Mun here!
Sorry but this blog is on indefinite hiatus. Seeing as the Mun has moved onto other fandoms, and Gravity Falls is placed on the backburner of being a hyperfixation. So until that spark comes back, this blog will remain silent. Sorry everyone ^_^
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Stan And his Therapist {{Which is actually just Mabel, pretending to be a therapist}}
Mabel: Alright now, this is perhaps an unorthodox question. However, if you could time travel would you go ten years back in time, or forward ten years?
Stan: I would return to my mother’s belly.
- Mabel: Alright then... if you could say one thing to yourself then, what would it be? - Stan: Don’t come out.
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{{Stan doesn’t wanna watch the bunny cop movie. For obvious reasons}}
Ford: So you were talking about a movie.
Stan: Yeah I’ve been craving popcorn all day.
Ford: How about Zootopia.
Stan: Ohhh yeahhhh... no. I heard really bad things about it.
Ford: Like what?
Stan: That it’s not worth seeing.
Ford: Really?
Stan: Yeah that it sucks, bro.
Ford: Are you sure you’re thinking of Zootopia?
Stan: Positive.
Ford: It has a 99% on rotten tomatoes.
Stan: Yeah, but that’s not reliable. I don’t think anyone uses that site.
Ford: Well maybe we should just go anyway, establish our own opinions on it, instead of listening to what some jerk ass critics have to say.
Stan: Nah that’s dumb, let’s see Deadpool instead.
Ford: You KNOW I can’t stand violence.
Stan: It’s jus’ a movie, it’s not real.
Ford: I know it’s not real, it looks real.
Stan: Then we’ll see something ELSE.
Ford: Why don’t we just go see Zootopia?
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I could get killed. Or even worse, Ford might give me a lecture on responsibility again
Stan Pines, about to do something quite reckless and stupid.
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Ford: Just do your best to put up with your twin before you die. Twins always do
Mabel: But I'm always screwing things up.
Ford: Stan screws up all the time, and I just hide my disappointment. Besides what's the worst thing you could have done.
Flash back
Mabel on a tree: INCOMING MARTYR!  jumps off tree branch into mud
Dipper: AAAHHHHHH! -
- Mabel: And he just kept screaming all day.
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"So, my twin brother called me from prison the other day. He said, 'You know how we finish each other's sentences?' and I was like, Stanley we talked about this." - Ford Pines.
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“Well the one good thing about having amnesia is that I don’t remember how I got in the middle of all this .” - Stan, waking up after defeating Bill, probably.
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Ford: And what do we do when we’re sad?
Bill: Three day killing spree?
Ford: NO!!!
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Collection of Incorrect quotes Presented by: Darrow. _________________
Ford: You're standing on thin ice 
Stan, being snarky: I'm standing on the floor 
Ford: It's an expression 
Stan: It's carpet ______________________________________ Ford: I tossed bacon on the ground for a group of young hellhounds. Stanley pushed them aside and ate it. He's now the alpha of the pack.
Stan: The kids were taking turns tracing each other over and over with chalk. Now it looks like 25 children were murdered in my driveway.
Stan: To teach the kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They picked pizza. Then I made tacos because they don't live in a swing state.
Dipper: makes faces in the mirror 
Stan: Yknow your reflection always does exactly what you do 
Dipper: Sometimes it doesn't though 
Stan: .....welp, we're moving
Ford: Stan hugged me out of the blue and said, "Love you Sixer" If you need me, I'll be searching for whatever he broke.
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Ford and Stan: Shenanigans on The Stan O’ War II 3rd Edition
Stan: I'm tired. 
Ford: You slept three hours last night, are you surprised? 
Stan: No, I just wanted to complain about it. 
Stan: Have you ever tried relaxing, Poindexter? 
Ford: Once. It made me very stressed. 
Ford: You're ignoring all of your problems. 
Stan: I know.
Ford: That's a very unhealthy coping mechanism, Stanley. 
Stan: I know, I'm ignoring that too.
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Wendy: My boss told me he got banned from a bar when he lived in North Dakota back in 1973. And didn't try going back to it for 30 years, but he finally did, and the moment he stepped in someone yelled "Get the hell out of here Stan!" 
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Crampelter: You're a loser Stan
Stan: I would roast you, but ma says I'm not allowed to burn trash.
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Stan's old classmate: Teacher! Stanley called me the b word!
Stan: Motherfucker doesn't start with a b.
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That reminds me of an incorrect quote I once did. @artsymeeshee https://xxincorrectgravityfallsquotesxx.tumblr.com/post/184330078400/caryn-recording-a-ten-year-old-stan-which?is_related_post=1
I like to think Stan and Ford each get to the point of calling the other their "favorite brother"... only to awkwardly remember Shermie exists and laugh that they just inadvertently threw him under the bus (what'd he ever do to them? :P)
Omg XD Poor Shermie
But agree on the first part
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Mullet Stan Incorrect Quote Number 2
Rico: Until this ransom is paid, you’ll be locked in this room with only a bed, and the occasional tray of food.
Rico: **glares**
Stan:I mean.... oh nooooooooo....
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Wholesome Stan Bros
Stan: Hey Ford, how’s the best brother in the universe doing?
Ford: I don’t know, Stan, how are you doing?
Stan: **starts tearing up, sniffling** I’m fine.
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A Nerd and a Triangle {{With a HAT! }}
Ford: Forget it. I'm not even shocked anymore.
Bill: Aw, that's no fun.
Ford: This has become the norm for you, Cipher.
Bill: I'll have to try harder next time.
Ford: Please don't.
Bill: I feel like I've been issued a challenge.
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