I didn't see it coming but I totally agree
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have you ever read a fanfic so good that you wanted to write a fanfic about that fanfic, but was too shy / too intimidated to ask for the author’s permission and too afraid that your writing wouldn’t be half as good as theirs and that it would be an insult to their work that was basically a literal masterpiece, so you just sat there fantasizing about their work and how beautiful it was and how you wished you could just eat it and how you wished canon could write your blorbos half as good as this writer did and how you just wanted to cry because you just loved that fic so much????
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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I have just realized that the only form in Star Wars media in which Anakin Skywalker CAN become a Jedi Master is in the Episode 3 videogame
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I only noticed this because I happened to make a video about the 90s Jojo OVA a little while ago, but there's a reference to it in episode 21 of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2! (This shot)
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The animators were fighting for their damn lives (on this episode particularly, it seems like) but they still had time to put in a reference to an old classic!
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Prompt I came up with while listening to...
His Holiness knows of this place and what it was practiced here
That much they told us on the way here on the eve of All Hallow´s Eve
Everyone in the village had visited the local graveyard before entering the nearby catacombs as if it was Sunday´s mass
We followed them, not really caring if we were seen or not, they didn´t seem to mind us and after a couple of lefts and rights we arrived to a massive chamber of sculped stone, not unlike a great dancing hall
This was what my mind came up as the people were dressed up comfortably for such an event and some of them took up to the stage that I just realized it was in the middle of the floor
One detail that rose my immediate suspicion was that the bards were actually necromancers, I was about to demand them to surrender before our authority before I was stopped by my fellow inquisitors
They bid me to calm down, sit, and listen
For the moment were we would be needed would be truly evident IF it came to pass
Every one prepared and held their breath, as the first notes of melody started to play
Never having heard such music before, I did as instructed, and saw something that could only be called as hauntingly beautiful
The villagers started to dance at the pace of the tune: fast, but not too fast for them to loose their step, and all of them at their own pace of the music at play but still dancing as if with an invisible partner that knew exactly how to keep up with them
As the tempo of the band rose, so did my perception of what was truly going on
The people here did had dancing partners
First as pale as the morning mist, then of an ethereal green, they all looked the same, they were all ghosts here to commune in this plane once again
Risen from the grave and undead... yet with no ill intent
Old husbands saw their partners once again and young boys held their sweethearts as well
All of them simply let the tune pass through them and let it take away all the pain away, speaking what was left unsaid when death saw fit to take them away
And then the tune slowed its pace for those not yet ready to take the stage had feelings to express
Orphans finally met the eyes of their fathers that had gone to the crusades and children were quickly led to meet the mothers that they had never met
The music soon turned into a more soothing and calmed tune for a brief moment of peace before rising up and down once again
As if to say that the time for this to end was soon on them
Just as some of them step away, others still held on to the dead, and the moment for them to act was there
Dancing with each other to make way through those passed away, they broke off the living from the dead and kindly bid them farewell, s the music started to rise and rise for the miracle to end
The band guided the dead as if they were the pied pipers though the gates that had led them to the hallowed place and it was only the sound of a trumphet from the other end that told to all of them, that All Hallow´s Eve had came and went
As they left the village in a different silence from the one they had brought with them, the leason he learned was clear to them once again
That every power on this earth could bring pain and death just as it could give peace and rest
And it was up to them to ensure the balance between them
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You are working the gate in the afterlife and for the first time ever, something the humans built has shown up to be processed. You’re not sure what to do, this… entity shouldn’t have a soul, but here it is in front of you, freshly dead and awaiting the next life.
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Thoughts on Things #3
This may be based too much on the film but, every time that the Basilick attacks, and all the spiders run away; they all run to the Forbidden Forest
This seems to me like they were ALL Acromantulas
Which leads me to the question: if Hogwarts was ALREADY infested with teeny tiny Acromantulas, WHY THE F*** DID THE SCHOOL HAD AN ISSUE WITH Hagrid having one as a pet?!?!
Sure, it may have to be released once it invariably grows too big, but why try to kill it when you place is already crawling with them?
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Thoughts on Things #2
The sea is vast and beautiful but is also unfathomably deep and mysterious
The depths of the earth are too dark and treacherous to behold in awe
Space, is too great and too distant for many to reach in their lifetime
But the Horizon, will always be there for everyone, so long as they wish to look foward to a new day
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Thoughts on Things #1
People don´t fear death becuase of it been the end as far as they know; they fear that with it, everything they have done in life will become meaningless
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Invasive thought of the night: the worst thing of having nothing to do, Is to realize which mistakes led you to have nothing to do anymore
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Reblog if u vote :)
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Reasons to Join Kang the Conqueror
He can offer you the next season, book or whatever you want from a timeline in which the author, writers or studio didn´t mess up the ending or the plot and give a satisfactory ending to things AND the time to enjoy it at your leisure after getting the job done
And you would know then and there that this timeline sucks becuase the author, writers or studios of this one didn´t think of that or they did but were so full of themselves not to do it, see it or they died before doing so
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Favourite Quote of the Day
“Bullshit! No way I will let you volunteer for this, so I can go back to my home country like the man who did not volunteer! No way!”
Lev Andropov
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Sumeru Realization
What makes the Sumeru Akademiya outright immoral is this: when the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata was gone and in her place they found the Lesser Lord Kusanali, they had the opportunity to pass on what they had learned and demonstrate their worth as her predessesor´s followers
They were Students and their Teacher was gone, and they now had the opportunity to be the Teacher to this innocent deity into what they had learned... and they scuandered becuase they couldn´t or didn´t want to be the Teacher
They clinged to the idea that the Dendro Archon would forever be with them when they, of all people, should know that nothing lasts forever
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Asking the Internet for Help
So, I was going through my old stuff and I remembered that there was an anime that I liked and I forgot where did I wrote the name of on and I need help:
i was about a guy who had other 4 different personalities and since three of them were aware of that, they took part-time works or did errands around town to save up enough cash to get the original personality help, all the while the fifth personality realizes all of this and gets confused about all of this strange people apprently knowing him (of course, there is one girl for each split personality)
it was around 12 episodes long and I wanted to rewatch it again, I anybody knows please tell me
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Ideas for FGO Servants: Part 1
So I found out about King Arthur Knight´s Tale and after seeing its character rooster, along with checkign the Type-Moon wiki, I put together some ideas for other Knights of the Round Table or related knights to enter the Nasuverse (If I forgot any detail from these characters let me know please):
Sir Yvain: Rider-Class, fights using crossbow alongside his lion companion, who he saved after killing a wyvern that was mistaken for a dragon, they together defeated a giant
Sir Lanval: Lancer-Class, fights with a halberd, wooed by a fairy lady and after she intercedes for him, she takes him to the Fairyland like Willis Pelham Connington from Lord-El Melloi II Case Files
Sir Bors: Archer-Class, apprentice of Sir Percival, searched for the Holy Grail, his life was cut short when killed by the Vorpal Bunny, which has given him an instant-kill weakness like Medb has it for cheese hitting her head
Sir Pelleas: Saber-Class, loved Lady Arcade and was friends of Gawain until he caught them together, leaving behind his sword at their bed, refusing to kill them both with the same dishonor they showed him
Sir Turquine, Black Knight: Assassin Class, his class is due to his desire to kill Lancelot for his father´s murder, with a bronze bowl, he lured in up to 64 knights to fight him for it and kept them hostages after they lost
“Sir” Dagonet: King Arthur´s jester and knighted as a joke, despite him been the actor for the Round Table´s practical jokes, he was sill capable of killing his wife´s kidnapper,  Helior of the Thorn (couldn´t chose a class, sorry)
Sir Breunor le Noir: Berserker-Class, despite the constant insults that came after his knighthood, like the Knights of the Round sending Dagonet to joust him rather than “true knights”, he helps an injured Mordred from a 100 knights
Sir Ironside, Red Knight: Berserker-Class, the embodiment of the Demon of Calamity and original owner of the Red Sword, Touta stays away from him since Robigus´ Authority, however minor, can affect the taste of his rice
Sir Palamedes: Saber-Class, Knight of Inquest, always at odds with Tristan due to him also pursuing the affections of Iseult, only wore his helmet when getting serious, slayer of the Questing Beast, which gives him deadly to Wild-Beasts enemies
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