wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
I’m a penguin guys! Yo soy penguino.
Penguins: clumsy but adorable.
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
Love this so much omg
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
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Uncle Deano learns to trust again.
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
The Locker Room (Breezorbin)
"Breeze!" Fandango cried out as he chased after his tag team partner in the halls of yet another arena. It was Tuesday night just after Smackdown Live and all of the superstars were making their car pool arrangements to hotels, bars, or airports - in a hurry to be done with the night.
"Yeah, Dango?" Tyler asked as he turned to look at his tag team partner. Tyler was wearing a normal grey t-shirt and jeans with his hair pulled back in a man bun. He had forgotten a bag in the locker room and was going to retrieve it before walking to his hotel since it wasn't that far - and he didn't mind interacting with the fans.
"Wanna hang out tonight at the bar in Holiday Inn with some of the guys?" Fandango's hopeful expression almost made Tyler say yes. Almost. After all, the pair hadn't spent a lot of time together outside of the ring.
"No, I think I'm just going up to my room and sleeping. Sorry man, maybe over the weekend at the live event or something." With that, Tyler turned on his heel and walked back toward the locker room.
There, he found his plain black duffel bag with the blue luggage tag tied on sitting right where he left it. But sitting beside it was none other than Baron Corbin - the man Tyler had dreams about. Dreams he would never reveal to anyone.
"Oh. Hey, Baron. Guess you're waiting for the crowd to thin out before you leave?" Tyler asked as he walked forward and grabbed his bag.
Baron jumped and tried unsuccessfully to hide his phone in his pants pocket - it ended up falling on the floor with the screen facing up. Tyler bent down to pick it up - just trying to be nice - but his eyes couldn't help flitting across what was on the screen.
Text messages between Baron and Dean Ambrose with the line Tyler was able to read saying: "I just want to kiss him so bad, Dean."
"Give that back!" Baron snapped and snatched his phone away from the object of his affection - though he would never admit it to Tyler. Seeing the messages on the screen, Baron made a mental note to thank Dean for the idea that they call everyone else by name and the person they're attracted to is known only as 'He' or 'She'.
"S-sorry I was just trying to be nice. So, you're into guys, huh?" Tyler asked as he gave Baron an awkward smile. Tyler knew he shouldn't label people based solely on appearance but Baron just didn't outwardly strike him as a man who is into other men. So, this information came as a shock.
"Got a problem with it?" Was the snarled response.
"Of course not!" Tyler cried with a chuckle as he sat on another bench across from Baron, placing his bag to the side of him. "If I was I would be a major hypocrite."
Baron's gaze instantly met Tyler's with surprise. "So the rumors are true? You're gay?" He asked, biting his lip and silently willing the universe to make the answer yes.
"Yeah and I'm already crushing on a pretty hot guy." Tyler couldn't help but admit as he took in the 'pretty hot guy' he was referring to - dressed in a metal band tee and loose jeans.
"Oh? Can I know who?" Baron tried to keep his sadness out of his tone but he could hear a bit of it with his own ears. However, that sadness must have sounded like curiosity to Tyler.
"You." Tyler blurted out before he could think about it. The majority of his brain was just hoping Baron would lean over the small gap in the benches and place those light pink lips on his own.
"Oh really?" Baron asked, raising his eyebrows in pure shock. When Tyler only bit his lip and looked away in response, Baron reached out and grabbed Tyler's hands, pulling him to his feet - where Tyler stumbled and landed in Baron's lap. Baron situated Tyler so that the younger male was straddling him and Tyler could slightly feel Baron's hardness through his jeans. Tyler locked eyes with Baron and then leaned in.
Baron captured Tyler's lips hungrily in his as he held the younger male close to him - who kissed back as if his life depended on it. Tyler tangled his fingers in Baron's hair as they continued to make out in the locker room. Baron let out a guttural moan through the kiss when Tyler began to grind down on him.
"T-ty. Do you really want to do this in a fucking locker room?" Baron asked and Tyler chuckled breathlessly.
"At the moment I don't care. But I guess a hotel room would be a lot more private."
"That settles it then." Tyler climbed off of Baron and they hurried to Baron's rental car, driving to Baron's hotel three blocks away and slamming the door shut. They had shared quick kisses - and Baron had taken a few opportunities to smack Tyler's perfect ass - during their walk down the seemingly never ending hallways all hotels had.
But as soon as the door was shut and locked, all hell broke loose and the two men loved every second of it. Pleasing Tyler and hearing him moan Baron's name meant more to him than any Wrestlemania moment - and vice versa.
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
I’m open for fanfic requests my lovelies, please send me asks if you want a fanfic written by me! Any and all ships welcome!
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
her beauty makes me cry
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
Lol guess who is NOT dead
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
My exact words were: "I missed you, you sexy Irish Urgh..."
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
I think I'm enjoying this a bit too much lol. But I ship them so much so... *shrug*
@titaniumkitten ENOUGH
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.
Anthon St. Maarten (via thequotejournals)
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
Tonight was mostly about legends putting young talents over...
Chris Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker…
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
Roman Reigns: The Sneakiest Heel Turn in History
There are very few superstars in the WWE more polarizing than Roman Reigns. I think it’s safe to say he’s reached the “John Cena” level of adoration from the younger fans and hatred from the older ones. Many wrestling fans are turned off by his perceived inability to be smooth in the ring, his at times lackluster microphone skills, and the way it seems that WWE is relentlessly pushing for him to be the top guy. Take one cruise through social media, though, and you’ll see that possibly the largest complaint about Roman is this: Why won’t he turn heel? It’s a pretty understandable inquiry when you consider how wrestling works. There are countless examples of wrestlers who struggled to get over as good guys, but were turned to heels and saw better success. Most fans feel like Roman would be better off as a heel because more of his natural personality could shine through. Many are clamoring for the moment when Roman has the moment we’ve come to define as a “heel turn.” Something to make us stop and say “Oh, yeah, he’s a bad guy now.” When it comes to Roman, though, I think there may be something that fans aren’t taking into consideration. In nearly every conceivable way, Roman Reigns is very much already a heel. Think about it. He does essentially everything that a heel does. He’s cocky, he’s arrogant, and he’s unconcerned with how fans feel. He wins matches you don’t want him to win, he shows up when you don’t want to see him, and he says things that get fans’ blood boiling. He’s every bit as heel as The Miz or Kevin Owens. I’m reminded of a time when then newly crowned WWE champion Roman Reigns walked out on an episode of WWE Raw and made one of the most “heel-like” statements I can remember a babyface ever making. In the midst of boos and jeers from the WWE Universe, a half-smiling Roman said slyly “I’m not a bad guy. I’m not a good guy. I’m THE guy.” That’s not something I’d expect to be said by your top good guy. If you look at his actions recently, you see even more bad guy tendencies. In years past, when a WWE legend returns to take on a current main event talent in good guy on good guy action, there’s clearly a heavy amount of respect involved. Even if there’s initial conflict, it always ends respectfully. The Rock v. Hulk Hogan, John Cena v. The Rock, and Shawn Michaels v. The Undertaker are all examples of this. In his recent feud with the Undertaker, Reigns has shown everything but respect. He has gone as far as to tell The Undertaker that the ring was “his yard.” A term popularized by Taker himself in the early 2000’s. He’s even left The Undertaker laying flat on his back in the ring with a vicious spear. It may be kind of strange to think about it this way but maybe while we’re all waiting on WWE to pull the trigger on a Roman Reigns heel turn, maybe the truth is that it has happened right under our noses. There could be many reasons why, regardless of all this, the WWE hasn’t outwardly marketed Roman as a heel. He is still very popular among women and children, which is where a lot of his merchandise sales stem from. Whatever the case, it remains clear at least on television that he isn’t being relegated to the box of just being a straight up good guy. Roman’s natural cockiness and “I’m better than you” attitude shine through just a little bit more every week. He acknowledges the fans just a little bit less every week. Each time he’s on TV, he seems to embrace the boos of the crowd just al title more. We’ve been screaming for a Roman Reigns heel turn for months. We never noticed that WWE may have snuck it right in under our noses.
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wrestlingsims-blog · 7 years
Well... He is NXT Dad 😂 (I'm so fùcken excited)
Son vs Father/Seth Rollins vs Triple H
It is finally time for my match of the night.
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