€ aka culturally accepted sexual slavery of girls as young as 5-14 years in Cross Rivers State, Nigeria
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This person was dead serious. Theyā€™re also the same one who made the ā€œcall-outā€ for Rusty back in June (because of her trAnSpHoBic webcomic) and has been calling themselves an activist ever since lol
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ā€¦do they hear themselves
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ā€¦do they hear themselves
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reason 1000000 why I donā€™t wish to be called queer lol
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ā€œProstitutes will bring down rape rates because men who want to have sex can just go to them!ā€
Ok, in that case we should also have a job where people can consent to be beaten and killed, so that it will reduce the assault and murder rates. Easy!
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notice how everyone says woman without qualifiers when the purpose is to criticize the female subject. Karen's are white women, not white people with uteruses. It's "rich women can always access abortion" and NOT "rich people with vaginas can always access abortion".
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I canā€™t do this anymore
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perhaps one of the worst things about this whole mess of hate towards amber heard is that so many people are convinced of her guilt because of the ā€œtell the worldā€ audio
when they have never taken it in itā€™s full context and choose to only acknowledge the part that satisfies their need to defend depp.
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this is the full context of the tape. she literally says she feared for her life. why would she say that to johnny if they both knew it was a lie?
the whole reason she says the whole ā€œtell the worldā€ bit (also consider she never actually says ā€œa manā€ , she says ā€œmanā€ and that is easily heard if you listen to the tape), is because she was shocked that the man who had spent the last 4 years abusing her, would turn around and say that she was the abuser.
she was shocked that he would call it all a fair fight because he lost his finger (which notice he doesnā€™t say anything about her cutting his finger off. weird since his excuse for not saying amber did it was ā€œprotecting her.ā€ why would he need to protect her, to her?)
she couldnā€™t believe that anyone in the world would believe he was the victim when she had evidence stemming back years and couldnā€™t believe that he would even think about saying he was the victim.
conveniently, i never see depp defenders mention any of this. they see the ā€œtell the worldā€ bit and go blind. blatantly doing exactly what adam waldman wanted with his smear campaign.
why would amber say to his face that she thought he was going to kill her, if she was the abuser? if he never had that kind of physical power over her where she literally thought she was going to die?
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Look even if you believe that Amber is the real abuser hereā€¦ does this treatment of hers not make you think?
When has a famous male abuser/rapist ever been hated this much?
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btw i just wanna say that if you contributed to demonising amber heard and treating this trial like a tv show i dont forgive you. even if u change your mind later
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melissa benoist was talking about her abuse, which her abuser has admitted publicly, and the comments were filled with ā€œAmber 2.0ā€ type comments. no abused woman is getting sympathy from the public anymore. women in abusive relationships have been effectively silenced by the guy from pirates of the caribbean.
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This is the direct consequence of not believing Amber Heard. It makes it easy to begin poking holes in the stories of other victims, changing the narratives around domestic violence and discrediting women. This idea of "mutual abuse" is extremely harmful and needs to be debunked on a massive scale.
Abuse requires an unequal power dynamic. It occurs when one partner wields power over the other, typically social, economic, or physical. For this reason men are much more likely to abuse women. There ARE male victims of abuse but most of them were abused by other men, and a tiny percentage were abused by women who held positions of power over them (e.g. an older woman with a much younger man). Mutual abuse is a MYTH, it does not exist and is frequently used against victims of abuse to discredit their story. Reactive abuse occurs when the victim begins to fight back against their abuser, but this is not equivalent to abuse, it is self defence. Victims are more likely to admit to using violence than abusers, who are less likely to take accountability for their aggression.
Abusers will employ a technique called DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. They begin to accuse the victim of being the abusive one and position themselves as the victim. If police misread this situation it can be fatal- police arrived at the home of Gabby Petito and her boyfriend to find a hysterical woman and a calm man with scratches on his arm. They arrested her. A short while later, she was found dead. He killed her.
This is the direct consequence of not believing women and not understanding how domestic violence functions. Famous women who have been abused are becoming the scapegoats in changing the narratives around domestic violence and making it socially acceptable to blame the victim.
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Doesnā€™t it make you feel bad to be so full of hate?
Like, donā€™t you see how you people give feminism a bad name?
Iā€™m genuinely curious. Iā€™m not trying to start an argument here, Iā€™m just curious if you people know how.. hateful you people sound. If thatā€™s even a good enough word to describe it.
You know whats hateful?
Hateful is when a ten year old girl gives birth to her uncle's child
Hateful is when a teenage girl is hooked up to a feeding tube, because everyone told her it would be better if she starved herself
hateful is a woman face covered, her eyes covered, her hands and her hips all all of her humanity hidden as if her existence were impure , hatred is prohibiting her from feeling the sun on her skin
hateful Is when men look for confirmed raped and murder victims to jerk off too
hateful is when the top search in pornhub is incest, pedophilia and rape, hateful is when men orgasm to women being choked, sodomized, while crying
hateful is the 80,000 women killed a year, for the crime of being women
hateful is b*tch c*nt and wh*re being the last things a girl hears before shes is brutally taken out of this world, hateful is laughing these words off as not a big deal
hateful is mutilating the genitals of a five year old girl, hateful is watching her squirm and cry while you cut her up, thinking about the feelings of the man who will rip her open
hateful is forcing a woman to give birth, hateful is turning a human being into an incubator, hateful is prohibiting women control over their own fucking organs, their own fucking lives.
hateful is rape.
hateful is women only having 'equality' and rights, in 8 countries. on earth, total. out of 195.
Hateful is making god, the creator male, hateful is making very system of belief around women as a resource, women as second to man, women as a birth giver and nothing else. hate is removing women from the divine and the powerful
hateful is male criminals in womens prisions, hateful is solving their rape with condoms, hateful is letting it go on, hateful is sacrificing women's safety for male egos, hateful is destroying rape shelters, hateful is defining women by front holes and uterus havers, hateful is mutilating them when they dont conform, hateful is young lesbians being groomed to sleep with men, lest they're bigoted. hateful is defining women as a sex doll, as a gender role, as femininity, as a personality.
hateful is menstrual huts, hateful is letting women die of hunger, poison and cold, hateful is saying menstrual blood makes them impure, inhuman. hateful is saying being a woman is karmic punishment.
hateful is driving needles up a baby girls skull, its drowning her in milk, its leaving her out for the wolves. hateful is seeing a girl be born as a curse, its killing her upon sight.
hateful is binding a seven year olds feet. breaking her bones, and smashing them together, its locking her up, never be able to walk or dance, will never be able to play, for men, for men to fuck her, for men to own and want her. an object, a status symbol.
Hateful is purchasing a womans body to use, as a toy as an object, hateful is seeing a young girl, starving, and putting your dick in her mouth, hateful is defending this, hateful is purchasing rape, hateful is advocating for it.
hateful is removing women from history, hateful is writing your name over their accomplishments, hateful is to ban them from reading from writing, from learning, from being human, hateful is never letting a woman touch the world, hateful is locking them up, never to be seen or heard
hateful is burning her at a stake, hateful is lobotomizing her, hateful is locking her up, its the straight jacket, the asylum.
hateful is cutting her open, is shaving down her bones, is injecting poison into her face, oil into her lips, inserting silicone into her body, its sucking out her fat with syringes. trimming her stomach, burning her skin.
hateful is demanding were nice. hateful is demanding that we smile. hateful is being annoyed we dont care about your fucking feelings while were being brutalized, hateful is pretending feminism has anything to do with 'looking good', hateful is coming here pretending youre innocent to ask why im not sucking your fucking dick while talking about the dehumanization of four billion human beings, souls, people. WOMEN.
you know whats not hateful? calling this shit out. I feel great, I felt the best I've ever felt being so 'hateful' about the hatred of women. I no longer look the other way, I no longer rack up my brain for explanations, and excuse, I no longer get caught up in the performance of being nice and giving feminism a good name and instead focus on getting shit DONE.
if you wanted nicer women, you shouldnt have fucking killed them. now shut the fuck up and stop pretending you ever gave a shit about women and feminism. people like you are happy to jerk off while the world burns as long as you 'look good' while doing it.
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