xross-rekka · 1 month
Fandom: Kamen Rider Revice
Characters: Igarashi Ikki, Vice, Karizaki George, Igarashi Sakura
@missmako-chan: Personality swap between Ikki and Vice sounds interesting, especially if it was like their early dynamic
also on ao3
“Ah! Ikki, be careful!!!”
“Come on Vice! Let's put on a show and kick this guy's butt!” 
“You can't just rush into battles- Ikki!”
The screen of George's gundephone glitches slightly as Vice materializes himself in front of the video playing “Alright alright! No need to rewatch the whole thing!” 
“Oh is our devil embarrassed to be seen caring about someone who's not himself?” the scientist mocks him, turning the phone back to portrait mode and pausing the video.
“Of course I am! I have an image to uphold!” He turns to you “You still think I'm cool right? Right???”
He tries to smack the delete button, but without Ikki actually stamping the phone he has no way to interact with the system.
The human is currently sitting on one of the sofas of the happy spa, letting Sakura help him bandage up. Running head-on at a monster turned out not to be that good of an idea without a demon's body.
“Still,” she says, “to think Vice would be the one to try and stop you from thoughtlessly rushing in, it's a bit funny. Almost if you two switched personalities for this fight.”
“Very close, karate girl!” interrupts George, dramatically pointing the phone at her (and earning an “hey!” from accidentally shaking Vice with it), “From the data we collected from the battle with the Deadman, it’s more likely that its attack was meant to bring to the surface hidden parts of the victim's personality. Which, in our case” he turns to face Ikki and a phone-less,  invisible Vice, “just happens to be very close to a personality swap. Ikki's impulsive and careless side being repressed ended up manifesting in Vice's personality, while since Vice is made from Ikki of course he cares about the people close to him being safe, he just happens to care more about himself most of the time, because Ikki represses that part of himself, in a constant feedback between demon and human. Fascinating isn't it?”
“Wha- that's not-!” 
Sakura looks at her stuttering brother, who's trying to deny his lack of self-preservation (without much result; they all know about it, but no one says it out loud, not knowing how to even start approaching the subject), and decides to save him from this situation (“and you from figuring out how to end this fic, eh author?” Vice winks) 
“Alright,” she grabs Ikki's arm and pulls him up, “I think Ikki here should get rest so he can run head first into the next Deadman that appears, don't you have my other brother to bother Karizaki?”
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I'm trying to get back into writing fics after a long time, Mako was nice enough to give me a prompt ^^
Big thanks to @missmako-chan and @margarita-is-the-answer for helping me with the fic :3
Please feel free to leave a comment! ^^ Like I said, I'm trying to get back into writing so critiques are welcome, just be nice about it please! I'd especially like to know if the characters are enough in-character, that's the thing that worries me the most rn ^^"
(I also accept suggestion for a better title... I'm bad at that)
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xross-rekka · 1 month
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
For when you want to put your favorite little guy (gender neutral) in a fanfic-type Situation. Send in a fandom, character(s), and/or relationship/ship as well as a number (or a few!) Feel free to use for fanfic, art, or whatever you choose!
Touch starved/cuddle curse
Time loop
Mind meld/telepathy/mind reading
Reverse amnesia (everyone else has no memory/recognition of your character)
Trapped in a room/closet/elevator
“Who did this to you?”
Sleep deprivation
Framed for a crime they didn’t commit
Hiding from pursuers
Turned invisible
Drunken/drugged/sleepy confessions
Role swap
Meeting past/future self
Tending to an injury/wound/illness
Possession/Mind control 
Personality swap
Fear poison/gas
Truth or dare/party games
Loss of powers/abilities/skills
Showing up injured at their friend/mentor’s house
Showing up injured at their enemy’s house
Group project/team effort
Demon summoning
Curse of obedience/can’t disobey a direct order (the “Ella Enchanted”)
Time jumping/time travel/fix-it
Only one bed
Cursed/turned into an animal
Body swap
Love spell/curse/potion
Hatred spell/curse/potion
Avalanche/huddle for warmth
Secret relationship
Multiverse/meeting alternate version of self
Avoiding a conversation
Identity reveal/major secret revealed
Panic attacks
True love’s kiss/breaking a curse
Fake dating 
Arranged marriage
Realization of feelings at the Worst Possible Moment
Confessions during an argument
Enemy caretaker
Meet cute
Meet ugly/awkward first meetings
Fake death/presumed dead
Wings/supernatural body features
Mutual Pining (+ Oblivious)
Mutual platonic/familial yearning
Accidental hand-holding
Lying curse/forced to lie about something
Truth Serum/spell
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xross-rekka · 1 month
Mini Prompt List #2 - AUs 1
The theme for this one is around AUs!
Feel free to do the prompts in either in chronological order, or in any order! There is no time limit either, go at your own pace! This is a very easy-going challenge.
Writer's Choice
Time Travel/Time Loop
Coffee Shop
Writer's Choice
Fusion With Another Toku
Fairy Tale
Writer's Choice
Since there are countless AUs to create out there, that will be far from the only table that has them. Feel free to suggest themes for tables too at any time if you have an idea as well.
Feel free to post your drabbles right here on Tumblr and ping @toku100challenge or use the hashtag #toku100challenge.
Pinging the account itself is highly encouraged, since it will be the best way to help me see your drabble! We all know how tumblr’s tagging system can be.
The prompts are listed on Dreamwidth as well.
🔗Rules and Information | Ao3 Collection | Dreamwidth | SquidgeWorld Collection
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xross-rekka · 1 month
Mini Prompt List #1 - Spring Season
A new addition! There will be Mini Prompt Lists alongside the usual lists. These will contain 15 prompts for writers, instead of the standard 30.
This first one is around themed around the Spring season, since spring will (hopefully) be around the corner where the mod is based. I will be making tables for the rest of the seasons as well.
Writer's Choice
Writer's Choice
Writer's Choice
Feel free to do the prompts in either in chronological order, or in any order! There is no time limit either, go at your own pace! This is a very easy-going challenge.
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xross-rekka · 1 month
Prompt List #8
Feel free to do the prompts in either in chronological order, or in any order! There is no time limit either, go at your own pace! This is a very easy-going challenge.
Writer's Choice
Writer's Choice
Writer's Choice
The Sea
Writer's Choice
Beyond This World
Heating Up
Writer's Choice
At The Wheel
In Tatters
Writer's Choice
Feel free to post your drabbles right here on Tumblr and ping @toku100challenge or use the hashtag #toku100challenge.
Pinging the account itself is highly encouraged, since it will be the best way to help me see your drabble! We all know how tumblr’s tagging system can be.
The prompts are listed on Dreamwidth as well.
🔗Rules and Information | Ao3 Collection | Dreamwidth | SquidgeWorld Collection
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xross-rekka · 1 month
List of Fics
swap [Kamen Rider Revice] (ao3) prompt: Personality swap between Ikki and Vice sounds interesting, especially if it was like their early dynamic
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xross-rekka · 1 month
Pinned post
hello ^^
idk what to put here yet tbh....
current ask game (feel free to send in prompts!)
List of my fics
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