yahoder · 10 months
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yahoder · 2 years
Oh my gosh it’s wild how much I don’t care.
The game
If you play an openly antisemitic, racist, & transphobic game which directly supports its’ openly antisemitic, racist and transphobic creator
 You don’t get to call yourself an ally. Full stop.
I get it, HP was many people’s childhood. Nostalgia, memories
 But at some point you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it. You were children back then, and most of you can truthfully claim you didn’t know better. But now
? The vast majority of you? You are adults. You are no longer children.
Jewish people have asked - begged - us to listen to them about JKR’s  antisemitic shit for years. Trans people are (also) actively being put in danger because of how JKR is using her money.
At some point you have to ask yourself, is it really worth to play a game - knowing full well what it supports - just for some childhood nostalgia? To re-live some memories? Is it really worth to play a game you full well know at this point actively aims to hurt Jewish, PoC and Queer people?

 Sadly some of you will say yes, it’s worth it for you.
However, that also means you will face consequences of your choice. And we are watching - searching - for who we can trust.
Is it truly worth it, to live in a world where your Jewish, Queer and PoC friends know they can’t trust you?
Because we will know.
We will know your childhood nostalgia and memories meant more to you than than our lives.
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yahoder · 2 years
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yahoder · 5 years
Everyone should donate whatever they can to Elizabeth Warren so she can stay competitive during the impeachment trial. :)
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yahoder · 5 years
The writers put more thought into Sansa’s dress than their entire Season 8 storyline.
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Details of Sansa’s dress at her coronation
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yahoder · 5 years
Gendry was the most logical choice.
Making Bran king completely ignores the expectations and norms of Westeros. Great southern lords aren’t going to agree to let some weird woods witch from the North be king. That council was ridiculous. I guarantee Yara Greyjoy and the Prince of Dorne are immediately starting rebellions when they get home. I doubt even Bran’s own family are going to be that warm on his rule; Sansa embarrassing Edmure in public like that probably didn’t fill him with familial love for his sister’s children (He also spent years as a prisoner because Robb couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, and Robin Arryn’s mother refused to let the Vale help in the War of the Five Kings). 
And Bran is wise? What’s your proof for that? What has he done in the last few seasons other than destabilize the political situation in the country? And trained to rule? He was a child when forced to flee Winterfell and then lived for several years in the woods. Trained to rule a treefort, maybe.
I mean Bronn can’t have much more education or training than Gendry, BUT HE’S THE FUCKING MASTER OF COIN.
I’m sorry, but Gendry should have been king.
He’s a Baratheon with a Targaryen great-grandmother. He was raised with the small folk so he knows their problems and (Bill Clinton voice) feels their pain.
The Starks can jump out the Moon Door.
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yahoder · 5 years
What, Tyrion? These are the most important people in the country?
I mean, yeah; Ladies Stark and Greyjoy, Lords Arryn, Tully and Baratheon and the Prince of Dorne are all Lords Paramount.
But Yohn Royce? All those rando northmen?
Arya Stark is some rando assassin.
Bran Stark is a creepy woods witch.
Brienne and Davos are basically household knights.
And Sam is just... Sam.
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yahoder · 5 years
I'm sorry, but Gendry should have been king.
He's a Baratheon with a Targaryen great-grandmother. He was raised with the small folk so he knows their problems and (Bill Clinton voice) feels their pain.
The Starks can jump out the Moon Door.
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yahoder · 5 years
Arya, a girl with no discernable naval talent or training: I'm going to sail into the Sunset Sea! With one boat! I'll be the first to find what's on the other side!
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yahoder · 5 years
Bran's election was #RIGGED. That council was NOT impartial.
Two of them were his sisters.
One was his uncle.
One was his cousin.
One was his cousin's bannerman.
One was his other cousin's BFF.
One is sexing up his sister.
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yahoder · 5 years
Hey, I love Bronn. He's one of the characters where the show version is probably better than the book version.
But master of coin? Really? Can he even read? Or count? Does he understand inflation? Interest rates?
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yahoder · 5 years
Drogon and Grey Worm disappoint me the most.
You really gonna let Jon do Daenerys dirty like that an not kill him?
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yahoder · 5 years
Thoughts on Daenerys
So, this post isn’t wholly about the show. The show’s writing and character development have been in a nosedive since Season 5. They clearly bungled Daenerys’s turn; they just didn’t devote enough time and energy to it. 
And obviously Daenerys has become a fan favorite, one of the heroes in a story full of Joffreys, Ramseys, and Cerseis. People, especially women, related to her story of rising from an abusive, oppressive situation and growing into a strong, independent woman. The turn was hard to accept.
And a big part of that is because of George R.R. Martin himself.
Hear me out. These books have been coming out since 1996. That means some people have been reading about Daenerys for almost 25 years. A quarter century. And for most of the books, Daenerys has unquestionably been a hero.
Yes, she has a ruthless streak. She loses her temper. Its part of what makes her human. But in the last book, A Dance With Dragons (2011), most of her story revolves around things like; 1) her advisers pressing her to start killing the slavers’ families and her refusing, 2) continuing to keep her children locked beneath the pyramid because they might have killed a child, and 3) she struggles on how to protect and provide for the refugees flocking to the gates of Meereen. She is still a hero. She is still Mhysa, the Breaker of Chains, a woman still concerned with protecting the people she’s freed rather than conquering Westeros. 
This is the Daenerys that fans of the books have been reading about for 25 YEARS. This is the image of Daenerys that fans have allowed to crystallize in the hearts. And GRRM’s slow writing, his insistence on working on other projects, have allowed that image to form. If he had released all 7 of these books in, say, a decade (like Harry Potter of The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings), fans would not have had so much to immortalize Daenerys as the hero.
If a Feast for Crows (2005) / A Dance With Dragons (2011) had come out within a few years of A Storm of Swords (2000) with books 6 and 7 a few years after that, fans would have been more able to see the turn in Daenerys. But because GRRM has allowed so much time to pass, leaving Daenerys as a flawed hero but a hero none the less, her turn to a genocide-committing Mad Queen is just harder to swallow. 
You can’t leave a character as a hero (especially such a sympathetic and inspiring hero) for OVER TWENTY YEARS and not expect that idea of her to take a firm root in your fandom.
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yahoder · 5 years
So, Daenerys (a grown ass woman who has already buried a husband, a child and several other people with emotional grace) sees her best friend unjustly beheaded and she goes crazy.
Meanwhile, Arya sees HER FATHER unjustly beheaded (in addition to having her mother, two brothers and other important figures die) AS A CHILD becomes a perfectly functioning adult?
Okay. Right. 
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yahoder · 5 years
I hope Emilia Clarke gets an Emmy next year.
Because she is acting THE PANTS OFF these garbage scripts they're giving her.
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yahoder · 5 years
If these ungrateful schemers kill Dany, I hope Drogon burns the rest of King's Landing to the ground with Jon, Tyrion, Arya and Sansa still inside.
Just let Westeros descend into anarchy. New age of petty kingdoms.
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yahoder · 5 years
Listen, ignoring the arguments over Dany’s decision in this episode...
We FINALLY get the dragon action I feel like this show has largely been missing. Drogon and Dany conquered the largest city in the country, destroyed one of the strongest fleets in Westeros and took out most of the Golden Company SINGLE HANDEDLY.
This scene explains how Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters conquered Westeros with 1500 men; Dragons. They are an unparalleled power. 
These scenes were just visually amazing to watch. 
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