yachineedhealing · 4 years
Lookin' for a Overwatch ReaperxFem-Oc roleplay
Heya, I'm lookin for someone who is willing to roleplay Reyes for my lovely hatelove Oc Nikita Rivera.
I live in the europetimezone, so be prepared for some time-mixups and sometimes grammar flaws.
I write advanced-lit to novella and be aware of 18+ content, so be atleast 18.
I also could provide with doubleplay if needed with a character or ship of your choice.
Besides the fact that I'm looking for 1x1, I would be also open for a group roleplay if my partner would play Gabriel in a ship for me.
To my Oc;
[You can see her in the pic]
She is tempered and rivalry Commander of her own little Operation-team supported by the UN-funds and her father which also works as the representative for spain in the Reign of the UN.
In one of her arcs, I play her as seductice double agent who never got along with Reyes who cockblockaded most of her operations because of her "pathetic" acting and even degrades her form her rank which leaves her filles with rage, but soon enough this little relationship evolves into hatelove whike she tries to get at some really important files through him.
This was her story just in a nutshell, I will provide more details to you as soon as you ask me too^^
Just dm me if interested.
Im up for any idea, I play anything, normal Au's to something dark fantasy, kinky or omegaverse.
Just hit me up.
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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Pls...dont ask me i tried to draw on my pc again.But still love it xD lmao
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
What is happening to Tumblr?
Hey guys,its very scary if Im looking at my feed and only see some memes.
Where are the art goes?!
Tumblr starts shadowbanning a lot of artist on Tumblr and now I still only find Memes.
Only very few Arts popping up in my Feed and I dont understand it bc I dont look at Memes usually.
So if you rlly enjoy Tumblr and your Fandom,pls make sure you repost posts like this or art of your favorite artists,they are dying if Tumblr keep shadowbanning every fandom-content-post.
Some of them use Tumblr to generate fans,Commissions and they probaly pay their bills with the few commission they can get,so pls support them.
(Im sry for my broken grammar im german)
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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has this been done yet?
feel free to change it if you don’t agree!
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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ok i have just seen this picture and oh my god ... who can make an edit with Chinomiko or Beemoov strangling our Schoollifeboys with the threads there? (bc they are death and so lolol) That would be so epic! That person deserves my soul!
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
Ecila the bored,Hoader of BurgerKing-Chickennuggets-on-my-lap-in-the-bus-bc-the-driver-said-to-me-"u-cannot-eat-here-did-u-not-saw-the-big-fat-letters-there?!" and yellow crappy school-folder.
@castiel-beilschmidt its ur turn girl!
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
Beemoov cares about there community.Good Joke!
Hey Guys,i want to tell you something (in my bad english skillz huehue).
For a little time i had an issue with a friend they know my password from my account.It was a shitty idea but she during for me the events bc i was busy an Beemoov had the great idea to make the events only for pc device.
Ok cool,but every human has a shitty side in side their soul and so she changed the password.I've trying everything to enter my account and so i contact the german support of Beemoov.And now guess how long i've waiting for an answer. Over two freaking weeks.I mean my account was in a way hacked and waiting to get my account back.And yeah im actually not sure if my ex best friend changed my passwort but i cant changing the password over my email.And yeah they cant actually say who it was or telling me the changed password or if they try to close the accounts from this person but this support sucks.This support sucks more than the support from the friendly and lovely Ea.I've the bad feeling that Ea teaching Beemoov how to make a bad support and company.Cheers my friends!
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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Ok wtf spain-community,tell me wtf is going on! *Rip strike*
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
Hey dear people!
I just wanted to remind you that yesterday started on the German and Brazilian Sever a strike!
Since many users feel dissatisfied and not recognized of Beemoov, we wanted to start a strike from 30.7-7.8, means: do not login during the period!
Because we want to send a message to Beemoov that we are not just moneysacks to do all their crap!
Please share this post that as many users as possible can see it and participate.Reblog it and tell your friends or other users about this post!
That's the least we can do, and the few ap's that are lost will not make a huge loss.
There is nothing more to do than not login!
So have fun and I just hope we can do it!
(Btw sry for my terrible english)
Hey liebe Leute!
Ich wollte euch nur daran erinnern das seit gestern auf den deutschen und brasilianischen Server ein Streik begonnen hat!
Da viele User unzufrieden und sich nicht von Beemoov gehört fühlen, wollten wir einen Streik vom 30.7-7.8 starten,heißt: logt euch in dem Zeitraum nicht ein!
Wir wollen nämlich Beemoov ein Zeichen setzen das wir nicht nur Geldsäcke sind die all ihren Schrott mitmachen!
Bitte teilt diesen Beitrag, dass so viele User wie möglich davon erfahren und mitmachen können.
Das ist das mindeste was wir tun können und die paar Ap's die dadurch verloren werden machen keinen riesigen Verlust.
Es ist nicht mehr verlangt als sich NICHT einzuloggen!
Also habt noch viel Spaß und hoffen wir das wir es schaffen!
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
Oh man Beemoov is damn mean,they make the EA Move
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So done with Beemoov and their “game”.
Sorry to anyone who is waiting for upcoming playthroughs on my YouTube channel, but unless I see some serious improvement from the company after this and their ridiculous new AP system, I won’t be playing another episode.
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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Hey Leute,dass ist mein Sweet Amoris-Kentin Cosplay für Sonntag,dem 15 Juli am Japantag in München :D Habe sie gestern erst gestyled und es ist mein aller erstes Cosplay! Wäre cool wenn ich noch andere Cosplayer von Sa dann antreffe. Ich brauche unbedingt als remake fürs zweite Bild noch einen Alexy😂😘 Hey Guys!:D This is me as a puppy Kentin xD Btw this is my first cosplay for the japanfestival in Munich on this sunday! I hope i meet some other MyCandyLove-Cosplayer and a Alexy,for a remake of the last picture 😍😂
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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Yo guys, Beemoov is forcing us to pay money to them. We should protest by not giving them what they want. Don’t. Waste. A. Single. Penny. On. Them. Thank you.
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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Yo guys, Beemoov is forcing us to pay money to them. We should protest by not giving them what they want. Don’t. Waste. A. Single. Penny. On. Them. Thank you.
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
Pls my beloved Fandom
I want to see a Spin-off Fangame about the other Boys or i'll make it for my own.
(Sry for my broke english)
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
Oh bro,true words.
Good luck in the heaven boys!
how i think it happened
Beemov : Great, great, all of you sit down!
So here it is! The first image of Campus Life. D’you like it?
Armin : Nath, your sister looks so hot...
Kentin : Hey: they’re wearing the same nakelace. You plan to become friend with this brainless bitch?
Alexy : And LoOk At RoSaLyA
Beemov : Yes and no
Alexy : Waw the guy behind the goth girl looks so much like KENTIN :o
Lysander : He’s right…Alexy you changed a lot too! Do you plan to redesign us again?
Armin : Ow nooo please... I like my old shirt! An the beanie too, but I suppose that in the case of Nath this isn’t a bad idea…
Nath : Hoo…You’re at it again with the superhero-shirt…I like it ok?
Lynn : Hmmm
Kentin : What’s with the long face Lynn?
(awkward look)
Beemov : Let’s say that, hmm,.hhh..
Castiel : They want to send you away.
The boys : Send us away?
Alexy : But… 「(°ヘ°)
Lynn : No need to be harsh, we talk about sweetness…Sweet Castiel, do you know what it meaaaans?!
Castiel : You call this sweetness, I call this being hypocritical.
Armin : Wait, you knew Castiel?
Kentin : You could have told us, you silly idiot.
Castiel : …
Nathaniel : Ahah, isn’t it obvious? It’s because they want to keep him, voilà.
(solemn silence)
Lysander : Why didn’t you told me Cass?
Lynn : Boys, it’s not his fault, he didn’t took that decision!
Armin (a bit angry) : Don’t care who decide this : IT IS STUPID! WHO’S GONNA PLAY YOUR GAME IF 4/5 ROUTES AREN’T THERE ANYMORE…PAY BACK!!
Kentin : Seriously guys, it’s the second time you’re sending me away!
Castiel : Yeah, but it was for the best!
Kentin : « The best », the beeeeest? Depends on wich route she chooses!
Lynn : We said we won’t discuss about the route topiiiic! Kentin!!
Lysander : Everyone, calm down! Rosa is on the the pic, Nina, too, Alexy…They can not, they’re not going to make us disappear completely, won’t they?
Beemov : Well…Let’s say,…
Castiel : No Lys, they want me to stay, but not you.
Beemov : Cassssss…Argh
Armin : WhaaaAAAt? Did I hear well? You plan to keep the wannabe punk badboy (a 2000 cliché btw) and to suppress us, is that a joke?
Castiel : No need to be rude, you’re dumbass geek.
Kentin : Geek, G.I. Joe,..You all piss me off. Have fun Listening to Bad Unicorns in your room alone, you're emo trash! I wont do this anymore.
Castiel : Emo is cool ok! And punk is not dead, and they’re are differe….Anyway we said we won’t talk about the archetype-topic!!
Lys : It’s not his fault, he wouldn’t have done that to us.
Armin : Stop acting like you are not hurt, dude...
Lynn : Lysander...
Bee, I told you we should have brough Rosa with us…
Beemov : She was with the hairdresser… We couldn’t wait more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alexy : What you plan to do with them, then?
*Beemov shows a door*
Alexy : Seriously?
Lynn : I loved all of you, sincerely
Kentin : Shut up, bitch, I’m done with you.
Armin : Same here, hope your fuckin game FLOPS no one’s gonna play this Imagine:Wending type shit, see ya Alex.
Lysander : I am really disappointed but not all ends are supposed to be good aha. I was naive to think that there were a place for me in the futur, anyway.
Lynn (with a dramatic face) : Lys…Here’s your notebook
Armin : No need, Bitch. Lys, take my iPod I downloaded a location aware browsing. Have fun hoeing with your grandpa
Kentin : What’s behind the door?
Lysander : My hopes and dreams probably.
Armin : How bad. He’s making sarcasm, wanna talk about it, bro?
Lysander : No. Let’s open it, and see what next…You’re okay Nath, you didn’t say anything since the beginning?
Nathaniel : Let’s just open this fucking door, quick.
(behind the doors)
boys : what the fuck
Jade : Hi, i’m Jade, he’s Dajan! Nice to meet you (or re-meet hi Ken, Lysander isn’t it)
Dajan : Waw, this is the guy from your club? He has sure grow up a lot, wanna play?
Ken : I’m in,…
Dajan : hey, what’s with the long face, it’s not that bad here…
Jade : yEAH! Look, even if I was a special character I’m still popular on tumblr!! They call me Flower boy, isn’t that super cute??? (◕‿◕✿)
Dajan : And we have a vampire!
Armin : omg
Armin : wait…Where’s Nathaniel?
Lys : He went away a minute ago, Castiel and Lynn wanted to talk about something with him!
(The conclusion)
François-Xavier : can’t believe my beautiful rings were a total flop ( ༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ )
Beemov : Hmm…It went good! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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A Gift from a friend of mine :D
Censored Version by me xD
A little bit embarrassing, but here we go:3
She makes some awesome arts of her oc,but not from the Mcl-Fandom. She is not into it,but open for some Comission from the Mcl-Fandom. If you interest in her arts, pls visit her acc’s for some commisions. She makes btw my Profilicon :3
Pls follow her on Deviantart for more of those great arts!
(Sry for the terrible English)
German text:
Ein Geschenk von einer Freundin von mir!:D
Es ist etwas peinlich sowas von ihr zu bekommen,aber hier ist es nun!:3
Sie macht echt großartige Bilder von ihren Oc’s,ist aber nicht im Sweet Amoris fandom drinnen. Das hält sie aber nicht davon ab, Comissions von diesem Fandom anzunehmen!:D Also falls Interesse besteht für paar Aufträge, besucht sie gerne auf ihrem Deviantart Acc! Sie hat btw auch mein Pb gemacht :3
Links and Accs,down below:
Here the speedpaint: https://youtu.be/j5QBpBbrgjY
Her Deviantart Acc: https://dreampire.deviantart.com/
Instagram: Dreampire
Youtube: Dreampire
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yachineedhealing · 6 years
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A Gift from a friend of mine :D
A little bit embarrassing, but here we go:3
She makes some awesome arts of her oc,but not from the Mcl-Fandom. She is not into it,but open for some Comission from the Mcl-Fandom. If you interest in her arts, pls visit her acc’s for some commisions. She makes btw my Profilicon :3
Pls follow her on Deviantart for more of those great arts!
(Sry for the terrible English)
German text:
Ein Geschenk von einer Freundin von mir!:D
Es ist etwas peinlich sowas von ihr zu bekommen,aber hier ist es nun!:3
Sie macht echt großartige Bilder von ihren Oc’s,ist aber nicht im Sweet Amoris fandom drinnen. Das hält sie aber nicht davon ab, Comissions von diesem Fandom anzunehmen!:D Also falls Interesse besteht für paar Aufträge, besucht sie gerne auf ihrem Deviantart Acc! Sie hat btw auch mein Pb gemacht :3
Links and Accs,down below:
Here the speedpaint: https://youtu.be/j5QBpBbrgjY
Her Deviantart Acc: https://dreampire.deviantart.com/
Instagram: Dreampire
Youtube: Dreampire
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