xxcyberangelxx · 1 month
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Venus in my interation :33
More info under cut‼️
Venus or Vee for short
She/it maybe, idk her sexuality or gender at the time of making this
She's a Leatherback sea turtle, Wolverine frog and red eye tree frog all Frankensteined into one with the help of some "super" mutagen
Her style is a combination of Visual kei goth and Frankensteins bride
Age is unkown but physically older then all the turtles. She's a black and white thinker, and sometimes gullible and easily manipulated
She sees Baxter(her creator)as a father and calls him that, he's the one to manipulate her the most and has a somewhat toxic relationship with her with his unhealthy clinginess while still enforcing the thought of her needing him and nobody will love her like he does. She takes care of Tokka and Rahzar as if they were her own brothers
Out of all the turtles it's only close to Donnie, none of the others including Mikey trust her but Donnie has hope that she'll change. I gave them somehow of a 2012 Donnie and Pulverizer relationship to fill the void but more of Donnie considering Venus as a sibling, older then them or not
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xxcyberangelxx · 1 month
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Dante new design ^_^
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xxcyberangelxx · 1 month
Yuuuur I’m back
Something about swift
Swift has always dreamt of fighting this mysterious samurai in his dreams ever since he was a child, even after Splinter’s death. The dream of being an NYC samurai has always been stuck in his head. He even made a vision board of what it would be like.
This is why Swift strictly fights with one sword only. Yeah he’s capable of fighting but he hates having to focus on his brothers while always focusing on which hand is doing what
Back to the main focus, Once in a dream, swift saw a glimpse of the mysterious samurai…
The eyes were red, so he first thought it would be ghost he was fighting against but it didn’t make sense, ghost did have red eyes but not white fur.
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
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(More like the tmnt community as a whole tbh)
I saw a tiktok. Reminded me that I'm in a niche part of the fandom.
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
54, 55, 57 pls
Rebel💪🏾💪🏾 he makes the best meals ever and pancakes
Yes but that’s for the future 🌚
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
1, 20, 21
Sorry if I'm asking a lot 😂
The punks live in NYC, They used to live in the project with a lady but…stuff happened
Now they in a house like this now.
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That one I don’t know yet.
Yes with Renet of course ^_^ (I have a SPC Renet)
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
58, 59, 76, 78?
Yes! Ghost :3
Ghost is.
They’re all my favorite ong…but it has to be ghost
My au was inspired by Sirconcon..well was til I saw his actions and decided to take it and just yk…adding some of my spice to it. I always been a fan of this AU since I was a kid, but in this Au. You will see some characters black coded.
The shredder has a wife named Boa btw :DD
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
Here’s a google doc of the au I’m working on :333
For anyone interested
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
And 73,?
73. Interests
Computer coding, skulls
Learning more about different spectrum of autism, cooking and baking 
Zombies, Summoning Spirits, Bugs, VooDoo, horror films, Environment of death and Reincarnation. Urban legends (including Goth culture)
Learning about more parkours moves, learning about black culture and the history behind it.
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
70, 71, 74?
I’m not sure what character you want to know about but I’ll do them all <3
Swift doesn’t have any hobbies, unless you count stealing as one..
Doesn’t have one.
He’s really good at aim, such as shooting.
Skateboarding, Dancing, Parkour, Spraypainting
Claims he doesn’t have one (most likely mc) He acts a fool around mc and loves to make mc laugh.
Also claims he doesn’t have one (Ghost and mc)
Mc helps him out a lot around the house while ghost on the other hand, he’s very overprotective about ghost.
They all get on his nerves so, None.
Swift, He feels more comfortable to act like his real self around Swift. Plus..he secretly looks up to Swift (even though Swift isn’t a really good role model🌚)
He uses a traditional Katana, He customized it himself by adding some tape around the handle and stickers (Mc’s idea)
Tofans blades
Backup weapons- his fists🫡🫡
A gun and twin stun batons, he uses them for stealth purposes.
A metal bat.
He put stickers all over the bat, mainly anime stickers (Mutant mayhem Reference) and carved MC on it.
Backup weapon- Meteor hammer
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
11 and 12
I'm curious 😂
He was fine with the punks considering Baxter created them, the punks were originally gonna become shredder’s killing machines and take over NYC but..shredder got raided by police which caused the punks to disappear.
Now to the motive, Like I said the shredder was fine with the punks til they started intervene with his plans, now he wants them dead…But after what they did to him.
OH, he wants them for sure Dead and gone. He even made little head holders like those things you see animal heads on.
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
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Meet Dante ^_^ he works for shredder and the punks hate him (except one..) he’s a psychopath/HJ
(This song is so him in a way)
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
Ask away 🫡
Jabber's TMNT AU/iteration ask game!
Send an ask with a number corresponding to a question you want to ask about someone's AU or iteration
Where is your au/iteration set?
Do the turtles live in the sewers?
What is the lair like?
Do the turtles have money? If so, how do they get it?
What is the origin of the mutagen?
Is there a battle nexus? Is it a respected facility or operated by criminals?
Are there aliens?
Are there yokai/magical beings?
Are there other dimensions?
Are there utrom/kraang? PLOT:
Who is the main villain?
What is the main villain’s motivation?
Who are some villains that are less of a threat?
What is going on with the foot clan?
Is the Hamato clan history relevant? How did the clan originate?
Were the turtles and Splinter mutated intentionally?
Do any characters get mutated during the story?
Do any characters die during the story?
Do any characters get disabled during the story?
Do the turtles go to space?
Do the turtles time travel?
If there is a battle nexus, who fights in it? CHARACTERS:
Are there any OCs?
Is there a Bebop and Rocksteady?
Is there a Baxter Stockman?
Is there a Bishop?
Is there a Rat King? If yes, can he control Splinter?
Is there a Mona lisa?
Is there a Renet?
Is there a Venus?
Is there a Jennika?
Is there a Slash?
Is there a Metalhead?
Is there a Mondo Gecko?
Is there an Angel?
Is there an Alopex?
Is there a Leatherhead?
Is there a Tang Shen?
Is there a Karai/Miwa?
Is Saki the shredder?
Is Karai/Miwa Saki’s daughter?
Is Karai/Miwa loyal to Saki?
How old is April?
Is April a scientist?
Is April a journalist or reporter?
How old is Casey?
Is Casey a vigilante?
Does Casey play hockey? If so, what position?
Are the turtles the same species?
Are the turtles the same age?
Was Splinter born a rat or a human?
Is Donnie only knowledgeable with technology? If not, what else are they interested in?
Who is the leader of the group? How did they become the leader?
Who is the team medic?
Who is the best cook?
Who is the best fighter?
Are any characters disabled?
Are any characters neurodivergent?
Are any characters queer? CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS:
Do Raph and Leo fight often?
What is Bebop and Rocksteady’s relationship?
What is Casey and Raph’s relationship?
Is Splinter the turtles’ dad, sensei or both?
How did Splinter meet the turtles?
Is April considered a sibling?
Does April consider Splinter a parent?
How did the turtles meet April?
How did the turtles meet Casey?
Is there a romance? If so, between which characters? SPECIFY A CHARACTER:
What hobbies does — have?
Who is —‘s favourite sibling?
What is —’s favourite kind of pizza
What interests does — have?
What weapon does — specialise in?
Tell us a fun fact about —’s species! EXTRA:
Who is your favourite character?
What character do you relate to the most?
Tell us something you want to share about your au/iteration!
I had help making this, so shoutout to @genderfluid-envy, I had a lot of fun deciding on questions with you! And thanks to everyone else in our discord server who helped out :D
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
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…I think he likes baby metal….
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xxcyberangelxx · 2 months
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This is my version of Venus in my au 🫡🫡 (she’s 13 so don’t be weird now.)
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xxcyberangelxx · 3 months
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Street punks chaos April and her crazy ass uncle..
Baxter stockman (stupid ahh nigga)/j nah I’m joking he’s like really smart…too smart for my liking lol
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