yahooadvertising · 8 years
Getting smarter about smart devices: what it means for tech marketers
This post also published as a guest column on Adotas.com.
It wasn’t long ago that the ability to drive to your local video store to rent a movie changed entertainment. Watch any movie you want, whenever you want?! Awesome! But smartphones have changed that even further: now it’s watch what you want, when you want, where you want. And smartphones can do much more, ultimately acting as a remote control for all your entertainment programming, much of your real-world wants and desires, and connecting to all kinds of other devices.
This shift has not only raised consumer expectations, but it has changed the game for tech marketers as well who need to inform consumers about these fast-changing products. In a recent study, only 24% of people claimed to own a connected device, when two out of three people actually own one—they just didn’t know it! Tech advertisers have a huge opportunity right now to better engage (and educate) consumers to influence their upcoming purchases this year.
Let’s face it.
Connected devices are everywhere, accomplishing more than people ever imagined—and this is only the beginning. There are tons of products to choose from (TVs, refrigerators, lightbulbs, and washers to name a few), decent interoperability (with plenty of room for improvement), and a wide variety of price points. But marketers face a big challenge: how do they show consumers all that their new devices can do, while making sure it’s simple enough to drive adoption?
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In many cases, people are not associating their smart entertainment devices with being a connected device—because why wouldn’t you be able to watch a program on your TV through the internet? This lack of awareness about the connected device market provides an opportunity for tech advertisers to educate consumers.
What’s a tech marketer to do?
Get better at storytelling. In fact, content marketing is one of the biggest areas of opportunity for these brands today. Consumers are eager for information, and tech advertisers have a chance to create compelling content that alerts potential customers to the wide range of connected device offerings and what this can mean for their everyday lives. In some cases, smart devices have become second nature, but content marketing is a great way to dive deeper and show what sets one product apart the others. Plus, 32% of consumers cited online advertising as the top way they learn about connected devices.
But great content means nothing if consumers don’t see it.
With native ads, tech brands can seamlessly distribute their content marketing to the places their customers are most likely to see it. Combine this with the abundance of data and powerful targeting now available, and advertisers have the insights needed to successfully reach their customers with the products and messages they’re most likely to relate to.
And don’t forget about measurement.
Measurement tools can lead to even greater knowledge of who is most interested your products. These insights can help inform your future content marketing or other advertising efforts.
Connected devices are becoming more prevalent, so it’s essential for tech brands to step up their efforts and find creative ways to educate consumers on the available offerings. Because, while video stores might be a thing of the past, we’re only at the beginning of the story when it comes to connected devices and consumer adoption.
if (window.location == "https://yahooadvertising.tumblr.com/post/149315982047/getting-smarter-about-smart-devices-what-it-means") { window.location.href = "https://advertising.yahoo.com/insights/getting-smarter-about-smart-devices";}
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Parents’ Wanderlust Leads to New Journeys for Travel Marketers
By Courtney McKlveen, Vice President and Industry Lead, Retail, Travel & QSR, Yahoo
Summer is winding down, and families across the country are enjoying their final summer vacations before the kids head back to school, but that doesn’t mean that parents stop thinking about their next family trip.
According to Yahoo’s Family Traveler Study, parents are always in family vacation planning mode: 76% say it’s time to start thinking about their next family vacation, and 56% are actively planning their next trip. Our research shows that marketers have a big opportunity to help parents with their travel planning and to improve their strategies to influence these decisions. Here are a few tips for marketers ahead of the holiday travel craze:
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Parents spend a significant amount of time in the research and planning phase, giving marketers a lengthy window to influence and inspire them. Therefore, it’s important for marketers to drive impactful evergreen marketing strategies to stay top-of-mind with parents as they plan family travel, not just when they’re ready to book.
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Parents rely on online travel content 88% more than TV content to aid them in their travel research.
Travel marketers need to think beyond TV when it comes to their content strategy. With online travel content becoming a critical tool for so many parents during family vacation planning, investing in a solid digital content marketing strategy is top of mind for many marketers as they look to engage and influence their audience.
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For parents, online ads are 82% more influential than TV ads in their family travel decisions. They also find mobile ads more influential than radio, outdoor and newspaper ads.
In fact, many travel marketers recognize the growing need to shift their dollars into channels where parents are truly being influenced.
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Hispanic parents are as equally influenced by mobile ads as they are with print magazine ads when it comes to family vacation decision-making.
We found that parents across demographics are influenced by many different factors when it comes to family vacation planning. That means data and targeting is more important than ever for marketers. Today’s travel marketers can work with partners who provide deep insights across audiences and have the data to help them refine messaging and inform nuanced targeting strategies.
As travel marketers head into this holiday season, we hope these insights help them prioritize and execute their strategies to inspire travelers and drive results. You can bet that the Clark W. Griswolds across the U.S. are already busy planning their family holiday vacations!
Source for all stats referenced above: Yahoo Family Traveler Study, 2015
if (window.location == "https://yahooadvertising.tumblr.com/post/149123079443/parents-wanderlust-leads-to-new-journeys-for") { window.location.href = "https://advertising.yahoo.com/insights/parents%E2%80%99-wanderlust-leads-new-journeys-travel-marketers";}
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Yahoo homepage ad drives TV tune-in
By Melissa Bahadur, Senior Manager, Strategic Research & Insights
Here at Yahoo we regularly develop research for our clients to help them better understand how their campaigns are performing. We recently ran a study on an ad for the premiere of a new television show. Some visitors to the Yahoo.com homepage saw the ad while others didn’t. And the results?
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Those exposed to the Yahoo homepage ad for the new show were more likely to tune in to the show's premiere, compared to those not exposed to the campaign.
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As you plan your campaigns, it’s valuable to keep premium placements like the Yahoo homepage in your media mix to drive results.
Source behind the graphics above: the Nielsen Cross-Platform Panel Single Source Base: Homes with Internet Access | Show’s Premiere Day
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
How to Reach Users Who Will Love Your App
By Chloe Chen, Principal Product Manager Yahoo Gemini
Consumers spend 9 out of every 10 minutes on their smartphones in apps, but boredom, better apps, or lack of interest can make even great apps obsolete or forgotten. According to our study, people clean out their apps eighteen times per year—that’s more than once a month!
App developers must stay competitive by constantly reaching new users and re-engaging existing ones. That’s where Yahoo Gemini can help. Over the past 6 months, we’ve supercharged our offering to drive even greater value for app marketers by:
Increasing reach: Besides Yahoo’s own mobile reach to over 600M mobile users each month, we’ve built up the partnerships with several large news, social and game app publishers. Mobile inventory for app marketers has grown 157% in the past year (July 2015 vs. July 2016), making it easier to reach a vast audience across Yahoo, Tumblr, and our third-party publishers.
Improving performance: By leveraging more mobile user data, including usage insights from more than 800,000 mobile apps to inform our ad serving technology, app marketers have seen up to 4x better CPI performance. We have seen particular success from the Entertainment, e-Commerce, Travel and Online Service verticals.
Enhancing functionality: App marketers have explicit needs, and we’ve added key features to make reaching new and existing customers more efficient, including pricing optimized for installs and the ability to target by mobile-ad ID and in-app action. Tracking a campaign’s impact is also easier thanks to closer integration with the Flurry SDK and third-party tracking vendors like Adjust, Appsflyer, Kochava, Tune, and others.
Watch how to get started with native and video ads. 
Ready to start engaging with users who will love your app? Create a Yahoo Gemini campaign or contact your Yahoo account manager for more details!
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
New Yahoo Gemini Features Simplify Your Campaigns
By EJ Liao, Yahoo Gemini Director, Product Management
With around 80M searches* coming through Yahoo each day, search advertisers face the challenge of ensuring their brand message is present for every relevant search. As a result, campaigns can have thousands of keywords and ads. In the last year we’ve focused on refreshing the user interface to make managing big campaigns simpler. Today we're adding shared libraries and bid recommendations to help you optimize campaigns at scale.
Shared Library
Negative keywords and ad extensions are easy to manage when you have a small number of campaigns. We’ve also streamlined management for larger advertisers as well. With a shared library, you can easily add or update negative keywords or ad extensions across different ad groups to improve performance. Instead of managing similar components one ad group at a time, updates can be applied across hundreds of ad groups with a few clicks. Promoting a new product line with a sitelink extension or blocking recent low-performing search query has never been easier.
You’ll see the new Shared library tab at the top of the user interface when you log in. We also created helpful guides where you can learn more about negative keywords and ad extensions.
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Bid Recommendations & Forecasting
Deciding how much to bid for a keyword can be a process of trial and error. We’re taking the guesswork out by adding keyword recommendations into the user interface. Now, you can see a recommended bid for each of your keywords based on targeting settings, budget, and marketplace conditions. You can also see an estimate of the impact each bid change will have on its performance by reviewing the forecasted clicks and spend for upcoming time periods. We’re planning to extend this functionality to native campaigns soon, but in the meantime search advertisers can spend less time testing bidding strategies, and more time serving in a better position on the results page, maximizing their campaign performance and improving volume.  
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To try out these new tools, dig into your Yahoo Gemini campaigns or contact your Yahoo account manager for more details!
*comScore, US Search Multi Platform Report, May 2016
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Wayfair is at Home with Search Ads on Yahoo
Case study shows value of using optimized search ads to ensure high-quality clicks
By Danny Spyra, B2B Marketing, Trade Marketing Manager
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Search is often the first place consumers turn when considering a purchase. A top online retailer for home furnishings in the U.S., Wayfair wanted to make its search ads work harder to attract and convert customers online, and ultimately achieve its KPIs.
“We wanted to increase our click-through rates over time, and make sure that our search ads were truly bringing high-quality, high-value traffic to the site,” said Dan Wulin, Associate Director, Data Science at Wayfair.
In our latest case study with Wayfair, we uncover how engaging searchers and optimizing search ads can lead to some amazing success.
“People who use Yahoo Search tend to be more heavily engaged and generate more conversions on our site than the average visitor. We also saw the large investment in and growth of Yahoo Gemini as a platform, so we knew we would see more traffic and customers through search advertising on Yahoo,” said Wulin.
Read our case study to learn:
How Wayfair used search advertising to achieve a CTR 240% higher than the retail industry benchmark.
How search advertising through Yahoo Gemini can deliver improved conversion rates and boost online sales.
“Wayfair has continuously enhanced its search advertising and optimization through Yahoo Gemini as part of its customer acquisition strategy and it’s delivering results,” said Courtney McKlveen, Vice President & Industry Lead, Retail at Yahoo. “In addition to Yahoo Gemini search ads driving traffic to the Wayfair site, what’s really powerful is that consumers who engage with them tend to generate more conversions and have a higher order value than the average visitor to the Wayfair site. So with back to school and college season ahead, when search is the top online source for consumers, we look forward to continued successes with brands like Wayfair.”
Read the full case study as a PDF here.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
The State of Native Advertising
By Sundesh Shetty, Operations Strategy Analyst
One of the benefits of Yahoo’s size is our ability to examine trends at huge scales—we can look at the shifting digital advertising landscape and offer insights about worldwide behaviors that you can use to optimize your strategies and campaigns. Building on the knowledge we gained in the first quarter from a similar study, our data scientists examined global data about the state of native advertising in the first half of 2016. This time, we looked at buying trends for advertisers as well as monetization opportunities for publishers. Here’s what we learned, in the form of a beautiful infographic.
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(To download the full-size pdf, click here.)
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Use CRM Data to Target Customers with Expanded Custom Audience capabilities
By Deng-Kai Chen, Yahoo Gemini Director, Product Management
Advertisers are often looking for new ways to put data to work on their campaigns. Whether this is Yahoo data or their own, we're constantly developing new ways to help. Through Yahoo Gemini, we’ve created a suite of custom audience targeting solutions that enable marketers to take action on their own data for retargeting or prospecting purposes.  Building on this suite, we have added new capabilities to expand the kind of data that advertisers can leverage, and improve effectiveness of search or native ad spend:
Target their customer base using CRM data
Discover new customers with lookalike modeling based on mobile advertising IDs
Quickly view and take action on custom audience insights
Email Targeting
Custom audiences from email addresses allow advertisers to use their encrypted CRM data to target, or exclude their existing users with their search or native campaigns. We support any email address domain, and are able to trigger an ad regardless of whether the user is logged in. To protect personal data, encryption is automatically applied by the platform or the advertiser.
Lookalike Modeling
Leveraging new signals from Flurry, app developers can now discover and target new potential customers with lookalike modeling from mobile advertising IDs such as IDFAs or Android Advertisng IDs. This new capability has unlocked efficiency and reach, and we have seen CPIs reduced by 20% (up to 50%!) across our test advertisers compared to run of network campaigns.  
Yahoo’s massive data set, which includes signals from Tumblr and the Flurry network, as well as collaboration between teams, has enabled us to make these new features available at a global scale. Plus, thanks to our identity graph users can be effectively targeted across all devices.
New Insights
Creating new audiences is easy within the user interface, which now exposes historical trends on user counts for each custom audience, helping advertisers plan and optimize.
We’ve seen native campaigns using custom audiences delivering on average 115% higher conversion rate, at around 170% lower cost per conversion*- and similar results with search campaigns. To take advantage of this efficiency, dig into your Yahoo Gemini campaigns and try these new tools or contact your Yahoo account manager for more details!
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* Based on Yahoo Internal data Q2 2016. Average lift for native only. Includes all CA types within campaigns with “visit my website” objective. Lift compared to same campaign types not using CA.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
It’s a wrap: Our Cannes video collaboration concludes
We’re looking back at the top-of-mind conversations and trends from the 2016 Cannes Lions Festival with a special-edition video series featuring unique insights from some of the industry experts and brands shaping the future of media and advertising. We shared some of the videos below throughout the festival week, but the complete series lives on over at the Transformation Conversations Tumblr.
In Cannes Conversations experts including Starcom Global Brand President Lisa Donohue and Yahoo Chief Revenue Officer Lisa Utzschneider discuss why the festival is a must-attend event and how they plan to apply learnings to strategize for the year to come.
Transformation is always happening; it just changes shape and form. Steve King, Global CEO of Publicis Media; Michael Kassan, Chairman and CEO of MediaLink; and Sue Zerk, Marketing Director at 20th Century Fox, among others, discuss how to take advantage of the latest technologies to transform the way we work as an industry in Transformation.
Having the right talent is critical to creating a strong culture, meeting new business challenges, and embracing new marketing opportunities in today’s rapidly transitioning world. In Talent Hunt industry leaders including Séverine Charbon, Global Chief Talent Officer at Publicis Media, and Kavita Vazirani, ‎Senior Vice President, Media Strategy & Sciences at Comcast, describe the keys to finding the right talent for today’s data-driven world.
There are arguably two kinds of “great” work at Cannes: the ultimate standard-bearers for the current state of the industry and campaigns that herald the next era of creativity. In Best Work Optimedia | Blue 449 Global Managing Director James Shoreland, Zenith Global Strategic Planning Director Guy Abrahams, and Mediavest | Spark EVP / Head of Strategy Claudine Cheever dive into the themes behind this year’s best work at the festival.
As brands look to create more meaningful experiences for consumers, Brand Storytelling has become more important than ever. Lou Paskalis, SVP/Enterprise Media Executive at Bank of America; Kathy Kayse, VP/Sales Strategy and Solutions at Yahoo; Ralf Rau, Global Director of Marketing Communication at SCA, and others discuss how content and native advertising will be key to creating transformational brand stories.
In Future-Focused Tech Gets Real, experts including Samsung Electronics America VP of Media and Partnerships Jay Altschuler, Verve Mobile CEO Nada Stirratt and Publicis Media Global Performance Lead Michael Kahn discuss the opportunities and promise advanced technology can provide.
It’s no secret: our business is being revolutionized by data and technology. In Speed of Data & Tech, Vittorio Bonori, Global Brand President at Zenith; Stephan Beringer, Global Data, Technology & Innovation Lead at Publicis Media; and Matt Spiegel, SVP/GM, Marketing and Technology Solutions at MediaLink talk about the implications data and technology’s fast pace.
Festivalgoers describe what Creativity truly means to them, including musician, composer and President of Heads Technology Wyclef Jean; multi-platinum, Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter Carly Rae Jepsen; Publicis Media Global CEO Steve King; Publicis Media Global Business Transformation Lead Richard Hartell and many others.
That’s a wrap. It may be a year away, but we’re already looking forward to returning to the South of France for Cannes 2017.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Summertime Cheats: An Infographic for Back-to-School Marketers
By Courtney McKlveen, VP of Sales, Retail, Travel & QSR, Yahoo
School’s out for summer, but we’re busy planning marketing strategies with our partners around the $68 billion back-to-school shopping season. No longer just school supplies, this shopping season involves every vertical—from clothing/apparel to consumer technology to entertainment—and also encompasses back-to-college, an increasingly important part of savvy marketers’ communication strategies.
To help marketers achieve success, we created a Back-to-School cheat sheet summarizing top trends from a new study we conducted in partnership with Ipsos Connect, “Back-to-School/Back-to-College shoppers, April 2016”.
We’ve included some highlights below, but you can also view the full infographic including highlights from the study.
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The average back-to-school and back-to-college shopper plans to spend 37% more in 2016 compared to 2015 (the average shopper spent $343 in 2015).
Back-to-school shopping doesn't necessarily stop when school starts. Over 2/3 of shoppers plan to take advantage of back-to school promotions after school begins.
Online is key for back-to-school shoppers with search as the top online research source. Online articles are used by more than 50%—and online videos by 30%—of back-to-school shoppers while researching their next purchase.
Over 50% of back-to-school shoppers use a mobile device during the process and over 90% find the mobile internet helpful in making their shopping decisions.
Based on our study results, we also learned that the back-to-school shopping season starts early. 46% of our survey participants began researching more than two months prior to the start of the school year, and most of their purchases took place one to two months prior to the first day of class.
Research also shows that our users are more open to mobile and online offers and promotions from retailers and are more likely to rely on online sources for back-to-school researching and shopping than consumers who don’t use Yahoo.
The growing importance of digital and mobile have changed the traditional path to purchase. It’s so important for marketers to take an integrated approach across the channels and devices shoppers are turning to for back-to-school shopping this season—and to be where your consumers are along their journey.
For additional tools, read our Cross Device ebook and learn about custom audience targeting for search advertising.
Happy shopping, summer, and share your winning back-to-school strategies with me at @clmcklveen and @YahooAds.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Yahoo Expands Content Marketing and Mobile Advertising Offerings
By Lisa Utzschneider, Chief Revenue Officer
Today, as we kick off Cannes, we’re excited to announce two new opportunities for our advertisers to enhance their content marketing and mobile advertising efforts: Yahoo Storytellers and Yahoo Tiles.
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We are launching Yahoo Storytellers, a full service content marketing studio for brands and agencies that leverages Yahoo’s editorial expertise, extensive data, and native advertising through Yahoo Gemini. Now marketers can leverage Yahoo Storytellers to successfully develop, distribute and measure premium branded content that meets consumers’ high expectations and drives engagement.
Brands including Dasani, Farmers Insurance, JetBlue and many others have partnered with Yahoo on content marketing efforts. JetBlue worked with Yahoo on a recent content marketing effort that resulted in over 3 million views of their native video ads, 31 million social media impressions, and 27% of people who viewed the JetBlue posts engaging with them.
Today we’re also excited to introduce Yahoo Tiles, a new mobile ad format that brands can leverage to reach consumers through engaging, interactive content. Yahoo Tiles enables brands to tell visually compelling and immersive stories on mobile devices in a post-tap environment. When consumers click on a mobile ad, they are taken to a custom mobile landing page that can feature 360-degree content, including video and images, as well as dynamic and interactive features such as video, swipeable images, and social feeds. With its lightweight design, Yahoo Tiles delivers a more engaging and seamless consumer experience for mobile native, video and display ads.
These efforts represent some of that latest ways that we are continuing to innovate on behalf of our advertisers and build ad offerings that deliver powerful results through the combination of Yahoo’s world-class data, content and technology.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Introducing Tiles, Yahoo’s Newest Mobile Ad Format
By Andrew Balfour, Global Creative Innovation Lead
Time spent consuming media on mobile devices has surpassed traditional TV, and at Yahoo we’re working to build advertising solutions that help marketers take advantage of this growth. Today we’re excited to introduce Yahoo Tiles, a new mobile ad format that brands can leverage to reach consumers through engaging, interactive content.
Yahoo Tiles enables brands to tell visually compelling and immersive stories on mobile devices in a post-tap environment. When consumers click on a mobile ad, they are taken to a custom mobile landing page that can feature 360-degree content, including video and images, as well as dynamic and interactive features such as video, swipeable images, and social feeds. With its lightweight design, Yahoo Tiles delivers a more engaging and seamless consumer experience for mobile native, video and display ads.
Available for advertisers through Yahoo Gemini and BrightRoll, Yahoo Tiles ensures that brands tell a more creative and compelling story across Android and iOS devices. This format helps advertisers reach diverse audiences at scale, including more than 600 million mobile users on Yahoo and across our extended network. Brands can work with Yahoo’s ad creative tech team to build, support, and scale their mobile campaigns.
Early adopters of Yahoo Tiles are already seeing success. One QSR advertiser saw a 4x lift in user engagement when designing an experience for users to swipe through multiple flavors of their product. In another instance, a CPG brand built an immersive 360-degree dinner experience to draw in the consumer and saw a 5x lift in time-earned, or the average time a consumer spent viewing and interacting with the ad. Building on these early results, the team continues to work with advertisers to identify new ways for Yahoo Tiles to increase performance and tell rich brand stories.
Contact your Yahoo representative today to learn more about how Yahoo Tiles can help you achieve your brand’s objectives. Don't have a rep? Request a callback.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
How Finance Brands Can Keep Video Campaigns on Target with TRPs
By John Piontkowski, Industry Lead for Finance at Yahoo
Since the days of black-and-white television sets, the GRP (gross rating point) has been the de-facto standard for measuring the number and type of viewers for a given program or commercial. But as traditional TV audiences shrink and migrate to online video content instead, there’s an opportunity for financial advertisers to leverage the more detailed viewer data that’s inherent to digital advertising.
Simply put, a TV network may not know much more than age and gender when it comes to who’s watching particular programming, but here at Yahoo we're able to better understand our users. When it comes to digital video, the TRP (target rating point) represents the number of unique households or viewers reached across an in-target population multiplied by their frequency of exposure to a program, or, more importantly, to a brand’s video ad.
The key reason that financial advertisers should pay attention to TRPs is that they clearly demonstrate the value of adding and synchronizing online ad buys with TV buys. Yahoo studies reveal dramatic results when pairing online and TV campaigns. In one recent example, consumers who were exposed to both TV ads and online video ads for a financial brand showed a 3.5X lift in keyword searches over viewers exposed to TV ads alone.
To plan and optimize against TRPs, contact your Yahoo account representative.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Examining Influencer Marketing
By Danny Spyra, B2B Marketing, Trade Marketing Manager
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“Influencer marketing” seems to be the newest buzzword on the tip of every marketer’s tongue. But as with every new strategy, marketers have some important questions about influencer marketing. Does it work? How do you measure ROI? Who should you work with?  Our new study, Unlocking Influencer Marketing, looks to answer these, and more.
Influencer marketing is a tremendous tool not only for promoting content, but also launching new products and co-creating content. Why? It gives brands reach, engagement and authority. Additionally, influencer marketing drives results. Want proof? Companies that partner with influencers saw, on average, 58% increase in engagement and 54% increase in awareness.
Tweet: "Influencer marketing" is the newest marketing buzzword. @YahooAds identifies who to work with, and how http://bit.ly/24UknNz #influencers
We partnered with Deep Focus, Shareablee and Ipsos to understand how to to work with influencers for a mutually beneficial collaboration throughout the creative journey. Our study identifies three types of influencers: newbies, rising stars, and socialites. Let’s briefly examine how many of these influencers there are, and what categories they fall into:
4.3 million Newbies seek to grow their following, hone their craft and garner peer feedback.
15.5 million Rising Stars are just defining their personal brand, want to get a brand out to the world and are interested in monetizing their personal brand.
4.6 million Socialites have a distinct personal brand, and actively look to monetize and pursue opportunities with brands.
How should a brand work with these influencers? Consider the following best practices:
Give influencers creative freedom. 77% of influencers said creative freedom is a primary factor in feeling likely to work with a brand more than once.
Look for a symbiotic relationship. Advertisers can help influencers develop their personal brand, while influencers can help brands with content promotion and creation.
For more best practices on how to work with influencers, read our study, Unlocking Influencer Marketing.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Understanding the consumer shift to streaming video
By Melissa Bahadur, Strategic Research & Insights, and Lacey Hill, B2B Marketing, Entertainment Lead
With the continued shift toward OTT (Over The Top) streaming services, we surveyed 1,300 users late last year to share with our clients a better understanding of the industry landscape.
Sean Galligan, our vice president and Entertainment industry lead here at Yahoo, recently wrote a guest column for Adweek about our research and what the consumer shift to streaming video means for advertisers. A few of the findings:
More than one-third of all respondents reported they didn’t have a traditional television.
77% of respondents said they use more than one OTT service.
72% of respondents would rather see mobile, video, native, search or social advertising from OTT video streaming marketers compared to 46% who selected TV ads.
Free trials and favorite TV shows and movies were big drivers (84% of respondents) in the decision to choose an OTT streaming service.
Read more about our research into OTT trends over at Adweek. Most importantly, we look forward to continuing to help you build brand awareness and differentiate your offerings digitally.
(Editorial note: An earlier version of this post did not include one of the authors. We updated the byline on June 20, 2016 to correct this oversight.)
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
Upcoming webinar on making native ads work for your business
By Danny Spyra, B2B Marketing, Webinar Lead
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For the past several months we have featured a series of webinars for marketers. A hot topic amongst the community is native advertising, which has quickly become a must-have marketing tool thanks to its ability to drive action and brand storytelling. We’ve compiled insights and best practices to help marketers find success with native advertising, regardless of their campaign objectives.
Our next webinar will host David Iudica, Senior Director of Strategic Insights and Research, and Jon Lautenschlager, Senior Creative Lead, for a session about making native ads work for your business. During this webinar we’ll share:
How to create compelling ads with images and video
Targeting tips for reaching the right audience
How to develop a landing page that drives conversions
Register now to attend this webinar on Wednesday, June 15th at 11 a.m. Pacific (2 p.m. Eastern), and please be sure to bring questions.
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yahooadvertising · 8 years
U.S. Hispanics Online Video Consumption
By Christina Choy, Insights Manager, Yahoo
Online video consumption is continuing to grow fast, especially among Hispanics in the U.S. In fact, compared to the general population, year over year Hispanics are spending more time watching digital video and less time watching traditional TV. To help advertisers learn more about this trend, we partnered with Ipsos on this quantitative online study to explore Hispanics’ online video consumption habits, and to see how these behaviors differs by acculturation level.
Some of the most compelling findings include:
Hispanics are watching more online videos than ever: While TV viewership fell by 7% from 2014 to 2015, time spent on mobile video has increased by 53%. Over 94% of Spanish dominant Hispanics now rely on mobile devices to watch online video!
Online video consumption among this population is extremely fragmented: On average, Hispanics visit nearly nine different sites, apps, and services for online video content. For Spanish dominant Hispanics, their video consumption is even more fragmented, shifting across more than 10 sources.
Spanish dominant Hispanics are more open to advertising than English dominant Hispanics: Over 50 percent of Spanish dominant Hispanics are more likely to be open to receiving traditional and native video advertising than English-dominant Hispanics. Overall, 64% of Hispanics said that they’re okay with receiving video ads if they are getting access to free content.
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Online video is winning among Hispanics because of the content and convenience of being able to watch video whenever, and wherever they are. Two-thirds of Hispanics agreed that it’s more convenient to watch videos online, rather than traditional TV. With mobile as a primary device, this population prefers to watch videos on their smartphones, rather than on television or even their computers.
There’s a huge opportunity for marketers to connect with Hispanic audiences using online video. Through Yahoo, advertisers can strategically place video ads across Yahoo’s platforms, including Yahoo News, Sports, Finance, and Lifestyle. Find out more about the study in the infographic below, or contact your account manager to learn more about how Yahoo can help you drive business results with video advertising.
Also available in Spanish at YahooLatam.Tumblr.
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