wrence · 2 years
Mersey Beat January 17-31, 1963
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wrence · 2 years
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wrence · 2 years
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wrence · 2 years
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wrence · 2 years
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18 January 1963
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wrence · 2 years
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wrence · 2 years
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wrence · 2 years
5 October 1962. The Beatles’ first single, 'Love Me Do,' was released in the UK. Interestingly, the first 'Bond film,' Dr. No, was released on the same day. This started the period we’re calling 'proto-mania.' The beginnings of nationwide Beatlemania were imminent and the transition of the UK into the cool place for entertainment was on the horizon. Over the next six months, after the release of the 'Please Please Me' single, but before the release of The Beatles’ first full-length LP, proto-mania was a happening thing. We call this episode 'Between the Singles.'
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wrence · 2 years
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The summer of 1962 was heading towards autumn. The Beatles were heading towards the release of their first single. In this episode of The Beatles60 podcast we talk about the convoluted path ‘Love Me Do’ followed to be that first single. It included some drama for Ringo. We talk about what must’ve been going through his mind. By the time ‘Love Me Do’ was released, there was a feeling that the relationship between George Martin and the Beatles was starting to solidify. We talk about all that and we have a little discussion with author Jude Southerland Kessler about John’s mother, Julia. An episode packed with insights. Don’t miss it!
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wrence · 2 years
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wrence · 2 years
One of the earliest told stories of the signing of The Beatles to EMI’s Parlophone Records division in May of 1962 goes like this: While Brian Epstein was having the Decca audition tapes transferred to acetate for easier distribution to labels, the songs were heard by Sid Colman, who ran EMI’s Ardmore and Beechwood Publishing division. He was interested in obtaining the publishing rights to The Beatles’ original songs. And that’s where the story seems to split into different tellings.
Brian Epstein would relate that Colman took the recordings to George Martin, who liked them very much and would be willing to give them an audition. Martin remembered it differently. He said he “wasn’t knocked out at all.” So how did The Beatles eventually get signed? In this episode we talk about the fairy tale version and the version that is closer to what really happened.
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wrence · 2 years
Stuart Sutcliffe was an important member of The Beatles. He helped come up with the name and was always the first to adopt a new clothes or hairstyle. He was also John’s closest friend. John and the others would be forced to endure an unexpected tragedy on April 10, 1962. In this episode, we’re talking about the circumstances and atmosphere surrounding the death of Stuart Sutcliffe.
(Larry notes: This covers events of three weeks ago. Sorry for the delay in postproduction. I took some time off in April. It's an hour long! Perfect to take with you on a hike, or something.)
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wrence · 2 years
The Beatles and Manchester and rock music.
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wrence · 3 years
The Beatles’ rejection by Decca Records is one of the most famous and most talked about events in the early stages of The Beatles’ career. But how did it really happen and just how important was it, really? We’re talking about it in this episode of the Beatles60 podcast! We also catch up with Stuart Sutcliffe and Ringo Starr in early 1962.
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wrence · 3 years
Yes, we study the Beatles' and others' lifeworlds in 1962, a day at a time. Yes, study. Sometimes it just feels as if we're celebrating a new 60th anniversary every day. Over time, having a serial deep dive into their contexts and their doings every day, it becomes like a longitudinal interpretation that gives all of us who follow a feeling for their development/evolution and of course a clear sense for the sequence and duration of events.
Small scale history such as that of a pop group is inevitably filled with incredible coincidences, randomness, quirks, strangeness and charm. To revisit the lifeworlds of young adults in 1962 as they climbed their way to the toppermost is by nature a kind of hermeneutical study. Sounds fancy? It's just another word for interpretation/understanding.
We have a HUGE set of links to accompany this episode. Please see the illustrated page. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll wet your pants. Share with friends:
BEATLES60 Historical study links
Every time we get a new Fab story from 1962, every new single that is released that year, every new 1962 trend, all the tv shows, all the stories we get in comments from people who were at the Cavern or the Top Ten or Star-Club in 1962, it builds our understanding every day. We're not just deducing facts from artifacts, we're making sense of the story’s development, how the people in the daily story experienced their path, their evolution together as a pop cultural phenomenon. A lot of it is as mundane as remembering or reimagining the ordinary lifeworlds of young adults in 1962. You don't need a doctoral degree in philosophy to understand the hermeneutic circle. Just experience our daily info drops and think about how this interpretive dance is what we actually do if we're paying attention. This isn't just for egg heads. It's for everyone who follows daily.
Beatles60 links https://beatles60.group/links
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1558158255
Contact Andy https://barmybeatleblog.com/
Contact Larry https://beatles60.group/contact
Grant Adrian Heaton's daily photo curation Join the group: https://beatles60.group/group
Eric Howell’s A Day in Their Life https://beatledrama.com/
Truth and Method, by Hans-Georg Gadamer https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/truth-and-method-9781780936246/
Apple Books, Truth and Method, by Hans-Georg Gadamer https://books.apple.com/us/book/truth-and-method/id1487524077
Hermeneutics simply explained https://youtu.be/zIEzc__BBxs
Why do we try to understand the Beatles’ daily experience 60 years ago every day?? https://youtu.be/vWOt0ezdK4I
B60 for scholars, rough draft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLp4DuOoKH8
1967 : a year in the life of The Beatles : history, subjectivity, music, by Linda Engebråten https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/26951
Monty Python’s ‘Silliest sketch we've ever done’ https://www.snotr.com/video/3002/Silliest_sketch_weve_ever_done
Consequences of Magna Carta https://www.bl.uk/magna-carta/articles/consequences-of-magna-carta
The Size of History: Coincidence, Counterfactuality and Questions of Scale in History https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-26300-7_12
Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? https://youtu.be/74qOp_9ndGQ
Walrus remix download https://www.dropbox.com/s/etmmro8173qtf96/Walrus-remix-pod.mp3?dl=0
Five myths about the Beatles' evolution, busted https://nationalpost.com/entertainment/music/five-myths-about-the-beatles-evolution-busted
The Beatles are not a divinity, but the product of causes and conditions https://rockandrollglobe.com/beatle/how-england-made-the-beatles/
Remembering Martin Buber and the I–Thou in counseling https://ct.counseling.org/2019/05/remembering-martin-buber-and-the-i-thou-in-counseling/
How the Beatles Went Viral: Blunders, Technology & Luck Broke the Fab Four in America https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/how-the-beatles-went-viral-in-america-1964-5894018/
Dave Dexter, The Beatles, and Capitol Records http://www.richieunterberger.com/wordpress/dave-dexter-the-beatles-and-capitol-records/
Dot Rhone https://beatles.fandom.com/wiki/Dot_Rhone
Goodness Gracious Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUZCXaStvnc
Why Sister Rosetta Tharpe Belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/why-sister-rosetta-tharpe-belongs-in-the-rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-123738/
Hey Dullblog – Moving Past Fandom https://www.heydullblog.com/uncategorized/moving-past-fandom/
Listen to this via YouTube https://youtu.be/KoYn-yVqAyc
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wrence · 3 years
--- Premieres Friday (You can set a reminder on YouTube) --- It's now sixty years since early February 1962. In retrospect it's obvious that to prepare to take over London, they wisely chose Manchester as their first opening to the nation. In this episode, we talk to Steve Bradley and Phil Salter from the fantastic blog and podcast Arrive Without Travelling about the importance of Manchester in The Beatles’ story. Along with Liverpool, Hamburg, New York and London, it makes good sense to include Manchester among "Beatles cities" that would propel them to the toppermost. In this information packed discussion, the case is clearly made that their path to nationwide fame would start in Manchester, the northwest's media city.
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wrence · 3 years
Why did Brian Epstein think it was so important for 'My Bonnie' to be released as a single in the UK? And why did he purposely write so many loopholes into his management contract with The Beatles? In this episode we’ll be looking into The Mind of Brian.
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