xxroseheartsxx · 2 months
White Day One Shot, sorry it's late LMAO
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xxroseheartsxx · 2 months
So like, if the Black Mask was running around in Madarame's palace...and he could hear Morgana...that means he already knew who the Phantom Thieves were even before he approached them at the TV station. When he said Ren was "interesting" and started his confidant, HE ALREADY KNEW WHO HE WAS.
On this line of thinking, Akechi's jealousy and obsession during his confidant wasn't just for some random guy he thought had interesting ideas and was nice to him. He knew the entire time who Ren was, that was his motivation for even approaching Ren specifically in the first place. Ren was the one person who suddenly made Akechi NOT SPECIAL anymore. So his grudge manifested for MONTHS, and got even worse as he got to know Ren and hated that Ren was a nice person. By Sae's palace we already know he was so pissed he was "happily" planning his MURDER.
Also if you really think about it Akechi was stalking Ren for the duration of the game since Madarame's palace (excluding Futaba since I don't think he knew that palace existed).
He's an unhinged silly little dude ngl
(I'm aware this is kind of spelled out in the game but I was just thinking about it how sad it is how alone Akechi was in all of this. If he had just said something maybe he could have become a thief earlier. If he wasn't so jealous maybe they could have been friends and stuff wouldn't have been so sad and--)
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xxroseheartsxx · 3 months
Yeah meant to post this on Valentine's Day but whatever close enough sorry ANYWAY HERE'S AN EPILOGUE ONE-SHOT TO MY AKECHI X READER FIC
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xxroseheartsxx · 5 months
heyy I just finished reading your akechi fic, it was soooo good!!
do you plan on writing more about him in the future?
Yeah, actually. I was going to write at least some oneshots, real fluffy stuff. The fic was so plot heavy they hardly got to go on dates LOL.
MAYBE a sequel during a certain summer trip....who knows........
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xxroseheartsxx · 5 months
The emptiness of finishing your 66 chapter, 370+ thousand word Goro Akechi x F!Reader fanfiction that you wrote before bed every night for two years.
It's here if you wanna read it 👉👈
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xxroseheartsxx · 5 months
If third semester Akechi was just a cognition and not the real Akechi, then why:
1. Did he not disappear after Ren found out he was (possibly) dead? The other Thieves were fully aware of Akechi's existence even after Ren found out, and he didn't vanish like Wakaba or Haru's dad.
2. Care about Ren accepting Maruki's reality? Why would a cognition care about being controlled? If Akechi was simply summoned by Ren's care for him, then the moment Ren decided to stop the reality Akechi probably would have vanished?
3. Based on the assumption Wild Cards are unaffected by Maruki's reality (Ren woke up thinking nothing was wrong), why would a cognition be unaffected by the reality and not living out a nice life Ren would have wanted Akechi to live?
(If Ren chooses Maruki's reality, I feel like Akechi just resigned himself to his fate and accepted the reality like his own death)
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xxroseheartsxx · 5 months
And here I am, writing at 2am
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xxroseheartsxx · 7 months
If you wanna write a fic about an anime/video game character I highly suggest looking at the original Japanese characterization them. Even if you can't speak Japanese, there at least will probably be people talking about subtle differences or even entire things removed for an English speaking audience. Some characters even have slightly different personalities.
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xxroseheartsxx · 8 months
hello !!! just came to say i absolutely loved ur akechi fic (i binged it in 3 days LMAO) and i especially loved the banter !!
Thank you!!! I'm so glad you liked it 😭😭
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xxroseheartsxx · 8 months
Another spicy take:
Please do research on the country of origin you set your fics in. If I have to read one more Persona 5 fic basically set in "Japan" (America) I will implode
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xxroseheartsxx · 8 months
Spicy take but I don't think Akechi is the emotionally unstable type suited for a slow burn fic. Hes emotionally distant and he has a hard time trusting people, sure, but I think he's more of the obsessive type.
What I mean is, he's suited for a story that explores his relationships, not a slow burn between two people who eventually fall in love. I never felt that his relationship with Ren was "slow burn." If anything, his loneliness turned him incredibly desperate, and he clung to Ren with several internal conflicts within himself. Then, in the end, he "burns" his friendships to the ground.
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xxroseheartsxx · 9 months
Has anyone else noticed that Akechi is literally the combination of the Phantom Thieves' personal stories? Like he has basically lived through their trauma collectively.
Examples I guess:
Ren: Wild Card, manipulated by god(s) in a game, wronged by the justice system and society
Ryuji: Raised by a poor single mom, forced to endure hardships for her sake, abused by those in power
Ann: social outcast for her birth status, struggles in the entertainment industry
Yusuke: Lost his mother at a young age, placed into an abusive foster home, father figure used him and manipulated him
Makoto: High expectations, no tolerance for failure from those above her, wears a mask over her true self in order to be more "socially acceptable", constantly considered a burden to those who have to care for her
Futaba: blamed for her mother's death, lives with the guilt of her mother's death
Haru: Cartoonishly evil capitalist father
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xxroseheartsxx · 9 months
Has anyone else noticed that Akechi is literally the combination of the Phantom Thieves' personal stories? Like he has basically lived through their trauma collectively.
Examples I guess:
Ren: Wild Card, manipulated by god(s) in a game, wronged by the justice system and society
Ryuji: Raised by a poor single mom, forced to endure hardships for her sake, abused by those in power
Ann: social outcast for her birth status, struggles in the entertainment industry
Yusuke: Lost his mother at a young age, placed into an abusive foster home, father figure used him and manipulated him
Makoto: High expectations, no tolerance for failure from those above her, wears a mask over her true self in order to be more "socially acceptable", constantly considered a burden to those who have to care for her
Futaba: blamed for her mother's death, lives with the guilt of her mother's death
Haru: Cartoonishly evil capitalist father
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xxroseheartsxx · 9 months
Addressing Akechi's kinks in my Fanfic
In my ongoing fanfiction, The Aeon Arcana, I've given Akechi several kinks or preferences which may seem out of nowhere but I can assure you, thought was put into them.
Here are the most glaring ones I can explain.
Master/Dominant/Brat Tamer
This one honestly is the most obvious and needs the least explanation. According to datamines the shadows in his cut palace refer to him as Master. Also he makes sadistic innuendo when fighting. He also has serious mommy and daddy issues.
I never write him doing anything too damaging, though. He's less a sadist and more interested in being correct or right. He gets guilty when causing actual pain to his partner. Any true sadism from him I think is just a mask for his squishy little heart coping with the fact he's murdering hundreds of people. He enjoys teasing though. The biting is another form of him just being Uber jealous and needing to show everyone that his partner is HIS.
Tall Socks
This one is a reach but its more of a meme reference. Also in datamines, a screenshot of Akechi's phone reveals he is a redditor. If he's a redditor and loves Featherman to the point his Metaverse costumes are his ocs, he has to be an otaku redditor. I assume he also has watched certain anime in adjacent genre, like mecha anime.
The tall sock thing comes from Japanese Evangelion otaku who nicknamed the gap between the thigh sock and the skirt Absolute Territory. I can assume Akechis taste in hntai/prn is slightly degenerate leaning and he absolutely peruses these kinds of subreddits.
"Kitten" Nickname
In English, the "Kitten" nickname is associated with a discord mod/daddy. Of course it's included to make Akechi seem kind of...cringe, since he is a cringefail after all. However, in Japanese he's actually calling his partner "Nyanko", which is considered a kind of "babytalk". The actual Japanese word for Kitten is "koneko", but he's degrading his partner by babytalking.
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xxroseheartsxx · 9 months
excellent addition
Has anyone else noticed that Akechi is literally the combination of the Phantom Thieves' personal stories? Like he has basically lived through their trauma collectively.
Examples I guess:
Ren: Wild Card, manipulated by god(s) in a game, wronged by the justice system and society
Ryuji: Raised by a poor single mom, forced to endure hardships for her sake, abused by those in power
Ann: social outcast for her birth status, struggles in the entertainment industry
Yusuke: Lost his mother at a young age, placed into an abusive foster home, father figure used him and manipulated him
Makoto: High expectations, no tolerance for failure from those above her, wears a mask over her true self in order to be more "socially acceptable", constantly considered a burden to those who have to care for her
Futaba: blamed for her mother's death, lives with the guilt of her mother's death
Haru: Cartoonishly evil capitalist father
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xxroseheartsxx · 9 months
Has anyone else noticed that Akechi is literally the combination of the Phantom Thieves' personal stories? Like he has basically lived through their trauma collectively.
Examples I guess:
Ren: Wild Card, manipulated by god(s) in a game, wronged by the justice system and society
Ryuji: Raised by a poor single mom, forced to endure hardships for her sake, abused by those in power
Ann: social outcast for her birth status, struggles in the entertainment industry
Yusuke: Lost his mother at a young age, placed into an abusive foster home, father figure used him and manipulated him
Makoto: High expectations, no tolerance for failure from those above her, wears a mask over her true self in order to be more "socially acceptable", constantly considered a burden to those who have to care for her
Futaba: blamed for her mother's death, lives with the guilt of her mother's death
Haru: Cartoonishly evil capitalist father
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xxroseheartsxx · 2 years
There are certain characters that tickle the neurodivergent part of my brain when I meet them and I am sent into an uncontrollable obsession sometimes lasting years at a time, concerning all around me as I cannot stop consuming every last drop of dopamine this character can provide me.
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